Well, this is it, the final chapter… It took a long time, and I am admittedly not happy with the whole thing… It was hard trying to come up with the last three chapters, and in the end, I decided to forget about putting too much effort into making them good. So long as there is some sort of happy ending that is understandable, I think that should suffice…

This will be a lesson to me from now on not to stand a story on a whim…

I apologize to all who found the last three chapters lackluster…

Final Chapter
Justice Has Been Achieved

With Brainiac defeated, the incident that terrorized Mustafa City was finally over. Naturally, the people of this world were curious about what exactly happened. The appearance of someone who claims to be an alien from a different dimension and the appearance of never-seen-before heroes raised so many questions that there was no way a world filled with superhero fanatics could sit back down quietly and not get to the bottom of things.

The Justice League knew well that this was something that could not be suppressed. Now that the folks of this world had seen so much, they decided that it was for the best that they reveal the truth to this world, regardless of whether or not they would believe this or what their reaction would be.

While some of the League members were securing Brainiac's ship and the mastermind himself so that nothing bad happened, the important members consisting of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, the Flash, and Martian Manhunter were currently present at a press conference held to reveal information to the public.

Well-known heroes of the city, the news press, law enforcers, important people, and even normal citizens were present at the place to hear answers. More or less the whole world was currently watching this on their TVs.

Among the heroes present, All Might was one of them. Seated up front in the audience, he thought to himself mentally as he looked at the League members standing on the stage, "I hope the folks here will take this news well… For all we know, this experience may make them think that the existence of another universe is a threat to them…"

When the press conference officially started, Superman went to the podium and spoke into the microphone, "I thank you everyone for being present here! I'm sure all of you have questions regarding the shocking incident that has never happened before in the history of this world. Rest assure that I will be explaining everything and also give answers. You may find what I am about to say unbelievable and perhaps even laughable, but I assure you that everything I am saying is true. There are even some people present among you that can testify to this."

Shouta, who was sitting next to All Might, said, "Honestly, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this multiverse thing, even after going through all those…"

"You can say I'm willing to believe everything after the advent of Quirks," All Might said to him.

Superman then began explaining to everyone. He told them that they come from an alternate universe where superheroes and people with powers exist, just like the one here, albeit there are differences in how things operated and that the population of people with powers is actually quite low, especially when compared to this world.

He explained to them that they are known as the Justice League and that they are the most well-known superhero organization back in their world.

The audiences were at the edge of the seats as Superman explained to everyone all these. Many of them were in awe, especially scientists who had previously brought up the theory of the multiverse.

Noticing the looks on the people, the Flash said, "Heh! I always love reactions like these!"

After a few minutes of talking, Superman was finally done, and then he asked if anyone had questions they would like to ask. Immediately, several people raised their hands, and many bombarded him nonstop with questions loudly, not caring the fact whether or not he could understand them like this.

"What is your Quirk?

"How powerful are you?"

"Are you like the All Might of your world?"

"Are you serious about everything you said?"

"Aliens really do exist in your world?!"

"Are there any famous Japanese superheroes in your world?"

"Can I have your autograph?"

Superman desperately tried to tell them to slow down and that he would take time to answer them. "I'm glad it's not me standing up there…" said the Flash, a bit frightened by the amount of questions Superman was bombarded with.

"You know they're come for each of us sooner or later," Martian Manhunter reminded him in a somewhat humorous tone.

"Oh, they'll never find me! I'll be gone in a flash!" replied the Flash with a smirk.

"The red hero with a lightning bolt on his costume! May I interview you?" a female reporter standing at the side of the stage said to the speedster. She had a small group of people with her.

Hearing this, an excited smile appeared on the Flash's face, and then he rushed over to them, "Sure! I'll gladly answer you everything I can!"

Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman stared at him, and the latter said, "Who was it that said he wanted to avoid this…?"

"You know his personality," the Martian said to her with a slight chuckle.

While all this was going on, the League of Villains were in their hideout someone unknown to the public, watching the news talking about this.

Tomura had a look of frustration as he watched the TV, and then he turned to All For One and said, "Teacher, are we just going to let those heroes get away with this?! We were so close to victory, and it has been robbed from us! If it weren't for the heroes of the…"

"Calm down, Shigaraki," All For One said to him. "While our loss is disappointment, what matters most is that we managed to make it out alive and well. We even managed to rescue Twice before he was taken away by the authorities! So long as we are not captured, there is always the chance to plot revenge and try again."

"What about the villains from the other world? Will we be in touch with them again?" Spin asked him.

"I have the feeling that this likely won't happen again," replied All For One. "Perhaps this is for the best. I'm sure they are back in their own world now, and I hope that they will have better luck in the future."

That evening, the Justice League were making preparations to return to their own world. With Cyborg's help, they were able to get Brainiac's ship up and running, the reason being that they were going to use it to get back to their own world, and Brainiac was currently prisoner within the ship in an unconscious state.

While League members with good knowledge on machinery were working on getting the spaceship prepared, Superman and some of the others were outside, standing face to face Class 1-A and most of the pro heroes of this world.

All Might was standing up front, in front of Superman. "It's been an honor fighting alongside you!" the former said to the latter.

"Same here! We managed to save this world together!" Superman said to him. "But what about the villains of your world? They escaped during Brainiac's invasion, right?"

"That is indeed a problem, but worry not, I am sure that we will be able to find the League of Villains again and bring an end to them!" All Might said to him. "You should worry about the villains who escaped back to your world."

"Don't worry about that," Superman told him. "Running into them and fighting them is a common occurrence. We'll bring them to justice in no time!"

Izuku walked up next to All Might and said to Superman, "Do you really have to go now?"

Superman nodded in response. "Indeed, we have to go now. We have to get back to our own world before Brainiac gets back up and escapes. He has caused enough damage to your world already, and we do not want that to happen again. Rest assure that we will make sure he never comes back here!"

"If this makes you better, we can still meet again!" the Flash told Izuku. "Remember that traveling between universes is a norm for us!"

"Right! I'm sure we can meet each other again!" said Izuku with excitement. "It has been very exciting knowing you heroes and fighting alongside you! You've really expanded my beliefs regarding heroes! I never thought I would be able to meet heroes from another universe, let alone the fact alternate universes even exist!"

"The world is much bigger than you think, kid!" the speedster told him.

The students who had been taken to the Justice League's world previously then came over to say things to the heroes before they leave. "Thank you for taking of us while we were there! And thank you for teaching us about being heroes! I'll definitely make good use of what you taught us!" Ochako said to them, and then she turned her attention to Batman. "And… I'll definitely put priority of peoples' lives over the thought of making money, so don't worry…!" She sounded a bit scared when she said that while looking at him.

"I hope you and your family live a rich and happy life too," Batman said to her.

Tenya and the Flash walked up to each other. "It's been an honor meeting a speedster hero from another world!" the former said to him. "I appreciate the speed-related tricks that you taught me! I will definitely put them to use!"

"Good luck with that! I know you can do it!" said the Flash while placing his hand on his shoulder. "Keep on running, Tenny!"

Fumikage and Raven faced each other, and the latter said to him, "I hope you will be able to control your Dark Shadow much better."

As if responding to what she said, Dark Shadow came out of Fumikage's body and looked at her, even nodding a bit. "Worry not, for so long as this darkness is a part of me, it will always be under my guidance," Fumikage told her. "Our time together may be short, but I have already learned that you, too, have a dark power that you have trouble controlling at times. I wish you best of luck controlling it as well! Just because you have a power associated with darkness does not mean you are evil!"

"Thanks for those comforting words! I will definitely keep my powers under control!" Raven happily said to him.

Katsuki said to Robin, "I'll have to admit you are something, even if you don't have powers, but… no offense, I still think having powers make you more powerful."

"It does help, but you should never underestimate those without powers," Robin told him.

"Ha! That's not going to be a problem at all! Remember that you lost to me!" Katsuki reminded him, which made Robin grumble under his breath.

Denki and Black Lightning were talking to each other. "Man, I wish I could've gotten to know you longer when I was over in your world!" Denki said to him. "The way you use your electric powers is cool! I can learn a few tricks from you!"

"Yeah, it was a shame we couldn't get to know each other longer," Black Lightning said to him. "You're still young, so there are still rooms for improvements!"

"You bet I'm going to increase more voltage even more!" Denki said to him.

"Start off by learning how not to fry your brain first," Mina said to him in a joking manner.

"Actually, that is a good start…" Denki said to her, and this made Black Lightning confused because he doesn't know about Denki's Quirk's drawback.

Tsuyu said to Beast Boy, "Before you go, can you change into a frog again?"

"You really like frogs, huh? Duh! I'm asking a dumb question! Haha!" said Beast Boy with a laugh. He then transformed into a small frog, and then Tsuyu picked him up.

"Nice! I really want to show you doing this to my siblings!" said the frog girl.

Mei was looking at the spaceship with sparkling eyes. Noticing this, Superman asked her, "I bet you're interested in it, right?"

"You bet! I really want to go in there and inspect everything!" she said.

"It's probably best not to, because you'll never know what sort of dangerous things Brainiac has in there," Superman said to her. "One wrong button and you might unintentionally shrink an entire city…"

"Mistakes happen all the time," Mei told him. "I've burned up my lab more times than you can count, and it always returned to normal with a bit of cleaning afterwards!"

"Yeah, you really shouldn't be touching it…" said Superman, sounding worried.

Just then, Batman received a contact from Cyborg. "This is Cyborg. Everything is more or less ready in here," he told the Dark Knight. "We can leave whenever you are ready."

Batman said he understood and then told the others that they were ready to leave and even suggested that they should leave now before Brainiac wakes up and cause trouble again.

"Well, I guess this is it," said Superman.

Both sides said their last farewells to each other, and when they were done, the Justice League went aboard the spaceship. Everyone else waited outside for something to happen.

After a short while, the spaceship's engine started, and then the ship slowly floated into the air, much to the surprise of the others. The spaceship floated high into the air, and after rising several meters, it let out a bright light that almost blinded everyone.

When the light disappeared, the spaceship was gone as well.

"They're gone…" said Shouto.

"I'm sure they've returned to their own world already," said Momo.

"Man, I still can't believe that we've met heroes from another universe!" said Eijiro. "I really wish to see them again! We should take our whole class over there next time!"

"Great idea if you ask me!" Mina said to him. "I still haven't had enough fun there!"

"That's a great idea and all, but don't let this exciting idea keep you from your studies!" All Might said to him. "I know! Maybe you can write a report about your time there as a homework and tell everyone in class about it!"

"What?! The world has just been saved and you want to give us homework already, and only for US?!" Katsuki said to him in shock and frustration.

"Actually, I think this is a good idea," said Shouta, walking up next to All Might. "Other than Mei, since she's not my student, the eleven of you who went to that world will write a report about your experiences there. Just write down what happened there and how you felt. That shouldn't be too hard, should it?"

"I don't mind at all!" said Izuku. "I can write an entire book about my experience there! I totally don't mind this homework at all!"

And so, peace returned to Mustafa City. It was an experience the people of this city and even the world has never experienced before. That day, the world became even more exciting to them. Alternate dimensions have finally been proven true after years of theorizing, and superheroes exist in other universes as well.

Though the heroes of the other world have returned to their own world, the world of Quirks remains excited at the thought that they may be able to receive visits and contacts from them again in the future.

When that will happen is unknown, but for now, it was business as usual.

Also, the world once again celebrates the fact that All Might is once again back in duty and the number one hero of the world.

The world feels much safer than before!






All right, that's a wrap! I'm glad to finally get this story out of the way! I can't say I'm too happy with how things turned out. I started this story because I thought it was an awesome idea that nobody else seems to be doing, but ended up making the mistake of starting it before I planned things out properly. I have learned that one should never start a story on impulse. I hope you all remember this as well. This may likely be one of the reasons many stories on this site never got finished.

I think I did the best I could. Indeed, there are parts that I wish could've been done better, and if there is a way, I would like to redo them.

I apologize for keeping readers waiting for so long for this story to finish. For those of you still around, thank you for sticking with me to the end!

I'm hoping someone else does the same with Marvel in the future. Even though I have no plans in making a similar crossover with that franchise, I would still love to see it happen! Seriously, don't people get bored reading and writing stories of "Spider-Man goes to Mustafa" all the time…?

Well, that's it for now. Please look forward to my next story, whatever it is and whenever it will come!

God bless you all!