Here we are at the third and final part of Wilde-Hopps Christmas. At the end of the last chapter, Nick's extended family came to the door of the Hopps. This took LONGER to finish than planned because of life. So major apology everyone. Life likes to stall me from doing my writing. So now, a big family of foxes and a big family of bunnies are together in one big house. This could only end well. As some of you might already guess, there's gonna be some tension with a few of them. Both the foxes and the rabbits. Nick and Judy are both really hoping that their families can get along This is gonna be a nice chapter in my opinion. So, let's get to this last chapter.

So... after a long and awkward minute, the foxes all came inside the Hopps home. About four of the foxes were slightly elderly, a few were adults around John and Frankie's age, and the rest were fox kids older and younger than Nick and Judy.

"So Nicky, how long are you gonna wait to give your Gam-Gam and Pop-Pop a hug?" Nick's grandma asked.

Nick then ran to his grandparents and hugged the both of them.

"Haha! Gam-Gam! Pop-Pop!" Nick said happily.

"You've grown quite a bit since we last saw you." Nick's grandpa said gladly to see his grandson.

"Ahem! How about hugs for your 'other' Gam-Gam and Pop-Pop?" A male fox from the right side asked Nick.

"Oh! Right!" Nick said as he rushes to hug his other grandparents.

"Oh ho, Nicky. Hope you been good and not getting into trouble." Nick's other grandmom said.

"Good, yes. Trouble, not... too much." Nick said honestly to his other grandmom.

"Hmmmm. You're hugging them more than you were hugging us." Nick's granddad on from the left side said.

"Don't do this right now." Nick said not wanting to be in the middle of picking favorite grandparents.

As he stops with the hugging, he walks back to Judy. Nick wanted to introduce some of his family member. On the left were the two grandparents that looked more like John. There was also an adult male and female with 3 kids. A boy and two girls. Then lastly, 8 other foxes that looked around the ages of 20 and over.

"Carrots, let me introduce you to my family. On my pop's side, we got my grandmom and grandpa. Thomson and Diana Wilde. Along with my uncle James, my aunt Charlotte, their 3 kids, AKA my cousins, and my other 7 cousins."

Nick then turned Judy to the right side where his mom's family members were. Besides Nick's other grandparents, there was a few adult foxes, and some foxes that were between kids and teenagers.

"Now on my mom's side, we got my other grandparents. Robert and Nadine Vupin. We also have my aunt Cali..." Nick said. He noticed that noticed that she was holding a baby vixen in her arms. "... who apparently had a baby recently. Beside her is her husband, Max. Then we have my uncle Will, and my other cousins."

"It's nice to meet you all. My name's Judy." Judy said introducing herself with a smile to Nick's family.

"Oh. Nick's bestfriend, right? We've heard about you. It's a pleasure to meet you, dear." Diana said with a smile.

Seems that the foxes were okay with Judy. However, that didn't mean Judy's family, like her pop-pop, still okay with foxes nearby.

"Tch! It feels like these foxes are multiplying..." Mercer thought not liking so many foxes being in the house. "... even more than us rabbits."

John and Frankie then walked over to their respected families.

"Johnny!" Diana said as she hugs her son.

"Hey, ma!" John said hugging his mother back. Diana then smacked him on the back of the head. "Oww!"

"You need to call more." Diana said firmly. "Seriously, we barely hear from you once every two months."

"Sorry, ma. You know how it is." John said as he rubbed the spot his mother hit him.

"No. I don't. You don't call enough." Diana stated.

"Son, you better just promise her." Thomson said. "Otherwise, you're just putting yourself into a deeper hole."

"Right..." John said agreeing with his old man.

"Other then that..." Thomson said before giving his son a quick hug. "It's good to see you, Johnathan."

"You too, pa." John said with a smile.

While John was happily greeting his family, Frankie was doing the same for her's. She was already being hugged by both her mother and her father.

"Francine, you are looking well." Robert said.

"Thank you, daddy. Johnny has been treating me well." Frankie stated.

"That... I don't believe." Robert said firmly.

"Really, dad?" Frankie asked with a straight face.

Like Mercer to Stu, Robert would give John a hard time. Even with John being a loving husband and great dad to his grandson, Robert feels that he's not good enough for his daughter. But don't most father-in-laws? John just happen to hear Robert's last comment.

"Nice to see you too, Robert." John replied.

"Robert, will you be nice to Johnny for once?" Nadine asked her husband.

"Why thank you, Nadine." John said feeling happy that someone was on his side.

"By the way, Frankie dear, when are you and Johnny gonna give us more grandbabies?" Nadine asked with a smirk.

"Mom!" Frankie said feeling a bit embarassed.

"There it is." John said with a straight face. Guess he expected Nadine to say that.

"Come on. There's no excuse for you two not giving us a few more grands." Nadine said.

"We're trying, Nadine!" John stated firmly.

"Maybe you need some pointers from these bunnies over here." Nadine said pointed at Stu and Bonnie. "They don't seem to be having any problems."

"MOM!" Frankie shouted out feeling more embarassed.

"Isn't 'not' having any problems a bit of the problem?" Robert whispered to Nadine.

"DADDY!" Frankie shouted out.

"I... feel that this is a bit inappropriate to talk about in front of us kids." Nick said to Judy feeling awkward.

"Agreed." Judy said back to Nick feeling just as awkward as he was.

"There parents might be just like our parents." Stu thought seeing some similarities.

Later, after the introductions, the foxes and the bunnies tried their best to get along with each other. It worked... most of the time. Many of Nick's cousins found the Hopps kids to be odd. Judy's cousins still feared being near the foxes. As well as the adults. Since they all had to learn how to 'understand' each other. So everyone gathered around the hall table to talk about themselves. Well, 'talking' was the last thing they were doing. They were all just sitting down by the table. Completely silent. The Hopps family on one side, the Wildes on the other. Feeling that silence was getting them nowhere, Stu was brave enough to speak out first.

"Sooooo... Thomson, right?" Stu asked looking at John's dad.

"Yes?" Thomson said sounding a bit serious.

"What was... John like when he was a kid?" Stu asked sounding a bit frightened.

"John and James were both a bit troublesome as kids, but I raised them both to be strong and responsible." Thomson stated. "As foxes, I wanted them to both work very hard to overcome any hardships they would have to deal with."

"It's true. Pops wanted us to always be honest-to-good foxes." James said. "John took his words very serious. Always giving others big smiles, treating them fairly, being honest. That's how he got the nicknames."

"Honest John and Wide Smiles Wilde?" Stu asked.

"Oh? So you know those names." James said impressed.

"Johnny lives up to those nicknames." Bonnie said with a smile.

"Come now." John said feeling flattered, but not trying to boast.

His family, as well as Stu and Bonnie, already knew how good a fox John was. Unfortunately, Mercer still didn't believe it.

"Hmpt! I'm not buying it." Mercer said firmly. "A leopard can't change it's spots. So I don't believe this whole 'honest' junk from a fox. It isn't in their biology."

"Dad!" Bonnie shouted out not happy with her father's comment.

"Hey, old man! We Wildes ain't no born liars." James said looking angry.

"James, back down." Thomson said not looking threatened. "I'll handle him."

"Oh no..." Nick said as he ears drooped down.

"Oh no..." John said similar to Nick.

"Mercer, was it? Let me ask you something." Thomson said. "Let me guess, your parents told you to take the easy way out? Run a farm, get married, have a bunch of kids, and settle, right? Problem with that, is that you teach your kids and grandkids not to amount to anything. Giving them handouts, instead of making them work hard for what they want. To be afraid of reaching for more... and to be afraid of 'dangerous' predators like us foxes. So while the claims you made are assumptions, my claims are... actual facts."

Mercer's eye and twitched after hearing Thomson's comment. Everyone else started to feel more awkward than before.

"He's not wrong." Edgar said out loud.

"Was that... an insult, fox?" Mercer asked looking mad.

"I would be ashamed if you took it as a compliment, rabbit." Thomson said looking mad as well.

Mercer and Thomson glared at each other from across the table. It seem that while Mercer had a dislike of foxes, Thomson had a dislike for bunnies. These two were basically the definition of natural enemies.

"I thought you said your father stop hating certain rabbits." Frankie whispered to John as she gritted her teeth.

"I thought he did." John whispered back to Frankie also gritting his teeth.

"Well this is going greeeeeat." Nick said with sarcastically. Judy bumped on Nick's shoulder implying that this wasn't the time for jokes.

The day would only get more heated. So heated that the kids decided to stay away from the adults for a bit. Nick and Judy went into one of the other rooms to take with one of Nick's vixen cousins.

"Jeez. That was a bit heated, was it?" Judy asked.

"Right? I think we were just a few seconds away from a Pop-Pop smackdown." Nick stated. "Finnick would loved that."

"How can you joke about this?" Judy asked looking a bit peeved with Nick.

"Sorry..." Nick said apologetic. "You know me and humor. It's my way to calm myself in heated moments."

"Must be genetic." Nick's cousin said.

"By the way, Judy, this is one of my cousins, Sandra. She's one of Uncle James' kids. She about two years younger than us." Nick said.

"Nice to meet you." Judy said.

"Same. Sorry about Pop-Pop Wilde. You should know, not all of us think the same way he does." Sandra stated.

"The same goes for me about my Pop-Pop." Judy said. "They're just from another time."

"Wish they would put it behind them. It would make these days go by much better." Nick stated.

"Agreed." Judy and Sandra said nodding.

Sandra then looked at Nick's paw noticed his bracelet with the charms of a blueberry and carrot on it. She looked at Judy's paw as well and noticed she had a similar bracelet on.

"Ummm... you two have matching bracelets." Sandra said.

"Oh, so you noticed? I actually made them." Judy said. "It's a sign of Nick and I's relationship."

"The two of us are... really close." Nick said blushing a bit.

"Huh. Compared to the grownups, you two do seem comfy with each other." Sandra stated. She then started to snicker a bit. "Are you two like, boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"WHAT?!" Nick and Judy both shouted out both blushing madly. "We're not... uhhhh..."

"It's... complicated." Judy stated as she still looked red-faced. "See, Nick and I are very close, it's true..."

"... And we both did admit that we liked other..." Nick said red-faced as well.

"... But we agreed to wait until we're older and when we are both ready." Judy said.

"Oh. Okay." Sandra said understanding.

"Think that's the first time we ever truly explained our deal to someone else." Nick admitted as he scratches the back of his head.

"Still kinda weird." Sandra said."But in a good way."

"Nick and I have always been called 'weird'." Judy said with a smile. "I just wish some of our 'weirdness' would rub off on the rest of our family."

"Should we check on them?" Nick asked.

"Maybe wait another few minutes." Judy suggested.

Nick and Judy decided to just hang out with their cousins for a bit. The kids were getting along better. The adults, not so much. Once more, the adults were started to argue with the members of their own family. John went to his wife after having an argument with his father-in-law. Stu and Bonnie were with them too.

"*sigh* Frankie, I don't think I can ever win with your father. No matter how I am, he never seems to like me." John said looking drained.

"There there, Johnny." Frankie said as she comforts her husband. "You just need to stand up to him."

"Easy for you to say." John said looking pouty. He then turned to Stu and Bonnie. "Oh... and sorry about what my dad said a while ago you two."

"It's fine, Johnny. You guys have to deal with the same thing with Bon's dad." Stu stated.

"Truth is... I do agree with some of Thomson's words. Dad did tell my siblings and me to always stay away from foxes and never try for getting more than what we had. Can't believe I actually listened." Bonnie said looking down.

"We all have things our parents told us that we regret listening to. If I chose to listen to my father, I would have never married Johnny." Frankie said.

"Yeah. Wait, what?" John said a bit surprised to hear that last part.

"Like you didn't know that." Frankie said.

"Yeah... but I didn't want to believe it." John said looking down and admitting that would be the case with Frankie's dad.

As they said that, the four could hear loud shouting.

"Oh no! Are they at it again?" Bonnie asked looking worried.

"Better get over there." Stu suggested.

The four then quickly ran back to the hall to see what was up. This included Nick and Judy, who also heard the noise. It looked liked the room was divided. Rabbits on one side, foxes on the other. It wasn't just the granddads at each other's throats, but nearly all of the family members outside of the one who already lived in the house. Words were being said.

"You no-good dirty foxes!"

"Says the bunnies that always dig in dirt!"

"How about you go back to the dens you all crawled out of?!"

"How about you dig yourselves burrows?!"

Seems that things were getting worst between the Wildes and Hopps. Curious about how it got this bad, Nick and Judy went to Judy's brother, Edgar, to talk about what happened.

"Eddy, what's going on?" Nick asked.

"Well, mayhem, if you're asking." Edgar replied.

"He means how did this happen?" Judy asked wanting Edgar to be more specific.

"Well, it was fine when our family tried talking with Nick's family... for a few minutes. Then Uncle Flecther said something about foxes appearances like their sharp fangs shifty looks. They were offended by that as you would guess." Edgar stated. "Then one of Nick's aunt made comments about some of our aunts and uncles on how having so many kids means that they are neglecting the ones that they already have. She wasn't wrong, but it didn't make them any less angry. Then when pop-pop and Nick's pop-pop got involved, it all escalated from there."

"Oh no..." Nick and Judy went.

"Yeaaaah..." Edgar said as he scratched the back of his head. "That's pretty much how this all happened."

"Okay, we need to end this. Now!" John said firmly. He then faced his wife. "Frankie, if you would?"

"EVERYONE, SETTLE DOWN NOOOOOOWWWWWW!" Frankie shouted out loudly. Immediately after, everyone in that whole room went quiet.

"Thank you, dear." John said glad that Frankie settled things down.

"Alright, that's enough of all this fighting." Stu said. "It's the holidays and we need to get along."

"Face it, Stu. Us rabbits and foxes are always gonna be natural enemies. It's in our biology." Mercer stated.

"For once, I agree with this old buck." Thomson stated.

"Pop!" John shouted not liking the way his father thinks.

"That's not true. That's all ancient history now." Nick stated.

"Nick and I aren't even like that." Judy added. She then held Nick's paw "We may argue once or twice, but we're still the best of friends."

"Yeah. From what Nick and Judy told me, the two of them are so close, they are more of a couple than just friends." Sandra stated.

"WHAT?!" Most of the adults, including Mercer and both of Nick's grandparents, shouted out in shock to hear that.

Nick, Judy, and both their parents flinched after their shout. Sandra then covered her mouth, realizing that maybe she shouldn't have said that.

"Johnathan, is this true?" Diana asked.

"Uhhhhhh... well..." John went not knowing how to answer.

"You let my granddaughter fall for a fox?!" Mercer asked looking angrily. "How could you let that happening? Have you no shame?"

Nick felt very hurt by this comment.

"Dad, Nick is a good boy." Bonnie said firmly "Him being a fox is nothing wrong."

"That... I disagree with." Diana said. "A fox and a rabbit together? It's... unnatural and shameful."

Now Judy felt hurt by Diana's comment. She even started to cry a bit.

"Mom! Don't talk about Judy and your grandson about that!" John said firmly at her mom. "Judy is very important to be Nick AND us."

"It's fine if we are talking about friendship, but not the other way." Robert stated. "Hopefully, they will get over it when they're older." Robert said.

"DAD!" Frankie shouted out angrily. "There is NOTHING wrong with Nick and Judy being together when they get older. Times changes."

"Not enough for them to be ready for this." Robert said.

"Okay. You know what, old man?" John said angrily at Robert.

Before you know it, even Nick and Judy's own parents were joining in the argument. But unlike the others, they were actually defending their kids and their relationship. Nick and Judy felt it was getting too heated for them to handle. After a minute of screaming and shouting, John, Frankie, Stu, and Bonnie had enough.

"EVERYBODY, BE QUIET!" The four parents shouted out loudly.

"You are upsetting most of our children. Especially Judy and Nick." Bonnie stated firmly.

As Bonnie said that, the other realized something. Nick and Judy were not around.

"Wait a second. Where are they?" Stu asked.

"Nick? Nick?" John said looking left and right.

"Judy? Judy?" Bonnie said looking worried.

"Nick, Judy, where are you?" Frankie said.

The two children were nowhere to be seen. It was because they left the house.

Nick and Judy had their coats on as they walked in the snow. Both Nick and Judy looked very angry with their families. Not wanting to go back there, they headed to the only place they could think of going to. They stopped by a big blue house, walked over to the front door, and knocked on it. They were really hoping the person inside was home. As the door opened, it was Gideon Grey in a green Christmas sweater. Like Nick's, his winter coat also came in.

"Judy? City Boy?" Gideon said surprised, but happy to see them. "I didn't even know you were in town. What brings y'all here?"

"Adults suck." Nick said angrily.

"They're the worst." Judy said just a mad as Nick.

"Did... something happened?" Gideon asked.

"My extended family is at my house right now." Judy stated.

"As well as my extended family." Nick stated.

"Our families are at the same house at the same time." Nick and Judy stated together.

"Please come in." Gideon said allowing Nick and Judy to come in. He already had a good guess what was happening right now.

As Nick and Judy went inside Gideon's home, Gideon close the door behind them.

"Sorry, if we're bothering you and your family. We just didn't have any other place to go." Judy said to Gideon as she and Nick take off their coats and hang them on a rack.

"It's fine. I'm sure they don't mind guest." Gideon said. "MA! PA! EVERYONE ELSE! WE HAVE GUESTS!"

Several foxes came into the room. A male fox with portly and slightly muscular body as well as blue overalls over a red long sleeve shirt, and a hairdo similar to Gideon. This was Gideon's dad, Joe Grey. There was also a female fox with redder fur, a white sweater and tan striped apron, and blue jeans. This was Gideon's mom, Jeanne. There was also a little girl fox around the ages of 5 and 6 with a red sweater and blue skirt. This was Gideon's little sister, Cathy. Also there, was an elderly vixen with glasses on and a cane. This was Gideon's grandma, who goes by Maw Maw G. There were also a few other members of Gideon's family.

"Nicky! Judy! What brings y'all here?" Joe asked in a southern accent.

"Hey, Mr. Grey!" Judy and Nick greeting the fox.

"Nicky!" Cathy shouted as she glomped Nick by surprise.

"Woah!" Nick shouted out.

"Cathy! What did I say about glomping Nick?" Gideon asked.

"That it's okay as long as he doesn't mind?" Cathy asked looking innocent.

"I don't, actually. But you are hugging a bit too tight." Nick told Cathy.

"Sorry. She still has a cute little crush on him as you can tell." Gideon stated to Nick. Gideon then pulled Cathy away from Nick. "Little sis, I told you. He belongs to Judy."

"No I don't!/No he doesn't!" Nick and Judy shouted out blushing a bit.

"But you two already kiss and everything." Gideon said with a grin.

"I regret giving you that information." Judy said blushing and looking mad.

"So, exactly why are you two here?" Gideon asked. "Something about your families?"

"*sigh* My parents never told the other members of my family that they are good friends with the Wildes. Including my speciest Pop-Pop." Judy stated.

"Then before knowing that, my parents called the member of my family over. Including MY speciest Pop-Pop." Nick said. "Then, once again, anarchy happened in the Hopps homes."

"We couldn't deal with all of the fighting anymore. Even our own parents were getting involved. So we left." Judy stated.

"Knowing them, they are probably still at it." Nick said as he crossed his arms.

"Sorry to hear that." Jeanne said to the two kids. "If you really want to, you can staying here and enjoy Christmas with us."

"Thank you, Mr. Grey!" Nick and Judy said being grateful.

Gideon's grandma, Maw Maw G, walked over to Nick and started smushing his face.

"Nicky, you're still looking thin. Are you eating enough?" Maw Maw G asked as she continued to smush his face.

"I eat enough, Maw Maw G." Nick said to Maw Maw G as he lightly moves her paws away from his face. "3 meals and snacks."

"City food must not give you enough. You're practically a twig." Maw Maw G said as she feels Nick's arms. She then pulled Nick. "Come to the kitchen and have some of Maw Maw Lemon Bars.

"Well if you insist..." Nick said smiling and wanting some lemon bars.

"I... like lemon bars." Judy uttered as she followed them.

As the two go off and enjoy some goodies from Gideon's granny, things were still upside down in the Hopps home. When Nick and Judy went missing, their families got worried and searched all through the house.

"I just notice that their coats are gone." Stu stated.

"They must have left the house because of all the fighting." Bonnie said.

"Hmpt! I'm actually surprised you are even able to notice one of your kids missing. Let alone any of them." Thomson said.

"Watch your mouth, fox!" Mercer said angrily at Thomson.

"Enough! Both of you!" John and Stu shouted out having enough.

"Our kids have run off and we don't know where." Stu stated firmly. "We can't keep arguing like this."

"That's why Nick and Judy ran off in the first place." John said.

"Maybe they ran off cause of your poor parenting." Robert said firmly.

"Excuse me?" John said looking angry.

"Our grandson get's this behavior from you." Robert stated to John.

"Excuse me?" John said getting really angry.

"Dad, enough!" Frankie said being down with her father's outbursts.

"No!" John said halting his wife. "I'll handle him." John then walk in front of Robert with a serious look on his face. "Robert... SHUT UP, OLD MAN!"

As he shouted that it shook everyone in the entire room. This would be the FIRST time John had ever told his father-in-law to shut up.

"For the longest time, you keep think I'm that little trouble-maker that married your daughter. And that I wasn't good enough for her. But guess what? I'm MORE than good enough for her and I don't need YOUR approval. I love her and your grandson more than anything in this whole world. I'm not going anywhere. So deal with it."

After that, Robert was silence. This was a side he didn't know exist in John. Angry, yet someone who cares about his wife and child.

"Johnny, as good as it was to let that out, now's not really a good time." Bonnie stated as she grabs a few coats and passes one to Stu.

"The main thing to do is find Judy and Nick." Stu said as he tossing John one of the coats.

"Right." John said as he puts on his coat. "They couldn't have gone too far. So let's hurry."

"We'll help you." Mercer said actually willing to help.

"Help? Bonnie, John, Frankie, and I are gonna find them. JUST the four of us. You all have done enough." Stu stated. "They ran off because of all of your bickering."

"All they wanted to do was spend a nice Christmas with their families. But now, you all may have gone and ruined it." Frankie stated.

"Yet, we're partly to blame too." Bonnie stated. "We never should have stalled on telling you the truth. We should have just told you all we were friends with foxes and we didn't like hearing your beliefs about them. The Wildes are NOTHING like what we heard about foxes."

"One way or another, like it or not, we're all family." John stated. "So, we're off to get our kids back."

John, Stu, Frankie, and Bonnie all made their way to the door.

"Isn't there any way I... uhhh... 'we' can help?" Mercer asked.

"If you REALLY want to help, get along with each other." Stu said firmly.

"If not, then I think it's best you all leave." Bonnie said.

"Cause with the way things are..." John said.

"... it probably would have been better if you never came." Frankie added.

With that said, the parents all left the house, leaving many of their family members with hurt feelings. Some of the Hopps kids in the area left the room as they didn't really know what to say either. Edgar then walked up to both families to say something.

"Nick and Judy make it so easy to get along with each other. Why is it so hard for you all?" Edgar asked before being on his way.

Edgar had a point. Nick and Judy may argue once or twice, but they always got along ever since they first met. Compared to their families, they were like two sides at war. But now, they all felt they are close to losing their own families.

Meanwhile, Nick and Judy were still enjoying their time with the Greys. Nick was stuffing his face with one of Maw Maw G's lemon bars. Judy was having herself some hot chocolate.

"Gids, your grandma makes some awesome lemon bars." Nick said with his mouth full.

"Well, I wouldn't have this particular roundness if she was a bad baker." Gideon stated as he patted his stomach.

Nick then froze for a moment before taking another bite of the lemon bar. He felt that if he ate too much of them, he may end up having a body figure similar to Gideon over his skinny one. Nick then slowly put the rest of his lemon bar back on his plate.

"Worried about your figure, Slick?" Judy asked with a smirk.

"No!" Nick stated firmly. "I'm just... not trying to hog all the sweets."

"Mmm hmm." Judy and Gideon went with sly grins.

Nick and Judy admired Gideon's home. It didn't have many decorations compared to the Hopps home, but it was nice. A few wreaths, stockings by the fireplace, even a nice little tree. But the best part, no bickering family members.

"This is the kind of Christmas I wanted." Nick said with peace in mind.

"I couldn't agree more." Judy said agreeing with Nick.

"Is it really that bad at your home?" Jeanne asked.

"'Bad' is without a doubt the 'Understatement of the Year'." Judy said.

"Like I told Judy and my cousin, I think her pop-pop and my pop-pop were close to having a 'Pop-Pop Smackdown'." Nick said. "If Finnick was here, he would want us to place bets."

"You're not wrong." Gideon said as he shrugged.

"*sigh* The worst part is that my parents didn't even bother telling the other members of my family about Nick and Mr. and Mrs. Wilde." Judy said.

"It didn't help that my parents didn't say anything about Judy and her family either." Nick said with his arms crossed. "Why can't they just be like us?"

"Now, don't go blaming your folks just yet. We all make mistakes every now and then. What matters is what we do to make up for them." Joe stated.

"We're sure things will work out in the end." Jeanne said.

"Things have always worked out for you two." Gideon stated.

Gideon and his parents were right. But then again, Nick and Judy knew their families and it wasn't like they were gonna get along after just one day. After that moment, they heard some knocking at the door.

"Who's that at the door?" Joe asked before walking over to the door.

As he opens it up, he sees that it's John, Stu, Frankie, and Bonnie.

"JOHNNY!" Joe shouted out excited to see John.

"Hey, Joe... OHH!" John said before being hugged tightly by Joe. "Joe, buddy, too tight!"

"Oh. Sorry!" Joe said as he puts John down. He also noticed that Stu, Bonnie, and Frankie were here too. "Stu, Bonnie, oh... and Frankie." Joe then held Frankie's paw. "As radiant as always."

"Ahem!" Jeanne said from behind looking a bit mad. Joe then started to look scared.

"But not as radiant as my beautiful wife." Joe said as he quickly walked over to Jeanne and kissed her on the cheek.

"Nick and Judy ran off. Are they here or have you seen them?" Stu asked.

"Actually, they are here right now." Jeanne told them.

"Oh, thank goodness." Frankie and Bonnie said looking relieved.

Joe and Jeanne then allowed the parents inside their house. The four then spotted Nick and Judy on the couch.

"Nick, Judy, there you two are. We were so worried about you." Bonnie said.

"Look Nick, they actually noticed that we were missing." Judy said sounding mad.

"Hello, mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Hopps." Nick said in a formal matter.

To John, this was a stab in the chest. Whenever Nick was formal and calling his parent's mother and father instead of mom and pop, he was angry with them.

"You're... both pretty mad with us, are you?" Stu asked.

"Very." Nick and Judy said firmly.

Gideon and his family that there was some tension.

"I think we'll leave all of y'all to... talk." Gideon said feeling the awkwardness in the room.

With that, Gideon and the other members of his family left the room. Leaving Nick and Judy with their parents.

"How could you not tell the other members of our family about Nick and the others? Especially since Pop-Pop's the way he is." Judy asked her parents.

"And how could you let Pop-Pop and Gam-Gam say those things about the Hopps and about Judy?" Nick asked his parents.

"We're sorry." The parents said apologetically.

"About what? Hiding the truth so long or the consent fighting?" Judy asked.

The parents were really feeling crummy. Mostly Stu and Bonnie since they waited for the longest to tell anyone in their family about the Wildes. Stu and Bonnie went over to Judy and John and Frankie went over to Nick.

"Judith, we're sorry we didn't tell Pop-Pop or the others about the Wildes." Bonnie said. "We have no real excuse for pushing it back for so long."

"Nicholas, we're sorry that things happened the way they did." Frankie said. "It just that we saw how sad you were not seeing the other members of your family. We thought it would be a good idea to bring them."

"We had no idea things would get so elevated." Stu said feeling very apologetic.

"A family of foxes joining up with a family of bunnies. When it was just the 3 of us, it was fine. But not like 20 of us." Nick stated firmly.

"Boy's got a point. There was a bit of a red flag somewhere around the line." John admitted. He then got bumped in the gut by Frankie's elbow. "Oww!"

"Anyway, we told them if they can't get along with each other, they can leave." Frankie said.

"Really?" Nick and Judy said looking surprised.

"Yeah." Frankie said.

"It doesn't matter it they are family or not. We're all family too." Stu stated with a smile.

"So... if they really do leave..." Nick said.

"Then it will be just us with the regular Hopps family members." John said. "Just like it should be. No more fighting. Just a regular nice Christmas evening."

Nick and Judy thought about it for a while. Truth is, that what they wanted. A nice and peaceful Christmas. If they can't have it with their extended families, then they will just have it with the regular members of the family.

"So, what do you kids say? Can you please come back home?" Stu pleaded.

"Hmm... I suppose we can come back." Judy said willing to head back. She then looks at Nick. "What do you think, Nick?"

"I guess we can forgive our parents this time. You know, since we're such good kids." Nick said with his usual smirk.

"Good kids that still ran off." John said with a straight face.

"Only cause you wouldn't stop fighting." Nick added.

"Fair enough." The parents all went.

"So... we're good?" John asked Nick.

"Yes, pop. We're good." Nick said with a smile.

John felt his heart swell. Hearing his son call him pop again filled him with relief.

"Alright. Let's head back." Bonnie said happily.

"Hopefully, it's not a huge murder scene." Stu said looking worried.

"Stu!" Bonnie whispered angrily.

"I don't think things will be THAT bad. I mean before leaving, I did yell at Robert and told him to shut up." John said. He then started to have a freaked out look on his face. "Sweet cobblers, I yelled at Robert and told him to shut up. If it's not a murder scene now, it might be when we get back."

"Don't wanna go back?" Frankie asked.

"We kinda have to." John said not sounding too happy.

"GIDEON, WE'RE LEAVING!" Judy shouted out.


"YOU'RE WELCOME!" Gideon shouted out from the back.

"Y'ALL COME BACK ANYTIME!" Joe shouted out from the back.

With that, the 3 rabbits and 3 foxes made their way back to the Hopps house. After a few minutes of walking, they made it back to the house. As they stopped at the front of the door, they were all stunned by what they were hearing. Or rather what they weren't hearing.

"I... don't hear any yelling." Judy said.

"Me neither." Nick said.

"Is that a good sign or a bad side?" Bonnie asked.

"Only one way to find out." Stu said as he gets his key out.

Stu then opens the door as they all expected the worst. But to their surprise, everything was... peaceful. Like, super peaceful. Not only that, the Hopps family members and the Wilde family member were actually talking with each other... and smiling. It was way different than earlier. This... surprised the six.

"What the..." Stu and John said in awe.

"Everything's... fine." Nick said a little dumbfounded.

"No one's at each other's throats?" Judy asked.

"You sound surprised." Mercer said as he walked over to the six. Beside him was Thomson.

"Pop-Pop?" Judy said. She noticed that Thomson was just inches away from him. "You're with Nick's grandpa... and not trying to kill each other."

"What happened?" Nick asked.

"After your parents sent us straight, we all got to talking. Truth be told, some of us actually have a lot in common." Thomson stated.

"Like being old fools that think with their eyes and not with their heads." Mercer said. "*sigh* Bonnie, I never should have told you or your brothers and sisters about how untrustworthy all foxes were. It's an... awful way to think about all foxes."

"And John... your mother and I apology for some of things we said too." Thomson said apologetically. "While many of it is true, it never should have come out the way it did. Sorry."

The grandfathers then looked at their grandchildren.

"Judy..." Mercer said.

"Nick..." Thomson said.

"We hope you can forgive these old fools." Mercer and Thomson said on their knees.

"I suppose we can forgive you." Judy said with a smirk.

"But only if you give us extra presents next time our birthdays come up." Nick said with a smirk. "Expect a big list."

"HUGE list." Judy said.

"Ah ha ha..." Mercer and Thomson laughed awkwardly.

Mercer and Thomson then left and chatted about having a beer.

"Wow. Two old stubborn men finally making peace with each other. Never thought I would see the day." Stu said.

"Neither did I." John said agreeing with Stu. "Guess things are all good now."

Then they hear a loud shout that put a chill to their spines.

"JOHNATHAN!" The shout was from Robert.

"Cobblers..." John uttered. He knew Robert wanted to talk to him about he said to him earlier. He then faced his wife. "Frankie, if he kills me, I love you. Nicky, avenge your daddy if he does."

Robert walked to John's front and glared at him with a serious stare.

"Listen Robert, about earlier, I'm..." John said in a scared matter.

"Stop." Robert said halting John from saying anything else. "Over 20 years and that was the first time you have ever talked to me like that. And I must say..." A smile then came until Robert's face. "... about time."

"Wat?" John said beyond surprised by Robert's words.

"Wat?" Frankie said surprised as well.

"John, I always knew you were a good guy. It was always clear that you love my daughter and my grandson dearly. But you always seem to be afraid when it comes to facing me. A good father needs to stay strong no matter who's in their way and you prove that today." Robert said. He then places his paw on John's left shoulder. "You're a good son-in-law, John."

John then started to get emotional.

"Did... you just call me your son?" John asked already getting teary.

"I said son-IN-law." Robert stated firmly.

"That still counts for me... daddy." John said before hugging Robert. Robert just patted Nick on the back two times.

Frankie felt weird, but happy that her father finally acknowledged John. The other seemed happy about it. Seems like everything really did work out.

Later that day, everyone was telling story until they heard the doorbell rang. Curious about who it was this time, Judy and Nick walked to the door and opened it. To them, it was the biggest surprise yet. It's was all their friends and their family. Both from Bunnyburrow and Zootopia. Gideon's family, Benji's family, Sharla and Gareth's family, Mervin's family, Gazelle's, Finnick's, Ronnie's, Falisha's, Flash's, Bobby's, Kyle's, Travis's, even Darson and his dad. They all also seem to bring a few dishes from home.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted out.

"NO WAY!" Judy shouted in awe.

"You guys are here?!" Nick asked in shocked.

"You didn't think we weren't gonna join you guys, did you?" Finnick asked.

"We all thought it would be great if we all spend the holidays together." Sharla said.

"We also brought some goodies." Benji said.

"Come on in, everyone. We got plenty of room even with the amount of us here." Judy said allowing everyone in.

The family's all went in and were already introducing themselves to some of the others. Darson then stopped to talk with Nick.

"Darson, glad to see you're here too." Nick said with a smile.

"I always spend the holidays only with my dad. It would be nice to spend it with some friends." Darson said smiling back at Nick.

"Glad you think that." Nick said patting Darson on the back. "Come on. I'll treat you to some of the Mr. and Mrs. Hopps' awesome blueberries."

"Can we get them in pie form?" Darson asked.

"Is there any other way?" Nick asked with a smirk.

"Those boys and blueberries..." Judy thought as she shook her head.

The night was one of the best nights any of them would ever have. Friends and family joined together. Sharing, caring, and laughing. At the dinner table and by the fireplace. They even sang some Christmas songs. It was a great night. One none of them would ever forget.

As night, everyone slept over and was already in bed. Except for Nick and Judy. The two were by themselves in one of the halls.

"Alright, it's midnight. That means it's officially Christmas." Judy said quietly. "Everyone's still asleep so we can give each other our gifts."

"Uh huh." Nick said nodding. "Better do it before Santa shows up."

The two each had in their paws tiny present boxes. Judy held a purple present with green ribbons while Nick held a green present with blue ribbons. The two then gave their presents to each other.

"Open mine first." Judy said eagerly.

Nick removed the ribbon and opened up the box. He then blushed as he sees what was in it. He put his paw inside and pulled out... a mistletoe. Judy then walked up to Nick, stood on her tippy toes, and kissed Nick on the muzzle. Judy's eyes were closed, but Nick's were wide open. He also didn't seem to surprise by the kiss. After two seconds, Judy ended the kiss, took a few steps back, and smiled at Nick.

"Well, this is embarrassing." Nick said still blushing.

"What is? The kiss?" Judy asked.

"No. Not that." Nick said before putting a smile on. "Opening yours."

As Judy removed the ribbon from the box, she was thinking "No way. He didn't.". But he did. She opened the box as started to blush as well. She then pulled out a mistletoe just like the one she gifted Nick. Nick then lean down and kissed Judy on her muzzle. Similar to Judy, Nick ended the kiss after two seconds.

"Merry Christmas, Judy." Nick said with a sincere smile.

"Merry Christmas, Nick." Judy said smiling back.

"Still playing the waiting game?" Nick asked.

"Still playing the waiting game." Judy said.

DONE! FINALLY DONE! Last time I decide to do Christmas story in the middle of December. Next time, I do one, it's gonna be in November. Again, it WAAAY past Christmas. But at least I can say I finished this story even after the crazy amount of work hours I had, major computer issues, and life problems. Above all that, I hope that you enjoyed this story. Now, I'm gonna get back to my other stories. Thank you all for reading. Til next time.