Author's note: I fixed up the first two chapters, separating lines that shouldn't be together and all that Jazz. It won't make it any less cringy in my opinion but it will make it more readable.

The Presidium

Considered to be the heart of the citadel and testament to the cooperation of all races apart of the Citadel, the Presidium was a fine example of what the Citadel stood for. At least what it intended to be for. The vibrant night lights

Valern narrowed his eyes as he focused on his omni-tool. The Councillor was currently standing on the white streamlined balcony, his delicate red and blue outfit slightly dragged itself across the floor.

He didn't like to deal with unkown variables. This unfortunately was one that had to be presented.

"Are you sure?"

A Salarian voice silently spoke on the other end, Valern merely sighed.

"Very well then. I shall tell the other Councillor's the news." The Salarian said before dismissing the agent, his omni-tool going off as he left the balcony. The thin grey Salarian sat down before gently bringing his hand up to a cabinet, bringing out a bottle.

Salarian coort, a traditional drink as he unclasped it before pouring a glass. Drinking alcohol was completely unlike him, but after what he had heard, perhaps it was necessary.

There was a small beep at the door before the Salarian simply activated his omni-tool. The metal doors opened, revealing Tevos and Sparatus. The other two Councillor's strode in, Sparatus already sporting a look of annoyance as the Turian walked up alongside the Salarian.

"Valern, do you know what time it is?"

"3:50 by galactic standard time. I am well aware Sparatus."

The Turian paused before grumbling to himself, Tevos felt the need to step in. "Sparatus please, I'm sure whatever Valern wanted to tell us is of great-" The Asari immediately spotted the glass in the Salarian's hands. "Are you drinking?"

Valern wordlessly nodded before activating his omni-tool, the shutters on the windows closed and the lights dimmed.

"I suggest for you two to get comfortable." The Salarian said, "This will take a few minutes at most."

Sparatus and Tevos looked at eachother before the two of them bought chairs from the side. Albeit the Turian was still grumbling whilst Tevos seemed to be listening intently.

"Good. I suppose I shall get straight to the point... There has been a breech in one of the council laws."

Tevos was silent as Sparatus crossed his arms. "I'm surprised in all honesty Valern. Usually I would be the pyjak caller in these types of situations." The Turian admitted as he poured himself a glass of Turian brandy he had taken off the shelf.

"Yes, yes... Unfortunately this is not something to take lightly." Valern said, "It involves a relay opening."

Sparatus almost spat out his drink, Tevos had looked equally shocked.

"I-, this is grave news that you're telling us Valern. Are you sure it's-"

The Salarian waved the Asari off. "What do you take me for Tevos? A Lystheni? I'll have you know that when my race knows of something... They know it well." Valern said before activating his omni-tool. A hidden screen came out as the interior shifted to reveal it before it turned on, showing an activated relay.

Sparatus had now recovered as he set his cup down to bend forward, squinting his avian like eyes in the process.

"I know that relay..." Sparatus said slowly before looking at his fellow Salarian councillor. "314? I was stationed for a patrol there back in my soldier days..." The Turian narrowed his eyes. "Who activated it?"

Valern merely sighed before bringing out his omni-tool, a tab opened up showing a decommissioned frigate "A Quarian scout ship. She goes by the name of The Neeli."

Sparatus paused before slowly leaning back into the comfy chair as he put a hand to his eyes.

"Spirits... It can't get any worse then this..."

"It gets worse. The probe caught hold of another ship." Valern said as he tapped another command, now showing a Batarian slaver cruiser. "The Harrassar... Happened to have been in hot pursuit, the Batarians followed them into the relay." Valern stated.

"Thi-This... I apologize Valern but... This is very hard to take in..." Tevos admitted, "The amount of political backlash if this was ever leaked to the public would be-"

"-Insurmountable." Valern finished, "That is why the STG have decided that this cannot go out to the public." The Salarian paused before he spoke again. "At least not until we decide what is best for the situation."

The panel changed, showing a garden world that was adorned with healthy landmass as well as consisting of water. There appeared to be signs of some form of civilization on the surface.

"There was contact." Valern said, "And I'm afraid it gets more... Complicated." The Salarian had let that sink in.

"So you're telling us that there was first contact in this situation?" Tevos asked slowly. "And the Batarian's were involved?"

Valern nodded.

"Goddess..." The Asari muttered under her breath, she looked closer to inspect the photo.

The Salarian took a moment to zoom in, showing signs of battle within the cities of the green and blue garden world.

"And as you can see, the picture taken shows overwhelming evidence that Batarian's have somehow made landfall, signs of battle began in the what appears to be the city portion." Valern stated as he pointed to the minor signs of destruction, however the picture was still a bit blurry at best as the STG probe couldn't get everything.

Sparatus leaned forward in interest, "So did the Batarian's take over the city? After all this is a pre-space species we are talking about, and a Batarian cruiser is the size of a dreadnought with the amount of soldiers and equipment it could carry..." Sparatus said.

"Too many unknown Variables so to say. Either way, we do have one picture confirming a theory." Valern pressed a command on the Omni-tool before it zoomed in on the grounded vessel. Tevos looked closely before her eyes widened.

"Godess... Is that a-"

Sure enough, a giant grey metallic construct was grasping the front of the Batarian ship.

"The natives carried out an attack needless to say..." Valern said as he shut down the picture.

An eerie silence filled the meeting room. Sparatus stood from his seat as he had a closer look at it, his green eyes narrowing. "We need to deal with this, we need to send some form of response. If the pre-space flight aliens have gotten a hold of a Batarian ship, they could quickly progress into a liable threat." Sparatus turned his head, the minor scars on his face showing, "I say we send a fleet and take it with-"

"Wait! Wait just a moment,-" Tevos interrupted, "We can't just do that! If you assembled a fleet and send it to the unopened relay, then people will inevitably find out about this. We need to send something else."

"Really now? Then what did you have in mind." Sparatus said in a condescending fashion.

"I suggest we send something smaller, we don't need a fleet, we need a negotiation. If we can communicate with these aliens, then we can reach some form of agreement." Tevos pointed at the picture, "Besides, I doubt they are bloodthirsty like the Krogans. Their cities seem to be advanced and their world looks healthy. So I would assume that they would be reasonable to a degree."

Sparatus turned his head to the Salarian, "What do you think of this Valern? Should we place our hope in the fact that they will understand our intentions?"

Valern simply put a hand to his chin, "Good question, but I believe Tevos's point holds more sway." He turned his head to the Turian, "Sparatus... We can't risk the public finding out right now. If they do, who knows what sort of panic and outrage it may stir." The Salarian tapped his omni-tool as the screen changed, showing a sleek frigate, it seemed more advanced then most other ships. Bearing long fins and a slim design. "That is why the STG have already provided a stealth frigate for the diplomacy team. Nobody will know of this until the time is right."

Sparatus's eyes widened, "Wait a second... I've seen this somewhere before... Isn't this design Turian?"

"Erm... Yes. It was called the PSF Spirit." Valern said as he scratched his horns. Sparatus had caught on.

"This was meant to be built at a later date... Did you go on ahead without-" Sparatus paused as he grunted, "Spirits, I would have half the mind to start an incident over this Valern!" The Turian said angrily.

"Sparatus! There's no time to be at each others throats." Tevos said before she turned her head to Valern, "Is this ship space worthy? Just how fast will it reach the new system?"

Valern thought for a second, "Not too long, possibly half a day, and by that I mean half a rotation of Palaven for instance, or Sur'kesh."

"Then I will assign in a negotiator, I will have to call Matriarch Benezia to spearhead negotiations for us later..."

Sparatus grunted, "And I shall contribute as well. I'll assign the 9th platoon to the ship and a Spectre." The Turian turned his head to the Salarian, "And remember Valern, we'll have to have a talk about what the Salarian government is doing behind our backs."

The Salarian paused before he nodded reluctantly, "Very well."

Chora's Den

Nihlus Kryik slowly walked inside as he wore his civilian clothing, the loud music of the bar blaring as his eyes scanned around the place as he avoided contact with the various Asari strippers.

He came up to the bar before sitting down, the Salarian bar tender groaned in annoyance as he walked up to the Turian.

"Great, another Spectre. Could you tell your friend to not arrest the patrons."

Nihlus merely shrugged, "I'll need to know where my so called, 'friend' is."

The Salarian pointed as Nihlus turned his head. The other Turian had his back turned to Nihlus as two arrested patrons were on the floor, handcuffed as the Batarian and the Salarian squirmed on the ground. Nihlus merely sighed as he got out of his seat.

"Garrus Vakarian."

The Turian turned his head, his blue face paint and Visor gleaming as the former C-sec officer grinned. "Nihlus, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you. And I see troubles already found you first."

"Well, if you definition of trouble is arresting two Red Sand dealers then I suppose that it has."

The Batarian on the ground spoke up, "C'mon! I'll pay you triple of what they pay!"

Garrus shook his head, "Sorry. You can bribe a detective but you can't bribe a Spectre. I guess I'll add bribery as your long list of offenses you both have committed." Two C-sec officers passed by Nihlus as the Asari and Salarian picked up the dealers.

"Thanks again Spectre, I don't think this would've been possible without your jurisdiction." The Asari said.

"Ah, think nothing of it. I'm just doing my job." The Turian Spectre said as he sat down, he turned his head to Nihlus as the two officers left. "So, what's going on Nihlus? You here to give me another lecture, just like when you were my mentor?"

Nihlus sat down beside him as the two Spectres got comfy. "The only lecture I'm going to give you is the one Pallin keeps sending to my omni-tool, something about how you've stepped over your boundaries on numerous occasions."

Garrus smiled, "Is that so? He should know that I'm not some detective that he can step on anymore."

Nihlus sighed as the dark Turian took a glass of brandy, "Garrus... Listen, I know you became a Spectre in order to bypass all the red tape and the corruption. But there are-"

"I know, I know. There's more to being a Spectre than just arresting lowlives and corrupt politicians. But it sure as hell makes it easy to do now." Nihlus nodded in agreement as he poured himself a glass before handing the bottle to his former trainee. Garrus took the bottle, "That can't be all you wanted to tell me..."

"As perceptive as ever." Nihlus said as he chuckled, "No, it's not... Something big came up, and Sparatus needs a Spectre."

"Really now? Are you sure it's not the council acting paranoid again?"

Nihlus chuckled, "Try first contact."

Garrus paused as he put his glass down on the table, "You're kidding."

"Not at all."

"And the public doesn't know about it?"

"Trust me, a completely newly discovered race getting attacked by Batarian Slavers sounds a little bad to the average citizen."

Garrus paused as he leaned back, bringing his drink to his mouth. "Spirits... Those four eyed idiots..."

Nihlus smiled, "Would it make you happy if I told you that the Slavers lost?"

And then Garrus sputtered out his drink as he coughed loudly, a few patrons turning there heads as Garrus gave a thumbs up before leaning forward again. His head close to Nihlus, "This is serious..."

"Absolutely, which is why I'm recommending you for it."

"Me?! I barely do field work outside of the citadel, most of the time I'm cleaning up after C-sec."

"Well, it's either that or they try to contact Saren again."

Garrus's eyes widened, "Oh spirits... Now I see why you came to me." Although Saren was an effective Spectre, and one of the best the Turians had, he was known to be very... Ruthless in the face of a challenge. Something which was a very bad quality in a diplomacy mission. Garrus spoke up again, "But I don't understand, Sparatus must have asked for you too. Did you decline?"

Nihlus slowly nodded, "If I were to take up this mission, then I would need to abandon my current one. And right now I can't afford that."

"Right, looking for evil Spirits at the end of the galaxy." Garrus said jokingly. Nihlus grunted as the older Turian shook his head.

"It's not a laughing matter Garrus, Turian colonists are suddenly disappearing in outer council space and our usually paranoid military and routine patrols have a thumb up their ass. I need to find out who's behind it."

Garrus slowly nodded before Nihlus spoke again. "So... Are you going to oversee the expedition? The STG and Hierarchy are already providing a ship and transport for you, all you need to do is be apart of it. By the details they told me, this new race sounds advanced enough to be reasonable."

The younger Turian paused as he gave it thought before he nodded. "Very well. I'll do it. But I need to pack up my gear first."

"Take all the time you need."

Garrus stood up from his chair as he grabbed his sniper rifle and put it on his back, he turned around to walk out the door before Nihlus spoke up again.

"Oh and Garrus.", The Turian turned his head to his mentor as Nihlus took another sip from the brandy. "You're a good Turian, I know you can do this because it's rare for somebody to possess the same sentiment that you have."

Garrus smiled, "Hey, don't flatter me now. Or else I'll get spoiled like some Asari princess."

"It's not flattery if it's true." Nihlus said as he chuckled. "Take care of yourself."

"Will do sir."

Secret Loading bay

Garrus sighed as he bought a military pack behind him, containing all of his essentials for the trip. A few Turians and Salarians were already milling about as they loaded cargo onto the ship. Strange how this day had already progressed, at one point he was apprehending two red sand dealers, and now he was boarding a secret STG ship to determine the fate of a first contact situation. An average day for a Spectre he supposed.

He walked forward before a Salarian carrying a staggering amount of scientific equipment bumped into him. The equipment dropped to the floor as they clinked harmlessly, Garrus turned his head as his eyes widened.

"Spirits... Sorry about that."

The old Salarian looked up, a scar shaped of an X was on his cheek.

"My fault. Wasn't looking where I was going. Bumped into you. Who are you? Spectre possibly? Was expecting Nihlus but thankful it wasn't Saren. Possible problem if it was Saren-"

"Woah, woah... Slow down there." Garrus said as the Salarians sentences were a blur. "Name's Garrus, Garrus Vakarian."

"Ah, former C-sec officer. Read your dossier once." The Salarian said as he put a hand to his chest, "Mordin Solus. At your service."

"Huh... Mordin Solus... Could've sworn I heard that name before..."

Mordin's face darkened, "Highly unlikely it was under positive notation."

Garrus didn't exactly ask about what he meant before another Salarian walked up to the two of them, the Salarian in particular sporting a few plates on his head. "Mordin, it's a surprise to see you. How long has it been?"

"Approximately 2 seconds, 5 minutes, 20 days, and 5 years. And yes, it is good to see you too Kirrahe." Mordin said, Garrus almost whistled at the exact calculation as the darker Salarian chuckled.

"Still as sharp as ever old friend. I thought you decided that you were done on the field, what happened?"

"Opened a clinic on Omega."

Garrus's turned his head, "You opened a clinic on that hell hole? How did that work out?"

Mordin smiled, "Assistant running it now, has STG grade defense mech's."

The Turian didn't need to ask what he meant by that because it was already obvious from that smile. Kirrahe turned his head to Garrus, "And you, you're the Spectre I presume?"

Garrus nodded, "Yes sir."

"Strange, it should be me saying that. I'm only a major."

"Well, whatever works I suppose."

"Huh, I think I'll like you." Kirrahe said as he turned his head to the ship. "We'll be lifting off in an hour or so. You have everything you need right?"

"Absolutely." Garrus responded.

"Perfect, then just get right on aboard and-" Suddenly the sound of a loud crash was heard before the chattering of a few angry Salarians followed. Kirrahe tilted his head in annoyance, "Now what?"

Garrus turned his head as well before his eyes widened, walking forward to the disturbance.

He rounded the corner to see a giant Krogan holding a claymore and a giant piece of baggage, arguing with a STG agent.

"I'm not going to take no as an answer Pyjak. You're going take my credits, and then you are going to let me on that ship."

"For the last time, you do not have clearance!"

Wrex snorted as he turned his head before spotting the Turian, he smiled. "Ah, Vakarian. I see you're in on this too."

"Wrex? What in the spirits name are you doing here?" Garrus had known about Wrex before, back when he was still working for C-sec. The Krogan had gotten under trouble due to his rather brutal ways of doing his business, but it was still legal. So most of the time Garrus had to deal with Wrex's blatant disregard for life, luckily Wrex only hunted after those that were criminals. At least that's what Garrus was told.

"A tortured little Pyjak told me about this whole secret mission going on."

"By little Pyjak I hope you don't mean innocent civilian."

Wrex chuckled, "Depends... Anyways, I'm after someone. A Batarian named Farith, kidnapped a little Asari, her parents are paying me well to either capture or kill him for it. The last source I checked said his ship was hanging around some obsolete relay..." Wrex tilted closer, "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that? Would you Pyjak?"

Garrus had to admit, for Wrex to connect the dots like that was incredibly smart. The Salarian stuttered, "I-I, no..."

"Ha! You should get a new job Pyjak! You're face says it all. This isn't some run of the mill STG patrol, this is a fucking first contact isn't it!? And I bet a bunch of Batarian slavers unfortunately acted as the diplomats!"

"Wrex lay off him,-" Garrus said as he turned his head to the STG agent, "Here, you get yourself back to the ship. I'll handle this."

The Salarian nodded slowly before leaving. Wrex grunted in annoyance, "Aw, c'mon Vakarian. I was havin' fun watching that Pyjak squirm."

"I could warrant for your arrest just for that."

Wrex chuckled, "Yeah... Like that would work out."

Garrus raised a eye, Wrex paused before the Krogan sighed, "Listen, Vakarian. I know we did not see eye to eye-"

"-Heh, what gave you that idea?" The Turian said as he crossed his arms.

"-but hear me out. I've already seen through the entire thing, and right now I need the quickest ride if I'm going to get that son of a Pyjak."

Garrus paused before he spoke, "Fine then... I'll say that your under my supervision as a Spectre. But any sign of insubordination and your out. Got it?"

"Vakariaaaaan!" Wrex said in typical Krogan fashion, "I knew you could see reason."

"Don't make me regret my decision." Garrus grumbled.

Wrex nodded before picking up his giant baggage and shotgun, before walking up to the ramp. Garrus watching him with a keen eye before Mordin walked up next to him. "Saw the exchange take place. That was the best possible outcome."

Garrus nodded, "I'm surprised that you agree with me."

"Heard of Wrex before on Omega. Most reports state not to get on his bad side. Would highly agree."

The Turian chuckled, "That's the case with any Krogan."

"Suppose." Mordin simply said, before the elevator door at the other side of the bay opened, revealing a stern looking Asari followed by another Asari. "Hm, appears that the diplomat is here. Matriarch Benezia I believe?"

"That's the Matriarch?" Garrus asked before he gestured to the other Asari next to her. "Then who's that?"

Mordin pondered for a second, "Liara T'soni I believe? Archaeologist, quite renowned for her research into Prothean history."

The Matriarch wordlessly walked up the ramp whilst her daughter looked around, sporting a face of fascination and excitement despite the mood of her mother. The two Asari disappeared behind the ramp as Garrus tightened the grip on his bag and Sniper rifle.

"Well doc, I guess it's time to board now."

"Of course. Must set up lab equipment quickly. Wish you best of luck Spectre."

Garrus smiled, "Just call me Garrus... Or Vakarian if you like the way Wrex said it."

Mordin nodded before he picked up his lab equipment and walked up the ramp, followed by Garrus as the Turian turned his head back one last time before walking into the ship, the ramp slowly closing behind him.


Junkrat immediately off the ramp as he did a front flip before landing on his feet, the Australian shaking with excitement as he looked around. Roadhog slowly lumbered off as the giant held a squirming Anto casually in his arm before dropping the Batarian on the ground. The alien cursing as he stood up.

"Alright Mr. Criminal alien man! Show us where this pirate Queen is!" Junkrat yelled out.

Anto grumbled as he brushed himself before walking forward, sighing, "Follow me."

The two of them went through the loading bay as a Salarian came up to them. "Woah! Anto! Are those new aliens!? Would you mind asking if they want a tour of-"

Anto responded by taking out a pistol and shooting Fargut's leg as the Salarian screamed out and fell to the floor, grasping his leg. The Batarian walked past the Salarian as did Junkrat and Roadhog as the Australian sighed.

"Ah... That conversation made me a little homesick." Junkrat admitted before he ran up to Anto. "So, where are we off to now!? Is there a secret pirate base!? Or maybe it's inside an aster-" Junkrat paused, "Wait a second, we're already are in an asteroid."

Anto gritted his teeth, "Could you please just... Be quiet..."

"Oh, quiet... Right!" Junkrat looked to the side as he began to whistle before looking back at Anto, "Sooooo... Are we there yet?"

The Batarian was going to have a melt down, "Yes... We are..." Anto pointed up as they reached the front of a loud place, music blaring inside, an Elcor bouncer maintained a long line that waited at the entrance. "Afterlife, Aria's HQ."

Roadhog looked at the sign before he shrugged, Junkrat put a chin to his hand. "This... Isn't what I was expecting when you said pirate."

"Well, Aria is Queen of Omega. And this is where her hideout is, I took you to it and now you complain that it isn't what you expected!? By the sacred texts! Make up your mind!" Anto said angrily.

"Woah slow down there Mr. Grumpy head!" Junkrat said before he walked forward, "Me and Hogger have this all under control. We just walk in and-"

"Wait!" Anto said as he grumbled, "Follow my lead, and don't do anything stupid. One wrong look at Aria and she'll toss you guys out the airlock. So do as I say."

"Alright mate! Don't worry, me and Hogger will be like angels."

The Batarian sighed before he opened the door, the two Humans following him as they walked down the long white hallway, the music now getting progressively louder as they passed a few drunk alien patrons.

"Now remember... Don't do anything that could possibly attract attention to yourselves. The two of you are literally a new alien race that hasn't even been seen yet, and trust me, you don't want people drawing up conclusions."

"Got it." Junkrat said as he nodded before shivering in excitement.

"Okay, then lets go." Anto said before he opened the door, the three of them being greeted by loud blasting music as patrons were busy drinking and watching the dancers. "Alright... So far so go-"

"IS EVERYONE READY FOR JUNKRAT AND ROADHOG!?" Junkrat yelled out as he laughed maniacally before his eyes widened, putting his two hands on his mouth. However it was already too late, as the music stopped and every single living being turned their head to the group.

Anto face palmed whilst Mako shook his head.

There was a long pause before the music started up again as the dancing and drinking continued. Junkrat sighed in relief, "See? That wasn't so bad."

The Batarian turned his head to Roadhog, "How do you even deal with this?"

"...Don't know."

The three of them progressed through the crowd as they went up the steps, the Batarian guarding Aria's spot nodding as he let Anto and the two Human's pass. Anto gulped, hopefully it would work out well.

Otherwise, it was his head.

Outskirts of London

"-And that's why we stand here today... If it weren't for these brave men, woman, and omnic who risked their lives today, then injustice would have won out. We would like to thank them for the ultimate sacrifice they made." Morrison said as the coffins were evenly spread out in the middle, each one accentuated and decorated depending on what religion they corresponded with. "They knew what would happen when they decided to fight, and regardless they did so anyways. And that in of itself is the ultimate show of courage any soldier can proudly bare."

Everyone was there, those that weren't were listening to the broadcast as Morrison stood on the podium. Rael'Zorah sat at the front, alongside his daughter and most of his crew whilst the other seats either sat the families of the deceased or fellow agents and soldiers.

The Quarian hung his head down, almost feeling shame creep up to him.

Although the words of Winston still stuck in his head, it still wasn't the same as seeing the consequences he had wrought on these people. He had bought war to them, whether it was intentional or unintentional.

When the ceremony had ended, many families had gathered at the coffins of there loved ones. Some crying, some simply standing there with their heads hung down, all of them carrying the same sadness of loss with them. Rael couldn't help but feel as if he were the cause of it.

"Rael'Zorah?" A robotic voice asked.

The Quarian turned his head to see Zenyatta as the Omnic was dressed in traditional monk wear. "Zenyatta? What is with the new choice of clothing?"

"I'm dressed to pass on the rites of some of these soldiers. After all some of there families addressed me personally to see to their sorrow." Zenyatta paused before he looked up, his 3 by 3 optical sensors following. "You blame yourself for there deaths."

"Keelah... Did I make it that obvious?"

"You did not. It was your being that showed me." Zenyatta said. "I know Winston had a talk with you. Yet you are still troubled."

"How could I not be? These soldiers had families..."

Zenyatta paused before he put a hand on Rael's shoulder, "Pass into the Iris..."

Fields of Eichenwalde

And then suddenly Rael's world became non-existent blur before the two of them reappeared, Rael gasping out as the Quarian looked around. Zenyatta casually had his hands behind his back.

Rael looked up as he sputtered, "N-Next time warn me when you are about to do tha-" The Quarian realized something, "Wait... Why I do I feel... Conscious?"

"Because I wanted to show you something myself." Zenyatta said before he gestured to the open field. Rael looked around and realized they were littered with the parts of robots and tanks, almost like a graveyard.

"...What happened here?"

"A battle. Much like the Morning War your people hold scars of. For us, it was when the A.I's of the Omniums were programmed to wage war upon humanity." Zenyatta turned his head to Rael, "When I went on my sacred pilgrimage, this was the first place I visited. Where the ones before me attempted to commit genocide."

Rael looked on, shocked by the parallels between the war his people had and the war that occurred here. "What made it stop?"

"The Omnium's were shut down thanks to Overwatch, and I simply just... Appeared. Programmed like many other mechs. No one knows why, except that our programming was very similar to that of a thinking and learning human brain."

Zenyatta sighed, "However... That is a story for another time. I'm here to tell you... That I felt a huge amount of guilt when I arrived here, similar to what you felt." The Omnic pointed at the city, "Many of those peoples loved ones passed away upon this field, defending their home. And my forefathers were merciless, they had a right to hate my kind. I couldn't mend the gaping and terrifying wound between Humanity and Omnic..." The monk paused, "Until I remembered a quote from a very smart Human..."

He looked at Rael, "No amount of guilt can solve the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future. I needed to make amends and not give up. So I set out, ready to face the day onward. So what will you do Rael'Zorah? You feel guilt for something you may or may not have caused. Will you make amends?"

The Quarian paused as he looked out at the peaceful field. "Take us back."

Zenyatta paused before he nodded,

"Very well."

Outskirts of London

Rael'Zorah paused as he looked at Zenyatta, the Omnic nodding as Rael turned his head to the podium. Morrison was just getting down as Rael spoke, "Commander, can I use the podium for a second?"

The soldier paused before he nodded, walking off to talk to a few families.

Rael could feel his heart beat against his suit as he stepped up, his crew looking up as they tilted there heads, his daughter especially. What was he-?

"Hello? Can I... Get your attention for just a moment please." The Quarian said as he spoke onto the mic, the grieving families turned there heads to the Captain as he stood on the podium. "Now, many of you don't know me... And neither do I know you. My name is Rael'Zorah, I was the Captain of the ship that was forced to land on your planet whilst being chased." Rael let his words sink in before he continued, "I-I just wish to say that I am... Thankful, and words cannot express the amount of gratitude that me and my crew feel."

He turned his mask to his daughter, "Were it not for the actions your loved ones performed. Then my daughter, my crew, and myself would have been tortured and killed. Not even counting the hundreds slaves that were forced to endure unspeakable horrors under the Slavers cruelty. Your loved ones chose to fight against this, to fight and save our lives. I understand what it feels like to lose a loved one, yet I don't know how I can ever repay for their actions except give both my condolences and an apology... I'm sorry for your loss."

There was a long pause before they began to nod, most of them smiling as a few tears were shown. Rael did not expect for them to clap, and neither did he receive it. Which was fine by him. He had just wanted alleviate the pain of both himself and the families as he stepped of from the podium.

Zenyatta was waiting as the monk nodded at him. "Well spoken, Rael'Zorah."

PSF Spirit

Garrus sat on the bed of his room, the one they had given him seemed to be normal, with a single bed. He was a bit glad, most of the time they went overboard due to his Spectre status, but this time there was an exception. Regardless the Turian was busy unpacking his things.

He had taken out his civilian clothes before his hand paused, taking out a pendant. He had remembered his mother giving it to him before he had went off to C-sec, his father couldn't have been any more prouder.

And now here he was, a Spectre, something which his dad constantly disproved of now that his mother was gone. At least his sister was doing fine in the military, or the last time he had checked at least. He placed the pendant on a nearby table as he sighed out. His life was a complicated mess after another.

The Turian stood up from his bed before sighing, he might as well check on the others while he was on board. Of course he was tempted to find the weapons bay, calibrating was always a habit of his to pass up the time, right now some interaction would do him good.

He went to the door as it opened, walking down the hallway before passing a science lab. Mordin was currently in there, busy analyzing his lab equipment. Garrus opened the door as he walked in, the Salarian already turning his head.

"Ah, Vakarian. Did not expect company."

"What? Am I that anti-social?" The Turian asked, Mordin simply shook his head as the Salarian picked up a vial. "So, why did you come along on this first contact mission? Didn't Kirrahe say that you retired?"

"Because rare it is in a Salarian life time would I ever get the opportunity. After all, life span is only 20 years. STG sent a message that they wanted me to conduct research for them on the field to grasp nature of the new race. Couldn't pass up."

"Have anything solid about these newcomers yet?"

Mordin put a hand on his chin in thought before he began to pace, "Primitive albeit frequent amount of satellites orbit planets magnetic field, indicates pre-space travel stage. However sprawling cities on surface look advanced enough to be considered high tech. 71% of planet is covered in water, yet buildings are built on land, shows the species is non-aquatic." The Salarian paused, "Giant mech grabbing Batarian ship indicates-"

"Woah, slow down there Mordin." Garrus said as he digested what the Salarian said, "Did you just say giant mech?"

"Yes. Did they not show you the pictures?"

"Can't say they have. I'm guessing that's why the council is on edge about this whole thing? A species that hasn't even accomplished leaving there solar system was able to take down a Batarian slave vessel. They must have serious fire power."

"Absolutely. Fascinating yet terrifying if one were to think of it."

"You and me both." Garrus thought for a second before he asked another question, "So what about the STG? When I was in the my military days they made it sound like you guys were bad spirits that slit peoples throats in the middle of the night."

Mordin grinned lightly, "Wasn't all there was to it. Respected organization. Clandestine. Handles difficult assignments with limited oversight. Recon, analysis, occasional wet-work. Identifying problems, have neutralization options should the need arise. Almost like your Turian infiltration core that you call the Cabal."

"Yeah, but compared to the STG the Cabal literally are a bunch of mean spirits. Just look at Saren for proof."

The Salarian nodded, "I would agree."

"Well, I better get going." Garrus said as he began to walk away, not before turning his head to the scientist. "And by the way Mordin, you wouldn't happen to know where the weapons bay is?"

Mordin thought for a second before he looked up, "Down the hall, go right, then press up on the elevator"

"Alright thanks."

"No problem, must get back to work. Science lab won't set up self."

The door closed as Garrus walked down the hallway, his blue armor shining brightly as he walked up to the elevator. The windows outside now showing them zip by space as they were travelling to the relay.

The doors opened, revealing Wrex as the Krogan was busy waiting.

"Heh, Vakarian."

"Wrex." Garrus simply replied as he stepped in, the elevator moving at an excruciating pace. Wrex snorted as his face turned to that of annoyance.

"The most high tech frigate in the galaxy right now, and they still can't make this fucking thing move any faster."

"You and me both." Garrus said as he chuckled before turning his head, "So, hows everything settling for you?"

The Krogan shrugged, "Could be better, those Pyjaks don't know when to quit. I found one of them attempting to bug my room."

Garrus paused as he looked at Wrex with a stern face, "I hope you didn't do anything rash."

"Eh, I gave him a little warning."

The Turian didn't question further as the elevator stopped, now at the correct floor as he got off. "Looks like this is it. Don't cause any trouble Wrex."

"Ha! Wouldn't dream of it."

And then the doors closed, as Garrus passed a few Salarians and Turian's who were busy working. However his eyes caught a familiar Asari who was looking around the place. He tilted his head as he walked up to her.

"You, uh... Lost?" Garrus asked.

The Asari turned her head, revealing herself to be the Matriarchs daughter as she shook her head. "Oh, no. I came down here to explore the place. It is not everyday I get to see the inside of a Salarian stealth frigate."

Garrus shrugged, "I can relate." Before he continued, "Aren't you Liara T'soni? The Matriarch's daughter?"

Liara nodded in embarrassment, "I- Yes. I am her daughter. And you are...?"

"Garrus, Garrus Vakarian. I came down here to look for the weapon bay. Mordin said it would be here."

The Asari thought for a second before she turned and pointed, "I believe I came across a set of blast doors, I didn't look inside but it looked like that is where the cannons are operated."

"Right, thanks for the pointers."

"No problem, now I must get back. My mother wouldn't appreciate me wandering by my lonesome."

The two went there separate ways as Garrus reached the door, it opened as he walked inside and whistled. The Turian made Thanix weapons that were being used must have been top of line, and they seemed very well maintained.

"Can I help you Vakarian?"

Garrus turned his head to see Kirrahe sitting down on one of the nearby computers. "Yeah... You mind if I do some calibrations on the cannons?"

Kirrahe tilted his head, "Calibrations? Very well then. It makes my job easier anyways."

"Thanks. I'll try to boost there operating power by a few percent."

The Salarian shrugged, "What is the deal anyways? Did you simply come down here for that?"

"Er... Yes." Garrus embaricingly said. "It helps me pass up the time knowing that I'm doing something useful."

Kirrahe shook his head, "You would've made a good Salarian in another life Vakarian."

"Yeah? Well this is the one I have." The Turian said before he went to work, kneeling next to the weaponry.

Outskirts of London

Morrison took to walking after the funeral, the sun now setting upon the suburbs as the wind blew. The Commander had decided to get his clear his thought before he went back to his group. He reached a left behind Omnic walker, the robot remains had been left there after the crisis as it casted a shadow over the grass.

The Commander passed the wreckage before the shadows began to move.

"If your here to kill me, then you picked a really bad time."

There was a long pause before Reaper came out from the darkness, wearing a intimidating skull mask and a black trench coat, a wide away of weaponry was on the mans chest as his hands were idle.

"Hello... Boy scout..."

Morrison turned his head as he looked at Reaper, "Aren't you getting a little old for the whole dark and brooding act?"

"In case you haven't noticed, I can't get old. I simply just exist."

Morrison paused, "What do you want Gabriel?"

"Tell me where the Slaver Captain is." Reaper said as he stood deathly still.

"You know I can't do that Gabriel."

"Heh, I thought the new Overwatch was all about dispensing justice. Glad to see I was wrong."

Morrison gritted his teeth, "Don't even speak to me about justice you god damn mercenary. If I performed justice your way, then you would be dead for all of the friends and family you killed without mercy."

Reaper looked up, his face unreadable as it was hid behind his bone white mask as he crossed his arms, "I didn't stuff them in a tiny cubicle and force them to live in their own feces, now did I? Compared to me, that damn Alien deserves to die a million times over."

"We're not animals Gabriel. We have a judical system for a reason, Captain Farith will be put on trial for the crimes he committed." Morrison continued, "Anyways, what got you riled up for going all vigilante in the first place? You missing the old glory days?"

Reaper stared before he spoke, "I... Took lives that didn't deserve to be taken. Talon had me under their little thumb like a attack dog and it didn't help that I was played against everyone else like a fiddle." Reaper paused, "Sombra was the only one brave and crazy enough to actually betray Talon, and after that everything went to hell. Amelie is gone, I don't know what happened to her, and Doomfist spat on Talon after realizing they were creating war for profit rather then further Humanity. Last I checked he was somewhere in Africa, but he won't be a problem anymore."

"And you're telling me this because?"

Reaper paused, "Jack. I can't change what happened in the past. If things had gone differently, then we wouldn't be standing here as enemies... Yet here we are." Reaper let out a dark chuckle, "Ironic..."

Morrison digested what he had said before he turned around, "I'm going to pretend you were never here. Don't come back Gabriel, you've already caused too much damage. I hope even a devil like you can find atonement for his sins one day."

Gabriel looked up to the sky as he grunted, "As if..." And then he walked back into the shadow before disappearing.

Morrison sighed as he looked back before walking onward.


"Anto... Mind telling what the fuck this is?" Aria asked as the Asari glared at the two Human's that were currently being held at the walkway. The Batarian stuttered before he straightened himself.

"Boss, you're not going to believe what happened-"

"You better give me a good explanation or else I'm tying your ass to the airlock."

Anto gulped before he continued, "I was doing some spy work on Farith's case, and the damn idiot activated a derelict relay. He decided to enslave some pre-flight race that he found." Anto said, "But these primitives are dangerous, crazy, and advanced as hell! These two literally blew up half of the fucking ship before I convinced them that they could work for you!"

Aria paused as she gestured to let the two Humans in, the guards stepping to the side as Junkrat walked in, looking around the place like a curious child.

Roadhog got stuck in the doorway, his girth to big to even fit as the man struggled before finally squeezing himself in. Every guard in the room had there eyes widen, even Aria as the Asari blinked. The alien had to be the size of an Elcor whilst the other was as scrawny as a Vorcha.

The scrawny one immediately ran up to Aria, "Oooooh! Are you the boss?!"

Immediately everybody had a gun pointed at the man as Junkrats face drooped. Aria turned her head to Anto, "They already have a working translation?"

"Y-Yes Aria. I set it up... Though it's working better then I thought... Strange..."

Aria turned her head back to the junker, "Alright, enough bullshit. Sit down you two. I need to make something clear."

Junkrat immediately sat on the comfy couch, as did Roadhog, the giant man made the room almost shake a bit. Aria already felt the biggest headache she had in a hundred years, and that was a lot to say.

"First of all, let's get a few thing straight first." Aria said as she stood up, "Who the fuck are you two? And what do you want?"

Junkrat spoke out, "Oh, well... My name is Junkrat,-" He pointed to Roadhog, "And that's Roadhog. We're both Human, and we're looking for work!"

"Work? The first thing two newly discovered Aliens do is look for a job under the most ruthless warlord of Omega?" Aria narrowed her eyes, "Sorry, but I'm not buying this bullshit."

Roadhog and Junkrat looked at eachother before looking back, "Oi! We're not planning on anything shifty! I mean, we're all criminals here right?"

"Yes, but I need to know what you're also capable of that would make you two even worthwhile."

"Uh, boss... If I could suggest something." Anto said as he drifted close.

"What Anto?"

The Batarian coughed, "Maybe we could have the two of them do that protection job we had a while back. That damn Salarian still hasn't paid us back yet for building something on our space, I suggest we should do something about it." Anto continued, "If these two get themselves killed, then no big deal. If they pull it off, then it's better for us. Think of it like an internship."

Aria pondered for a moment before she looked back. "I have a job for you two."

"REALLY!?" Junkrat yelled loudly, briefly surprising the guards with his over the top behavior. "Just say it boss! We'll get on with it right away!"

The Asari sighed, "There's a Salarian named Xalor that hasn't paid his rent for a warehouse he built. Show him what happens when he doesn't treat things seriously. Anto will show you where his warehouse is."

"Wait..." Junkrat paused, "Are you telling us to destroy the building?"

"Yes. Is that a problem?"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT! C'mon Hogger! We got work to do!" Junrkat immediately ran outside followed by a lumbering Roadhog as Aria sighed, rubbing her temple with her two fingers as Anto followed the two Humans.

Aria sighed as she leaned back, her eyes closing as she shook her head.

"Those two are quite a handful aren't they?" A female voice asked.

Aria's eyes widened as her biotics flared up, every guard in the room turning there weapons to see another Human, lying casually on the couch. Aria could tell it was a she, as the Human inspected the room before smiling.

"Ah, sorry about the rude introduction. It's a force of habit for me." The girl stood up from the couch before she opened her coat, revealing a weapon as she dropped it to the floor. "I'm not here to start a fight."

Aria sneered, "Really? Is that why you used a stealth cloak to sneak inside my fucking place without my permission?"

"Ha... Cloak..." The Human said before she reached her hand out, "My name is Sombra. I believe we can help each other out. Here, let me show you something..." Sombra put her hands together before pulling them out, a few files showing on a purple holo screen. "This is the location of one of your opponents, that Turian named Rator. He's hiding out with his gang in one of the upper parts of the station."

Aria looked over it as she leaned back, "And what do you want in return?"

"Hmm... What makes you say that?"

"Don't play dumb with me Human. Everybody needs more of something. And they all come to me. Don't think for a damn second that you're an exception."

Sombra paused before she smiled, "Fair enough... I need a ride to the Citadel."

"The Citadel?" Aria asked as she grinned, "I can easily arrange one. But you'll have to sweeten the deal a bi-"

"Done. Check your mail."

Aria paused as she looked at her omni-tool, the mail currently showed a few files of the exact location of a secret hideout, as well as an added info dump of all of the Mercenary companies that stayed in Omega. Now she could check what they were up to for a time being.

"Hmph, that was child's play. So do we have a deal now?"

The Asari looked up before she spoke, "Go to the loading bay, my men have set up an old frigate for you to take. You know how to pilot it right?"

Sombra chuckled, "I don't need to..." The Mexican held out her hands in happiness, "See? Isn't this just great? I scratch your back, you scratch mine."

"Whatever, just remember the one golden rule... Don't-"

"-Fuck with Aria. Already read about it Senorita." Sombra said before she pressed her finger forward into the air, "Boop."

And then she was gone, fading from existence as her particles turned purple. The guards were briefly surprised as they took a step back, Aria watched before she shook her head, opening up her omni-tool

"Goddess... These Human's are too fucking much..." The Asari said to herself before turning her head. "Alright Moklan! Get the boys ready, we got a traitor to catch!"

The Fox and Bear

"I'm surprised..." Tonvar said as he sat in the booth, "I barely saw any damage on the way here. This hard light construction you people have is amazing..."

"That's Symmetra for ya, girl's a genius." McCree said as he bought a cup of bear to his mouth.

Currently the bar was packed full of people, both Omnics and Humans taking up every space. However non were as prevalent as the agents of Overwatch and the Quarian crew members as they filled up one part of the bar. Most had been there to celebrate the end of both the battle and the funeral.

And there were the Russian's. Needless to say, they lived up to their names as they quickly became the life of the party, yelling loudly in there native language before boisterous laughter was heard.

Reinhardt was speaking loudly as the German told stories of the recent battle, most people listening intently as Zarya stood at the side, smiling.

Angela and Morrison sat on the bar, the two of them conversing as they talked about the good old days. It seemed as if everything was perfect after the victory.

Meanwhile, upstairs a Quarian sat on the edge. The girl looking up to the night sky before sighing.

"Is something bothering you Tali?"

Her heart skipped a beat as she turned her mask, the cyborg stood at the doorway. "Keelah, you startled me for a second."

"I apologize..."

The Quarian smiled behind her mask, "Why are you not at the party?"

Genji shook his head as he came up to her, sitting beside her on the edge as the people celebrated on the street. "I don't drink. Which I must ask, why are you not with your brethren?"

"I... Don't know." Tali said as she looked at the sky again, "By the way... I'm sorry about before."

"Sorry? For what reason?" Genji asked.

"I-I made a little bit of a scene with my Father. But me and him had a talk before... I don't think we ever had such a thing ever since-" The Quarian paused.

Genji looked down, "If it is too much then do-"

"No, no... It's fine. We hadn't had a talk like that ever since my Mother had passed away. I feel as if he really understands me now, and he seems less stressed about what's going on around him."

The cyborg chuckled, "You will have to thank my master for that, he is capable of changing the way people think. Just as he did for me."

Tali nodded before she paused again. "By the way... You don't have to answer but... What happened to you? How did you meet Zenyatta?"

"Well... I suppose I should begin back when I was young." Genji's mask looked down, "I was born in the Shimada ninja clan which my Father was the leader of. I was the youngest child beside my brother Hanzo, and most of my youth consisted of being coddled and protected constantly despite the illegal business my clan was involved with. I excelled at training in stealth combat, but my lifestyle of privilege and luxury began to lead me to my downfall. Especially when my father died." Tali listened intently, "You see, he had wanted me to inherit his criminal empire, and my Brother Hanzo wanted me to take up a more active role in my Fathers empire, but I refused out of laziness... So our tension boiled over... and we both got into a big fight which left me near death."

"Keelah... That's what you mentioned when I asked last time."

Genji nodded, "I do not fault my brother for it, me and him have forgiven each other. Doctor Ziegler, the woman you met before... And Overwatch, had found me and rebuilt my body in exchange for me to take down my late Father's empire. I was transformed into a living weapon, and it worked for the time being. I had single handily put the entirety of the Clan into hiding. I was unstoppable." Genji paused, "But what use is a weapon once a battle has been won? I soon became repulsed with what I had become, I had thought my soul had been stained with the mechanical body you see before you. So I left Overwatch for the time being, travelling the world in search of meaning and purpose for why I existed. And then I met him..."

"Zenyatta?" Tali asked.

The Cyborg nodded, "At first he had approached me, offering me advice. Of course I pushed him away at the time, but he began to grow more persistent, offering me to come with him to the Omnic temple in Nepal. One day I gave in and followed his advice out of annoyance... And then I gradually warmed up, it was then I began to feel a change to myself as the words he spoke to me lifted weight after weight from my soul until he had me convinced."

Genji paused, "My human soul was intact, and my new body was a strength added to it. Needless to say, Zenyatta is an amazing person."

"Wow..." Tali said as she looked down in thought, "That's an incredible story."

Genji nodded before he turned his head to her, "And what of you?"

"M-Me? What can I say... I'm just a daughter of a fleet admiral who just came back from her pilgrimage, there's not much to talk about."

"Really? What of your pilgrimage? My master was talking about it at some point but I didn't have the time to ask what it was."

Tali turned her head as her glowing eyes could be seen past her mask, "Well, when a Quarian reaches young adulthood, we leave the fleet and bring back something value, something that could help or be useful to our dwindling shoestring resources, it's to show that you are a benefit to the fleet and not a liability."

"That sounds intriguing... But what of the fleet?" Genji asked.

"Ah, yes. The Migrant Fleet, my home. We don't have a planet to call our own and neither are we allowed to settle on one. So we live like nomads in a way, travelling around in a giant fleet of ships across the stars... After all home is a state of mind."

Genji nodded in understanding before he looked at her again, "And what did you bring back?"

"Heavily encrypted Geth data. It was hard for me to get a hold of but absolutely worth it. But it will take years to decipher it..." Tali paused as she looked back down, closing her legs together. "By the way... I-I wanted to ask you of something. I-I mean if it's not too much."

The Cyborg tilted his head, "Anything."

"My Father said we're scheduled to leave tomorrow night, but there's still so much to see on your world and so much to do. Do you think you can..." The Quarian paused again as she put her hands on her mask, "Keelah, I am so embarrassed..." She put her hands down. "But do you mind showing me around? I would love to see your culture and people."

Genji paused as the cyborg nodded, "Very well. Perhaps we can visit my hometown, Hanamura. There I can show you a good example of both Omnic and Human culture."

The Quarian placed a hand on Genji's hand as she smiled, "That would be perfect..."

There was a long pause between the two of them as Tali's eyes widened, taking her hand off of his. "Oh, uh... Keelah, my bad. I-I," The Quarian paused as she stood up, "I best be going. My Father might be looking for me."

"O-Of course... Do not let me hold you up."

Tali then walked away nervously as she went downstairs, Genji watching as he felt something he hadn't felt ever since he had been rebuilt. The fluttering of a beating heart.

He smiled behind his mask as he looked up at the night sky.

PSF Spirit

Garrus had finished up calibrating the weaponry as he wiped his brow plates. Standing up from his position, Garrus admired his handiwork before turning his head. "Alright, try it now."

Kirrahe entered a few commands before whistling, "Incredible. Productivity has been increased by 10%... How did you do it?"

"Heh, I just had knack for it back in my military days."

The intercom blared before a voice spoke, "Spectre Garrus Vakarian, please report to the bridge and await for debriefing."

Kirrahe looked up at it, "Sounds like they're calling for you. Best not keep them waiting."

"Right..." Garrus said before the Turian walked out the room. "I'll see you later Major."

"As to you Vakarian."

The door closed as the Spectre went on his way to the elevator.

PSF Spirit, Bridge

As soon as Garrus came of the elevator, he was barraged with a flurry of movement as both Salarian and Turian were at work, busy plotting out ways to reach the derelict relay. It almost reminded Garrus of his days in C-sec, but he had quickly dismissed the thoughts as he saw a Turian with white face paint approach him.

"Spectre Vakarian, it's a pleasure to serve."

Garrus shook his head, "No need for formalities lieutenant..." The Spectre paused before he realized something, "Wait, aren't you Adrien's son?"

The soldier nodded, "That I am, Tarquin Victus. At your service."

"What brings you here lieutenant? I didn't expect to find a whole bunch of Turian's on board a Salarian vessel."

Tarquin chuckled, "This vessel was technically designed with both races in mind Spectre. It's a military achievement. That is why my platoon was assigned to it, just think of it as added insurance."

"Right..." Garrus said as he turned his head, the bridge extended to a cockpit at the end of the hallway. A Salarian sat on the seat as he piloted the ship. "I'm gonna go check up on something else. It was good meeting you Tarquin."

"As to you Spectre Vakarian."

Garrus nodded as the lieutenant went on with his own business. The Spectre walked up, inspecting the sleek design of the inside, it was a surprise that this had even been designed by Turians, but he supposed the Salarians must have played a giant hand in the interior and effectiveness. He crossed his arms as he looked out the window.

"Enjoying the view?" The pilot asked.

"You bet. How long is it going to take until we arrive?"

"Probably a few hours if you were standing on Palavan or Sur'kesh. This is currently the fastest ship in the galaxy, after all. I helped design this beauty."

"Really now?" Garrus asked, "How did that work out?"

"Well for starters, there was only a team of 7 Salarians compared to 20 Turians... But we cooperated quite well. They had some unique idea's for the weaponry and the layout, but the navigation, piloting, and programming..." The Salarian put a hand on his chest, "You can thank us Salarians."

"Sounds like you take a lot of pride in this ship." Garrus reasoned. "What's your name?"

"Kallo Jath. You're Garrus Vakarian right? The Spectre."

"Can't say that I'm not. Keep up your eyes on the vector Kallo, you're doing a good job so far."

"Thanks, means a lot coming from a Spectre." The Salarian said as he turned his head back, his focus now on piloting the ship. Garrus turned his head as he saw someone exit out of the elevator.

It was Matriarch Benezia.

"Spectre Vakarian." The Asari said.

Garrus bowed his head respectively, "Matriarch."

Benezia paused before she nodded in approval. "Come with me. We're awaiting for your presence." Benezia said as she walked away

"Yes Ma'am." Garrus replied as he slightly tilted his head towards Kallo as the Salarian gave him a shrug. The Turian shook his head before walking forward, following the Asari to a meeting room beside the bridge.

The room was set up, as the councilor's were on holographic display.

"Hmph, Vakarian. Nihlus decided not to accept?"

Garrus gritted his teeth, if there was one Turian besides Pallin that he didn't get along with, it was Sparatus. "No... He was too busy, so he entrusted me with the mission."

"I... See." Sparatus said. "I knew I should have called for Saren."

"Not a good idea, he is too ruthless for something like this, and besides... We couldn't contact him for some reason. He has been gone for a while." Valern said before his projection turned back, "How is the status of the mission so far?"

"We're currently halfway there to the relay, Kallo suspects that we'll be there within a few hours." Garrus responded. Valern nodded in understanding as Matriarch Benezia walked up next to Garrus.

"There's also another matter councilor. What must we do if we encounter the Quarians?"

"Quarians?" Garrus asked, this was new info to him. "What is all this talk of Quarians?"

"Oh, my apologies. I assumed the councilors had already told you." Benezia said as she glared at Tevos. There was a long pause before the Asari Councillor spoke.

"It was the Quarians that opened it first, but the Batarians that seemingly attacked the new race after following the Quarians through the relay. It's a political mess right now and it needs to be dealt with."

Garrus frowned as he looked up, "While I'm not to enthusiastic with the fact that the Quarians broke citadel law, I'm gonna come out and say that the Batarians are the bigger problem here."

Sparatus grunted, "Yes, yes... Of course. But if you come across the Quarians. Then give a report back to us as soon as possible. We'll decide what reprimands need to be made."

Garrus Vakarian paused before he nodded begrudgingly. "Very well... Sir..."

The Councillors then signed off, there holograms disappearing as Garrus sighed. Benezia looked at him as she tilted her head slightly.

"You sound frustrated? Why is that?"

"How can I not? The Slavers are clearly a bigger problem here, but all the council cares about is shoving there weight on those that aren't deserving. If I knew it would be like this most of the time, I would have stayed a detective for C-sec."

Benezia seemed perplexed, "Regardless, both me and you have a job to do. And that is to represent our races to the best of our ability."

"...Right." Garrus said, "Now if you excuse me, I'm going back to the weapons bay."

The Turian left the doorway as Benezia paused, slowly bringing her omni-tool up as her eyes lost focus. She typed a few commands, messaging someone before she quickly put it down, looking around before walking away.

Something was not right.

Nigerian Savanna

A giant figure stood at the edge of the grassland, the morning sun slowly rising over the horizon as a giant dusty shroud covered his entire appearance. He stared at the sunrise, the giant city of Numbani could be seen, but merely as a spec.

An elderly man slowly came up beside the man as he stood alongside him.

"Are you sure you must go? It will be dangerous out there."

The hooded figure merely shrugged as he kept staring at the horizon.

The Elder sighed, "Very well. It is not my place to decide what you should and shouldn't do." The tribesman gestured to the horizon, "If this is what you wish then so be it. But just remember that we will be here for you as you were for us."

The hooded figure turned his head to see the rest of the village, all of them looking at the figure with looks of uncertainty yet hope. The figure turned his head back to the dawn as he spoke. His voice deep.

"I cannot sit around here. Not after what I heard. Although it sounds to good to be true there is only one way to be sure. Therefore I must go."

"We will miss you."

"I know."

The figure walked forward, drawing back his shroud as his giant metallic gauntlet revealed itself.

Doomfist stared at the horizon, his face unreadable as the man looked onward.

"Take care of yourselves, for conflict is coming."

Akande Ogundimu then walked forward, jumping off the cliff before landing, the ground cracking beneath him as he used his gauntlet as a cushion.

His curiosity piqued with the news of a wide and violent galaxy.

And that's a wrap. I might have missed a few spelling mistakes but it shouldn't too bad. No teaser this time, I'm still thinking up a storyboard for the new chapter, and so far I have some pretty great ideas, the only problem being that I can't make up my mind so far on which one is better. So I'll have to decide sooner or later. Feel free to PM me if you don't mind getting spoiled for the next chapter, I'm struggling between two ideas right now.