![]() Author has written 13 stories for Anime X-overs, Avatar: Last Airbender, One Piece, Bleach, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Asura's Wrath, Misc. Anime/Manga, Rosario + Vampire, Persona Series, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, and Fairy Tail. Name: mastergamer14 Age:21 Residence: CA Fav. anime: Naruto, Bleach, Avatar(if you call it an anime), One piece, DBZ, Pokemon, Digimon, Fairy Tail, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, The Legend of Korra. Somewhat watched anime: Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, DGM Fav. games: Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Sly Cooper, Pokemon (all versions), Naruto Ultimate Ninja, Mass Effect, Dragon Age. Fav. parings: Naruto: NaruSaku, NaruIno, NaruHina, NaruSakuInoHina (don't judge, some of you are thinking it), NaruHarem(as long as it involves the girls mentioned). Pokemon: AshxMay, AshxDawn. Bleach: IchiHime, IchiHina. OP: LuffyxNami, LuffyxHarem. FT: NatsuxLucy, NatsuxJuvia, NatsuxYukino, NatsuxLucyxLisannaxYukino. KHR: 2796 (TsunaxChrome). the rest of the anime: cannon. Fav. stories: crossovers: NarutoxBleach(fav.), NarutoxKingdomHearts, NarutoxAvatar, NarutoxFinalFantasy, NarutoxMultianime, BleachxKingdomHearts, BleachxFinalFantasy, BleachxMultianime, FTxOP, FTxMultianime, OPxMultianime, MExDA. |