Sorry for the delay. Had to reupload this, so if you saw it earlier, I fixed it to what it's supposed to look like. Plus, I think it was missing some text at first. Ah well, on with the chapter!
Disclaimer: Seriously, I don't own Marvel. Though I wish I had some hand in what they do, that way we can have X-Men and Fantastic 4 in the MCU and FOX CAN STOP SCREWING THEM UP! *cough* I need to vent. *goes into corner and punches a picture of FOX, cursing them relentlessly*
Chapter 5: Ol' Parker Luck
It's been several days since everyone started their new lives. Mayday was enjoying school with Miles, Ben loved working on his gear with Miguel, and Gwen loved being able to help Peter and spend time with him. Uncle Ben stood home and took care of Benjy, and Kaine was going through the internet, looking for a place willing to hire him. So far, he didn't find much.
It was Friday, school ended, and Mayday rushed to get back home for 2 reasons: first reason was that Peter said he finished her new suit, and she couldn't wait to see it. The second reason was that she had to get ready for her date. Yeah, Miles and Mayday agreed to have their date on Friday, after school. They both thought of stuff they could do, so they just went with a movie. Apparently, Kingsman came out recently, and Miles has been dying to see it. At first, Mayday couldn't understand the hype, since she wasn't a huge spy movie fan, but seeing the first movie changed her mind fast. As soon as she walked through the front door, she announced "Hey, I'm home!" Kaine poked his head out from the living room and greeted "Hey kiddo, how was school?" "It was fun." Mayday looked and saw Kaine was still on his computer. "Still looking for a job, Uncle Kaine?" she asked. Kaine groaned "Yeah. This would be the part where I'm seriously jealous of my brothers' big brains." "Well, can't you just ask Dad to get you a job at Parker Tech?" "As what? What could I possibly do?" "Well, you could be part of his security detail. After all, you're great when it comes to fighting, sooo…" Mayday suggested.
Kaine just stared at her, then facepalmed himself. "Damnit! Why the hell didn't I think of that?!" Mayday sweatdropped at this. Then, Peter and Gwen walked through the door. "Hey Dad!" Mayday greeted as she hugged him. "Hey Mayday. School went alright?" Peter asked. Mayday nodded. "Bro, I need a job." Kaine said. "What, you couldn't find anything else online?" Peter asked. "Nope. Look, can you just give me a job?" Peter thought on what job Kaine could possibly have. Obviously he wasn't a scientist, or any type of genius. "Well….I don't even know what job to give-" "I could be part of your security detail. Trust me, if there's one thing I know I'm good at, it's kicking ass." Kaine interrupted. "That, and that scowl you usually wear could help with the job." Mayday pointed out. Kaine just have her a look, but all it did was prove her point. "Hmmm….alright, starting tomorrow, you'll work. Hobie Brown is the head of security, so he'll show you the ropes." Peter said. "You hired Prowler? Well, so long as he doesn't steal my shit, I'm fine with him." Kaine said as he got a beer from the fridge.
"I see almost everyone's here." Uncle Ben said as he came downstairs. "Hey Uncle Ben." Peter said. "So, what's the agenda for today?" Uncle Ben joked. "Oh, well...Dad, don't freak out, but I have a date tonight." Peter's fatherly instincts went into overdrive as he turned to her with a serious expression. Honestly, the look was kinda intimidating. "A date? With who?" He asked. Uncle Ben started chuckling, feeling a sense of Deja vu. "Um...with Miles." Mayday replied. "Well about-freaking-time! When did this happen?" Gwen asked, wanting details. "It happened earlier in the week, on my first day. He asked me out after we both found out we liked each other. We're going to see a movie, then have dinner after that." Mayday explained, her smile never fading. "A movie and dinner, huh? What movie are you guys seeing?" Peter asked, genuinely curious. "We're gonna see Kingsman."
"WHAT?! Lucky! That movie looks awesome!" Gwen exclaimed. "I know!" Before the two girls could get any deeper in the conversation, Peter cleared his throat and said "Okay, I'll allow the movie, since I've seen the first one with you. Though, where are you guys going to eat?" "Oh, there's a Dallas BBQ's near the theater. We were planning on going there." Peter processed this, then fished into his pocket to grab his wallet, and pulled out a card. "Here, use this to pay for the meal." Mayday looked to see it was Peter's credit card. "A-Are you sure, Dad? I might be tempted to abuse it." "Yeah, I'm sure. You're responsible, I trust you." Mayday smiled and said "Thanks Dad. Now, I gotta get ready." Then she headed upstairs, but then immediately came back down to ask "Wait, before I forget. Dad, you said my suit's ready?" "Yeah, it's already in your room." Peter said with a grin. Mayday beamed and went to her room quickly. True enough, there was a case on her bed. Everyone stood in the doorway, and gestured for her to open it.
Mayday opened the case, and she couldn't believe what she saw. The new suit had the classic red and blue design, but the changes were too obvious. The spider symbol was clearly different from the last one. It wasn't as big as the old one, but it still took up most of her chest. The back was red too, unlike Peter's, and the symbol was similar to the front, but slightly bigger. The gloves and boots looked similar to her old one. There were black streaks that lined the boots, gloves, and sides. The head of the front symbol even looked elevated a little, as if it was a button. The web shooters looked somewhat the same, but from what she heard from Peter, he already modified their web shooters to be able to make web fluid from the moisture in the air. The mask was a little different too. The eyes had a different feel to them, compared to her old ones. When Mayday looked a little closer, she saw the eyes looked like something similar to camera shutters, which means the mask could animate her expressions to an extent.
"'s...beautiful." Mayday said in awe. "I'm glad you like it. I outfitted it with tech galore, so it should help you big time when you're doing your thing. Your web shooters can still do what they did before, you just don't need to reload. I also added some new functions into the web shooters and the suit that are similar to what I have." Peter explained. Mayday couldn't believe that her dad made all of this for her. Though, there was one thing that was bugging her. "Um, Dad? How come the spider symbol on the front looks like a button?" She asked. "Well 2 reasons. One, when you're putting it on, it's gonna be baggy at first, so you press the symbol, and the suit conforms to your body. It won't be too tight or anything, it'll be a perfect fit. That way, you won't be showing anything off." Mayday just laughed nervously at that. "The second reason is that the it could detach as a drone, if you need to do some reconnaissance. I have something similar." "Woah." Yeah, Mayday's mind was a little blown.
"If you like that, just wait. The suit can also link with your Webware, allowing you to know what crimes are occurring, communicate with any of us, access news, hack into anything-" "Geez, that's a lot of stuff. You sure you didn't go overboard, Dad?" Mayday interrupted, feeling slightly overwhelmed. She was aware the suit was decked out in tech, but she didn't realize how much the suit had. "Maybe, but you're my daughter. Even if you have powers like mine, I still care about your safety." Peter justified. Mayday felt warm inside, knowing Peter cared about her. "Is there anything else you put in there? An A.I, maybe?" she joked. "Yeah, how'd you guess?" Mayday fell over anime style and said "I was kidding! You seriously put an A.I in the suit?!" "Yeah. Yours is different though. Tony helped me make a few similar to his, but with a little more personality. One of them, I made specifically for you." "Wait, all of us are getting ?" Kaine asked. "Yeah. Don't worry, they won't hinder you in a fight. They're just there to help regulate the suit's functions, and for support on the field. You could even have a normal conversation with it if you want." Peter reassured. "I don't know how I feel about talking to a computer, bro." "Are we all getting the same A.I?" Gwen asked. "No, you each get a unique A.I, but they'll all be linked to each other, like brothers and sisters."
"Do I want to know what mine is like?" Mayday asked, hoping it wouldn't creep her out. "Well, Tony helped me make this one first. He said he got the idea when he accidentally saw another version of himself. Still don't know how he did it though." "Wait, he went to another earth?" "No, he just saw one of his alternate selves, as though he was watching TV. Anyway, this one made the gear his earth's Spider-Man uses now. We figured we could make something similar, but for you." Peter explained. "Anyway, all you need to know about yours is that it's female, and has a caring personality. In a way, it's sorta like your big sister." He continued. Mayday looked at her suit, eyebrow raised, and asked "Does she have a name?" "Yeah, it's Karen." Mayday nodded absently. "Okay, good to know." Then she looked at the clock and started panicking. "AGH! I gotta take a shower and get ready!" Mayday ran to close the door, and thanked Peter again for the suit before shutting the door and heading in the shower. "Wow. She must be really pumped for this date, huh?" Gwen noted. "Yeah. If she's like this, imagine how Miles is feeling." Peter laughed.
Just then, Miles sneezed. "Jeez, who the heck's talking about me? Probably Mayday." He wondered. He already took a shower, but was now debating what to wear. Normally he would berate himself for taking so long. "Now I know why girls take so long to pick their clothes." Miles groaned to himself. He's been going through clothes, trying to figure out what to wear for Mayday. "Well, it's just a movie, then dinner after. The dinner's nothing fancy, so something casual should do." Miles said to himself. After much debate, he figured he'd go with regular jeans, a black and red baseball shirt, Nike basketball shoes that were the same colors, and a black Attack on Titan hoodie (the one with the Survey corp symbol on the front and back). He hoped he wouldn't need it, but he put his Spider-Man suit on underneath his clothes just in case something happened.
After Mayday got out of the shower, she spent over an hour looking through her clothes. It was 4:00, and she was supposed to meet Miles at the theater at 5:00. The movie was at 5:35 though, but they both agreed to get there early for the snacks and previews. By 4:30, Mayday found something to wear. She wore black jeans, her normal running shoes, a white Naruto shirt that had red flame decals on the short sleeves, and a flame symbol on the front. She finished the look with a black jacket that had her Spider symbol on the back. Mayday got this from her mother, back on her old earth, along with a black version of her old suit. Peter insisted that Mayday wear her new suit underneath her clothes, and while Mayday was against it at first, she eventually put it on. She only got away with it because of the jacket.
Mayday was surprised by how different the suit felt compared to her old one. It wasn't uncomfortable at all. It wasn't too tight that she felt it was suffocating her. In fact, she felt the suit helped her body breathe. It was amazing. Mayday also linked the suit with her Webware, and noticed that several functions became available, including a police scanner, a secure channel exclusive for communicating with Peter and the others, and a camouflage mode for the suit, that way it could blend in with it's surroundings. She guessed that was inspired by Miles. Mayday saw the time, grabbed her wallet, her dad's credit card, went downstairs and said "Okay, I'm heading out now." "Alright. Stay safe, and don't do anything you're not supposed to." Peter called from the living room. "Dad!" Mayday groaned. "Just have fun, alright? Tell Miles I said hi." Peter laughed. "Alright. Bye guys!" Everyone said goodbye, and Benjy just waved cutely and said "Buh-bye May." Mayday thought it was the cutest thing, so she went and gave her little brother a hug and a kiss on his forehead before leaving.
Miles was waiting patiently outside the theater, looking at his watch and listening to music. Then, he felt someone tap his shoulder. Miles turned to see Mayday behind him, smiling. "Hey Miles. I didn't keep you waiting long, did I?" She greeted. "Nah, just got here a few minutes ago." Miles replied. He looked over his date's clothes and said "You look great, Mayday." Mayday blushed a little and said "Well, you're pretty good looking too." Then they noticed they both had on at least one thing anime related, and they laughed. "Wow, I don't remember us agreeing on wearing anime shirts." Mayday laughed. "Hey, I'm not complaining." Miles got out in between chuckles. When he calmed down, he asked "Hey, Mayday, did you bring your suit with you, by any chance?" Mayday calmed down and replied "Yeah, I did. Dad made me a new suit to replace my old one. It even links with my Webware. Why?" "Well, I got mine on too, just in case anything happens." "Please don't jinx it. I don't want the Parker luck ruining tonight." "Parker luck?"
Mayday sighed, a little irritated by the subject, and said "Yeah, it's something that started with Dad, ever since he became Spider-Man. The Parker luck basically screws up my social life while I try to balance it with being Spider-Girl." "Wow. That would explain a few things. Well, you don't have to worry about that here. We both have spider powers, so if something happens, we could just call it part of the date." Miles said, trying to be optimistic. Mayday laughed, enjoying Miles' view of the situation. Maybe her luck has changed. "Right. Well, come on, let's go in." Mayday said while tugging Miles inside playfully. Miles laughed "Alright, alright. Remind me to get a picture of you the next time you act all cute." Mayday blushed and asked "Y-You think I'm...c-cute?" Miles' eyes widened as he said "Oh, did I say that out loud? I meant….uh…..*sigh* yeah, I do." He knew he couldn't lie to her when she had that face on. Mayday's blush darkened as she said "Thanks Miles. You're really sweet, you know that?" "I've been told that, yeah." Mayday laughed as the two went in the theater.
2 hours later
"Oh. My. GOD! That was awesome!" Mayday cheered. "I know, right? They never fail to impress. Man I love those fight scenes." Miles agreed. "Yeah. We gotta know how to fight like that." "Actually Peter's been training me for a while now, and when he's really serious, he could make everyone in the movie look like amateurs." Mayday's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Wait, what?! Seriously?!" "Yeah. Apparently it's a martial arts style he made that uses all his senses. It's called 'The Way of the Spider'. It was supposed to make up for his spider-sense when he lost it, but since he has it back, that fighting style is 10x more deadly." Miles informed.
In that moment, Mayday knew, she had to get Peter to teach her that. He definitely didn't know it back on her earth, so she wasn't going to let it pass her by. Knowing what she was thinking, Miles said "Don't worry, he'll definitely teach it to you. You're his daughter, after all." Mayday smiled and joked "He'd better." Just then, their stomachs growled, and Miles said "I think our stomachs are saying it's time for dinner." Mayday laughed sheepishly and said "Yeah, come on, let's go. Oh, and Miles? I'm paying for dinner." "Wait, what?! But-" "You already paid for both our tickets. The least I could do is pay for dinner. Besides, Dad gave me his credit card for that reason." Knowing it was pointless to argue, Miles just followed Mayday to their destination. The restaurant was a few blocks away from the theater, but it was worth it for them.
Once they got there, they both ordered wings and fries on the side, or as Mayday called them, wings on steroids. Yeah, they were that big. Once they finished eating, they stood for a while to talk about each other, particularly their lives before the collision. "Wait, Dad was still a kid on your Earth?!" Mayday asked, a little shocked. "Yeah, he was 17 when I met him, and this was about a year after I started this. I was around 14 or 15 at the time." Miles said, remembering the whole incident. He already explained how Peter died and came back on his Earth, and boy was Mayday grateful none of it happened to her. From what Miles described, his world's Green Goblin was definitely among the most dangerous and insane. Just then, they heard an explosion several blocks away. Mayday's Webware went off at the same time. She checked it and saw it was a crime alert. "Ugh...see? The ol' Parker luck strikes again." Mayday groaned. "What happened?" Miles asked. Mayday read the alert and panicked "The Inner Demons just attacked Dad's office!" Suddenly the two were on their feet, and after they paid for the meal, they crawled up the alley nearby to change into their suits. "Wow. That is one cool looking suit." Miles said as he put his mask on. Mayday smiled and said "Thanks Miles." Then she put on her mask, and the two webbed their clothes to the roof. Mayday texted Gwen through her Webware and asked her to pick up the clothes.
Then the two started web swinging towards the main Parker Tech building. "Why the hell would the Inner Demons attack your dad's place?" Miles asked. "Think about it. Dad's a billionaire that makes revolutionary tech. The kind that can compete with even Stark tech. That's kind of a red flag there." Mayday explained. When they reached the building, the front door was coated in a weird black energy. "What the hell is that stuff?" Miles asked, not sure whether to think it's cool or weird. Mayday looked at her Webware, and saw the function that apparently activates the suit's full potential. "Well, might as well test it now." She said as she pushed the button. Just then, the suit briefly lit up as Mayday saw a heads-up-display appear in her mask. Then she heard a female voice say "Good evening, May." "Um, hi Karen." Mayday answered shyly. She wasn't used to having an A.I, so this was all new to her. "Karen? You got an A.I?! Sweeeeet." Miles said in awe. "I see you activated your suit's full capabilities. How can I help?" Karen asked. "Well, um, could you see what that black energy is?" Mayday requested. "Scanning now." Karen began scanning, and after a few seconds, she said "It appears to be a combination of electric energy and Darkforce." "Darkforce?! As in the same stuff that makes up Cloak's powers?!" Mayday asked, remembering encountering him and Dagger on her earth. "The very same." Karen replied. "Then we gotta get in there! Come on Miles!" "Right behind you!"
Ben and Miguel were scrambling to figure out what was happening. "Lyla, what the hell's happening?!" Miguel asked his A.I. "The building is under attack." Lyla answered. "What?! By who?!" Ben demanded. "Showing footage." Lyla put the camera feed from the front of the building on their screens. The footage showed several armed thugs with dragon masks, and their weapons consisted of assault rifles, swords, brass knuckles and nunchakus. The last three didn't seem too bad at first, but Ben noticed they were coated in some type of black energy laced with electricity. "I know those weapons anywhere. It's the Inner Demons!" Ben growled. "Inner what?" Miguel asked. "The Inner Demons. Ever heard of Mr Negative?" "Yeah, the Kingpin of Chinatown, and the guy that made Anti-Venom. Why, what's he got to do with this?" "Well, those are his goons. The black energy is courtesy of him. It's Darkforce, the same stuff that makes up Cloak's powers. The electricity's new though." Ben explained.
Seeing how bad things were getting, Miguel opened the case that held the new suit Peter made for him. "I'll suit up and evacuate the building. Think you could hold those guys off?" Miguel asked. Ben kept his eyes on the footage, and saw that Mayday and Miles just arrived. "Yeah, and I got backup already here." Ben informed. Miguel saw what he was talking about, and nodded in acknowledgement. Both put on their new suits and prepared for the incoming chaos.
"Everyone, get down on the ground, NOW!" The boss of the group shouted at everyone. This guy had a large build, and was armed with at least one of all the weapons everyone else had on them. All the employees complied, afraid of what would happen to them if they resisted. They saw what these men could do when they blew up their front door. "Uh, you guys know you gotta pay for that, right?" a female voice said behind the thugs. What the thugs saw, they weren't expecting. They saw Spider-Man II, the younger one with the black and red suit, and what appeared to be a female version of the original Spider-Man. Of course, the suit was clearly different, but still.
"I mean seriously, there's such a thing as knocking gently, or scheduling an appointment." Mayday reprimanded. "That was us knocking gently." One of the skinnier thugs retorted. "And we hate waiting." Another thug commented. Mayday's eyes widened in mock surprise as she said "Oh, wow. I'd hate to see how you knock at your parents' house." "Seriously? Who the hell are you supposed to be? Spider-Woman mark 20?" The boss sneered. Mayday's eye twitched as she started "Mark 20?! Seriously, there's been that many?!" "Not really, it's a common joke." Miles said. "Well the name's Spider-Girl! Don't forget it!"
The thugs just looked at each other, not sure whether to take this seriously or not. "Spider-Girl? What, is Spider-Man your daddy?" One thug mocked. "Yup. Guess what that means." That same thug paled behind his mask. The other thugs couldn't believe that they were dealing with Spider-Man's daughter, of all things. Hell, how did he get a daughter?! "You jackasses-" Mayday shot a web line at the guy that mocked her, pulled him toward her, and she kicked him into the dumpster outside. "-broke into my house, DAMMIT!" she finished. "Get that bitch!" the boss ordered. "I don't think so!" Miles said. He then channeled his venom blast through the floor, zapping most of the goons, knocking them out. The boss was the only one left. "Everyone, get out of here, NOW!" Mayday said to the employees, and they all ran out of the building. "Not bad, but I'm a little tougher to beat, brats." the boss said, launching himself at the two spiders. The boss charged his fists with energy as he attempted a ground slam to hit the two. However, Mayday and Miles both jumped out of the way before it landed, causing the boss to hit the ground where they once stood. The punch created a smoke cloud and a huge hole in the ground. "Yeesh! Does this guy take steroids, or something?! Cuz that's just ridiculous!" Miles exclaimed, staring at the damage. Then the boss grabbed his sword and launched a wave of energy at them. Mayday flipped over it and fired several web balls at the boss while Miles slid under it and used his camouflage to try and get the jump on him. While the boss was distracted by Mayday's webs, Miles threw a quick 2 finger jab at the back of his neck to launch the venom blast. The boss threw a wild backhand at Miles, who ducked under it and kicked him in the chin. Mayday followed this by kicking the boss in the back of his head, sending him into the floor. Then the venom blast took effect, and the boss grunted in pain. Yeah, it was painful. Hell, to the boss, it hurt worse than when his ex-girlfriend kicked him in the nuts with Timberlands. Don't ask, all you need to know is he screwed up somewhere.
But even with that, the boss still stood. "Okay, now I'm pissed." he hissed in pain. Just then, 3 web balls hit him in the head, and said web balls started giving off electricity. This went on until the boss fell, unable to move his body from the electricity coursing through him. "What the what?" Mayday asked. "Aaaaaaand, he's down." someone said above them. Mayday and Miles looked up to see Ben in his new suit. The suit was blue around parts of the arms, the chest and the hood. The majority of the suit was red, making up the legs, his sides, the rest of his arms, the spider symbol on his chest and back, the mask and the inside of the hood. To finish the look was a metal belt that had pouches on the sides. "Hey everyone. What's up?" Ben asked. "Uncle Ben?!" Mayday asked. Ben jumped down next to them and said "Yup. What do you think of the new suit?" Then he started flexing. "Pretty cool, right?" he bragged. "Uhhh, do you want my honest opinion?" Mayday deadpanned. Ben nodded. "I think you ripped off Gwen's suit, somewhat." Ben just sputtered "I did not rip this off of Gwen! This was a Ben Reilly original!" "Was it?" Mayday and Miles deadpanned. Ben just sweatdropped, scratched the back of his head and said "Okay…..I maaaaaaaaaay have gotten the idea from a cosplayer I saw in Vegas." "AHA! I knew it!"
Just then, Peter swung into the building in his suit, asking "What the hell is going on here?" "Uh, hey Dad." Mayday said sheepishly. "Hey bro, check this out." Ben said, flipping the guy over. "The Inner Demons." Peter stated. "Yeah. Don't know what they were after though. Ah well, we'll ask them when they wake up." Peter thought of how to deal with them, then said "Mayday, Miles. Web these guys up while I contact S.H.I.E.L.D. I'll tell them it's a gift from the Spider Family." Mayday tried to hold in her laugh as she asked "Spider Family? Seriously Dad?" "What? That's what we are." "Wow. We only went on one date and I'm a part of the family?" Miles joked, "Speaking of which, how'd I do?" Mayday laughed cutely and said "How'd you do? I'd say this has been the most interesting date I've ever been on. A movie, dinner, and we finish by fighting crime. Normally that wrecks my dates, but since it's you….it makes it better." Then she webbed up the goons and gave Miles a hug. "Miles, thanks for the best date ever." Miles just laughed sheepishly and said "I don't know. I'm pretty sure I could top this." Mayday laughed even more. "Not today, you're not."
Once S.H.I.E.L.D showed up and picked up the goons for interrogation, everyone decided to head back home. "Oh, Miles, before I forget." Peter said, grabbing two boxes he had with him. "These are for you." "Oh, thanks Pete. What are they?" Miles said, curious. "Open them up and see. Miles did so, and saw that one box held his new modified web shooters, and the other one held his own Webware. "The web shooters could make webs from the air now, so no need for having to make more in the lab. The Webware's so you can keep in touch with us. Plus, Mayday insisted that I make one for you." "I kept bothering him until he did it." Mayday said, sounding a little too happy. Miles just laughed and said "Well, thanks guys. This means a lot." "If you like that, wait until you get your suit upgrade. Dad said he was willing to upgrade yours too." Miles stared at Peter, wide eyed, and asked "Seriously? You'd do that?" "Eh, why not?" Peter just shrugged. Miles was aware about Peter's upgrades. Hell, he's witnessed them first-hand with Mayday and Ben. "Uh, can I keep this design though? It's all I have left of my old Earth." "Of course." Satisfied, Miles said "Awesome. How long will it take, though?" "Just a few days. You should get it by next Monday." Peter informed.
Noticing the time, Ben pointed out "Hey, I know it's Friday and all, but I'd like to get home, eat and then sleep." "Right. Me too." Peter said, now noticing his hunger. "Well, *yawn* I already ate, so that combined with this took a lot out of me." Mayday yawned, the day's events finally catching up with her. "You gonna be alright?" Miles asked. "At this point, I don't even trust myself to web swing, I'm that tired." Mayday looked at Miles apologetically and asked "Miles, could you, um, help me get home?" "Say no more, I'm on it." Miles said. With that, Mayday clung to Miles so he would carry her on his back. Miles started swinging towards the house, with the others following. When he got there, he just opened the window that led to Mayday's room, and laid her on the bed. Mayday took off her mask, smiled at Miles and said "Thanks Miles. You're the best." "Anytime, really." Miles said, happy he helped her, and that the night wasn't a total disaster. "I should probably get going. My dad knows about me being Spidey, but not my mom though." "Okay." she said, her voice becoming lighter as sleep was taking her. But before she completely fell asleep, Mayday stretched out her arms, wanting to give Miles one last hug before he left. Miles welcomed it, but as they let each other go, Mayday kissed Miles on the cheek. Miles felt his cheeks heat up as he was trying to process what just happened. Mayday was blushing too as she said "Goodnight…..Miles…" Then she was out cold. "Y-Yeah, goodnight, Mayday." Miles fumbled with his words. He put his mask back on and left, feeling pretty damn good. Miles remembered what Mayday said about how living this kind of life screws with everything else around you, especially your social and love lives, calling it the Parker Luck. Yet, it didn't work this time. "I guess our luck's finally turned around." Miles thought to himself. After today, life was definitely gonna be easier for them.
Okay, chapter 5 is done. Sorry it took a while to upload, I was busy doing school work, and everyone knows that college eats up a lot of your time. Plus, in case some of you didn't know, I started writing a second story while writing this one, which sorta factors into the update delay. As you saw in this chapter, I showcased Ben and Mayday's new suits. Ben's suit is the one he wears now. I really didn't want to change it, since it looks so badass to me. As for Mayday's suit, if you didn't guess it, I made her suit a hybrid between her latest suit in the comics and the suit from Spider-Man: Homecoming. I loved the suit in the movie, mainly because of the classic Steve Ditko design, and the fact that the eyes actually move like in the comics. As for the tech, I didn't really hate it, since Peter has his own version of it in the comics after Secret War happened. The A.I was a nice touch, so I figured I give Mayday her own version of that. And yes, I did make a little reference to this Tony seeing his MCU counterpart, just for fun. Also, as for everyone having , the way it's gonna be done is similar to how it's done in the show Red vs Blue. Anyway, I believe it's time again for our little Q&A section.
Alright, first up is DragonKent:
'Will mephisto is gonna be aware Mayday & Benjy's existence in 616 in this story? is Civil War II or Secret Empire will be different?'
Actually, considering Mayday and Benjy aren't exactly from 616, they don't really count in Mephisto's book. He will be aware of their presence, but he can't really do anything as the deal was already done, and Mayday and Benjy's presence there doesn't affect it at all. As for Civil War II and Secret Empire, those won't really be affected at all. I never even really considered adding them into this story. While I did say this would be an alternate take on what happened after Spider-Verse and Secret Wars (2015), the rest will be mostly original, as I will make some nods to events that took place in the comics.
Next is mastergamer14:
'First, are there gonna be any OC's in the story?
Second, for a pairing with Kaine, why don't you pair him with Black Widow. I always thought those two would make an interesting team
Third, are any of the Symbiote Heroes (Agent Venom, Toxin, Hybrid, Anti-Venom, and Scorn) gonna show, seeing as, technically, they're spiders too.'
First, yes, there will be some OC's in this story, a few inspired by the cartoons, both the old and the recent. As for pairing Kaine with Black Widow, that's definitely an interesting mix. I'll look into it and see what happens. Now, about the Symbiote Heroes, Agent Venom and Anti-Venom will definitely make an appearance in the story. It only feels right, considering who some of the villains I plan on putting in this story.
Okay, third one's from DJ:
'excellent chapter my friend, but Will there be more alternative Spider-man characters appear in this story? I would Love too see assassin Spider-man, he is one of My favorits.'
I do plan on putting more alternate Spider-Men in this story, but they're more of a temporary team-up than a permanent thing. I don't know much about Assassin Spider-Man, so I can't exactly guarantee he'll be included later on.
Last one's from whofan94:
'A couple of notes:
1. How old is gwen in this story? I know Peter is in his late 20s but isn't spider-Gwen like 19 in the comics? Will this be addressed?
2. I would start a new paragraph when someone else begins talking. Easier to read
3. How does Peter remember that he and MJ were married? I thought peter's memory was completely wiped of their marriage, including the deal.
4. Ben Reilly's and Kaine do seem a bit ooc, more Kaine than Ben. Kaine is supposed to be a more serious version of Spider-Man. I don't even recall him having a sense of humor.
Just a few things I noticed. Otherwise this fic has potential'
Okay, Gwen in this story is around 20 or 21. I'm aware that Gwen was around 19 in the comics, and yes, this will be addressed. In here, Gwen already finished high school before her Earth was destroyed, so she really just needs to go to college, which I plan on having her do part time, since she's also working for Peter. As for your second note, I only just saw it after I wrote this, sorry. But, I appreciate your honesty, and I can see what you're talking about with the paragraphs and the dialogue. I'll definitely make it easier to read in later chapters, and I'll do the same for my other stories when I get the chance. Now for your third point, Mephisto never really erased Peter's memories of the deal. He was aware that the things changed after the deal, but he never really talks about it that much. Instead, he and MJ try to move on from that, which is sorta why they never hooked up again after that arc. Now, about your fourth point, yeah, I noticed that Kaine was a little ooc, and I am aware that he's supposed to be more serious. Then again, I wanted to give him more traits from Peter, such as his sense of humor. Of course, he won't go overboard like Peter, just a few jokes around the house. In a way, he's similar to Raphael from Ninja Turtles, only a little more badass and vulgar. Also, while I do like staying true to the source material at times, I do like making my own renditions of characters and stories.
Anyway, I also noticed that one of you, particularly Hazzard2099, suggested that I add another alternate Spider: Annie Parker, from the Renew Your Vows comic line. Honestly, I'm not sure how she would even be included, considering the majority of the multiverse was destroyed. Then again, she could play the role of the little sister in the family, and Julia could stumble across her while fixing the Great Web. Hmmmmm…..I gotta think this through, because I only intended Mayday, Benjy, Gwen, Ben Reilly, Kaine and Uncle Ben coming to 616, with others coming in for team-ups, depending on the situation.
Other than that, I saw that others are liking the story so far, and I'm glad you're enjoying it. As always, if you have any questions, suggestions or comments, feel free to share. Until next time!