The day was grim... along with the common fog of the forest, a cloud of despair mixed in with it...The Ape King stood on top of the moist rock above the overwhelming waterfall that his tribe had made a temporary home in...Caesar watched as many of his kind came back from another dreadful battle...tired both physically and mentally..the spark of hope for a better future was slowly was becoming fruitless hope for them as they dragged themselves, the injured or bodies of fallen apes...many were grieving over their lost loved ones while they other where tended too or embracing their families...the king's heart ached for his apes as he heard the cries of anguish...the see them so broken...he knew the humans wouldn't forgive...and for good reason...he understood well he wanted to offer them mercy, offer them peace but as he watched his apes suffer, watched them die. He could slowly feel him lose his compassion for them as more as the battles they faced.

It didn't make tensions any better now they had 3 young humans in their domain either...Caesar wasn't blaming them, they where only children they couldn't have left them out there to die. He may have resentments and mistrusts but he wasn't going to take it out on innocents who from seen just from brief interactions with the eldest had much trauma..any the other apes though...had much resentment with children being there...they had been facing a war with adults of their very race and having them around while they come back from a bloody battle where they watched important others get hurt or die in front of them probably would make them want more than anything to lash it out on them.

But there was no way the king was going to let that happen anytime soon, he put it firmly that the children were not to be harmed, while most of the tribe hated humans weren't so cruel to take out there hate on a child...but it was becoming hard to tell of the warriors who returned to battle each day...

Just then Caesar heard a soft chuff behind making him turn around to look at the large orange figure of his best friend" Battle was violent, others will bury bodies soon, have ceremony"
Maurice signed to him, his eyes held so much sorrow.

" It's getting worse and worse"He signed again as looked down at the other apes with Caesar.

At this the King closed his eyes and grunted solemnly. Maurice his attention back towards his friend.

" Apes are...are becoming...hateful...I worry about the children being here..." He signed the similar concerns that Caesar was also having.

He nodded at this" I understand Maurice...but I believe...the older one...can tell us..more..about these shoulders..she was under them"

The orangutan was hesitant about this idea" Caesar...she...they hurt saw how she reacted remembering them last time talking about them...if she remember...she will remember pain" he signed to him.

" No one is ending... this war" he said facing Maurice now" we take...any chance we...have..."

Caesar knew his best friends concerns About the older girl where valid, seeing her reaction in the past he had only seen in his her. He eyes winced a bit thinking about her before shaking it off, he never wished to put anyone through that much suffering not even child but...they where desperate at this point.

" We just learn...what she knows...and then we send them to.. where Malcolm and family where it safe...but not safe to move soon" he replied.

Maurice having seen Caesar reaction couldn't help but wonder he was thinking when he was talking about the children...but he had few guesses.

Death... despair, that was all what the dirty blonde saw all through out that day in village...she, Heather, along with the other inhabitants of the village had watched the warriors left to defend the border...many left that day...only few came back alive. It brought back bad memories for the young teen so much she had become made her flash back to those lost their lives to the made her think of Connor.

Lake had thought it would be best to keep the younger children inside the caves for now which she thought would be a good idea...the sight of death would only upset Heather...not to mention the malice the older girl didn't fail to see everytime apes would gaze upon them or walk past. Suzanne was suppose to stay inside as well but her curiosity had gotten the best of her when she noticed most had left the she fully regretted ever stepping out to gaze upon the horror.

Heather noticed it couple times having ask the older for why... Suzanne didn't know what to tell her...she was too young to understand, but she knew why...they lost so much because of humans..because of that group they brought into...she understood but she was becoming a bit troubled, worried what they might do if they really couldn't control that anger they couldn't direct at the soldiers.

The young teen had been sitting on a stone had been sitting on stone staring at moss and dirt for the longest time but out her thoughts when she felt a light stroke on her arm making her flinch out habit and look up to see Lake who held a expression softness.

" feeling better?" The female signed as she sat down in a stone next to her.

Suzanne coughed slightly as she readjusted herself on the rock" somewhat...still a little bit gross though" Suzanne signed back.

The dark chimp sighed deeply" You where not suppose see"

" Nothing different then I've seen before...I'm use to it" Suzanne signed somberly.

Lake rubbed her back gently" Not suppose use to, a child not should be around death" she signed to her.

Suzanne at this looked away" really ok for us to be here?" She asked what had been bothering her lately.

The female blinked at this" Caesar told you before you'll be safe from-

" I'm not talking about soldiers" Suzanne cut her off, while though she did often nightmares of them coming for them this is not what worried her lately.

Lake eyes widen slightly when she realized what she meant she brought the young girl gaze back to her with her leathery finger" everything has taken a dark turn but not your fault, apes sad, apes are angry but not your fault" she reassured her.

Just then a loud screeching echoed throughout it the cave walls causing droplets of water the fall upon the ground below, Suzanne didn't hear it but felt the vibrations of the echo, the female chimp hooted nervously as she looked back and forth, Suzanne had to get a little freaked out speacilly when Lake made her stand up when she grabbed her arm, she was hooting at 3 apes who happen to appear in their section of the cave...the young girl had that bad feeling again in the put if her stomach.

She saw two chimps and one orangutan, two of them where covered injuries that had been wrapped up with some blood being shown through then but their eyes...their eyes really what really scared Suzanne... It was a rage that was clearly indicated at her...

One the chimps stepped forward as his teeth where bared" Leave Lake, not about you" he signed aggressively then pointed to Suzanne behind her" Want to talk with girl."

She glared at all them" Talk? Look more like ambush? You not want talk? She did nothing wrong Link?"

At this the one called Link let at a angry screech" nothing wrong! She was part of soldiers! Apes die because them! She is them! She guilty! " He got up to close to Lake.

Seeing the sign the word guilty Suzanne brought her hand to chest feeling her heart feel a slight pain.

" She is child, she escape them cause her and other children" the female signed back.

" And lead to Connor's death, if no for them he be alive" the ape behind Link signed.

The young teen began to tear up at this.

"You stupid males! Go before I get Rocket!" Lake signed back shoving Link, the male shoved her back" She working with them, more apes will die, we make her talk" was all he signed before the other chimp went over to grab human girl rough by the arm.

Suzanne began to panic as she tried to pull out desperately out the iron grip which just caused her pain, she let out a scream ad she tried kick and scamper away, the ape was obviously getting frustrated and more irritated trying to restrain her ending up make him swipe at her face. The girl froze as she fkashbacked to traumatic incident from the past

A large older ape with a beard glared down at the young girl be low him holding her up by her hair.

" Disgusting human, you grow up to bring death" he said before slamming her head to ground

Lake who tried to go over to protect the girl quickly help back by Link causing her to let out a screech for help which earned her shove to the ground where she tumbled with male while the teen kept trying to escape as she now dragged by her foot this situation was becoming very dangerous both both females until a loud roar was heard and gorilla was seen charging as warning to back off, the smaller apes to jump out the way letting out hours and screeches of alarm and panic the dark gorilla pounded his chest as he stood up and throwing his body back and forth across the dirt showing his dominance, the once fierce chimps and orangutan where now very timid behold the gorilla.

Suzanne who was extremely terrified taken this chance to run off not bothering to look back as run towards the darkness of the caves. Lake who had been panting and scared of the gorilla calmed down when she recognized it was Manto.

He grunted in response before helping her up" Thank you" she signed, she didn't know how it would escalated if hadn't shown up.

He looked around making Lake puzzled" Where Suzanne?" He signed.

She then realized she was no where in sight causing her looked around frantically for her.

Manto then looked at the 3 apes giving them a glared of disappointment.

The young girl found a dark corner under the huge water fall as she held her knees tightly her chest... She started to replay those apes words in her she didn't kill least she didn't mean to...she could see flashes of the scarred apes death right in front of her and he gave up his life for theirs...she could feel hot tears steaming down her cheeks by this point.

" I killed him...I killed all of them..." She sobbed thinking about all those who died as she reached into her pocket to pull out a Polaroid picture that was faded with age, it showed a younger Suzanne with older brunette woman which caused her to cry more" I'm sorry...I'm sorry Mama" she said between sobs " I'm sorry I killed you..."

She then hugged the picture to her chest crying and shaking...not only by then incident but also from the past.

Hey guys I'm back :D sorry took so long a lot has been happening lately I have no doubt for a lot people as well with everything going but managed to get free time to update and more happier mind though still concerns but for other reasons but anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and want to thank everyone who supported me ^^

Update:I wanted to inform you guys that names will stay the same as before sorry if I confused other people back then and not to worry I fixed it ^^