Chapter 1: The Shonen Summit

(Note: Info on which anime will be

included at the bottom)

Hidden Leaf Village

"Madame Hokage! Madame Hokage!"

Said Hokage looked up from her desk, her confused gaze resting on her office door, as her raven haired assistant stumbled through her door, a large scroll under her arm.

"What is it Shizune?" questioned the blonde buxom beauty as the scroll was handed to her. Giving the parchment a scrutinizing look, Tsunade took note of the intricate wax seal that closed the scroll, the seal was scarlet red, an intricate design of a black dove encompassed by strange writings in a language she didn't recognize. The color scheme and design disturbingly reminded her of the Uchiha's feared Sharingan eye, and wherever that cursed eye was, death seemed to follow. Breaking the ominous seal off and unraveling the scroll, she quickly scanned over the words, her eyes growing wider and wider with each passing word .

"Is this someone's idea of a joke?!" the woman asked angrily. If it was, she was certainly not laughing. Tsunade shot a sharp glare at the raven haired girl, causing her to shrink away from the angered sannin.

"I-I've already had it checked for genjutsu by Kurenai; Ibiki and Anko checked the handwriting, it belongs to him, and according to anbu reports, the Kazekage, Tsuchikage, Raikage, and Mizukage all had scrolls with the same seal delivered to them in the past week." The young apprentice reported.

Tsunade slumped back into her chair, pinching the bridge of her nose. She was getting too old for this shit.

"Madame Tsunade?" Shizune questioned with a look of concern. Tsunade was faced with a difficult decision. If this was someone's idea of prank and she ended up entertaining it, she would be made a fool of a kage, but if this was legitimate...She had to make a decision.

"Seal off the building and get me Team 7, I want contacts with all of the other kage that have received this scroll, " The Godaime Hokage commanded standing up. "This is an S-ranked secret, punishable by death. No one is to know of this without my explicit permission, understand!?"

"Yes, Madame Hokage" Shizune said before disappearing out the door, off to fulfill her Hokage's commands.

Now alone, Tsunade fell down back into her chair rubbing her temples. "I thought we would be done with this weird shit after Naruto and Sasuke dealt with Madara,"

The Hokage sighed before reaching under her desk and taking a swig of her "emergency" sake. She released a sigh of bliss as the burning elixir ran down her throat.

"I'm definitely too old for this shit."


"Natsu! Long time no see!"

Standing in the grand ballroom of the Flower Light's Palace, also known as Mercurius, home of Fiore's king, was Fairy Tail's most destructive Dragon Slayer, Natsu Dragneel. Gathered in the ballroom were the the royal upper class of the nation, as well as the top guilds in Fiore, Sabertooth, Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale, the independent guild Crime Sorciere, and the number one strongest guild, Fairy Tail.

"Yo! Sting, how ya been?" asked the Salamander, "I haven't seen you since Tartarus,"

"Yeah it's been a while," said the Sabertooth leader, "I heard you guys took down the Spriggan 12? You must've gotten a lot stronger to have pulled that off,"

"Oh really?" an excited grin presented itself on the fire dragon slayer's face, before enclosing his hand in a ball of fire "We can fight right now if yo-" Bonk!

The potential fight was interrupted by the a certain Titania slamming the two dragon slayer's heads together, knocking them out.

"Don't you dare start any fights Natsu," the scarlet haired mage scolded glaring down at the crumpled heap of wizard on the floor. "The master is about to speak"

Said guildmaster and wizard saint stepped out and hopped up onto the balcony, causing all conversations to hush.

"Oi! Gramps!" Shouted out Fairy Tail's newly discovered ice devil slayer. "Can you tell us why we're all here?" the ice stripper said causing others to voice their confusion.

"In a moment Gray, but first there are some there is a matter of utmost importance to discuss" Makarov stated settling the crowd.

"Now," the wizard saint started "First, i would like to thank all of you for coming on such short notice, i know many of you are still recovering from the battle against Tartarus last month. Now, while this is difficult to believe i do wish you would all indulge me." Now he had everyone's full attention, he just prayed that he could keep it. "As some of you may know, several years ago Fairy Tail was dragged into a parallel world known as Edolas, a place where magic is a limited resource. This was history's first ever instance that confirmed the existence of parallel worlds, but Edolas is apparently just the tip of the iceberg," Murmurs of confusion and apprehension rippled through the crowd as the new news hit them.

"What do you mean the tip of the iceberg, Makarov?" Questioned Makarov's fellow wizard saint, Jura.

Makarov took a moment to prepare himself "The council has recently received a notice from a world other than Edolas, requesting that representatives be sent for a peace summit with other worlds of significant powers," the old man stated solemnly.

Murmurs made waves through the crowd. While something as strange as parallel worlds wasn't too rare in the world of Fiore, it came with heavy implications.

"Hold it gramps," came the call of Fairy Tail's lightning dragon slayer, Laxus "Just how many other worlds are there? And which one of them contacted us?"

"Laxus, my boy, there are an infinite amount of parallel worlds, with a new world created every passing second." Using magic he drew a line of golden light in the air in front of himself. "Think of this line as our world," he then drew three lines to right of the golden one, the closest being red, than blue, than green.

"Edolas is a universe very close to us, therefore it is very similar," he said pointing to the red line. "But as you get farther away," he said pointing and the next two lines "the differences become more apparent, until you reach worlds unrecognizable compared to our own," He then waved his hand, dispersing the magic.

"As for the world that contacted us," Makarov mused while stroking his mustache. "They are known as Shounen, an omnipotent world that acts as the center of all dimensions, keeping them separate and balanced, but according to their letter, they are no longer able to keep the worlds apart, so to avoid interdimensional war, they are calling this peace summit. And as such the council has requested that only the strongest wizards, from strongest guilds represent our world. And so," Fairy Tail's master reached into his shirt, pulling out a scroll, before unraveling it, "here I have a list of the wizards selected and what their roles shall be,"

Every wizard in gathered in the ballroom was on the edge of their non-existent seat as they eagerly awaited to see if they would be chosen for this exciting new world.

"First, upon request from Shounen, a historian needs to be selected, the council has spoken and has chosen...Hibiki Lates and Levy Mcgarden!" The old man announced.

"Wh-what? Me? " Stuttered the petite young girl. "But I'll probably just mess it up" she said looking down,"

"Oi!" Came the rough cry of Gajeel to her left, who was sitting on the catering table chewing some scrap metal, "you were chosen so ya don't have a choice! So quit feelin' sorry for yourself and just do it," scolded the iron dragon slayer.

Everyone couldn't help but deadpan at the iron dragon slayer's blunt comment but all Levy could do was let out a bright smile. "I'll do it, thanks Gajeel"

Blushing a little at her brilliant grin, the former Phantom member just avoided eye contact while muttering "honestly, such a troublesome girl"

"Fret not young maiden" interjected Hibiki, "I shall take care of -ACK!" The hundred knight was sent flying into a wall when a large metal pole rammed him in the side of the head before retracting back into Gajeel's hand, who then silently went back to eating.

"Ehem" interrupted Makarov "Wendy has already agreed assist Porlyusica in representing Fiore's medical prowess.

Now for the guild representatives. Representing Lamia Scale: Jura Neekis!"

"Yes, Makarov," accepted the Wizard Saint, "I shall not disappoint,"

"Next from Sabertooth: Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, and Minerva. As well as Mermaid Heel's sole representative: Kagura Mikazuchi " Getting nods of confirmation from all of the mentioned wizards, Makarov moved on.

"Now from Fairy Tail," absolute silence filled the room as the wizards stood in barely contained suspense as they awaited to find out who would be representing Fiore's number one guild.

"First, we will be sending all of our S-Class Wizards. This includes Erza Scarlet, Laxus Dreyar, and Mirajane Strauss,"

"Wow," muttered Laxus, slightly impressed, "they're even sending Mira, this is pretty serious,"

"Now even though the council strongly recommended that only S-class wizards be permitted to go on this trip, there is no denying that these wizards are more than capable of attending, and so, also representing Fairy Tail: Elfman Strauss, Gray Fullbuster, Gajeel Redfox and Lucy Heartfillia," a wave of murmurs rippled through the crowd as it seemed that everyone's favorite salamander was left out of the trip.

"Oi," called out Gray, "are you sure abou-"

"Now," interrupted the guild master,"the final guild being represented will be Crime Sorciere: Jellal Fernandes and Erik," Immediately after this announcement an uproar exploded in the ballroom at the announcement, causing the former criminals to grimace.

"How are going to leave out Natsu but include these criminals?!"

"They should be imprisoned!"

"They'll just betray us!"

The wizards looked around confusedly at the gathered nobles who were had caused the uproar. Growing angry at their ignorance.

"Erik..." started the former wizard saint

"I know," replied the poison dragon slayer "I can hear them,"

"SILENCE" cried a certain Titania

All eyes turned to the scarlet haired wizard as she raised her magical power and voice. Fairy Tail's strongest female looked down, her crimson bangs cast over her eyes as she took deep breaths, calming herself.

"I have fought both against and with the two wizards," She finally breathed out, "and can say without a doubt that they can be trusted, both have worked very hard to try to rectify their sins, and are attempting to change themselves as well as the world. They fought hard against the dragons that invaded this very town. I believe that people can change, and if anyone objects," Erza requipted a sword in her hand and stepped between the nobles and Crime Sorciere, while Gray stood next to her beginning to frost, along with a sparking Laxus. "You'll have to go through Fairy Tail,"

"If Erza trust's them," said Kagura "then they have Mermaid Heel's blessing" she stated nodding at the Fairy Tail Wizards. Erza simply smiled at her, remembering a time where Kagura hated everything related to Jellal.

"Cobra helped us greatly during the dragon war," announced Sting, "Sabertooth would be honored to call them allies,"

"I have fought against Jellal, and respect him as a former Wizard Saint, i would want nothing else than to have him as an ally," Jura stated firmly, standing up for the Independent guild, to none of the nobles would dare say anything. Until one brave, or perhaps foolish man stepped forward trembling.

"I-I r-r-refuse to be intimidated, these b-b-brutes should-"

"Now, now, don't be so rude," came the smooth voice of an equally smooth man. Stepping out of the crowd of nobles was a tall man with golden blonde hair, wearing appeared to be a black jacket with a plain white shirt underneath. He wore black pance which led down to a pair of black dress shoes. A small gold chain dawned his neck. While his outfit was simple, it was clear that it was very expensive. He looked to be around his early twenties. He had a confident, shining white smile which contrasted with his dark, piercing red eyes. "I do require you to hurry up,"

Natsu who had been oddly quiet until now, jumped up at the presence of the man, immediately jumping between his comrades and the golden man, lightning flames sparking from his body.

"Don't go near him," he stated in a cold voice that betrayed his hot-headed personality.

"Natsu! What are you doing!" Questioned Gray before his hair began to stand on end. Next to him, Laxxus was bristling and beginning to have his own sparks escape his body.

"Laxus? What's wrong?" Erza questioned her comrad.

"Wendy?!" called out Chelia from across the floor. Erza looked over to see Wendy trembling on the floor, almost in fetal position, as tears threatened to escape her eyes. "Are you alright?" As Chelia and Charla attempted to help the sky dragon slayer, the gathered dragon slayers were having own reactions to the new guest. None of them were good.

"This guy," muttered Natsu, "The way he smells, it's like nothing I've smelled before, it's twisted, dangerous, and very, very, powerful. Who the hell are you? And why do you smell like that?"

"My, how rude of me," the young man said before taking a mock bow at the group of wizards, "You may call me Gilgamesh. I am a heroic spirit, sent to be an ambassador from Shonen, please to make your acquaintance,"

"Heroic Spirit?" questioned Lucy "What is-" her question stopped in throat as his blood red eyes locked with hers, a wicked smile on his face.

"Lucy Heartfilia," he said looking her up and down, sending a cold shiver up the mage's spine. "the celestial mage. Out of everyone that will be attending this summit, you are the one I am most intrigued with."

"What do you mean by-" Before she could finish her question Natsu stepped between them protectively.

"I don't know what you want with Lucy," the lightning-fire dragon slayer said, "but you've only answered one of my questions punk," He increased his magical output, "Why. Do. You. Smell. Like. That?" With each syllable his magic increased to the point where the temperature in the room was becoming too much.

Gilgamesh however, seemed unfazed. "My my, how scary," he said before a magic circle began to form behind him. "Perhaps this won't be a boring trip after all."

Before the situation could escalate any further, Makarov jumped down from his perch, landing in between the group of wizards and the young man. "Natsu, stand down,"

"But gramps-"

"Stand down Natsu," the guild master said, shooting him a look that said it wasn't a request. Easing off of his magic, the dragon slayer looked warily at Gilgamesh before ultimately conceding.

Gilgamesh gave Natsu a smug look before tossing his hands up in mock defeat, "i swear i am up to no mischief, Natsu. I do wish you would give me a bit more credit " he said with a slight flick of his hair.

"You better watch it buddy, I don't trust the way you smell, don't underestimate a dragon slayer's nose," Retorted Natsu "And how'd you know my name?"

"Ahh, a dragon slayer huh?" Gilgamesh said lifting his eyebrows "That's a pretty impressive title you got there, I've slayed quite a few beasts in my day, but nothing quite as impressive as a dragon, but then again, killing something as primitive as a dragon is child's play. And as for knowing your name, you'd be surprised what Shonen knows about."

"What'd you say?-"

"Ahem," interrupted Makarov, "Gilgamesh was actually the one who made first contact with us, as the ambassador of Shonen to Fiore he is to be treated as our honored guest and therefore be treated respectfully" A long silence followed before Makarov continued.

"as i was going to say, before I was interrupted, there is indeed going to be a leader for the expedition. Now this person was specifically requested by the Magic Council, due to his assistance in the Tower of Heaven incident, the defeat of the Oracion Seis, his experience in Edolas, the power he demonstrated in the Grand Magic Games, and most recently the partial defeat of Tartarus. As well as his success in bringing Fairy Tail back together after it's year of inactivity"

By now, everyone knew who it was, and beamed at the pink haired Dragon Slayer.

"Oi, Happy," Natsu said to his winged cat, "Who do you think the guy is?"

'This is a horrible idea' thought all the wizards present.

"Natsu Dragneel, you will lead the expedition," announced Makarov

There was a short silence that commanded the room as everyone waited to see the reaction of the young Dragon Slayer.

"No thanks gramps," the dragon slayer finally said.

Shock ran through the wizards of the room as they had assumed that Natsu would have jumped at the chance to lead the team. Even Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow.

"But, Natsu-"

"It's ok Sting," interrupted Natsu, "You have to remember that this is a peace meeting, I'm no negotiator. I don't want to make a mistake and get everyone else in trouble. So my first decision as this expedition's leader is to pass my leadership status to Erza,"

"Natsu..." muttered Erza

"Hahahaha," came the haughty laughter of Gilgamesh, "you're a truly amusing guy, Natsu," The man then turned to leave creating a golden magic circle, out of which a giant golden gate grew. The bars were white with intricate gold detail, but what lies beyond the doors was covered by a bright light. "I look forward to seeing you in Shounen," He then disappeared into the gate, before it vanished along with him.

"Gilgamesh, that bastard," Natsu said clenching his fist, "his smell was giving me a headache,"

"Natsu?" inquired Lucy, "I don't really get it, you keep saying he smelled weird. What did he smell like?"

Natsu looked at the air where Gilgamesh had disappeared just moments ago before turning to Lucy with a grimace.


Back at the balcony, Erza was having an important conversation with her master.

"I understand, Master," said the scarlet wizard, "I'll get them all home safely,"

"Good," said the dwarf saint, "we can discuss this more back at the guildhall," he said before turning away.

"Umm, master," Erza said reluctantly, "i know this may be overstepping my boundaries, why did the council choose Natsu to lead,"


"While Natsu is a powerful wizard, as well as my dear friend, he's not exactly the most," Erza paused looking for the right word, "diplomatic,"

The old wizard sighed before rubbing the bridge of his nose, "You're right he's not, but you see Erza, this is no ordinary diplomacy meeting, it's actually-"

Kame House

"A tournament, King Kai?" Asked a bewildered Saiyan.

The Z-Warriors of Earth had gathered at the Kame House as per King Kai's sudden request, causing many of them to be anxious at the possible reason. Upon arriving, they were left speechless at the information of this new world of Shounen.

"That's correct Goku," confirmed the North Kai telepathically, "Apparently it's a way to encourage peace and camaraderie between the worlds with some friendly competition,"

"Ummm, correct me if I'm wrong," interjected Krillin, "but isn't beating the crap outta each other kind of the exact opposite, of peace?"

"Yes," King Kai responded, "Normally that would be the case, but the thing that improves unity is fighting ALONGSIDE each other. That's why you'll be teamed up with the warriors from the other worlds and put into teams,"

"Hmm" thought Piccolo out loud, "that would explain things, but it's all still suspicious if you ask-"

The Namekian was interrupted by the sound of a Vegeta's fist going through Roshi's wall.

"Vegeta!" Cried Bulma angrily, "Now we have to pay for that wall!"

The prince of all Saiyans stood in a silent rage, his fist still embedded into the wall of the Kame House.

"I refuse!" Cried the Saiyan, "I was relishing at the chance to battle warriors from these other worlds, but I refuse to be dragged down by a bunch of weaklings!"

The rest of the z-fighters just shook their heads as the Saiyan prince once again let his pride get the better of him.

"Awww, c'mon Vegeta, don't be like that," Goku said as he threw his arm around his rival's shoulders, "It'll be a good chance to fight some strong opponents,"

"Spare me the drivel Kakarot," Vegeta said, smacking Goku's arm off, "Don't think you're not on my list of opponents, if I do go, it will only be to prove that I'm the strongest there is,"

Goku could barely contain the fighting spirit within him at the thought of getting a serious rematch with Vegeta "I won't lose to you Vegeta,"

While his tone was somewhat whimsical, everyone present knew could tell that he was serious in his declaration. The two Saiyans had a brief stare off before the Prince turned away to leave. "Trunks, Bulma, we're leaving, as soon as we get back I'm beginning my training." The Briefs took their leave after Bulma wrote Roshi a check for the damages. They were soon followed by the other Z-Warriors who went off to do prepare. Leaving behind only Roshi, Gohan, Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, and 18, who went upstairs to put Maron to sleep.

"Piccolo, you'll train with me and Gohan right?" asked Goku, "I'd ask Lord Beerus, but he's been too busy as of late,"

The Namekian smiled, "Eh what the hell, it'll be a good chance to get this one back in shape," he said motioning his head towards Gohan.

"Hey," exclaimed Gohan, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that peace has made you soft," lectured Piccolo, "I saw you fighting Frieza's new soldiers, you're stance was all wrong. First of all, you should have-"

As Piccolo began his tirade at Gohan, Goku turned to his best friend. "What about you Krillin, are you going to compete?"

Krillin shrugged, "I don't think so, but you never know. It's really 18's decision,"

Goku nodded in understanding, knowing what it was like to have a strong willed wife. But even so he could hardly contain his excitement.

This was gonna be great.

Soul Society

'This fucking sucks' Thought a certain young, orange haired shinigami as he dodged and blocked a flurry of kicks and punches. Today was supposed to be a simple training session, but once again, nothing seemed to be going Ichigo's way. Ever since the Thousand Year Blood War had ended Ichigo's spiritual pressure had risen to the point where Captain Commander Kyōraku had decided it was time the Ryoka was formally trained in being a shinigami. Normally Ichigo would have protested, but with how the war ended, he thought maybe some training would have been good.

The ending of the Thousand Year War was not a good one. Yhwach had sacrificed all the remaining Quincy's to reach his own ambition. Many Captains and Vice-Captains had ended up dying in the war, including Vice-Captains Nemu Kurotsuchi, Chōjirō Sasakibe, Izuru Kira, as well as Captain Retsu Unohana, Captain Jūshirō Ukitake, and most notably of all Captain Commander Genryūsai Yamamoto. With so many holes in their forces after the war, the newly appointed Captain Commander thought it would be of the utmost importance to rebuild the strength of the Gotei 13.

Luckily, Kyoraku was a far more flexible Captain Commander than Yamamoto, and decide that it would be in the Soul Society's best interest to make allies with the remaining Espada, as well as the only remaining Quincys, Uryu Ishida and Bazz-B, who had been found badly wounded after fighting Haschwalth. It was important for them to have allies since after all the dust had settled, and Bach was defeated, a bigger problem had quickly made itself apparent.

Sosuke Aizen was nowhere to be found.

The binding kido and seals that had been placed on him were all either destroyed or found scattered by-

"YOU'RE DISTRACTED!" Shouted Yoruichi as she sent an overhead kick towards the orange haired Soul Reaper head.

'Shit' Ichigo mentally chided himself, before activating Blut and raising his arm to intercept the the attack. A cloud a dust rose up, enveloping the fighting area.

"Daaaaaamn," Whistled Kensei Muguruma, Vizard and 9th Division Captain. "Yoruichi isn't holding back even a little bit." All of the current Captains and Lieutenants were gathered to watch the fight in the 11th Division training barracks.

"As it should be," retorted Suì-Fēng, Captain of the 2nd Division. "A Substitute Soul Reaper trying to join the Gotei 13? And going for the position of Captain no less?! It's unheard of." She finished with disdain in her voice before turning to endearment. "I'm just glad I get to see Madame Yoruichi beat some humility into him," she said with a blissful sigh, causing the other gathered Captain's to look away in exasperation.

"As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm on the matter Captain Suì-Fēng," said Toshiro Hitsugaya sarcastically, "I wouldn't be too sure about the "beating" part of that statement,"

"What'd you say?" Retorted the Stealth Division Captain, to which Toshiro simply nodded towards the stage.

The dust surrounding the area had cleared, to reveal Ichigo who. despite having had a large crater form below him, stood their unfazed by Yoruichi's attack. Yoruichi on the other hand was visibly tired and bruised from the exchange. Quickly recovering however, she quickly shunpoed in with a punch which Ichigo barely dodged by pivoting his body. Responding quickly he sent a swift elbow to her midsection sending her downwards. She cushioned herself by on all fours, before attempting to sweep his legs from underneath him.

'I got you!' Though Yoruichi, only to hit Ichigo's Blut Vein again sopping her attack in her tracks. Taking advantage of her lowered guard, the orange haired soul reaper let loose a furious kick his lowered opponent's midsection sending her flying back, to which she used he astounding acrobatics and flexibility to flip herself midair and land on her feet.

'Damn' thought the former captain, 'I don't remember him being this strong OR skilled, did he really get this good at hand-to-hand just from a few months of training? Not to mention that Blut Vein of his is no joke, I can't deal any real damage this way. Guess I'll have to use that,' she let a smile dawn her face before dropping on on all fours.

"Not bad Ichigo!" She shouted, "I didn't expect you to do this well without your swords, but let's see how you handle this!" With an almost feral grin Yoruichi began to gather spiritual energy the pressure in the room rising dramatically.



The laid back yet commanding voice cut off Yoruichi and the battle. Every eye turned to the Captain Commander who had been sitting on the sidelines observing. After Yamamoto had died, Shunsui Kyoraku had thrived in the Captain Commander position, and the Soul Society along with it. The other Captains had great respect for him, and the year after the end of the Thousand Year Blood War, hollow appearances and internal disputes had been at an all time low. The hollows thank partially in part to an agreement made with the Arrancars and their queen, Tier Harribel, whom Ichigo had personally freed from Bach.

"I've seen enough, you pass this section Ichigo," the Captain Commander said leaning back in his chair clapping. "With that done all that's left is to review your performance with Central, we'll send a butterfly your way when we're done." He shunpod away, followed soon by the other gathered captains.

'Finally,' Thought our strawberry transcendent in relief, 'I'd been going through these tests and evaluations all week, not to mention the months prior learning Kido and Soul Society history. When I was told becoming a captain would be a lot of work, I thought it would be more logistical stuff like paperwork or something,' Ichigo just let out an small sigh and scratched the back of his head.

"Yo Ichigo! Good shit out there,"

Said soul reaper turned around to see a tall man with long red hair tied up in a spiky ponytail walking towards him with a smirk on his face. A smirk which Ichigo quickly matched.

"Hey Renji, how ya been?" Between finishing up school, applying to universities, and the long, arduous process of trying to get the position of captain, Ichigo had just been way too busy to keep in touch with all of his friends and allies after the war. Something he planned to rectify now that this was done and graduation was quickly approaching.

"I've been alright," he said with a sigh, "training as usual. How have been things in Karakura?"

Ichigo couldn't help but smile, for the first time in a while their was peace in his hometown. Sometimes the occasional hollow would show up, but either he, Chad, or Uryu would quickly take care of it before it could cause any damage.

"Quiet, in a good way,"

Renji nodded in understanding, before leaning just within earshot of Ichigo so only he could hear.

"Don't tell anyone about this," he said said in a hushed tone, "but apparently some crazy shit is going down, the higher ups at Central 46 are scrambling and there's a lot of talk about a crazy scroll but you didn't hear that from me. All I'm saying keep your head above water,"

Ichigo simply nodded. A lot of movement in Central was never a good thing. It usually meant they were either going to stick their nose where it didn't belong, or that they were scared of a threat they didn't understand, like when he invaded the Soul Society for example.

"Anyways," Renji said putting his hand on Ichigo's shoulder, "I know you're hungry after that fight, wanna get something to eat? My treat,"

Ichigo could only raise an eyebrow, "You guys have restaurants here?"

Renji made a look of mock offense. "Listen while we souls may not technically NEED to eat, we still have the best barbeque you'll find this side of the Dangai. Come on, we can walk and talk,"

He and Renji continued to catch up with various things while wandering around the Seireitei, and Ichigo couldn't help but feel the eyes of lower-level soul reapers on him.

"Did you see? That was him!"

"The Hero of the Winter War,"

"He's with Lieutenant Abarai, do you think they're coming from training?"

"Ahhh he's so hot! Do you think he has a girlfriend?"

Ichigo couldn't help but blush at the last comment. He was used to being the center of attention, but usually it wasn't for the right reasons. Renji seemed to notice his discomfort and let out a laugh before clapping Ichigo on the back.

"Look at you . Get used to it, this is how all the captains get treated, not to mention you're a ryoka,"

Ichigo simply chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not here to be a celebrity Renji, becoming a Captain just seemed to be the next logical step, especially since Karin insists on letting her enlist in the Soul Reaper Academy now that she's entering high school."

Renji just let out an exasperated sigh, "C'mon man, I'm just messin around, I'm just saying if you're gonna be a Captain you should enjoy the perks that come with it," His face then took a somewhat perverted look to it. "Speaking of perks, you could finally get yourself a girlfriend. What about Orihime or Rukia? Maybe even that Espada lady you rescued? Huh? Huh?" he said getting closer to Ichigo's face.

Ichigo just pushed his face away. "Orihime and I are just friends, and I always thought you were the one who had a thing for Rukia" To which Renji looked at him incredulously.

"What?! No! Rukia's like my sister, I would never date her," He said in slight disgust, before taking a slight pause. "What about the Espada lady?"

Ichigo slightly blushed as he remembered his rescue of the Arrancar and her more than revealing resurrection form. "I don't even know her dude, as soon as I freed her I took her back to her to Orihime. Besides I doubt I'll see her again anytime soon."

By the end of this thought they had already sat down at a hibachi bar. And Renji was already scraping down food. "Look man," He sputtered out with a mouth full of barbeque, "All I'm saying is that as of now, you're pretty much the most eligible bachelor in the Soul Society. Besides," his tone shifted to a more serious and sincere one, "you've honestly lost and done a lot, and you could really use a win,"

Somewhat surprised at his tone, Ichigo could only nod before eating in contented silence with his friend, until eventually a Hell Butterfly flew over and landed on Ichigo's finger.

"Looks like they're ready for me," Ichigo said before standing up and dusting himself off. Renji quickly followed after leaving his money on the bar counter.

"Good luck man," he said putting his hand forth, "hopefully next I see you, I'll be calling you Captain Kurosaki. Don't think I'll start saluting you or anything though," Ichigo only laughed before clasping his allies hand and shunpoing away.

Ichigo walked into the Captains Assembly Hall, taking in the captains lined up to his left and right, before looking towards the captain-commander.

"Ichigo Kurosaki," Said Kyoraku with a relaxed yet commanding tone. "After reviewing your results, and your contributions to the Soul Society, we have come to a decision. Not only were you the hero of the Winter War by defeating Aizen, but you also were key in the defeat of Yhwach. You have brought the Soul Society many allies and in many ways have changed the Soul Society itself." It was hard to deny any of those statements, whether of not everyone agreed the last point was a good thing remained to be seen. "Do you swear to protect the Soul Society, carry out you duties, and work to protect the balance of the spiritual world?"

'Isn't that what I've been doing?' Ichigo thought to himself but he knew better than to joke around now. "I swear it," He responded firmly.

Kyoraku smiled. "Then under the approval of Central 46, and my power as the Head Captain Commander. I hereby name Ichigo Kurosaki, Hero of the Winter War, Protector, Substitute Soul Reaper, as Captain of the 7th Division!"

"Yes sir!" Echoed the other captains in hall.

All Ichigo could was bow in thanks, "Thank you, Commander Kyoraku"

Kyoraku to a puff of his pipe before smiling at the young man. "It's not a problem, Captain Kurosaki. We've also prepared a new shikasho for you, which we think will be to your liking." As he said that 2 soul reapers rolled out a torso mannequin with his new uniform. It was a standard black sleeveless shikasho with the looking more torn off then neatly sewn, almost similar to his form after his dangai training. The captain's hiyori actually reminded him of Soi-Fon's. It was also sleeveless and was slightly slimmer fitting to match Ichigo's leaner frame, before flaring out at the bottom, similar to Kenpachi's. On the back was a rhombus with 7th's insignia, a lily, being placed on the back of the cloak.

"You can change your shikasho later, for now please dawn your captain's hiyori so we may go over what all this means,"

Quickly doing just that, Ichigo threw on his new hiyori quickly noting how well it fit.

"As you know, the 7th Division has been left without a captain since Komamura's retirement," began the head Captain. "And his squad has had a long history of being fiercely loyal to their comrades, a tradition I don't think you'll have any trouble carrying on." A sentiment the other captains, save for a few, couldn't help but smile at. "They stand for courage, loyalty and often act as the Soul Society's protectors. Speaking of which, Karakura town, which had previously been under the jurisdiction of the 13th Division, will now fall under your's." He then turned his attention not only to Ichigo, but addressed the whole room. "There have also been a few changes to certain Division assignments. It is time we rebuilt the Gotei 13 back to completion."

Kyoraku's Lieutenant, Nanao Ise, a petite women with glasses, walked out with a scroll in hand and read aloud the changes. "Tetsuzaemon Iba, former 7th Division Lieutenant has been reassigned as the 13th Division Lieutenant. There will be a reformation of the Kido Corps, with Tessai Tsukabishi as the Kido Corps Commander and Grand Kido Chief, and Hachigen Ushōda as the Vice-Kido Chief," This caused some murmurs around the hall, as well as some smiles from the former Visord's who were happy to see their old friends returned to their positions.

"Alright alright, settle down everyone," the commander said, silencing the room. "All of that leaves 2 spots open which I will announce myself." He once again turned his attention to Ichigo. "Captain Kurosaki, as you may already have noticed, you are without a lieutenant. I was going to let you choose your own lieutenant within your own division, but Central 46 insisted on giving you an already experienced one. So, your new 7th Division Lieutenant will be Shuhei Hisagi!"

As the commander made his announcement said soul reaper appeared in front of Ichigo on one knee with his head bowed. Ichigo had definitely seen this soul reaper before, but wasn't sure if he had ever even spoken to him before. Even while kneeling it was easy to tell that he was a tall and lean-built man with dark grey eyes. He had short, spiky black hair and three scars straight over his right eye that lead down his cheek. He also had the number "69" tattooed on his left cheek, as well as a blue-striped tattoo running across his left cheek and over the bridge of his nose.

"I look forward to working with you Captain Kurosaki," he said before rising and extending, his hand. "If you have any questions or need anything at all, just let me know,"

Ichigo clasped his hand, albeit a bit bashfully, already unsure of how to feel about being in a position of authority. "R-right, I look forward to working with you as well. I haven't been a part of the Gotei 13 until now, so I'll be looking to you for guidance." Shuhei simply nodded before taking up his position behind Ichigo.

Kyoraku just clapped, "See you guys are getting along already, well f that's everything than we can move on t-"

"Captain Commander Kyoraku," Came the calm voice of the elderly soul reaper standing to the left of the commander, "aren't you forgetting something?"

"Hmmm..." Pondered the commander for a moment "Oh yes of course! How could I forget? The Promotion Ceremony!"

"With all due respect Commander Kyoraku how could you forget such an important-"

While Nanao berated her captain, Ichigo leaned towards his new lieutenant with a raised eyebrow. "Promotion Ceremony? So someone else is being made a captain today?"

Shuhei's eyes widened slightly at the question. "No one told you?" He exclaimed before pondering to himself. "I guess that makes sense if they wanted to keep it a surprise, but you woulda thought someone woulda let it slip,"

"Surprise? What do yo-" Ichigo's question was cut off by the doors of the assembly hall opening.

For his eyes only to widen as the new captain entered the hall. She was short with a petite frame. Her eyes shone a beautiful shade or violet. Her black hair framed her heart shaped face before extending down to her mid back. Her fair skin was slightly tinged pink at being the center of attention. A standard captain's hiyori was draped over her shikasho.


"As Captain Commander of the Gotei 13, under the power of Central 46, I hereby name Rukia Kuchiki as Captain of the 13th Division!"

"Yes sir!"

Ichigo just looked baffled at the new Captain as she walked into the hall and lined herself up next to him. "Whatcha starin at Captain Kurosaki?" Asked the 13th Division Captain with a slight twirl and a pose to show off her new Hiyori. "You impressed or somethin?"

To this a vein popped out on Ichigo's forehead as he bent down to get eye level with her. "No. I just didn't know midgets were allowed to be captains."

"What'd you say you overgrown strawberry?!"

Before things could escalate much further Kyoraku cut in. "Alright you two, you can flirt later but right now we have to move to much more pressing matters at hand, please take you positions with the other captains." Ichigo and Rukia simply blushed and looked away from each other, before they both moved to the line on the right side of the hall with Rukia at the end furthest away from Kyoraku. and Ichigo, with Shuhei standing behind him, being third closest. He stood between Kensei and Sajin, both of which briefly congratulated him before turning their attention back to the commander whose face had taken a serious turn.

"As some of you may have heard, their has been a lot of movement in Central 46 recently, this is due to a message that we received not too long ago from an outside source. You see..."

Sometime later:

The Captain's Hall was in a stunned silence at the Captain Commander.

"Captain Commander," Began Toshiro, "To what degree can we verify the authenticity of this situation?"

The one-eyed man simply nodded towards the captain at the end of the line. The strange white colored man stepped forward. "There have been disruptions in the fabric of the Soul Society, similar to a Senkaimon or a Garganta, but on a different wavelength. Additionally, the metallic casing that the scroll was delivered in isn't made of any known material. My division did countless research on known materials on Earth, the Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, even Hell, and we could not match it's atomic make up with any known substance. So whoever sent it, has access to materials that we do not," he then took on an irritated look while clenching his fist. "I couldn't even find a way to reverse engineer it,"

Soi-Fon then stepped forward. "The scroll was hand written. The Stealth Ops, found after analyzing the handwriting that it didn't match any soul or living person."

"Jeez," Ichigo leaned over behind Kenpachi, his height allowing him to reach Rukia. "The Stealth Ops really knows everybody's handwriting?"

Rukia just looked at him smugly, "Of course they do," she scoffed, "You should never underestimate the 2nd Division. Now shut up."

Ichigo turned his attention back to the commander who had picked up his analysis.

"In any case, we've been ordered by the Soul King himself to take this very seriously. And I have been commanded to form an exhibition team to participate in this so-called tournament."

Upon hearing this the 2nd Division Captain, Soi-Fon, stepped forward. "Please allow me to lead this mission captain-commander. If I bring my stealth division, we can gather intel on this new world, as well as any others in attendance that may pose a threat,"

Kyoraku looked at her for a while in silence before taking a puff of his pipe while shaking his head. "As beneficial as that may sound, we need you, and your division here in the Soul Society, looking for Aizen. Not to mention..." He took another puff of his pipe before smiling at Soi-Fon, "wouldn't spying on our hosts and opponents be acting in bad faith?"

"But sir-"

"Besides," the commander continued, "even if I deemed it wise for you to lead this exhibition, it's beyond my power to do so," Kyoraku sighed, he was beginning to see why Yamamoto had be so tense all the time. "Not only has the leader of this exhibition been chosen already, requested by the Soul King himself, but the entire exhibition team has been chosen as well. 7th Division Captain please step forward."

For a few seconds no one in the room moved. Ichigo, who was still not used to being referred to by "7th Division Captain," soon stepped forward after realizing his mistake.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, for your first official mission as Captain of the 7th Division, you have been chosen by the Soul King to lead this expedition as our representative." Normally an uproar would've been caused by the other captains at having such an important mission be given to not only a completely new captain, but a former ryoka who had no traditional Soul Society training at that. But the captains in the room had all either seen this coming, knew and respected Ichigo as a person and knew he could do a good job, or were so stunned that they were speechless to the audacity of the situation.

Ichigo stood their with his eyes closed and his arms crossed, his finger tapping his arm. His brow was furrowed as if he was in deep thought. Finally he opened his eyes. "Alright" he said with conviction, "I will graciously accept this mission, sir!" he said with a bow.

Kyoraku smiled, "I see, well if everyone is agreed then we can move on to-"

"Wait a minute!"

Kyoraku just sighed, 'Just when I almost thought it would go smoothly,'

Soi-fon was furious. How dare they. How dare they. Giving not only giving such an important mission a rookie captain, but a deplorable ryoka as well. She gritted her teeth, before taking a breath to calm down.

"With all do respect sir," her voice barely containing her rage. "I understand not being able to go, shouldn't a mission as crucial as this be lead by someone more experienced and less...unpredictable?" the word "unpredictable" was spoken with barely contained venom and accompanied by a completely uncontained glare at the new, orange haired captain. Ichigo, to his credit didn't glare back, simply met her glare with a cool stare of his own, his usual scowl etched on his face.

"While I understand your concern, Captain Soi-Fon, there is a reason behind this choice," Kyoraku whispered something to Nanao before she handed him a scroll. "It is the in specified that ALL beings of significant power be represented in this so-called "peach summit". Therefore it will not only be Soul Society being represented here. The Soul King, in his wisdom, believed that young Captain Kurosaki would not only give us a edge in power during the tournament portion of this, but that of not only being a shinigami, but also having the powers of fullbringers, hollows, quincy, as well as being part human would allow him to be the perfect representative for all beings of power in our universe. And with that being said, please bring in the other representatives."

With a wave of Kyoraku's hand, the entrance to the Captain's Assembly Hall opened once again. The collective spiritual pressure in the room increased ten fold, not only due to the new warriors entering the hall, but also from the already assembled captains who unconsciously raised their spiritual pressure at the possible enemies who had just walked into the room.

In the back Ichigo recognized his allies, Uryu, Chad, Orihime, and a man with a tall red mohawk that Ichigo didn't recognize. The 3 people heading the group were by far the most powerful however. The amount of spiritual pressure emitting from each one of them easily rivaled that of some of the captains. The woman in the center carried herself with a refined elegance that commanded dark brown skin was easily visible thanks to her white midriff top, which showed off her curvaceous figure. A sword scabbard was placed horizontally across her back. It was the Queen of Hueco Mundo herself. 3rd Espada Tier Harribel. To her left was-

"What's up ya orange haired bastard?"

The blue haired man standing next to Harribel was someone Ichigo was very familiar with. He had short and spiky light blue hair with blue eyes. He had white hakama with a black shirt underneath which was half unzipped revealing the scar that Ichigo had given him. He had a wicked grin on his face, half of which was covered by his fractured hollow mask.

Ichigo couldn't help but smile back, "Grimmjow," he wasn't as surprised to see him as he was the others, after he heard Grimmjow had gotten injured fighting alongside Urahara he had personally gone to visit him in the medical tent. After he had gotten healed up they ended up fighting alongside each other shortly after where they actually had grown somewhat close.

To the right of was one of Ichigo's good friends, Neliel Tu Odelschwanck, or just Nel, the former 3rd Espada. She was back in her adult form. She was wearing the same fur outfit Ichigo had last seen her in. Her long teal hair flowed to the back of he-


The former espada had taken upon herself to tackle Ichigo to the ground in a bear hug, stuffing his face in her well-endowed chest, as she gushed to him.

"Oh my god Ichigo, it's so goood to see you! You said you were going to visit but never did! What's up with that? Dummy! Meanie!" All the tension in the room as the captains watched in humor and disbelief as Ichigo scrambled and suffocated in the pouting woman's chest.

Ichigo managed to pull himself out of Nel's chest long enough to make make a coherent sentence. "Nel? What are you doing here?"

"Allow me to answer that," Ichigo managed to pick himself up and out of Nel's grasp to speak with the person talking. Tier had made her way over to Ichigo and was standing a little too close to him as she looked him up and down. Ichigo had really only had one interaction with her, which was when he had personally broken into freed her from the prison the quincy had trapped her in after the took over Hueco Mundo. He took her directly to Orihime for healing, and once he knew she was secure he immediately rushed back to the battlefield to fight again. He knew very little about her as a person, but had heard some things about her from Hitsugaya.

"Captain Kurosaki," her voice was deep and smooth, "I was never able to thank you for saving my life at the hands of Yhwach," she bowed quickly before raising her head again. "As your captain commander may have told you, all groups of significant power have been asked to provide representatives. That includes Hueco Mundo."

"Yeah ya bastard," Grimmjow said with a grin, "maybe we can have a rematch when we're in this tournament,"

"Grimmjow, please," Harribel said in a chastising voice, like a mother scolding a child, "we are here as guests do not go starting fights,"


"That being said Captain Kurosaki," The dark skinned beauty before Ichigo turned to address the man that saved her. "I've been told that you will be in charge of this expedition. If It had been anyone else I would've made an issue about it. But I believe that the two of us are cut from the same cloth, and that you understand the value of sacrifice. I look forward to working with you and may we become close allies," she said extending her hand towards him, of which Ichigo grasped firmly.

"You can call me Ichigo," He said with a small smile. Harribel looked him up and down once more before going back to join her fellow espada.

"Well well," Ichigo and Harribel turned to the captain commander, "looks like you're all getting along nicely already,"

"A little too nicely if you ask me," mumbled Soi-Fon, to which Rukia nodded, for a completely different reason.

"Yes so, each group of power has been given representation," Kyoraku said looking over his scroll. "Orihime and Sado have agreed to represent the humans/fullbringers. The Quincys will be represented by Uryu and Bazz-B,"

Ichigo turned to Uryu and the newly named Bazz-B. Their relationship since the Thousand Year Blood War had been strained at best and non-existent at worst. Ichigo understood why Uryu did what he did, but he heavily disagreed with it. After he and Bazz-B had been granted amnesty due to their betrayal of the Wandenreich, Uryu and Ichigo barely spoke to each other, even going as far as to avoid each other at school.

"The Soul Society will be represented by, Captains Kurosaki, Hitsugaya, Kenpachi,Rukia Kuchiki, and Byakuya Kuchiki. As well as Lieutenants Hisagi, Abarai, and Madarame,"

'So Renji and Ikkaku are coming huh?' Ichigo thought to himself. Everyone else he wasn't too surprised about. Though he had no idea how he was gonna keep both Grimmjow and Kenpachi under control at the same time.

"And finally, the representatives from Hueco Mundo. Tier Harribel, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, Neliel Tu Odelschwanck, and- oh! it seems you are missing a person,"

"Ah yes," the beauty responded, "he should be arriving any moment now, I was having him prepare a few things in Hueco Mundo," Just as she finished the door to the hall opened.

"I apologize for my tardiness,"

Ichigo's eyes widened at the voice. It was one he hadn't heard in a very long time. He turned around just slow enough to see a trembling Orihime during the same thing out of the corner of his eye.


Marine Headquarters


It was certainly a busy night at the Marine headquarters. The current admirals were currently having a heated discussion. At the center of it was Fleet Admiral Sakazuki. A very very tall and muscular man. His worn and scarred face bore a large sneer and a cigar. He wore a white suit with a red, floral shirt under his fleet admiral jacket of which he didn't wear the sleeves and just had draped over his shoulders.

"Working with pirates is absolutely not allowed. Especially since the chosen representative is that new emperor Straw Hat Luffy!" Sakazuki was currently in the middle of a tirade after receiving word about this supposed "peace summit tournament." "And cooperating with the revolutionary army? The world government would have our heads. We don't even have any proof the message is real Fujitora!"

The man referred to was large and stocky. He had short black hair and scars in the shape of an X across his face. His white, pupiless eyes were a pretty clear indication of his blindness.

"But what if it is real?" the blind swordsman refuted, "What then? Do you really want pirates and revolutionaries to represent our way of living Sakazuki?"

The huge marine just sat back in his chair and took a puff of his cigar. "I don't believe any of it anyway and neither do the Gorosei. Taking military action will be in direct violation of the world government. Which is not an option. We will not be attending and that is FINAL! Dismissed!"

"But Sakazuki-"

"I said dismissed," The fleet admiral stood from his chair and made his way over to Fujitora until he was just out of arm's reach. "You're already on thin ice from your Dressrosa mishap, don't push it, Issho,"

With that Sakazuki turned back to his chair, clearly done with the conversation. Fujitora just let out frustrated sigh, and turned to his fellow admiral. "You aren't gonna say anything, Borsalino?"

The lanky yellow suited admiral causally lay across the arms with his face buried in a magazine, seemingly barely listening. "Hmmm..." he mused to himself while flipping through the pages. "If the the Gorosei say so then we don't have much of a choice do we?"

Fujitora gave Sakazuki one last hard stare, before picking up is walking stick and making his way out of the room. Borsalino soon followed leaving just Sakazuki in the room. The fleet admiral sat down in his chair, and went to take a puff of his cigar before hesitating.

"An assassin huh?" Sakazuki stood slowly from his chair I don't know how you got in here, but you're a fool for sneaking into the most my headquarters!" With that he turned his arm into lava and sent a magma covered fist towards the corner of the room.

Just as the fist was about to collide with its target a tremendous amount of pressure filled the room, bringing the great admiral to one knee.

"What? Wh-what is this?" He gritted out, struggling to his feet.

"Oh? You can stand? I'm quite impressed," the intruder stepped out of the shadows revealing his form. He was tall and slim, with slicked back brown hair with a strand falling in front of his face. He was quite handsome, with acute features, a sharp jaw and intense, calculating brown eyes. He wore a white shirt under a long white jacket with a high open collar that went down to his ankles. Around his waist was a pink sash above baggy, white pants. And strapped to his waist was a sword with a green handle.

"I come bearing no ill will, Fleet Admiral Sakazuki," his voice was deeply smooth and persuasive. "And I am certainly no lowly assassin," Even the hardened Sakazuki found himself believing the man. The swordsman made his way over to where Fujitora had been standing moments ago. Suddenly the pressure in the room lifted, causing Sakazuki to let out a breath of relief as he was able to breath properly again.

"Who are you?" The fleet admiral finally breathed out, "And what are you doing here?" The admiral still hadn't let his guard down, and still had armament haki at the ready incase this man decided to use his sword.

"Ah, you must forgive me," he said giving a small, apologetic bow, "My interactions with other people has been at a minimum as of recent. My name is Sosuke Aizen. And as for why I'm here. I believe that we may share a common goal. Absolute justice is something that seems to have been lost in my world as well. And with these messages going around about so called "peace-summits" that would allow people like pirates and rebel insurgents is something that I'm sure you're not interested in being a part of. I was made aware recently that you were all given an invitation, and I just wanted to extend a little invitation of my own," He finished giving the man known as "Akainu" a cool stare.

Every word out of the man's mouth was confident and alluring. Aizen had a silver tongue and Sakazuki knew it. But his curiosity got the better of him.

"I'm listening,"

Holy shit I'm finally done. I normally wouldn't do author's notes, but this is a big story and it's my first chapter and story so I wanted to leave a little something. I've been working on this story for a very long time, and I can't wait to keep working on it now that summer is here. I have been imagining this story in my head since I was like 12, and have most of the story planned already, but I'll be making a lot of changes.

I wanted to make a fun, crossover story with a lot of the popular Shonen shows where you can have a tournament like setting, but have an actual plot. Which there aren't a lot of on this site from what I can tell.

Just so you guys know, to make up for the differentiating power levels of all the series, I decided that having a short training arc which will not only allow for cool interactions between characters, but it will also allow people to learn new techniques, like Ichigo learning shadow clones, or Gon learning Kamehameha just as an example. So get ready for that.

I'm looking for beta readers and will take suggestions for cool ideas as long as I can fit in within the plan I have. If you think Natsu should get Haki? Maybe I'll add it in. Think Zoro should fight Erza? We'll have to see ;). But feel free to dm me suggestions and leave reviews. If you want to be a beta reader dm me as well. I need help writing fight scenes so if you are good at that, please let me know.

I don't know how often I'll update, but by the time I have the 2nd chapter done, I'll have a pretty decent gauge on how long each chapter will take. This first chapter was about 10k words, most chapters will probably be like 5k at the shortest and 7 or 8k at the longest.

Now for some business.

Here is the list of anime that I am 100% including (For the tournament arc at least):



One Piece

Dragon Ball

Fairy Tail

Seven Deadly Sins

Fullmetal Alchemist

My Hero Academia

Hunter X Hunter

And here is the list of Anime I want but aren't sure are popular or well liked enough. When I've read other multi-crossover fics, nothing would be more off putting to me than focus being put on a series that I've never even heard of. So I'll try to give mass appeal and give everyone time to shine. And that being said, as you can probably tell, while this story has no "main character," Bleach, or more so, Ichigo specifically, will most likely be getting more spotlight than some others. This is just because Ichigo is one of, if not my favorite anime character and Bleach was one of my first anime. I will try my best to stay unbiased, and if any writers from other anime fanfiction communities have tips on writing for certain anime please feel free to help. Like One Piece and Fairy Tail in particular is difficult for me to write.

Anyway here's the list of anime I'm on the fence about:

Black Clover


Yu Yu Hakusho

Rurouni Kenshin

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure


Katekyo Hitman Reborn





Soul Eater

I will be putting a poll on my profile on what anime you guys want included in this story. If you have any other suggestions feel free to let me know. I'll post the results in my next chapter and will base who I put in based on the amount of people who want them relative to how many actually read the story. So theoretically, they could all get in, or none of them could, we'll just have to see. If you have any other suggestions feel free to dm me, and if I see a lot of people requesting something, I might put them in. Keep in mind, I probably will not including shows that don't match in tone to Shonen, so shows like Tokyo Ghoul or Attack on Titan will NOT be included.

That should be all for now, thank you all for reading! See you next chapter!