Chapter- 2: The Lie

Ok, I didn't expected myself to write another chapter of this, but I was just watching kfp3, I got an idea and thought to write another chap. Enjoy.

As Mr. Ping led me to a hut, I looked around, seeing pandas running here and there. They were in a big trouble. I don't know what gonna happen. Maybe Po's dad can teach him the secret chi technique. I have no idea. I went inside the hut with Mr. Ping. And sat down on a couch.

"Me Mei." Mr. Ping called out.

"Yes?" a female panda came in.

"Mei Mei, take care of Master Tigress, I've to meet Po.

"Ok, Mr. Ping." Mei Mei replied, as Mr. Ping left the hut. The female panda walked to me, and sat down next to me. She was staring at me. I felt weird.

"Um...Hello, Mei Mei." I said.

"Well, Master Tigress." she said. "May I ask what's going on between you and Po?"

I widened my eyes. What did she meant 'What's going on'? "What do you mean?"

"Um... no. I meant, are you two friends?"

"Yeah. We are comrades." I responded. "And best friends." I donno what's going on in this panda's mind.

"Oh, a boy and girl as friends?" Mei Mei asked, putting some herbs and medicines on my wounds. I flinched. "I just wondered if there's something going on between you two."

I looked away and shook my head. "No." I replied. She didn't needed to know about this. There was a moment of silence between us two, as she bandaged my paw. "So, did Po learned the chi technique till now?"

"Chi technique?" Mei Mei asked, as she looked up at me. "What are you talking about?" she asked.

Huh? She don't know? "Um... the chi technique that you pandas used to perform...from like 500 years. That's the reason Po came here. He needs to master chi to defeat Kai." I told. Why am I telling her this? She's a panda, she should know this already. Mei Mei looked at me with a blank expression. "You don't know?" she shook her head. "Wait." I took out the scroll that I picked up from the palace and opened it, showing her the portrait that showed pandas giving chi to Oogway. "Know this? You people used to do this."

"Oh, wait, I think I know." She said. I smiled slightly. "Grandma told me that we used to do this a long time ago, but not anymore, Master Tigress."

"What?!" I asked. They don't do this anymore?! "You mean, not even a single panda in the village?" she shook her head. "This means Li lied to us?"

"Lied to you? What did he said?"

"Li Shan said that he knows the secret chi technique. That's why Po came here."

Mei Mei looked surprised. "Really? But no one in our village knows, not even Grandma." I stood up.

"I need to meet Po." I said, as Mei Mei also stood up.

"But, you're injured, Master Tigress. You need to rest."

"It's okay. I am fine. I need to know what Po is going to do now." I said, walking out.

Oh no, this is even worse. What's Po gonna do now? I reached the village and noticed Po walking down a hill. He was angry, which was a rare thing. I also noticed Mr. Ping far away. I figured out that maybe Li told him the truth.

"Po." I called softly, as Po stopped and turned to me, trying to act casual.

"Tigress, you need to rest. You're injured." He said.

"It's okay, Po. But why do you look so worried?" I asked, just to confirm he knows.. Po came back to his angry expression.

He sighed. "Cuz' we're in a big trouble now, Tigress. Because of someone. Someone whom I trusted blindly. Someone I thought will never betray me." He said sternly, turning back. "My own father."

I placed a paw on his shoulder. "Mei Mei told me everything, Po. That pandas don't know anything about chi." He looked at me. "And... about how Li lied to you." He looked at me.

"I can't even trust my own dad now." He said, lowering his head.

I sighed. "Anyway, what are you gonna do now? I mean, to fight Kai?"

He looked at me. "The same way I used to fight Tai-Lung and Shen. Panda style and inner peace." He said, as he rushed down to the bamboo forest. I sighed. This wasn't gonna work. Mr. Ping walked up to me.

"I have no idea what's gonna happen now." I said to myself as I watched Po, breaking out some bamboos and started making something from them.

"Master Tigress?" I heard Mr. Ping's voice, as he entered my hut.

"Yes, Mr. Ping?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you." He replied as he sat down next to me. "I just talked to Li. He's feeling really guilty at what he did."

"I can understand Mr. Ping." I replied. "He was being too protective. But, he's his father after all, right?"

"But just look at what Po is doing. He's been fighting that dummy all the night. This isn't gonna work, maybe you should talk to him."

I nodded. "Yes, I was thinking the same thing, Mr. Ping. If me, Shifu and rest of the Five couldn't defeat Kai, why does Po thinks he can do this alone, without knowing chi? I think I should talk to him about it." I said, standing up.

I need to talk to him, he needs to know.

The end.

Hope you liked this. I think this is now completed. You already know what happened next, cuz' you've seen it in the movie.

Hope you liked this, please leave a review.