Reviews for Five Worlds War: Fairy Tail Campaign
TwistLuck.L chapter 168 . 11/9/2019
Guest chapter 95 . 10/20/2019
"The only way death will ever take him is if Death himself is more persistent than he is." When pantherlilly talked about gajeel has so much irony in it because gajeel might as well have fought death himself against bloodman. And the best part is that this line was written before that chapter so it almost makes me think Hiro mashima does read fanfictions about his show
No Idea What to Name This chapter 168 . 9/22/2019
AHA AFTER TWO YEARS OF SLUMPS, ISSUES, AND OTHER LIFE THINGS, I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED THIS FIC. WHAT AN AMBITIOUS READ AND WHAT A WILD RIDE. Seriously tho, you can really feel the care and love that went into this fic’s making and it’s truly one of a kind. You can track the writing’s improvement and all the crossover interactions made me squeal. Honestly, what a great fic
OmegaTakuTachi chapter 50 . 4/21/2019
I sort of think that everyone in the Naruto world could dominate the Fairy Tail world solo
OmegaTakuTachi chapter 46 . 3/3/2019
What about Sasori x Sherry?
OmegaTakuTachi chapter 36 . 3/2/2019
Omg thank you for this blessed Naruto moment! Thank you author-sama!
OmegaTakuTachi chapter 28 . 3/2/2019
Can Naruto have more screen time?
OmegaTakuTachi chapter 4 . 3/1/2019
Kinda confusing cuz in Naruto there is ANOTHER Satori?
OmegaTakuTachi chapter 1 . 3/1/2019
At least not Gruvia please!
VSNO chapter 169 . 12/17/2018
absolutamente fantástico el fanfinction mas epico que he leido eres increible buen trabajo buen trabajo la historia perfecta alucinante y divertida, aunque los combates no todos fueron de mi agrado solo opinion personal pero son cosas menores hasta me siento grosero siquiera menciónandolos pero los dire ahora que acabo de terminar de leer esta parte, debiste demostrar el poder de boa hancock es uno de los personajes femeninos más fuertes y debiste darle la oportunidad de demostrarlo espero que lo rectifiques en las próximas campañas, la batalla de ichigo y naruto contra kuma debiste ponerlos contra cocodrilo y orochimaru hubiera sido interesante y kuma contra gildaris se hubiera tenido una epica lucha cada uno demostrando su poder. espero que se de y en el prólogo debiste mostrar toda la batalla de los actos del orden hubiera sido entretenida y emocionante si tienes tiempo asla aparte no todos los días se ve a natsu, naruto, ichigo, y luffy combatir entre sí y no creo que otro pueda hacerlo como tu lo haces ya que todo esta magnificamente hecho perdon por cualquier malentendido u ofensa al escribir esto adiós.
King of Fans chapter 24 . 11/29/2018
Good chapter

I like how Robin made a strong connection with anko.

I agree anko is greatly underutilized. She is amount the top 10 underused naruto charters.

I saw what the weapon was from a mile away.
King of Fans chapter 23 . 11/29/2018
Good chapter

True he is makeing peaple hate sasuke more.

Yay Erza would of not have been able to count that.

I really like the fight with Natsu and kakashi.
At first I was going to get a little angry that you let kakashi keep the most plot holl power up in anime. Than I changed my mind with two reasions.
1.) Kakashi can only sustain his invenibility for a few minutes before running out of energy.
2.) if kakashi leads a division the ninja at the very least needs to be able to fight on pare with some of his strongest Warriors. Otherwise morale will drop.

Interesting idea with the black flames. My guess why natsu did not do the same thing that allowed him to eat black flames the first is because natsu did not have enough Magic energy, or natsu did not want to risk his life by useing at all his magic energy.

That is a good question. What dose fire taste like, and how dose kakashi breath fire through the fabric.

Nice charter interactions.

Thank you for not letting naruto and sasuke keep there god powers. It would make them why to OP for the story, and that power its way to fanficion like know to begin with, in the worst possible way.

I see Bartomeo has expanded his merchandise and ideals.

I like kagura's reaction to katakura town.

I also like the idea of useing the presuppose would be a hyper bollic time cheaper.
It will allow for major training very fast.

I agree with you that the Quincy King is the strongest of all the acts of chaos.
The man literally has the ice cream stores of OP powers.

Lastly I would love a Erza calendar.
King of Fans chapter 22 . 11/29/2018
Good chapter

I appeared that the allies need some form of mental/ spiritual surgery.

I love the seen with Kisuke this chapter.

I also liked the way sabo got his troops approval. So of his power, and increasing the bond with others.

I really like the seens with hinata and luffy this chapter.

Why dose it not surprise me that the snake wants some new powers.

Lastly I agree with the basics of power system power system for the most part. With two exceptions.
1.) I personally see the warlords as being closer to Kage I terms of power if we compare kuma's feet and Arsenal to the 6 paths of pain, and crocodile to garra.

2.) do to fairytales final arc and the huge gape between each of the wizard saints there proble a margin of error. Some can be said with the warlords considering the power different story between Mihack, Ginbei, and moria.
King of Fans chapter 21 . 11/29/2018
Good chapter

Don't worry you will get your wish with the warlord.

Yay sasuke is being sasuke agen. And no one's going to punish him for it

True ichigo in terms of book smarts, is definitely smarter than naruto, natsu, and luffy combined.

I really like zoro conferring kagura about her sword.

I also like the idea of them mixing powers and character becoming stronger. It makes thing more interesting.

Lastly I am curious that the shop keeper has to say, considering he is the smartest person in the intelligence division in terms of science.
If had to guess it is do to the world being connected now, or the fact everyone technically has the potential to use the basics any power, although unlocking or using that power my not be as good as those from a different world in that field.
King of Fans chapter 20 . 11/29/2018
I real like this chapter

It shows off many of the enemies well.

I also like seeing the division fight over morality. It helps gives each group a unique cultural standpoint.
Instead of evenly one being buddy, buddy 24/7.
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