Stupidly Brave

Bigwig's jaw dropped. "HOW is this the easy part?!"

"Well, opening the cages is easy," Angela tried to shrug and see the humour. "It'll be getting away that's hard."

"Which is exactly why we shouldn't do this in the first place!" Bigwig hissed, putting himself in her way before she could go anywhere. "Angela, I'm all for rabbits using our tricks – but this is recklessly stupid!"

Angela took a breath and met his stare. "Bigwig, these humans do horrible things. I'm stopping them. If you don't want to help, go back and find the others."

"No way. I'm not letting you get snatched up and eaten by yourself."

"Then help me come up with a plan so we can both get out of here in one piece."

That seemed to settle it – though Angela was certain it was only temporary – and began to formulate a plan. They scouted all around the camp, checking for hidden surprises and getting a layout of the land. It was rather surprising for Angela when Bigwig helped her just as much in coming up with their strategy. Though it was clear he wasn't comfortable, she admired that he still gave the task his all.

As they conspired, she noticed him eye her up and down, and eventually asked, "So… you're really human then? Or, at least, you were."

"Yeah. I was."

"I can't… I don't even know where to begin with questions." He shook his head, amber eyes wide. "How did you come to be here, like this?"

"I don't know. Honestly, I don't!" she stressed when he gave a doubtful look. She folded her paws together, ears unconsciously drooping as she tried to delve into her memories of that night. "I was called out to help someone. I was on the road in a… Hrududu. Then those men crashed into me. My car fell… I was in the river… I don't know what happened after that exactly. When I woke up, I was on a riverbank and there was this voice all around me. A shadow, a rabbit – I think. Then I woke up and you were there."

Bigwig stared from her to the gypsies. His brows furrowed into a fierce scowl. "These men tried to kill you? Why don't I find it surprising humans would stoop to murder."

Angela found herself compelled to defend her species. "Don't rabbits kill each other all the time? That's nature's way."

"We kill each other for reasons. For territory, for does, for food."

"Humans are not monsters, Bigwig. Yes, some of them can do monstrous things. But you can't call us all terrible when you don't understand what we're doing half the time."

"So explain it to me," and he sat himself down, as if he didn't plan to go anywhere for hours. "You said you were a vet; what is that, exactly?"

"I told you," she was a little flustered; she hadn't expected Bigwig to be so earnest in wanting to know about humanity. "I spent years of my life studying animals and how to make them better when they're sick or injured."

"Why would humans care about other animals?"

"Mostly it's for the animals they own. Their dogs, cats, hutch rabbits, farm animals. They get sick or hurt and I would see to their wounds and give them aid where I could. But some humans do care about wildlife." Angela found herself smiling, wistfully. "You wouldn't believe how many children come to my surgery, crying, because they found abandoned wild ducklings. Or humans that hit deer or badgers with their cars and nurse them back to health. We do care, Bigwig. I care."

He stared into her eyes, amber-gold eyes like fire. It was almost too real, for Angela could've sworn she felt those eyes warm her. She looked away quickly with a cough. And then, Bigwig's deep voice said softly, "When I was in that snare… you knew what to do. You've done that before."

"If I were human, I would've gotten you out of it faster." She looked down at her paws. No thumbs, no dexterity, useless. "Bigwig, what am I? I'm not sure on anything anymore."

"Maybe…" he looked around for inspiration, "maybe the Black Rabbit was there when you crashed. Maybe he did choose you."

Angela snorted faintly. "I thought you didn't believe in him."

"And I would've also said I don't believe in humans turning into rabbits – but I think I can safely say I was wrong on that one."

"But why would he choose me?" she asked quietly. Even if she had been transformed into a mouse, she didn't think she could feel any smaller than she did now. "I'm not special."

"You help animals. You helped me. Maybe the Black Rabbit wants you to use those skills to fulfil some kind of purpose; we found you, so you could be sent to help us." And then he bumped his shoulder into hers playfully. "If I sound as whimsical as Hazel, please swat me."

She chuckled at that. And then her mind digested the words. Maybe Bigwig was right. Like in Bluebell's stories, there was always a lesson to be learned, a purpose to be served. What if all of this was a journey she needed to take, that there was a mission laid out before her and when she completed it, she could go home. It was farfetched and indeed whimsical. But it gave her hope.

"So," said Bigwig. "You know everything about the human world, and I can ask anything… Why do you lot go around in the Hrududil? Aren't your legs good enough?"

Angela huffed. "Easy for you to say, Mr Hoppity. Cars can go miles in minutes, we need them to get to places."

"Where could you be going in such a hurry? Don't your burrows have everything you need?"

Oh great, how to explain economics to a rabbit? "Well, no. It's a little difficult to explain, but–"

"'ere, boy! Come on in, ya tea's ready!"

The voice of the humans made both the rabbits duck to the ground. They peeked through the hedge, to watch the gypsies go inside the caravan. They even took their personal dogs with them, leaving the camp unguarded.

Angela took a steadying breath. "We're out of time. Let's go."

With The gypsies occupied in their caravan, Bigwig and Angela set to work. They carefully laid out their trap as quietly as they could. Bigwig, from natural instincts, twitched his ears towards every sound. Angela kept her own eyes peeled for incoming danger. She knew how to spot human things where Bigwig might not.

"Okay," she whispered when everything was set. "You go on lookout. Remember what you need to do."

"Wait," Bigwig stopped her. "You're going in there alone?!"

"I know what I'm doing. I don't want you to risk your life unnecessarily!"

"I'm no coward. I see this through to the end. With you."

He said it so matter of factly, without hesitation. Angela didn't know whether to call him stupid… or be rather impressed by his bravery. He was devoted to this mission, even when he had no right to be. He didn't owe the dog any favours. Yet here he was, ready to risk his life. Angela felt herself be warmed inside and out.

She bumped his side, both playful and reassuring. "Stay out of sight." And then she dashed away.

On the quietest paws she could manage, Angela snuck towards the cage. Bob the rottweiler lay with his back to the door, a soft whine on every breath. The vet felt her heart ache for him. Poor thing was probably missing his home terribly, all of this must be so frightening. Seeing the animal in distress motivated Angela, and she hurried along until she had reached the cage door.

Something about her approach mustn't have been stealthy enough. Bob twitched and then spun towards the door. On seeing a rabbit close by his cage, Bob immediately pulled back his lips to bare his teeth and growled. It was a terrible sound, one that made the fur on Angela's back stand on end. Why did it never bother her when she was human, but now as a rabbit, it sent all her nerves screaming to run!

Breathing evenly, she avoided eye contact – a regular trigger for dogs. Bob needed reassurance or she needed to act quickly, before his noise drew in unwanted attention.

"Hey, now, shhhhhh," she said gently, sweetly, quietly. Could dogs understand rabbits? Or were her words coming out as squeaks? Relaxing her body language, Angela extended the back of her paw towards the bars of the cage. Was it her imagination, or did Bob look rather perplexed and a little curious? Leaning forward, he took a cautious sniff of her paw. Taking in her scent, his growls turned to whines, and his stump of a tail began to wag. Angela smiled. "There's a good boy… Don't worry, I'll have you out in a jiffy."

From his spot as a lookout, Bigwig watched, in awe. Even his mouth was hanging open in shock! She tamed the dog, an enemy of rabbit kind! That was compelling evidence indeed. Either this doe had once been human, or there was some dark magic involved. Bigwig knew which option he preferred.

Leaning up on her back legs, Angela reached for the lock. Thankfully it wasn't padlocked. Evidently the gypsies didn't think they'd be found here. Despite her lack of thumbs, Angela did her best to manipulate the bar, twisting it this way, pulling it that way. Finally, it came loose. The cage was open! The door didn't swing out, thankfully. All Bob had to do was give it a push, and he'd be free!

She heard Bigwig thump a backfoot to sound a warning.

"Alright! Don't get ya knickers in a twist!" came a voice.

Fear shot through Angela as she saw the caravan door swing open and one of the gypsies step out. Had he been alerted by Bob's growling? Why was he coming out now?! There was nothing else for it. The trap would need to be sprung early.

Angela thumped her backfoot to alert Bigwig (a strange sensation in and of itself). She saw him dash towards the other side of the camp and kick a pile of metal and rubbish they'd stacked earlier. It all crashed together with a loud BANG-CLATTER! At the same time, Angela sprinted back towards the hedge. As she passed the edge of the caravan, she leapt into the air and bounced her feet back onto the side panels. Anyone inside would be alerted now.

As predicted, the gypsies came scurrying out to investigate all the noise. In his cage, Bob was growling. They ignored him, looking about in the darkness for any sign of intruders. With a deep breath, Angela let loose the loudest sound she could make – a high pitched squealing screech.

It worked. The gypsies, on alert, went towards the sound. As they stepped forward, snares and other such traps sprang around their ankles. Bigwig and Angela had harvested them all from the surrounding area, and with Angela's knowledge, had set half a dozen of them outside the caravan door. The gypsies cried out, tried to pull their legs free and tripped. Angela was meant to run for the hedge and get to safety – she'd given the gypsies a taste of their own medicine, that should have been revenge enough for her. But she felt compelled to stay put, to watch. It felt sickening to realise she felt good watching them suffer.

Bob, alerted by all the noise, nosed at the door of his cage. When there was no resistance, he pawed at it, and the door swung open. The rottweiler stepped out slowly and spotted the men on the floor. Whether it was some ancient instinct that drew him in, or recognition for those that had hurt and frightened him, Bob approached the downed gypsies. His lips pulled back over his teeth; a deep, snarling growl erupted from his throat. The trapped men tried to scoot away, shouting and kicking their legs at the Rottweiler's snapping jaws.

Angela was broken out of her spell when Bigwig called to her from the hedge. "Angela! Come on, let's go!"

"Wait…" she said. Why wasn't the dog leaving them alone? Yes, a part of her wanted him to rip them apart – they deserved it, a voice whispered. But the more analytical part of her knew that the longer Bob hung around here, the more likely it was for the Gypsies to recover and recapture him. "Bob's not leaving. He needs to get out of here, before they get back up!"

She dashed into the fray.

"Angela, no!"

Her heart hammered, and she felt the clouds of Tharn try to enclose around her mind once more. But her instinct to protect the wellbeing of an animal, her vet-mode, saved her. She pushed through it and ran straight in front of Bob. He jumped back, startled. Angela made a loud squeak and then dashed off again. She knew Bob had a high prey drive, and she took advantage of it, even if it nearly gave her a heart attack! The dog's breath panted at her flank, droplets of his slobber splattered her tail when he tried to snap at her. He charged after her, his longer legs and determination eating up the ground as quickly as Angela could sprint!

From the position of the sun, she knew the vague direction of Nuthanger Farm. With a burst of speed, she raced towards the edge of the hedge that would lead Bob in that direction. But then what? Angela's heart threatened to stop as she realised she had no plan for getting Bob to stop chasing her! She'd just seen what needed to be done, and she'd done it – now what?!

She ran through the hedge. It would slow Bob down as he would have to plough right through it. But it wouldn't stop him. Angela tried to think of a plan –

A pinching piercing pain in the scruff of her neck. Gravity lurched a different way. Her balance was tipped, and she was hauled down and backwards. She was thrown to the earth, dazed. Big paws came either side of her, a large furred body huddled over her own. It took her a moment to recognise it was Bigwig as he lay atop her, pressing her into the earth. They'd dug a pit in the hedge to hide in once their trap had been sprung. He'd pulled her in.

Beyond the hedge, they heard crashing and grunting as Bob forced his way through. His paws and underbelly passed right over them. Angela's stomach quivered and she bit down a whimper. Whether he felt the danger too or was instinctively responding to her fear, Bigwig pressed himself closer around her, shielding her from sight. It made sense, one side of her brain said; his fur naturally blended a lot better than hers. But another part recognised that she felt a little hot and flustered, that if Bigwig had been human, this would be a very compromising position…

When Bob got out of the other side, he looked around, likely confused as to where his prey had vanished to. Nose to the ground, he sniffed and snuffled through the dirt. Angela stiffened – would he smell them out? What would they do if he discovered them? But then, Bob's head lifted and he stared off into the horizon. He whined briefly, before sprinting off in that direction. Angela relaxed. Apparently, Bob wanted the comforts of home more than he wanted rabbit for dinner.

Bigwig too relaxed with a massive sigh. He looked at her, amber eyes rather close now. At first, she thought he might berate her for her stupidity. But then, his lips crinkled at the edges, and he chuckled. Angela found herself laughing too. It was the kind of laugh one shares when one has survived a dangerous experience, and the adrenaline, the thrill of life, is too much to resist.

Yet as their laughter simmered down and they sobered, the pair of them became very aware of how Bigwig was still laying atop her, and how Angela was still enclosed in the wall of his arms. If she'd been human, Angela might've blushed from her cheeks to her toes.

"Oh, sorry about that," Bigwig murmured and scrambled back away from her.

They both climbed to their feet, avoiding eye contact. Clearing his throat briskly, Bigwig mentioned they should probably go after Hazel and the others. Angela nodded and followed close behind.