I WAS sitting on my throne, hearing my people when the news reached my ears that the Telmarines had sieged Beaversdam and were making their way towards Cair Paravel. Now I stood on the balcony that overlooked the beach, dressed in chainmail underneath an armoured breastplate with black leather pants that were tucked into black leather boots. My swords were strapped to my back with my dagger tucked into a sheath on my left thigh. My hair was braided back away from my face as I could feel the wind blowing through my hair. "My queen," a voice called out making my head look over my shoulder at them.

Nathaniel, one of my trusted advisors, stood in the archway, wearing the same red and gold armour that the other troops wore in battle. I smiled towards my old friend before I walked towards him, holding Susan's horn in my hands. "I have a task for you," was all I said to him before placing the horn into his hands.

"Annabell?" he asked as his brows frowned in confusion when he looked down at the horn in his hands.

"I need you to take the horn away and keep it safe. It may be the only way to call back the others to Narnia," I explained to him before I pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you for everything," I whispered into his ear as I felt him hug me back.

As we pulled away, I gave him one last smile which he returned before he bowed towards me. "My queen," was all he said before he stood up straight and walked away.

"Goodbye, friend," I called out, feeling my vision begin to blur from tears.

I turned back to look out at the beach to see the troops preparing from battle. We only had the strength of eight thousand Narnians and from my sources, Caspian, the leading of the Telmarine army, had the strength of ten thousand men. We were outnumbered.

My head moved down to look at my left hand where my rings still sat on my ring finger. "I wish you were here," my voice cracked as my eyes closed, feeling a tear run down my cheek.

I quickly wiped my tears as I needed to remain strong for my people. It has been almost a thousand years since the Pevensies disappeared. I, however, hadn't aged nor returned back to England since that day. My blood had turned black due to the magic Aslan used to keep me alive. The Narnians called me The Undying Queen. I have seen many friends and loved ones passed on while I remained young.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I was thrown to the floor as the stones that were knocked down from the wall above me. "CATAPULTS!" a voice called out from those standing on the beach.

The structure of Cair Paravel was being bombarded by catapults from the Telmarine battle fleet. My home was falling, and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

"My queen!" a voice called out as I felt hands grab onto my upper arms and pulled onto my feet.

I was unable to look back that the person pulling me away from the balcony as we were thrown to the ground again, stones falling on to us. I used my arms to block the stones from hitting my head. "We must keep going, my queen. We must keep you safe," the same voice called out again over the sounds of the stones hitting the ground.

"But..." I began to say but was stopped as they continued dragging me onto of Cair Paravel and into the woods surrounding the castle.

A soldier wearing unfamiliar armour ran towards us with his sword high above his head. I shoved my rescuer to the ground and reached up to unsheathe one of my swords. My hand twirled my sword around before it clashed with the soldier's sword, blocking his action. I used my left foot to kick his knee, forcing him to the ground before piercing my sword through his chest. He let out a gasp and as I pulled my sword from his chest, he fell to the ground; lifeless. I turned to the young man faun that turned out to be my rescuer before grabbing his upper arm and pulling him up from the ground. I stopped just by the entrance of the woods and looked around before sighing in relief that my people were also running into the woods where I knew they would be safe. "What do we do now, your majesty?" he asked making me turn around to look at them.

I let out a sigh in defeat before responding; "I'm not sure. But first, we need to regroup."

"How many of us are left?" I asked a male centaur, Ronan, that was in charge of the troops as we were now standing in an open field in the woods.

He let out a loud sigh before responding; "Not sure, your majesty. Many fled when the catapults started."

I run a hand through my hair that was no longer held back by many braids. "Tell the others to go into hiding. I will go to Aslan's How. Hopefully, it can be used a centre of command," I ordered Ronan who bowed before heading towards the others.

I, with only less a half of troops left, headed towards the How which would form a safe

place for us. I plan to wait out as long as I could before attacking the Telmarines and reclaiming my home.

Once we arrived at the How, the troops began sitting up beds and tents both inside and outside the How. My hands traced the cravings of myself and the Pevensies on the stone walls as I walked towards the hall where the Stone Table was. Flames lit up the hall where I could see a craving of Aslan standing above the Stone Table, looking like he did when he returned back from the dead. It felt like he was looking down at me which sent shivers down my spine as it made me feel like a disappointment to both him and my people.

"My queen?" a voice called out making me turn around to see Ronan standing behind me.

"There is something you need to see," was all he said before he trotted away.

My brows frowned in confusion before I followed him. He led me through the main open area before leading me down a narrow walkway. The narrow walkway slowly widened into a large open hall where a throne at the end of the hall. The back of the thrones was made up of different shape tree branches entwined together before forming back together to make up a seat and armrests.

Ronan stepped aside to allow me to walk towards the throne. As I stood in front of the throne, my hand reached down to touch one of the armrests. "Ronan, will you be able to bring everyone into this hall, please?" I asked him kindly, looking at him over my shoulder.

He bowed before leaving me alone in the hall. When he had finally gathered everyone into the hall, I was now seated in the throne; my fingers clicking on the armrests. I had found a gold metal gear laying on the seat on the throne which now resided on my forehead, between my brows. "My q...," everyone began to bow and greet me, but I held my hand up to stop them.

"I am no longer your queen. I am your commander. A commander leads their people through times of war. I promise you, that one day we will reclaim Narnia again," I spoke to them in a strong, loud voice.

My eyes looked over at my people in front of me and I knew that I was going be strong for carrying the burden so they don't have to. "Blood must have blood," I told them before silence fell over the hall.

After a few moments, those with swords unsheathed them and held them up high. "Long live Commander Annabell!" they cried out making it echo through the hall.

They repeated themselves as I stood up from my new throne, smiling down at my people. I will take back Narnia, for I am the Undying the Commander of Narnia.