Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z or Naruto, but I am excited about the DB Super: Broly movie having come out (looking forward to getting the home release) and made Broly even better than he was in the original trilogy, that and Gogeta being in the film made it even more worth it. Although it is a pity that the Bardock – the Father of Goku TV Special got thrown out the window due to the inclusion of Dragon Ball Minus, oh well, at least we get to see Gine in anime form. I may include a combination of both Bardock – the Father of Goku and Dragon Ball Minus into Videl the Saiyan Warrior much like how MasakoX combined the two stories into one for his What if Gine went with Goku to Earth series on YouTube.
Maybe I'll include Kayuko into either Videl the Saiyan Warrior for the next arc or another planned fic in the future or even for both as someone whom Vanera has had a connection with in the past. I haven't decided yet, but I'll think of what I want to do with her given that I have a lot of crap to deal with as it is.
Chapter 56: Frieza's end and a mysterious stranger
In the depths of space, the spaceship was nearing its destination with Frieza's father still holding the glass of wine in his hand since he was curious on why his son had a fascination with the planet as well as the one that inhabited it. "Ah yes, before we so enjoy the last few quiet moments before laying a planet to waste," he commented to himself as a small group of soldiers standing behind him and his son. "But I must say I'm feeling almost as anxious as you to reach our destination, Frieza."
Taking a small drink of his wine, he was still secretly hoping they'd blow the planet up from their current location so they would focus on the rest of the universe. "I'm quite curious to meet this Saiyan," he continued with a slight grin. "After all, I've heard so much about her."
Frieza, on the other hand, stayed focus on the image of the Earth, or at least one of them, on the main screen. "One could hardly blame you" it didn't take long before red sparks of electricity formed around the tyrant's body as he reflected on the humiliation that was previously given to him which caused the soldiers nearby to be deathly afraid of what could happen.
"It seems something's got your blood boiling. Yes, son?"
He still has his grin as he saw that his only child was looking forward to destroying the planet which his opponent called home. "We mustn't let our tempers get the best of us." He continued to speak.
"You've got me figured all wrong, father"Frieza finally decided to speak, briefly giving his father a small glance despite the anger and hatred he felt towards the female Saiyan who had defeated him back on Planet Namek. "I was just admiring the view."
His attention then returned towards the Earth as he grinned evilly on what he was going to do once he, his father and their men arrived. "It's simply electrifying I'd say" he concluded with a chuckle, sparks continuing to form around his body as the ship neared its destination even more.
"Lord Frieza, King Cold!" reported one of the bridge crew members onboard the vessel, getting their attention as it seemed there was something midst that they needed to become aware of regarding where they were heading. "We've picked something up on the radar."
"Huh?" wondered Frieza, the bridge crew member, better have a good reason for interrupting the moment between him and his father since he was hoping to, at least saver this before he began his assault on the planet itself. "What do you mean? Is it that same ship that's trying to beat us to Earth?"
"Well about that…" began the bridge crew member as he swallowed hard as it seemed to be hard for him to explain given how it involved the planet they've been making their way towards at this moment. "It seems there is something near our destination, and it doesn't look like a spaceship but rather another planet in some form or another."
Hearing this both Frieza and his father looked at the solider as they both looked at the data of this new planet. "Hmm, for now, we will leave the Planet, but how far is this planet from Earth?" Frieza asked already having a smirk on his lips.
The soldiers nodded as the ship continued to make its way towards Earth all the while Frieza was smiling as the spaceship was reaching closer to Earth and once they landed, well that thought alone made Frieza smile even more than he already was right now it would be fun. "That monkey will pay, I'll make sure of that."
Meanwhile back on Earth everyone was ready and waiting for Frieza to arrive, but none of them are going to let this get to them down since Yamcha has his, new weapon he received when he fought Bruta. "I can't believe this is happening; Frieza's still alive."
Vegeta, on the other hand, was thinking on how Frieza was still alive, not that he cared to him it meant that he could one-up the girl and Kakarot as well which made him smile."Perhaps the girl wasn't as strong as I imaged, after all, Frieza's still alive, I can sense that his power level is even greater than before, but I'll soon show him. But my power has also increased, and this time, things will go my way."
With a smile still on his face Vegeta looked at the others knowing they were waiting for the rest of their friends to arrive, he looked over to both Kakashi and Kayuko, and then looked over to Naruto, Krillin, and Gohan.
"Damn it!" Naruto cursed with a frown on his face knowing and wondering how Frieza was still alive he was sure that Sakura killed that tyrant, but right now this wasn't the time to ask why Frieza was still alive.
Krillin and the others wondered this too, but they had to deal with Frieza. "Man I was hoping we never saw him again," Krillin said frowning at the thought of facing Frieza.
"Yeah, same here Krillin…" commented the blonde-haired young man, still having memories about being killed back on Planet Namek and how Earth was still recovering from the conflicts with both the Kyuubi and Garlic Jr which didn't help matters one bit. "Part of me wished we had some additional help here right now."
"Oh? What do you mean?"
"I mean, there are our friends back from our world… especially Ino, Shikamaru, Chōji, and others as it would most likely take all the help we can get if we're to at least survive against the likes of that bastard Frieza" he told Krillin with a frown. While still having some concern on his face that since there was no means of getting in touch with his home, they're going to be in for a difficult battle to come. "I'm starting to wish we had gathered the Dragon Balls so we can bring the others here right now."
"Sadly there's nothing we can do at this point" Krillin replied to his friend, though he did kinda make a good point about the possibility of using the Dragon Balls for some assistance. But with the way things were, their old foe wouldn't even let them get the chance to summon Shenron. "Our only hope is to be prepared for the worst that's about to happen."
Naruto nodded as he looked over to Gohan could tell he wasn't happy to know Frieza's still alive as he was also sure Sakura killed Frieza. "This can't be happening," Gohan said with a frown looking at the two he called friends.
Thinking what they should do, and hoping that the others knew about Frieza too. "If Frieza is really on his way here, then we are going to need all the help with can get."
"Hey," the two said, looking at the young Saiyan with a smile.
"Damn I hate that we have to deal with Frieza, but we can't give up we need to stop him before he does to Earth what he did to Namek," Naruto said as he looked over to both Krillin and Gohan and saw both of them nodding their heads too.
Everyone was silent for a while as they continued to wait, knowing they had to wait for the others as Gohan looked over to Krillin. "Krillin, are you sure it's Frieza, are you sure it couldn't be someone else?"
Gohan looks back to Krillin and Naruto the latter who almost seems mad, and Gohan knew why Naruto was feeling this way right now. "Yeah, it's him Gohan I can smell him; I'll never forget that smell."
Naruto nodded at this as he saw the image of Frieza smiling when he almost killed him back on Namek that would be a smile Naruto would never forget. However, it made him learn a valuable lesson that day; everyone was not as good as he thought; there are some people like Frieza who loved to cause others pain.
So deep in thought, Naruto didn't hear Krillin and Gohan talking to each other. "I just can't figure it out I thought Sakura finished off Frieza once and for all," Gohan said knowing that something must have happened for Frieza to be still alive.
"I did I, but it looks like we both wrong this time Gohan," Krillin said with a frown as he looked over to Naruto seeing the same worried look. "Hey man, we have no idea how Frieza's alive, but I know for sure she killed him."
Naruto nodded at this looking into the sky. "I know Krillin I hope that we can stop Frieza, but we all know what it took to be on his level," Naruto said not happy with this at all, and he would keep this planet safe from Frieza.
Elsewhere, Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu were still making their way to where Frieza could potentially land, but at the same time having never faced an opponent such as this before. "I don't like this, Tien" informed Chiaotzu with a frown as he remembered how the others could barely handle facing the tyrant back on Namek. "They're coming… I sense them…"
Tien looked over to Chiaotzu, seeing his friend was worried about Frieza, not that he could blame him; they both remembered what King Kai told them about Frieza. "I know Goku had a hard time fighting him and it took Sakura getting a legendary transformation to beat the tyrant.
Chiaotzu nodded but was still concerned with the whole situation. However, they needed to help their friends in fighting off Frieza and his army; they both knew what happened to Namek. "I hope Goku and Sakura get here, or that Naruto can hold him off."
Back in space, the spaceship containing Frieza, his father, and their forces were moments away from the Earth. "We're in the final approach to Earth; your Excellency," informed one of the crew members of the ship which intrigued the father of the evil tyrant significantly.
"Very good."
Frieza, however, looked at the Earth with a smile, knowing everyone on the planet will suffer for the humiliation that happened to him, and the two Saiyans would see the error of crossing Lord Frieza before he killed the two.
"Yes they will suffer, and everyone they love will die by my hand," Frieza thought with a smile on his face knowing he and his father would arrive at Earth before Goku and Sakura. "Yes, it will be so much fun when I kill them."
As everyone waited for Frieza to arrive, they looked at the sky to catch any sign of Frieza's spaceship. "I know this is the place where he'll be touching down" the Saiyan Prince spoke, still scowling and his left hand clenched tightly all while continuing to look up.
Yamcha turned his attention towards Vegeta. "Are you sure, Vegeta?" He asked, still shocked over the fact the prince even knew where Frieza would land yet at the same time wondered if any of them had a chance against the tyrant at this point.
"Yes, I'm sure now zip it!" answered Vegeta, glaring at Yamcha since it would be for the best that they use the element of surprise and to be better, prepared for Frieza or even any henchmen which he most likely brought with him. "I don't want him to know we're waiting…"
Hearing this caused Yamcha to frown as Kakashi moved over towards the former Desert Bandit. "Look, pay no attention to him Yamcha, right now we need to stay on task," Kakashi said, looking into the sky as Yamcha nodded.
"Thanks, man I just can't stand Vegeta sometime you know?" he asked looking at the masked Ninja with a frown on his face as Kakashi nodded, and both were going to say something else until; they all heard a voice.
"Hello down there!"
Yamcha and Vegeta were shocked upon recognizing the voice. "It's Bulma!" the former Desert Bandit spoke, wondering why his girlfriend would even come to the area whereas Vegeta scowled at the sight of the bluenette and Puar preparing to land their plane. "Vegeta, Yamcha, I'm coming in!"
Kakashi and Naruto are both shocked seeing Bulma was here, and they both knew that this would only cause trouble. "This is bad if Frieza sees her she's going to be an easy target for him," Kakashi said frowning.
Gohan and Krillin noticed this as well and gave a sigh knowing Bulma would cause trouble, but they also wondered why the hell did the come here, as Bulma called out to her boyfriend was more with a smile on her face. "Yamcha, hey, hold up!"
The Desert Bandit was starting to get even more worried than ever when Puar floated up to him, and Bulma exited the plane. "What in the world are you two doing here?!" he exclaimed, hoping it was a sick joke being, played on him.
"We came to see Frieza" answered Bulma, not looking that terrified since it could be her one, and only chance to see what the tyrant was like after having never gotten a proper glimpse of him back on Planet Namek. "I missed him on Namek, and I am not going to let that happen again."
"Are you crazy?!" yelled Yamcha, not believing what he was hearing, and he thought it was bad enough when the Kyuubi and Garlic Jr tried to take over Earth, but he's aware of what Frieza could do even if he never fought against the tyrant before in his life. "Do you realize what he'll do to you when he finds you here?"
"Yes, of course, I do… he'll come down and blow up the planet, but I want to see him before he does it. What's so wrong with that?" answered Bulma with a confident look on her face, causing Yamcha to be even more bewildered than ever before. "Besides, I hear he's kinda cute too."
"It's amazing how every time you open your mouth, you prove you're an idiot" Vegeta mocked, turning away from the scene happening before them as it was clear he knew much like Yamcha did that Bulma wouldn't last two seconds.
However, nothing else could be said as they noticed Tien and Chiaotzu arriving at the fray. "Tien, Chiaotzu!" Yamcha was glad to see his two former rivals turned friend as it was clear they needed all the help they could all possibly get against the likes of Frieza and whoever he's bringing with him.
As expected, while Tien and Chiaotzu were glad to see Yamcha, they were still cautious towards Vegeta given his actions when he first came to Earth two years ago. "Vegeta…" Tien scowled, looking ready to have a rematch against the Saiyan Prince. "We didn't realize you were going to be here too…"
The prince grinned, knowing that neither Tien nor Chiaotzu, were any threat to him. "Is that okay?" he asked, somewhat sarcastically.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, it isn't" answered Tien, although as much as he wanted to fight Vegeta again, he knew that it would have to wait until they took care of Frieza. "I still haven't forgotten what happened the last time we met. You disgust me…"
Vegeta looked at Tien, knowing how the three-eyed human was killed by Nappa, which only caused Vegeta to smile as he looked at Tien. "You're not going to last long when Frieza gets here; it will be like when Nappa killed you when we came to Earth."
"How can you stomach him, Yamcha?" Tien asked the ex-Desert Bandit, noticing that Yamcha was a lot more tolerable when around the prince despite the hell he and his partner Nappa put them and everyone else on Earth through.
"Ha, loser!"
Yamcha immediately got between Tien and Vegeta; they already had enough problems to deal with as it is. "Hey, cool it guys!" he said, not wanting another fight going on due to the tyrant closing in on their home planet any moment now. "This is no time to fight, okay?"
Vegeta looked over to Yamcha wanting to yell at the human after all none of the fools will live when Frieza arrives. "Yamcha's right we're wasting our time fighting each other!" Kayuko snapped, knowing this wasn't the time to fight each other.
Kakashi sighs knowing that they would end up killing each other before Frieza even arrives at Earth, but as the copy ninja looked around, he saw no sign on Sasuke yet, and it worried him. "I hope Sasuke doesn't try anything."
Tien soon clams down, and Vegeta humps and looks away from the three-eyed human as Tien looks over to Kakashi and the others. "It's Frieza, isn't it Kakashi? How long till he lands, do you think?"
The others around them all remained silent as they looked and waited. "Well it could be any time now," Yamcha said as he looked over towards Naruto. "Hey, man look maybe Sakura didn't have the power to finish Frieza off. I mean, she did take a great deal of damage from him."
The group soon heard a scoff and looked thinking it was Vegeta at first. "That's because she was weak always has been, and she always will be weak," Sasuke said, looking at the others with that emotionless look on his face. "And now look what's going on."
The others all looked at Sasuke when he said this, and it wasn't something Naruto didn't care for right now as he moved over to Sasuke. "Look Sasuke she did her best, we don't know why or how Frieza is alive."
Once again all Sasuke did was scoff at his fellow team-mate looking away from Naruto. "And yet she still failed to kill him an Uchiha would have finished Frieza off, I guess Saiyans are useless as well, can't get a job done."
The Saiyans looked at Sasuke with anger in their eyes when Sasuke said this not at all happy with him calling them useless. "Yeah, this coming from the brat who got his ass handed to him when the Kyuubi attacked," Kayuko said, looking at Sasuke with her arms crossed over her chest.
Sasuke gave her a huff looking away from the female Saiyan. "And you died on Namek if I remember by Frieza's hands, the same fate will happen to you again."
Kakashi seeing this was heating up was not, liking this the lose Sasuke suffered by Nark and the fact he was now the weakest on Team 7 didn't sit well with the last Uchiha and Kakashi was worried right now what Sasuke would do.
Kayuko looked at Sasuke her anger was now rising at this human, and right now she wanted to Ki blast him into nothingness, but she knew that would make Frieza and his men; knows they are waiting for them. "You little shit!" She yelled, clenching her fists.
Sasuke only looked at Kayuko with an unimpressed look on his face, ready to remake on the female Saiyan again when he was, stopped. "Sasuke, that's enough; stop it right now!" Kakashi yelled, looking at Sasuke with disappointment in his voice, while Sasuke looked at his teacher and scoffed at him walking away.
Sasuke only gave his teacher a humph before looking away from, while Yamcha looked on seeing that everything was getting tense now, even Bulma took notice of this and knew it was best, that she didn't say anything.
Vegeta, growing tired of all the yelling and could tell a fight was coming and wanted to stop it before it began. "Be quiet I'd rather Frieza's scouters didn't detect us because of your persistent yammering; besides all this scary talk is upsetting the Namek.
Yamcha was shocked by this and looked over in the direction that Vegeta was looking in right now too as they saw Piccolo standing on a rock. "Piccolo, how long have you been standing there?"
Piccolo only looked at the group and could sense the growing darkness in Sasuke, and knew this was something he needed to talk to Kakashi about when the time was right since they had Frieza to worry about right now.
Piccolo only looked at the others seeing Vegeta was here but again they had, much bigger problem to deal with right now and they all knew this. "Just long enough to hear all of your senseless bickering at each other, something none of us have time for."
"Piccolo's right, Frieza is coming, and we all need to work together if we have any chance on beating him, we need to buy Goku and Sakura time," Kakashi said frowning thinking of a plan that can work for them. "Right now, our three best hitters are Vegeta, Naruto, and Kayuko."
Yamcha only sighed at this and looked over to Gohan hoping that Goku was on his way, or that they knew he was coming. "Hey, any word from Goku?"Yamcha asked knowing and hoping his friend got in contact with them somehow.
Gohan looks at Yamcha before he shakes his head not hearing about his father or Sakura. "No, I mean nothing you don't think that there..." Gohan said, stopping as he didn't want to think about what Frieza might have done.
Both Bulma and Puar looked sad about that answer, knowing that they still had no idea where Goku or Sakura even was right now, as they looked over to Yamcha. "Sorry, just thought I'd ask."
Everything went silent when until Piccolo looked into the sky sense Frieza arrived at Earth. "He's here!" Piccolo yelled, as everyone looks at the sky and sees Frieza's spaceship and are shocked especially Vegeta, Frieza's ship passes over them not even knowing they are down there and everyone's faces range from anger to worry.
Frieza moves his ship far away from them while Krillin and Gohan turn around to see his spaceship. Along with all the others while Bulma hugs Puar. "He's landing just over that ridge," Naruto said looking towards the others.
Frieza then lands his ship on Earth after destroying some pillars of rocks while the Z-warriors group looked even more worried and scared with Bulma almost crying. "Damn it, and I was hoping we'd have more time!"
Naruto clenched his fist as everyone looked at each other before speaking up to the others. "Okay then we, have to head there and stop Frieza, I mean we all know he can destroy the planet when he wants not to mention we know what Frieza and his men did to the Namekians."
"Then again, not all the Namekians were killed by Frieza and his men" Krillin reminded the blonde-haired male Ninja with a frown as his glance turned towards Vegeta as he thought about the Saiyan Prince's actions on Namek before the Ginyu Force. "Don't forget that Vegeta attacked a village and killed everyone in it, not to mention they stayed dead because Shenron only brought back to life everyone that died at the hands of Frieza and his minions."
Vegeta looked back to Krillin when the bald human said this, after all, he didn't care about the Namekians he killed on Namek. "Hump, like I care they shouldn't have been weak," Vegeta said, looking away from the group.
"Your Excellency, the landing process is complete. We have reached our destination."
Frieza's father was pleased to know that everything had gone smoothly with their trip to the planet which his son had told him about as he looked at the Earth. "Superb," he said as slowly started to get off his chair and standing next to him was Frieza himself, determined to exact revenge upon the female Saiyan who had defeated him.
"Soon I will have my vengeance, and this time I'll destroy the Saiyans every last one of them," Frieza thought with a smile at the death and destruction. "Yes, they will suffer and die by my hand."
Back with the Z-Fighters, nobody present was sure on what to do now that Frieza had arrived on Earth, although they couldn't just stand there given the tyrant would destroy the planet when they least expected it. "Now, there's no room for mistakes!" Vegeta informed the group, not wanting any problems like on Namek, especially since there was a chance that Frieza would most likely bring reinforcements with him as he knew how calculous the tyrant could be. "We've all got to keep our power levels suppressed or else Frieza would pick us up with his scouters."
Gohan, despite being nervous about having to face Frieza once again felt his mentor Piccolo's hand on his battle armor's left shoulder. "Ready?" he asked of the young Half-Saiyan child to which he got a nod as his answer, which made the Namekian smile at the determination that his young pupil had.
Kakashi nodded, looking to the others around him thinking what to do as he looked over to Naruto who was still silent. "Vegeta's right, we need to be smart about this," Kakashi said hating this, and knowing that death would be waiting for them. "If we get the chance, we need to take Frieza out, even if it means we all die."
"This is crazy!" yelled Yamcha, wondering if they even stand a chance against the likes of Frieza or any of his minions and especially given how strong the tyrant was possibly even more so than back on Namek two years ago. "I've never felt anything anywhere close to the amount of power I'm sensing right now!"
"I hate to say it, Yamcha but this is only the tip of the iceberg" explained Gohan, knowing Frieza's not one to be taken lightly, as Gohan knew what that monster was capable of first-hand. "He's also stronger than when Sakura fought him on Namek."
"Damn it" cursed Tien, hating the fact they have an even stronger Frieza to deal with at this very moment and wished Goku and Sakura had arrived first. "There's no way we're gonna last very long against a massive force like that!"
"Hey, you guys are kidding right?" asked Yamcha, secretly hoping that it was a sick joke though from the look on everyone's faces it was anything but one. "You're not suggesting that we attack him. I mean, it's like Tien said, we'd all be wiped out, I'm telling you, Frieza's a monster and attacking him would be suicide!"
"But we have to try, Yamcha," said Piccolo as there wasn't any other option right now, especially since while they were no match for Frieza, at the very least they could buy Goku and Sakura enough time to make it back to Earth, in order to defend the planet from the tyrant. "Unless we stop Frieza right here and now, we may as well kiss the entire planet goodbye."
However, this only proved to shock Yamcha even more than ever upon seeing that the others were going to go through with it, and it made the rest think about what to do as running wasn't an option at this point. "He's right you know" Vegeta was the next to speak up with a confident grin. "You, really have no choice, so let's say we put an end to this pathetic whimpering and go find Frieza… before he finds us!"
"Or you could leave not like you can do much," Sasuke said with a smirk forming on his face as he looked at Yamcha and the others. "Then again, you can stay and have Frieza waste time; that way, I get to kill him where Sakura failed."
Naruto hearing this clinched his fists he wanted to say something, but right now he didn't care, as Naruto knows that he had to be ready for Frieza, he looked at Sasuke and was worried knowing something was wrong with his team-mate.
Piccolo looked at Sasuke he didn't trust him, he knew the Uchiha wanted power, something that the Namekian knew why Sasuke wanted this power, and with everything that's happened since the team arrived it worried him.
Vegeta, however, scoffed when he heard Sasuke saying this, knowing the young man was a fool in think he could kill Frieza. "No, that right is mine, and mine alone."
Meanwhile, the doors to Frieza's spaceship soon opened, as both Frieza and his father and King Cold exit from the ship and landed on the ground with their soldiers all behind waiting for orders from their leaders.
Frieza looked around his surroundings; he never expected that the female Saiyan or any of her friends would even come from a planet such as this. "So, this is the planet Earth…" he said to himself, knowing it was vastly different from Namek and he was rather intrigued on the planet. "How very quaint…"
However, he suddenly saw something, and from the way it looked, he could've sworn that it looked just like that female Saiyan Sakura Haruno which caused his expression to darken. And he tightened his left fist which sparked with red electricity and blood started leaking onto the ground as the image faded away and memories of their fight on Namek flashed before his eyes.
"Maybe, but it was enough to beat you Frieza." She said as she took one last look at Frieza before she took flying off while Frieza just watched in anger.
"Nothing but a monkey, she's nothing but a child a weak little girl," Frieza said as he tightened his fist and continued to look up at her as he remembered her becoming a Super Saiyan.
"Poor stupid Saiyan you, really think you've won, your puny mind could never understand I am Frieza the most powerful fighter in the universe, and you are nothing but a beast a child a little girl an animal!" Frieza yelled as the waves of the sea splashed on his body. "You can't win because I'm mighty, and you are not, now learn. Learn what happens when you mess with the most powerful fighter in the universe!" Frieza yelled as he fired a powerful Ki blast right towards Sakura with the only arm that he had left.
Sakura on the other hand just looked back at this and was angry at what Frieza was doing and no longer cared for the evil Tyrant, so she decided that it was time she ended it once and for all as she got ready to fire a powerful Ki blast at Frieza.
"You foolish, stupid bastard; why don't you just die already Frieza, I've had it with you!" Sakura yelled as she fired her Ki blast at the Tyrant, which overwhelmed his own, as all Frieza could do now scream as the attack got even closer before the golden Ki blast hit him.
Once the attack him Frieza the Tyrant just screamed even more before an explosion rocked the whole area that Frieza was in, which also destroyed the entire island as well creating a tidal wave that only destroyed more of it.
Sometime after Namek exploded nothing remained of the former planet that the Namekians called home, any signs of life were gone. Even the ship Frieza used to get to Namek was destroyed in the blast too.
Floating within Namek's debris was none other than Frieza's shredded body, somehow having managed only barely to survive the blast from Sakura but also the explosion of the entire planet albeit severely damaged and mutilated. "M-Monkey… she was just a monkey…" he barely muttered, despite being able to breathe in space… the injuries he received in the battle left him on the brink of death, and he was now missing the right side of his face, which included his right eye.
All Frieza could think about are the Earthlings and all the trouble they caused him from stealing his wish, and his men that he brought with him to Namek. All of them dead Zarbon and Dodoria, even the Ginyu force were killed too, but the earthlings and the surviving Saiyans.
As Frieza continued to drift in space all the tyrant could think about was how he should have killed the Saiyans back when he had the chance, but no, he had to let a handful live to work for him. A mistake he was now paying for at this very moment.
However, deep within another section another ship that looked exactly like the one Frieza used to arrive, as in inside the ship many soldiers were working on the computer, while King Cold was looking out into the darkness of space.
Already King Cold was growing impatient while his men looked for Lord Frieza, each one of them, knowing what would happen if they didn't find their leaders son.
"Sire, much as we expected… the entire Planet Namek has been, destroyed by the explosion" reported one of the bridge crew members onboard King Cold's spaceship. "And… there seems to be no sign of Lord Frieza just yet, your highness, we are continuing our search among the debris, and we're very hopeful that we'll find him."
The father of Frieza was, somewhat disappointed with the turn of events, and one of the soldiers felt, slightly uneasy as their superior stood up from his seat. "You disappoint me, captain, it seems you lack confidence in Frieza's ability to survive such a pitiful blast," he said. "I tell you my son is not so, easily destroyed as a planet… He is out there alive. So please do go find him, won't you?"
He gave an evil grin and chuckled, silently as he glanced out at space, with the glass slowly cracking before eventually shattering to pieces and one of the soldiers was unfortunately sucked out into the vacuum while the rest of the soldiers did their best avoid meeting the same fate he did. "I found him, sir!" came the captain's voice as he picked something up on the radar and got the attention of King Cold as he continued. "It's a very faint signal, but we have locked on to Lord Frieza's position."
"Excellent," said King Cold, glad that his suspicions on his son's survival were indeed correct though at the same time couldn't help but feel slight concern the moment he noticed the mutilated condition that the tyrant was in and wondered what happened. "Have him brought on board immediately."
Once King Cold and his ship arrived back to one of the many plants they controlled with Frieza in a healing tank with a breathing mask covering his face. As Frieza's men all worked to save their leader from the state he was currently in, all the while King Cold was watching seeing how mutilated his son was.
"Status report, doctor?"
"Your Highness, we are working on Lord Frieza around the clock" explained the doctor, knowing they were doing all they could, in their operation to save Frieza's life and perhaps even stronger than he was before. "But I am confident that we can rebuild him… We have the technology to make him faster, stronger, and in every way, more powerful than he was before."
"Even as we speak, a team of our brightest engineers is working diligently to create the cybernetic attachments we will need in order, to make Lord Frieza whole again" he continued as the best scientists were already at work in the task at hand all while King Cold was overseeing it. "Once these mechanical enhancements have been, made to his existing body, he will be able to realize energy levels far greater than ever before… Levels that would have been unsustainable in his purely organic form, Sire I can wholeheartedly assure you that Lord Frieza will soon re-establish himself as the most powerful force in the universe."
Soon the last parts to Frieza's new body were added, as King Cold continued to watch the operation taking place as the head doctor added the final piece to Frieza. "There."
Slowly Frieza opened his eyes while beginning to sit up, something the doctors around him noticed and were slightly worried for their master. "Not too quickly, my lord."
Frieza, with the whole of the lower half of his body, entire left arm, and right side of his face all replaced with scarring and metal accouterments covering what little was, now left of his organic self turned his attention towards his father. "Set a course for Earth, father," he said with malice in his voice, wishing to seek revenge on the one who did this to him.
"Planet Earth?" King Cold asked of his newly rebuilt son, curious as to why he would want to head to that planet, he has heard about Earth due to what he learned regarding Vegeta's return to Planet Frieza 79 albeit without Nappa. "Whatever for, my son?"
"I'd like to blow it up…" he replied to his father with anger in his voice, all while turning away from him with the same look of disgust on his face as he thought back to his battle with Sakura on Namek. 'And to make that female Saiyan suffer for what she did to me…'
"Change course!"
End of Flashback
Not caring about the blood that dripped from his left fist, the tyrant was determined to make sure that the female who defeated him would suffer slowly and painfully. "I will make her suffer for what she did to me…" he gritted his teeth, wanting to use his newly increased strength in his bid for revenge and raised his still tightened hand at the thought of her. "I will make this whole planet suffer!"
"Yes, do be quick about it… I'd rather not stay too long on this pathetic little mudball" began King Cold with a sly grin on his face despite his; own interest on the Earth and what it looked like first-hand though he started to scowl as he continued. "Not that I don't just love it here, but I still can't see why we can't simply destroy the planet right now."
The remark made Frieza grin; he had his reasons for why he didn't just destroy the Earth immediately since it would've just ruined the fun he had in store. "You can be, absolutely naughty, father… It's impressive, and here I've always wondered where I picked up my knack for it," he said which led to King Cold being impressed.
"I take great pride in the fact that I have taught you all the necessary skills of life," he remarked and then looked back at the view. "Use them well."
"Indeed I will, for it just so happens that I have also learned from you the fine art of revenge… Allow me to demonstrate by vaporizing all of the Saiyan's friends one by one," said Frieza as he was more determined than ever to get his vengeance. And saver it well, leading to him chuckling at the prospect of seeing how Sakura would react to the lifeless bodies of everyone she cared about which later turned to a maniacal laugh. "And my, oh my… won't she be surprised when she returns home and finds no one here to welcome her but me!"
The Z-Fighters were slowly making their way towards where Frieza's spaceship landed while at the same time wanted to keep their power levels low enough to prevent them from being detected. "Oh, man, why me? I mean I've just got wished back, and now I have to face Frieza?" thought Yamcha with a frown, feeling as if they were all going to die very soon and them having to travel by foot didn't help matters either.
As the others started to climb up a nearby cliff, Yamcha just looked up and said. "I… I don't think I can do this, you guys!"
Hearing this both Bulma and Gohan looked down to Yamcha seeing the look of fear that he had on his face and knew that Yamcha was terrified. "Hey, Yamcha, you've got this, not to mention your friends are here with you."
Yamcha only looked over to Naruto with a smile and nodded. "Well most at least," Yamcha said as he looked at both Vegeta and Sasuke with an angry scowl.
Naruto nodded as he looked at Vegeta and Sasuke. "Yeah, I get what you mean Yamcha, but for now, let's worry about Frieza."
Meanwhile, Frieza and King Cold looked at the men as Frieza soon gave the soldiers orders on what to do. "Now all of you begin your search!" Frieza gave his troops the orders all while looking behind him. "And when you find them, show no mercy!"
"Yes, as you wish, sir!"
Suddenly as soon as the small group of soldiers teleported away, several sword slashes were heard, and it got the attention of Frieza, and his father as pieces of said soldiers immediately fell from the sky, landing on the ground not too far from where they and the rest of the troops stood. "Huh?" wondered the tyrant as he heard a gunshot and blood splattering with another soldier nearby collapsing, a hole in his head which still oozed with blood as a result of the shot in question, catching everyone's attention more than ever yet had no idea where it came from as the two looked around.
King Cold was also in shock looking at his dead men, while he had a calm look on his face deep within he wasn't too pleased with this looking around to see who had killed his men. And Frieza was doing the same as well wanting to know the one behind this attack since he was going to make them suffer for getting in his way of the vengeance he came here for in the first place.
"Ah, so you must be Frieza."
Not too far from the area was a young-looking and tall woman with fair skin. She had big black eyes and long black hair with bangs. She wore a long, blue jacket along with yellow pants, black boots, and a green hat. "Be careful…" she said while remaining hidden, holding a smoking sniper rifle in her possession as she watched the scene between the lavender-haired young man and the two tyrants taking place before her very eyes.
Looking at his dead men, Frieza and his father looked at this stranger standing before wondering who he was and why this fool had come here. "You know I've been waiting a long time to meet you face to face," The young man said, looking at the two.
"Well, we have a guest…"
The stranger had a determined expression on his face. "Now I'm going to destroy you," he said which made Frieza scoff at this as he believed it to be an empty threat despite the deaths of several of his men earlier at the hands of this young swordsman.
"We better run, isn't that right father?" he asked sarcastically, thinking it would not bold well for the stranger at all if he were to take the two tyrants on himself. "You don't know what you're up against, boy."
"I know, exactly what I'm up against, Frieza and let me tell you, I'm not worried" the stranger replied, his confident look not leaving for merely a second despite what Frieza just said not too long ago. "Make no mistake; I'm going to finish you once and for all."
"Well, you certainly are an arrogant little thing and maybe in whatever little hole you just crawled out of you're pretty tough but you're no match for me, really"Frieza replied as he didn't feel that the stranger was going to be any kind, of a threat to him, his father or their forces. "Fighting a pitiful young punk like you isn't even worth my time."
"Maybe I haven't made myself clear yet!" the stranger declared again, which started to get on Frieza's nerves as it seemed he wasn't going to back down despite the odds appearing to be, completely stacked against him. "You're, done; finished, this is the day you die, Frieza!"
Despite being irritated by the strange, Frieza was quick to keep his cool as he could use some amusement. "Enough idle talk…," he said before turning his attention towards one of the soldiers behind him. "Foot, soldier!"
"Yes, as you wish sir?"
"Vaporize this... little rodent" he ordered the green-skinned soldier; however that wasn't the only command he was gonna give just in case there happened to be more to the stranger than he initially thought. "The rest of you spread out!"
The Frieza soldiers all nodded their heads, each one of them ready to attack and kill this stranger for even thinking of getting in the way of the master's plans, the stranger, on the other hand, looked at the soldiers with a smile on his face. "I think it's only fair to warn you guys you don't stand a chance against me."
A red-headed Frieza soldier only looked at the stronger and laughed at how foolish he was being while walking over to the lavender-haired teenager. "Kid, you don't scare us."
Another laugh was, heard as a green Lizard Frieza soldier stepped up looking at the stranger. "Hey, stand back; I need some room to work here."
The Green Lizard Frieza soldier used his scouter to read the Stranger power level. "Huh, his power level is only level Five well kid I hope you've said your goodbyes cause it's about time for you to go."
The Frieza soldier soon shot his blaster at the Stranger, and he sent it behind him into some rocks like nothing, this shocked the lizard man, who got worried and fired more times, and the Stranger, who deflected them like nothing.
"But Five how can you...?" he asked as the Stranger moved his hair out of his eyes and looked at the green lizard Frieza soldier and rushed him kneeing him in the chin, knocking him into one of the legs of Frieza's ship.
"Well…"Frieza started to speak, not expecting the stranger to be capable of defeating one of his soldiers with just one punch though it made him intrigued that this boy had some skill which meant this could be interesting. "Seems the little dog has some bite to go with his bark after all."
"Why… you attack!" ordered the blonde-haired soldier with the white beard as he and the rest of the troops all charged in at the stranger only for the young boy to pull out his sword and charged in, with three slashes in slow motion, he managed to kill every last one of the men single handily, as if they were nothing.
All that's left from the stranger was one lone Frieza soldier he watched on in fear, as his scouter got cut in two or the lens part of it. Soon the armor around his shoulder fell apart too. He then started backing up not knowing Frieza is behind him.
"Coward," Frieza whispered and rammed his hand through the soldier's stomach, and he looked down and then looked at his master with shock and fear on his face.
The white Mohawk mustache soldier looked backed a Frieza wondering why his master had done this. "Why Lord Frieza?" he asked while Frieza then removed his hand from him, and he fell to the ground, dead.
With all the soldiers dead both Frieza and his father looked at the stranger before them before a smile formed on Frieza's face. "I must admit, I'm impressed."
The stranger on the other hand only looked at Frieza and King Cold with a frown on his face, he could already tell some others were heading in this direction and smiled, he didn't have a lot of time. "Okay time to show Frieza that I know he'll hate."
Meanwhile, the Z-fighters felt something, and it shocks them as Naruto gritted his teeth and what he was feeling right now, everyone but Bulma and Puar had no idea what was going on right now, and Bulma wanted to ask them. "Guys, hey, what's going on?"
Krillin turned his attention to Bulma since she needed to know what's going on and the danger she was in now before looking to his friends. "You can all feel that right? I'm sensing another huge power level."
"Yeah, but who can it be?" Naruto asked, looking at the others with a frown. "I mean, we know one is Frieza, but I have no idea who the other two are?"
Kakashi nodded thinking what they should do now that an unknown person arrived, one which they didn't know anything about, and it worried the copy ninja. I think we need to be careful; we have no idea who the two powers belong too."
Naruto had to agree with that looking over to Vegeta and Kayuko. "So do either of you know who the other two powers belong too?"
Kayuko looked at Naruto, thinking about what he said. "Well, the only one I could think that would have come with Frieza is his father, King Cold."
Once, hearing this, everyone looked at the female Saiyan. "Damn it, if this guy, is anything like Frieza, then we're screwed," Naruto said frowning at the thought.
Kakashi agreed with Naruto on this, but that didn't answer who the third person was before moving on to face all three. "Damn, so what about this third person?" Kakashi asked knowing anything can help them right now with dealing with the threat.
Tien nodded, looking at the others with a scowl on his face. "And this one makes Frieza seem like nothing."
"Well, crap, what should we do, then?" Krillin asked frowning, looking to the others. "You know maybe they're a friend here to help us," Krillin said laughing hoping that this person who was stronger than Frieza.
Yamcha laughed now, getting worried, looking to his friends. "You know guys; it's not too late we can still turn around and go home if we want right."
Tien saw the panic in Yamcha's face placed a hand on his shoulder. "Be strong Yamcha; we need to fight and stop Frieza, and the other two who are with him?"
"Incredible, I've never sensed anything like this before, where would someone with this kind of power, could have come from?"Vegeta thought, looking at the fool he was currently with at the moment.
King Cold merely looks at the Stranger with a smile forming on his face. "What a pleasant surprise," he said, looking at the young teenager seeing what he had done to all of his men.
"You're right, father…" commented Frieza, having underestimated the stranger's power but knew that he would be more than capable of taking this newcomer out as a perfect chance to warm up before he eliminates the pink-haired female Saiyan's friends. "This may prove to be a bit more amusing than I had thought."
"And now, you two are going down…"
King Cold was even more amused than ever, from the stranger's words it seemed like he was determined to fight them both despite not knowing what he was up against, as he saw this as a game. "One thing is certain if nothing else I'd say this little creature's quite the comedian," he said to his son.
"He is that" Frieza replied all while continuing to stare down at the stranger who continued to scowl at the two tyrants. "I'll tell you what, kid… Let me give you a piece of advice, he who acquires his skills quickly is he who is the first to perish."
The strange gave a confident grin. "Thanks for the tip," The teenager said which made Frieza angry that the young man standing before him was determined to go through with this, but he wasn't, done yet. "Listen up; now I've got one for you, Frieza. Know your enemy. You already made some pretty big assumptions about me, and that's a mistake that's going to cost you dearly."
"You insolent brat!" growled Frieza, tightening his right fist for insulting him like that. "You should learn to control your tongue…"
"Just destroy him already," King Cold said calmly to his son all while having his arms crossed, knowing that they could be going back to ruling the universe once the Earth and everyone on it, was obliterated regardless of the younger tyrant's plans of revenge. "We haven't got all day."
"Really father" muttered Frieza, knowing that it wouldn't be long before he won his battle and was looking forward in getting his revenge even if he had to do the deed himself now that his men were all dead. "Have some patience, father; I'm just trying to have a little fun if you don't mind."
"He's right you know, you don't have all day" the stranger couldn't help but agree with King Cold on that, although this was going to be the only time as he would make sure neither of the tyrants, live to harm any innocent people on the planet. "More like five minutes."
"Oh that's too bad," said Frieza somewhat sarcastically, as if the stranger was trying to intimidate the two but knew it's going to take a lot more than that to be successful. "And here I made dinner plans."
"So I've heard," the strange said back, knowing what Frieza intended to do which was more of a reason to finish that monster off as well as his father here and now before more people get hurt. "Well, sorry, Frieza, but I'm canceling your date with Sakura."
However, this was the first time he had heard the pinkette's name. "What's a Sakura?" he asked his child, causing Frieza to turn his attention towards the much larger alien despite his slight shock at how the stranger knew about Sakura.
"Father, I know you're bored, but please try to keep up," he told his father, then returned his glance to the stranger as he was starting to become even more suspicious than ever. "So I take it, you know that worthless Saiyan."
"By reputation but we'll meet soon," he said to Frieza, the look of determination not leaving his face for even a second.
"Oh?"Frieza asked in another sarcastic tone, despite his suspicions it wouldn't be long before he resumed his plans of vengeance and wanted to see the reaction from Sakura when she bore witness to the dead bodies lying on the ground the moment she returned to the planet. "Don't be so certain."
All the stranger did was stare down at the tyrant more than ever before, still completely unfazed by those words. "But I couldn't be more certain, Frieza!" he said. "Anytime now Goku and Sakura will be coming home, and only one of us is going to be here waiting for them… Get it?"
The name Goku suddenly became known to King Cold, as this was another person whom he had not been aware of until now. "First this Sakura and now this Goku, who exactly are they?" he asked mentally, his curiosity starting to get the better of him though he would question Frieza on the matter later.
"Definitely…"Frieza grinned evilly, knowing he was going to enjoy taking both Saiyans out at once in a bid to be rid of that damned race for good. "As it so happens… I was just about to suggest that very thing myself. It's so nice that you and I can finally agree on something, don't you think?"
"For once you're right."
"Well, then I guess all that's left is for me to decide just how I'm going to annihilate you"Frieza gave a shrug, thinking of various, different ways to possibly kill the stranger and wasn't sure if he wanted to do it quickly or painfully slow as one method was as good as another.
"Enough kidding around! It's time you understood who I, really am," the stranger spoke up, getting the attention of the tyrants. "So, I'll tell you what? I'm going to let the two of you in on a little secret…"
The lavender-haired teen grinned as there was more to him than meets the eye. "You're about to find out what it's like to fight a real Super Saiyan," he said, rather knowledgeable about the very thing that Frieza feared most even before the events on Namek. "And I'm not talking about Sakura."
Frieza and King Cold were shocked at the fact the stranger knew about the Super Saiyan Legend and the fact Sakura had achieved the form although the smaller tyrant was quick to regain his composure and started to chuckle. "You crack me up, kid," he said before he began laughing as he thought. "I never met anyone who laid it on quite as thick as you!"
King Cold couldn't help but join in on this chuckle, thinking the stranger was merely bluffing. Though he was about to prove the two tyrants utterly wrong as the ground slowly started the tremble around the three of them which caused Frieza to stop laughing as he saw something that the tyrant thought he would never see anyone else do.
"No…" muttered Frieza, finds himself trembling in fear and wondered what the hell was going on. "It can't be…"
King Cold gritted his teeth at the sight of the lavender-haired stranger powering up right before their very eyes. "What is he?" he asked as he noticed a strange gold aura surrounding the male swordsman.
The stranger, however, kept powering up while both Frieza and King Cold watched scaring Frieza while his father remained unfazed. "What, no, it's impossible..." Frieza said in a panic seeing the Stranger keeps powering up while screaming so much so that the soldiers he killed rise up in the air.
King Cold only looked at his son, seeing the fear forming on his face, which caused him to look at the stranger. "Well, this should be somewhat interesting?"
Meanwhile, the Z-Warriors feel the power of the Stranger or someone stronger, which caused them all to look at each other wondering who this person was, but they needed to watch out.
"Whoa sounds like the fights starting without us," Yamcha said frowning sensing someone was powering up as Yamcha looked to the others.
As the ground continued to shake with the stranger powering up, this caused Bulma to fall, down on her butt."Oh someone, stop this crazy thing I want to get off!" She cried out hating all of this and that she decided to come here in the first place.
Gohan nodded, feeling the power knowing something big was going down. "It might be my dad at least I hope so."
"I have to agree with Gohan it could be Goku Sensei since this doesn't feel like Sakura-chan to me," Naruto said with a frown, looking at the others around him.
Krillin, however, turned to look at Gohan."You think?" He asked, hoping that his best friend since childhood was now, back on Earth.
Gohan only smiled looking at the others, as he nodded."Who else would try to take on Frieza alone?"
Krillin, on the other hand, was thinking who else would stand up to Frieza. "I don't know Gohan."
Kakashi looked over to both Gohan and Naruto and nodded his head thinking who this person was, for all they knew it was another threat that came to Earth. "But we need to watch out too, for all we know this is someone worse than Frieza."
Gohan gave a sigh knowing that Kakashi was right; all he wanted right now was for his father to come home, but right now they needed to deal with the problem they currently faced first then worry about who this power belong too.
Sasuke only scoffed at this not caring about Goku or Sakura the last Uchiha wanted to know who this person was and what power he had on him, knowing that someone else and surpassed him in power and strength.
"No, it can't be, how's this even possible to get this powerful," Sasuke thought in anger, looking at everyone around him, none of them were worthy of having such power. "No, it should be an Uchiha to have such power," Sasuke said frowning as he tightened his fists.
"Kakarot, no I absolutely; refuse to believe it. There's no way his power level could have increased this much. It's impossible even if he is a Super Saiyan," Vegeta thought frowning knowing they needed to get to where Frieza was and fast.
The Stranger's hair started to stick up and by spiky and his eyes started turning a teal color, and sparks flew off him. Frieza was at a loss for words and had a small vision of Sakura saying Frieza.
Soon the Stranger's hair started turning golden yellow; and Frieza started backing away, with his father looking at the Stranger impressed by what he saw with his own eyes.
"So, this is a Super Saiyan," said King Cold, unlike Frieza, the larger tyrant was impressed by the sight of a real Super Saiyan which he initially thought much like his son before him was nothing more than a legend that the Saiyans believed long before they were all, but wiped out decades ago. "I have to give this stranger credit, he is a lot stronger than we've anticipated, but then again he's nowhere near the power of Majin Buu or even the God of Destruction, Lord Beerus…"
The stranger finished turning into a Super Saiyan, and Frieza looked more scared as fear and anger, looking at another Super Saiyan. "It's those eyes," Frieza said, looking at the eyes of the super Saiyan that belonged to the stranger. "They have the same eyes."
Frieza soon had another flashback to his fight with Sakura and looking at his eyes, which only caused Frieza to be enraged, and the stranger took notice of this before he smiled at the robotic tyrant. "Is it something I said?"
Meanwhile, the raven-haired woman smiled when she saw the scene taking place despite being a bit of a distance away from the area that King Cold's spaceship landed at and hoped that he knew what he was doing against the two tyrants. Then again, she should need to worry given how frightened Frieza had become the moment the lavender-haired young swordsman transformed into a Super Saiyan.
Speaking of which, Frieza gritted his teeth in anger and was going to retaliate against the stranger upon having seen him turn Super Saiyan. "Damn you, Saiyan!" he screamed raising his hand in front of him and firing off a gold-colored Ki blast in the direction of the swordsman, and the young man didn't even bother to dodge it.
Back with the Z-Fighters, they saw the explosion from where they were currently located and wondered what could be happening. "If that's Goku or Sakura…" Krillin didn't finish as he was about to head out there only for his left arm to be grabbed by Vegeta, the Saiyan Prince being angry at Krillin for attempting to head out to the battlefield without any, kind of plan.
"No, you'll give us all away… Until I know what we're dealing with, I prefer to remain unnoticed! So, unless I tell you otherwise…" growled Vegeta, tossing Krillin onto the ground near the others before finishing. "You stay put!"
Gohan and Naruto both made their way towards Krillin worried he was hurt. "Are you hurt?"Gohan asked of his father's best friend.
"Just my pride" answered Krillin, sitting up while at the same time not bothering to look at either Gohan or Naruto though wondered what they could do when nobody had any idea on what's transpiring out there. "Man, what are we supposed to do?"
All Gohan did was shake his head, whereas Naruto didn't know what to say or do. "What if Goku is, actually over there?" he asked again, tightening his right fist in frustration at the prospect of not being able to help make a difference against Frieza or whoever was there with him. "And what if he needs our help right now while we're all sitting here doing absolutely nothing!"
As soon as he finished what he was saying, he slammed his fist into the ground. Not that most of the others blamed him for feeling that way. "I know how you feel, I mean I wish I could go out there and make sure that Sakura's doing alright" explained Naruto as he prayed that whoever fought Frieza right now was indeed either Goku or Sakura.
Kakashi agreed with Naruto knowing they all needed to at least be careful, he was still very concerned by the third power he sensed, everyone else was also getting worried well not Vegeta or Kayuko, and Sasuke was something else.
"Hey, maybe we'll relax a little if we all sing a song" recommended Bulma, feeling as if she needed to ease the tension a little bit although a certain prince wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea and turned to glare at the bluenette.
"Shut up! You haven't had one useful thing to say since you got here!" he yelled, not wanting anything that could decrease their chances of surviving should Frieza, actually come after them. "Now you stay in the back and keep quiet, you foolish woman. I don't have time for your stupidity right now."
Hearing this Bulma looked at Vegeta with a scowl on her face, right now she wanted to yell at this so-called prince of all Saiyans, she already started to make her way towards Vegeta, until Yamcha decided to say something.
"Hey, you take that back!"Yamcha snapped at the Saiyan Prince, despite his initial fear at the idea of fighting Frieza as it was clear he didn't appreciate what Vegeta said to Bulma. "Bulma isn't stupid…"
Hearing what Yamcha said made Bulma relieved, especially at the sight of the Desert Bandit defending her. "So, you think I'm smart then?" she asked with a smile on her face.
"Well, you are a genius, but you're also kinda nosey and bossy."
That response led to Bulma angrily grabbing Yamcha's right ear and started to pull hard. "I'm not letting go until you say you're sorry!" she lashed out, becoming annoyed by the remark about her being nosey and bossy.
"See what I mean?" Yamcha asked somewhat sarcastically, something that hadn't gone unnoticed from the others, especially Puar and Tien. Gohan, the other hand, was a bit amused as was Naruto, the latter starting to remember the times he got in trouble with Sakura back home in their; own world. And Krillin had a slightly amused smile on his face at seeing the desert bandit in deep trouble with his girlfriend again then he, Chiaotzu and Puar joined in on chuckling at Yamcha's misfortune.
Naruto then remembered what his mother told him when he died thanks to Raditz so long ago. "You know Yamcha; my mom said that you need to watch what you say around women unless you want to feel their wrath."
Bulma smiled at this as she looked at Naruto, knowing he learned a lot from his mother while he was dead, she knew that Sakura was lucky to have Naruto. "Oh, if only I was a few years younger or Naruto was a few years older," she thought with a smiled and giggled.
Krillin soon started to look down to the ground. "This might just be our last chance to laugh you guys," he said, causing everyone to glance at him as he knew there was a possibility, they wouldn't survive this whole ordeal. However, Vegeta knew that they had enough waiting around and continued to make his way towards the battlefield with the others following close behind.
"Wait!" exclaimed Bulma, hating the fact she was being left behind again like she was back on Namek and she knew how that turned out. "Oh, how could they just leave me behind like that?!"
Puar soon floated up to Bulma with a smile. "Does that me we can go now?" he asked the bluenette, hoping the two would at least head back home and let the others take care of Frieza.
"No, I won't turn back now!" Bulma replied, causing Puar to be rather confused as he saw a look of determination forming on the woman's face. "They think they can ditch me because I'm a girl… Well, I'll show them what this girl can do. Those boys better watch out, cause here I come!"
She started to laugh a bit and then immediately grabbed Puar by the tail much to his dismay. "Come on, Puar!" she yelled, running in the direction that the rest of the Z-Fighters went off to in a hurry. "We'll teach those guys not to run off and leave us!"
Frieza and his father looked on as they admired Frieza's work with the stranger thinking he's dead. "My I would say that was all rather anticlimactic wouldn't you. I mean the little runt certainly didn't last very long now, did he?"
Smiling at his work, Frieza only smiled as he looked to his father. "Well, what did you expect he was only a..." Frieza stops talking after seeing something that scares him more. "Monkey..."
In the smoke stood the stranger unharmed by Frieza's attack, Frieza, however, was getting mad as he looked at the stranger who only stared back with a smile on his face. "You know I hope that's not the best you can do because if it is, you'd better give up now. You can't win Frieza."
"We'll just see about that boy take this!" Frieza yelled as he charged up another Ki blast at the stranger wanting nothing more than to kill this Super Saiyan.
King Cold only looked at his son as he used his cape trying to stop the light from his son's attack while crying out to him. "Frieza, stop!"
However, Frieza ignored his father as he looked at the stranger with a smile before he unleashed the attack, and even King Cold could see his son was now losing it. "You'll destroy us all!"
The stranger caught the blast and held it back, while Frieza couldn't believe what he was seeing his eyes blinking at this before him. "What, no, it's impossible!"
The others continued to make their way to the scene on foot with Piccolo and Vegeta leading the group and saw more explosions taking place, causing them to wonder what was happening. "Hey, what's going on… I can't see!" yelled Bulma as she wanted to see what's happening all while behind Yamcha although she's shocked at the spectacle that was occurring. "What in the world happened down there, Yamcha?" Bulma asked once more.
"It looks to me like you're running out of tricks, Frieza" informed the stranger, remaining confident as the tyrant was starting to become more and more desperate at trying to take him down and he failed in the process.
King Cold was becoming more and more intrigued at the capabilities of the Super Saiyan. "This Saiyan is, really something else," he said to his son as he was starting to have his doubts that anything would be able to take him down but still…. It couldn't hurt to see what happens.
During all this, the raven-haired woman watched and gave a smile to herself at the sight of the stranger giving Frieza a run for his money, knowing that whatever the tyrant threw, it won't be enough no matter how hard he tried.
In the Other World, King Kai saw what was taking place from on his planet and never expected to see someone other than Sakura being capable of taking on the likes of Frieza let alone achieve the Super Saiyan power. "I didn't think it was, really possible, Bubbles but this new kid is much stronger than Frieza," he told Bubbles as well as Gregory. "And after all that Frieza did on Planet Namek… I hope this kid cleans his clock, you hear me, KICK HIS BUTT, KID!"
He started to chuckle at the remark, realizing he still had his touch and then noticed Bubbles waggling his finger with a frown on his face. "Then there's the big guy with Frieza, will that kid be able to take him on too?" Gregory referred to King Cold since there's a chance the larger alien might be a bit of a problem even for the stranger.
Back on Earth, the stranger waited to see what kind of attack Frieza would use next as he knew it was pointless for the tyrant to keep on trying. "Okay, that's two…," he said to the cold-hearted Emperor with a grin on his face. "I'll give you one more chance to hit me with everything you've got and then it's strike three, Frieza… you're out."
Frieza decided that it was enough messing around, knowing there's one attack that even the stranger wouldn't be able to stop. "It's time we put an end to this," he said to his opponent as he floated into the air and the stranger watched all while the look of determination remained on his face.
The raven-haired woman, on the other hand, started to become somewhat worried when she saw Frieza heading into the sky supposedly and had a feeling whatever he had planned couldn't be any good. "What is he up to?" she asked herself, wishing there was something she could do against the likes of Frieza.
Frieza raised his finger and started gathering energy, which suddenly began to take the form of a giant yellow-orange, sun-like energy sphere."Oh my god…" muttered the raven-haired woman in shock, realizing that it was powerful enough to destroy the Earth if it were to strike the planet's core itself.
However, this also got the attention of King Kai as he had a feeling that he knew what Frieza planned to do upon realizing he was, outmatched. "Oh no, it's just like on Namek!" he said to Bubbles and Gregory as he saw the attack that the tyrant was preparing. "Frieza's going for broke; he's trying to destroy the entire planet!"
Frieza's Supernova got a lot bigger as he was laughing, while the stranger didn't look worried at all. Meanwhile King Cold called up to his son. "Hurry up, are you going to end this or not?"
Frieza, however, still had a smile on his face as he looked at his father. "Just watch me, this one's for you, father!" He yelled as he then launched his Supernova at the stranger; it soon struck the stranger, all while Frieza started laughing.
"Damn, what the hell is Frieza doing?" Naruto asked frowning knowing something was going on right now; whatever it was it's nothing good.
Krillin then turned his attention towards the others. "Everyone, get down!" he yelled after sensing what was transpiring at the battlefield that they were making their way towards the battle.
King Cold was now on the top of his ship; as he called up to Frieza. "You know Frieza; you could have done this right from the start and save us a good deal of effort."
Frieza, on the other hand, had a smile on his face as he landed on his ship looking at his father. "There's no pleasing you sometimes father," he said frowning until he realized that something was wrong with his Supernova and looked behind him.
They both look to see the Supernova coming back up to them and were shocked that this was happening right now as they looked at the Supernova. "There's no way."
The stranger was then seen holding the Supernova unhurt and with one hand, and Frieza can't believe this was happening. "How can he?"
Even King Cold was shocked at this looking at what this Saiyan child was doing. "Impossible!"
The Stranger starts walking while still holding the Supernova in his hand while Frieza jumped off the ship and on to the ground, with the stranger coming out of the crater made by the ball.
Seeing this happening, only caused Frieza's rage to grow, as he looked at the teen Saiyan before him, and he wasn't about to let this monkey make a fool out of him. "Why you little Saiyan scum I'll make you pay if it's the last thing I do!"
The Stranger only looked at Frieza, smiling as he saw the look that the tyrant had on his face. "Excuse me, is this yours?"
Grinding his teeth together, Frieza then launched another blast at the ball and destroyed it. Causing a massive explosion and sending rocking flying towards Frieza and his dad, even the Z-warriors braced for the shockwave made by it.
Frieza looked in the crater and didn't see the stranger and believed he's dead and laughed at his handy work, while King cold then landed next to him looking at his son's work. "Well done Frieza it only took you four tries to destroy that little boy." He then laughs at his son.
Frieza, however, didn't like this as he looked to his father who was still laughing. "I was just warming up, father; that's all honest."
Unbeknown to them, the stranger was still alive and still not hurt and was above them looking down at the two ready to make a move. "Of course you did son, of course, you did."
The stranger did some movement with his hands, which differed from the hand-signs, used when performing a Jutsu, and then had them together, yelling down to the two tyrants. "Hey, Frieza!" He screamed as Frieza heard this and thought it was impossible as he and his dad looked at a cliff that the stranger was on.
The stranger launched his Burning Attack causing the two to jump in the air. "Argh when I get my hands on him," Frieza said before he looked above and saw the stranger coming at him yelling and with his sword out.
Frieza was too frozen to move as the stranger closed in and cut Frieza in half longways. Soon the halves of the Frieza that where cut started to slide apart and separate, while King Cold was horrified by what had just happened.
The raven-haired young woman, on the other hand, smiled as she saw the tyrant meeting his end. "He did it…" she said with a smile forming on her face, knowing the only one left to deal with was King Cold himself.
Gohan immediately noticed something in the sky and pointed his finger towards what he saw. "They're right there!" he informed the others, still unsure of what's transpiring in the area. "Look, guys!"
Krillin, Naruto, and the others looked in the direction that Gohan pointed to, their eyes widening in disbelief that there were three figures. One of them which they immediately recognized but to their further surprise, he was cut in half by a mysterious young man who apparently had golden-blonde hair which reminded Gohan and Krillin of Sakura when she turned Super Saiyan back on Namek, and the last figure resembled Frieza's second form which made them wonder what was going on.
Still airborne, the stranger proceeded to slash his sword multiple times in rapid motions, chopping the two halves of Frieza up into bits. The stranger then drew his hand back and brought it forward to fire a yellow energy wave at what's left of the tyrant, reducing them to nothing more than ashes.
Everyone on the ground was shocked by this; they never thought anyone other than Sakura would be able to defeat someone like Frieza, making them wonder who this guy was as he quickly placed his sword back into its sheath without even looking at the still horrified and angered King Cold. "He… beat Frieza effortlessly…" muttered Vegeta, utterly speechless at the sight of the mysterious new Super Saiyan. "But who is he?'
"Who knows…" answered Krillin, still amazed that this stranger was incredible, powerful especially if he was able to utilize the same power that Sakura achieved back on Namek. "Let's just hope this guy is on our side."
"You guys are crazy; they look like tiny little dots way up there. How can you even tell who they are?" said Bulma, then again she wasn't like the others so she wouldn't be able to tell what was happening not that Naruto and Kakashi blamed her as she wasn't a fighter. "It's probably Goku you guys, he must've gotten the Super Saiyan just like Sakura, and as expected, he's always got a knack for showing up in just the right time."
She then turned her attention towards Puar, who paid no heed to her and was continuing to look up much like his friends were doing. "Yeah, he's such a stud…."
"No, it's not Goku" commented Yamcha, unlike his girlfriend, he knew who the stranger was and that he looked away different from Goku. Not to mention Yamcha's never seen the pure-hearted male Saiyan with a sword in his entire life though he did use the Power Pole back when he was a little boy and before it was revealed to be a means of connecting Korin's Tower to Kami's Lookout following the defeat of King Piccolo. "No way but I'm sure he's, definitely a Super Saiyan like Sakura."
Vegeta gritted his teeth, not happy with the fact the stranger was able to achieve the power, and he the Saiyan prince had yet to do so but decided not to wait anymore and took to the skies. "See ya!" Krillin told Gohan as he and Piccolo went after Vegeta.
"Wait up!"
As Gohan, Tien, and Chiaotzu followed close behind, Yamcha was going to come along too. "Hey, can't miss this!" he said; however, he never got a chance to do so as he felt Bulma grabbing onto him with a scowl on her face not wanting to get ditched again.
"Hold it, buddy, boy!" she yelled, glaring at the Desert Bandit. "I'm not being left behind again."
Unsure of what to say, Yamcha slowly went airborne with Bulma holding onto him and Puar floating next to his friend. "Oh, wow," she said although she remembered when Gohan and Krillin brought her back to the Capsule Corp Spaceship during the time Frieza's attack was going to rip Namek apart though she looked forward to seeing what the tyrant was like first hand. "This is great."
Not long after Kakashi left with Kayuko, Naruto turned towards Sasuke. "Hey, aren't you coming, Sasuke?" he asked his teammate though failed to notice that the young man wasn't exactly pleased over the fact the stranger had the same power as Sakura and as a result paid no attention to what Naruto was saying which made the blonde-haired male ninja somewhat worried. "Are you okay?"
This time, Sasuke snapped back into reality and turned towards Naruto. "Yeah, I'm fine…," he said, hiding the fact he wanted to know how the stranger was this powerful, which made the blonde-haired male somewhat concerned.
"Okay… well, we better catch up to the others" he informed before the two left to join with the other Z-Fighters in order, to at least see the possible finale to what appeared to be a confrontation that was taking place.
The stranger, still in his Super Saiyan form, descended back to the ground with King Cold in tow, the purple-skinned alien starred down at the boy who took his son's life and yet the mysterious Saiyan just starred back. "Super Saiyan, I'm impressed…" began Cold with a grin, feeling it was a rare treat for him to see a warrior powerful enough to take out Frieza like he was nothing. "To encounter a fighter of your caliber is a rare occurrence indeed, but it does present quite the opportunity."
With a smile on his face, King Cold soon started walking to the stranger. "You see I can appreciate a great talent like yours my eyes are, not blinded by pride like my son was. Join me and take Frieza's place at my side as the supreme ruler of the universe."
The stranger only looked at King Cold, keeping a calm face looking at the older tyrant before a smirk formed on his face. "Not a chance."
"Now, don't be too hasty. Image this, and every other world would be the merest of bobbles in your collection, playthings for your amusement, subject to your every whim." King cold said to the stranger as he looked at him, hoping for an answer.
However, the stranger remained silent, and King Cold sighed with disappointment. "No alright, but grant me this, allow me to examine your sword. A weapon of such quality practically begs to be admired, and you have nothing to fear from me."
The stranger reached his hand for his sword to play along with the king. "So, you want to see my sword, huh?" The stranger asked as he moved it, so the hilt was in front and tossed it to King Cold. "Here, catch."
King Cold caught the sword and looked it over planning something. "Yes, yes, indeed remarkable craftsmanship. And I have a hunch you would not have defeated my son were it not for this sword? What do you say?"
The Stranger only looked at King Cold his face remaining calm. "You can believe what you want to."
Holding onto the sword caused King Cold to smile. "Ah..." Cold said, smiling, as he swung the sword. "Alright, then, I will. I must say that without this sword your nothing, that's what I believe."
King Cold got ready to strike the stranger, as a smirk formed on his face before he yelled and made a swing, but the stranger quickly caught it in his hand like nothing, shocking King Cold.
The stranger powered up and started walking toward the king showing the difference in power. "So much for your theory," the stranger said as he kept walking forward pushing the king back. "You should know that a weapon doesn't make the man."
The stranger then placed his hand on the king's lower body, and King Cold realized what he's going to do. "Wait, hold on you dirty little Saiyan!" He screamed out in horror and fear.
The stranger then shot him right through his chest with a Ki blast, and this got the attention of the Z-warriors still flying towards the scene and the raven-haired woman hiding near the area, the latter having a smile on her face as she saw what transpired. King Cold started coughing up blood as he flew back into some rocks very wounded all while the Z-warriors look on with either shock or horror at what they just saw the stranger do.
"Whoa first Frieza, now him, whoa man that's impressive if you ask me," Krillin said still shocked at amazed by what he witnessed with his own two eyes.
Vegeta, on the other hand, gave a scoff as he looked at the teenager. "Who is this, kid?"
The stranger still looked at King Cold with his hand ready to launch another blast to finish the job, but King Cold, knowing what was going to happen, started to beg for his life. "Wait, you can't, no please I'm defenseless, please. I'm not bad; my son was evil but not me. I wanted nothing but peace; I meant you no harm, I swear it."
However, the only response was a yellow blast from his hand obliterating the evil king where he laid and then he proceeded to fire another Ki blast which destroyed King Cold's spaceship. "No way!" exclaimed Naruto as he and the others watched from within the air as the youth then placed the sword back into its sheath.
"Wow, just like that… bam, they're gone" Krillin added, just as shocked as Naruto at the sight of the stranger annihilating King Cold and then his space ship with relative ease.
Tien had to admit that even he had no idea how this kid managed to easily defeat Frieza and his father with relative ease as he remembered how Sakura struggled against the former on Namek despite achieving the Super Saiyan form herself. "And it looks to me like this guy hasn't even come anywhere close to breaking a sweat" the three-eyed Earthling muttered.
"Yeah, but let's just hope he doesn't decide to come after us."
"He won't!" they suddenly heard a female voice from below and down to see where it was coming from, the raven-haired woman decided to come out of hiding since it's clear the others were somewhat worried by what transpired so she figured she would at least make them less tense when it came to the mysterious Super Saiyan. "Don't worry; he's not going to mean you any harm."
Everyone was surprised to see the woman, especially as it seemed she was confident that the stranger's an ally and speaking of which, he had immediately reverted to his base form. But still, Yamcha, Bulma, Piccolo, Puar and Krillin as they saw the unknown woman felt that there was something about her that seemed familiar, especially with the outfit she's wearing yet couldn't put their finger on it.
There's still nothing but silence from the Z-Fighters, something both the stranger and the woman couldn't blame them for but knew that it's only a matter of time before Goku and Sakura's eventual arrival back on Earth, so they needed to at least be ready for that. "We're heading off to a place near here to meet Goku and Sakura!" he informed the others. "Would you guys like to come?"
However, this made the group even more uneasy, though he did manage to take out Frieza, King Cold and their troops which made took a weight off their chests yet at the same time were surprised at the fact the stranger knew about Goku and Sakura. "What… how weird…" commented Gohan, confused by this turned of events. "How does he know about my father?"
"It's not as weird as the woman with him," said Krillin which caught Gohan's attention even more regarding the raven-haired woman that called out to them earlier.
"What do you mean, Krillin?"
Krillin took a glance at Gohan, then immediately turned back towards the woman with more suspicions on his mind regarding her and how they never knew she was there until now. "I'm not sure, but I think there's something familiar about her," he said with a frown on his face and the fact the stranger mentioned Goku's name also added to it.
"You too, huh?" added Yamcha, although he had to admit the woman looked cute… something he doesn't want Bulma to know about given their relationship with one another.
However, this hadn't gone unnoticed from Naruto; he too wanted some answered regarding the expressions that Krillin, Yamcha, Bulma, Puar and Piccolo had. "Okay, did I miss something here?" he asked them since he wondered if they knew the woman personally and why the five seemed a bit angry towards her.
"Look we're friends okay you have nothing to worry about," The women with black hair said with a smile looking at the group knowing they were worried and she didn't blame them, but she could wait until they trusted her.
"Come on, it's this way!" the stranger pointed in the direction where he was confident that both Goku and Sakura would be, hoping the others would be able to come with him and the woman to that exact location. "Goku and Sakura should be arriving there in a couple of hours!"
Everyone was left at a loss of words, wondering how this stranger knew where and when Goku let alone Sakura would arrive, something that made even less sense than ever. "Alright, what's this guy up to?" Piccolo mentally asked himself.
Everyone hearing this looked at the Stranger shocked, looking at each other and then back to the two, while Gohan had a smile on his face. "What?" Gohan asked, shocked, and also happy to know his father was coming home.
Tien and Krillin can't believe the news that Goku was coming home which, caused them to smile hearing this, even Naruto and Kakashi had a smile grateful to know Sakura was coming back.
"Sakura I can't wait to see you again," Naruto thought, smiling knowing that it wouldn't be too bad trusting the two wanting to see Sakura again.
"I don't know who he is, but he's no super Saiyan of that I'm certain. Kakarot and I are the only Saiyan's left he can't be one of us; it's impossible," Vegeta thought frowning looking at the stranger.
After more staring at the stranger looks at the group knowing that a few of them didn't trust the two, which neither could blame them for with what's happened."Hey follow me don't worry I won't bite, this way,"
The stranger then starts flying off which the others all looked at as the female smiled, knowing she was going to have to walk not that she cared and looked at the others. "Look, you can trust us," She said, smiling.
"Well I'm going for it he knows my dad," Gohan said, looking to his friends knowing it was at least worth following the male stranger.
Krillin only smiled knowing that Gohan and Naruto trusted the male teenager knowing no harm would come in trusting the two, but Krillin wondered how this guy knew Goku. "Ya, possibly, but how we've known Goku his whole life?"
"Well, I'm in" commented Tien which surprised his friend Chiaotzu, since it would be good to see Goku and Sakura again after so long especially now that Frieza and King Cold were dead. "He seems pretty cool to me plus he saved us from Frieza so he can't be all that bad, huh? I say we go."
Unfortunately, Yamcha wasn't that easily convinced as Gohan, Naruto or Tien especially since there might be a chance it could be a trap. "Well I don't trust that guy, no way," he said, stating his own opinion on the matter at hand. "Not even that girl with him since I have more of a bad feeling about her specifically."
"You don't trust me either" reminded Bulma, still clinging onto her boyfriend as she was curious on the two strangers whom they just met. "Even if you make a good point about the raven-haired woman Yamcha, they still helped us. I'd say we should go."
Vegeta, however, just grinned, becoming curious to see how this would turn out and this might lead to him getting some actual answers from the two strangers. "Definitely," he said, looking at the two. "I've got to find out who he is."
Sasuke only gave a huff looking away, right now he didn't care who the two strangers were he wanted to get this meeting over with so he could get back to training, but seeing how the male teenager had dealt with Frieza.
And it caused the last Uchiha to burn with rage at how he killed the two with such ease. "No, it can't be, I'm an Uchiha, and we're the best no one can match our power," Sasuke thought with his rage and anger building up inside him.
Sure enough, Gohan and Naruto both followed the strangers with Piccolo and the others accompanying them much to Krillin's surprise. "You're all nuts" he informed but had no choice but to join in which somewhat worried him about what could happen if there was a trap awaiting them.
The lavender-haired youth smiled as he carried the raven-haired woman in his arms and led the Z-Fighters to the spot which he was also very confident that Goku and Sakura would land at, as he smiled. Although in the case of the female in question, she could tell some of the Z-Fighters showed distrust mainly towards her not that she blamed them as she and the male Saiyan weren't exactly people whom they befriend with so, that smoothly after all.
Yamcha was, unfortunately, trailing behind the others due to a small snag. "Stop fidgeting!" he yelled at Bulma, starting to wish she hadn't left her vehicle behind when she and Puar decided to join with them earlier.
As the group continued to fly Kakashi and Kayuko looked at the two, knowing they couldn't trust the two strangers, at least not yet, Kakashi wanted to know some things from the two, but it could wait as well until the landed.
However, Kakashi was still worried while looking over to Sasuke seeing the anger that was on his face knowing what caused it; he could already see the looks that Sasuke was giving the lavender hair teenager.
It was then that the stranger looked at a small white device, which resembled a wristwatch that he wore on his left wrist and scanned the area that they were approaching. "Wow, my tracking unit still works from the original satellite," he commented, getting the attention of the raven-haired woman in his arms. "You rule, gramps!"
"If the calculations are correct…" began the woman, looking at the coordinates on the device that the male Saiyan had and then to the ground below despite this being her first time in the air without a plane or a similar vehicle, even sometimes wishing she knew how to fly. "We should be nearing our destination pretty soon."
Naruto looked at the two strangers wondering how they knew both Goku and Sakura but right now he needed to trust the two, as he looked over to Piccolo and nodded while the male stranger smiles and looks down and is around where he needs to be before looking to the others. "Ya, this is it."
Hearing this Naruto looked and the male stranger as they all landed on the ground and Naruto walked over to the purple-haired teenager. "So how do you know this is where they will land?" Naruto asked still not trusting him, and he wasn't the only one.
The stranger pulls out a case and inside are capsules like the ones Bulma and her family make and pulls out a purple one numbered 2031 and then hits the top of it and tosses it and out pops a minifridge.
"Look out, you guys; he's up to something!" Yamcha cried out, ready to attack as he grabbed his sword, prepared to keep his friends safe.
The stranger was kneeling, down and opened the fridge and pulls out a hetap drink. "Hey, how about a cold drink, Goku and Sakura aren't due to arrive for two more hours. It's pretty hot and dry out here."
The stranger takes a drink of the hetap while the others all looked at the two strangers as the women went over to get a beer, while Bulma smiled at the two. "Well, I don't see why not."
Yamcha, however, was shocked as he looked to his girlfriend seeing her walk over towards the two; they still had no idea about the two. "Huh, Bulma hold on a second!" He cried out to her.
Gohan laughs at this as he and Naruto both run over feeling thirsty. "Ya, I could use a drink right, Naruto?" Gohan asked Naruto with a smile on his face.
"Wait, you two they could be poisoned for all we know," Krillin said, running over with them.
Bulma laughed as she looked to Krillin with a smile on her face seeing, nothing run with the two strangers. "Chill out, Krillin, there just soda's; they seem okay to me."
Gohan, Naruto, and Bulma look in the fridge and see what the stranger has, and then smiled at what this teen had with him. "Oh, wow, what a great selection."
"Hey I'm starting to like this guy he has root beer," Bulma said looking, at the drinks and grabbing the root beer.
"Orange for me," Gohan said as he opens his soda and takes a sip of it. "Ah, good stuff."
While everyone is enjoying their drinks, Bulma looks over at the stranger and asks him something. "Hey, have we met you look so familiar," Bulma said she couldn't place her finger on it which made the stranger look at her wondering what was on the genius mind.
The stranger looked at Bulma knowing what she was talking about, but he knew that they couldn't find out about his identity, he still had a mission he needed to complete first. "Uh no sorry," he said, looking away from the blue-haired woman.
Gohan, however, looked at the male stranger with something on his mind as well that he wanted to ask. "Excuse me, mister, but how do you know dad?"
The stranger smiled at Gohan as he looked at both Gohan and Naruto, knowing; they wanted some answers. "Well, actually, I haven't met your dad before I've only just heard about him."
Krillin soon frowned this knowing that there was something up and he wasn't the only one either. "Then how do you know he's going to arrive at this spot in 2 hrs?"
"Well that's ah, sorry I can't say," he said, looking away, and the woman placed a hand on his shoulder before smiling at him.
"Why not, I'll tell you because you're up to something, tell us now, tough guy who are you?" Vegeta said with a scowl looking at the teenager, still not trusting him.
"I wish I could sorry," he said with a frown which again was something that Vegeta didn't like hearing, and gave a scoff at the lavender teen.
"When you defeated Frieza, and that big guy, you were a Super Saiyan, weren't you?" Gohan asked, looking at him knowing that there had to be an answer for this knowing the Saiyans left so how he could be one.
Knowing there was no over option since they all saw him transform into a Super Saiyan and battle Frieza and his father so no point in hiding he was a Saiyan. "Yes, yes, I was."
Vegeta only scoffed at this looking at the young man. "That's a lie, look, my friend, Kakarot the one you call Goku and myself are the only Saiyans left. Kakarot kid there is half Saiyan so if you count him that makes three of us. There's no way you could have Saiyan blood."
Everyone looks like Vegeta might be right as they all turned to look at the stranger for him to give him an answer. "Ya, but we saw him, he just defeated Frieza and that huge guy all by himself."
Vegeta snorted at this still not trusting this stranger for one second. "Well, I'm not calling him a liar, not a weakling."
Bulma then notices something on the stranger's jacket the logo of her family's company. "Oh hey, you've got our logo on your jacket, that's my dad's company. Are you one of our employees?"
He was shocked at what Bulma was saying and looked to the ground. "No, not exactly, I'm just a fan."
"Oh, I see will tell me your name and I'll recommend you to dad," Bulma said with a smile on her face.
"I… can't do that…" the stranger replied, wishing he could though it was for the best that she never knew given how there's still some distrust towards him and the raven-haired woman. "I'm sorry; I know it's strange…"
Despite this, Bulma smiled. "Oh, mystery man" she spoke as it was clear that he wanted to remain a mystery though it didn't go unnoticed from Tien, Chiaotzu or Yamcha.
"So hey like just going to throw this out there, you're cute," Bulma said with a seductive smile on her face.
Hearing this shocked the stranger, but he played it off looking away from Bulma. "Well, you know my mom said I was a cute kid."
"Oh, a momma's boy, huh," Bulma said as she smiled even more than she did before moving closer to the stranger. "I'll be your mommy," Bulma said with a grin and in a seductive tone.
The stranger looked at Bulma in shock as he began to scream within his mind at what she had said and also knowing what she was implying too.
The raven-haired woman saw the looks of suspicion and frowned since its clear nobody liked the fact that she and the male stranger declined in revealing their names. "Is his shoe size a secret too?" the three-eyed human asked somewhat sarcastically.
"Yeah, why can't I have a secret name?" Yamcha added his hands on his hips while glaring at the stranger whom his girlfriend was standing next to right now. "That's not fair… I bet you have a secret spy decoder ring too."
"Knock it off, you guys!" Bulma decided to break up what could lead to a potential, and unnecessary fight since the stranger easily made, work of Frieza not too long ago, so they deserve a breather. "You're all jealous; this guy just beat Frieza and singlehandedly… so there."
Gohan nodded his head, knowing that the bluenette made a valid point. "Right," he said, still holding his can of soda all while Krillin wasn't sure on what to say and Vegeta just scoffed.
There was a slight blush coming from the stranger's face, something that made Bulma somewhat surprised and at the same time worried, then again, the raven-haired woman was also concerned.
Back with the others, everyone was still waiting patiently for Goku and Sakura's eventual return though still retained some uncertainty towards the two strangers whom they just met and even wondered how both could be aware of when the two Saiyans were going to arrive on Earth. "What's up with him?" wondered Naruto with a frown as he glanced at the lavender-haired stranger.
However, the lavender-haired stranger was looking at Vegeta while they were waiting for Goku and Sakura, but Vegeta saw this and gave a scowl at him. "What are you looking at?"
The stranger could tell that the Saiyan Prince wasn't exactly pleased with the way he'd been getting starred at for quite some time. "Oh, uh, nothing… it's just that I uh, like your shirt" he didn't know how to respond to Vegeta's question without arousing too much attention.
"You would!" said Vegeta, still angry over the fact Bulma made him wear it after having a shower and now the stranger was making a comment on him wearing this outfit.
The others silently watched the moment between the stranger and Vegeta, though eventually, Gohan turned towards Piccolo as there's something he'd meant to ask the Namekian. "Hey, Piccolo," he spoke while approaching his mentor. "You mind if I ask you about something?"
Although still having his arms crossed and facing away from everyone, he figured it couldn't hurt to answer the question the young half-Saiyan had. "What's that?" he asked.
"Well uh, when Dende and the other Nameks left to resettle on their new planet, you could've gone with them" began Gohan as he reflected on the moment he had to say goodbye to Dende as the Namekians departed Earth in order to find a new home after their original one, was destroyed by Frieza in the ensuring conflict. "I was wondering why you chose to stay here with us. They're your people."
"Well, I might join them someday" Piccolo replied, still looking at the horizon in front of him though he smiled as he turned his glance towards Gohan before looking towards the sky once again, even with a smile on his face. "But for now, I feel like my mission is here on Earth. Sometimes connections between people run deeper than where they're from or what color skin they have."
Gohan nodded at what his teacher was telling him and looked over to the others and then into the sky, thinking about what happened to his father and Sakura. He knows that he would be happy to see the two again and knew that Naruto would feel the same when Naruto sees Sakura once again; he could already see the smile on Naruto's face.
Bulma turned towards Krillin, not wanting the others to hear what she wanted to tell him. "Hey, now check this out," she spoke silently so that only her bald friend could listen in. "Is it me or do those two kinda look alike?"
Hearing what she said, Krillin wasn't sure what she's talking about as he observed both Vegeta and the stranger to see any kind, of a connection in a way. "Well, now that you mention it, I can kinda see a resemblance" he replied before turning back towards the mysterious lavender-haired Saiyan and the Saiyan Prince himself. "Well, I mean… just in looks. That other guy seemed to be pretty nice, but Vegeta has the personality of a stump."
Bulma understood where Krillin was getting at, given the amount of time Vegeta stayed on Earth and even when he returned to their planet after failing to find Goku and Sakura on his search through the stars. "Well, he's a prince" she reminded looking over to the Saiyan, given Vegeta's title despite most of the Saiyans being wiped out by Frieza all those years ago.
"What, are you joking and so what Bulma? We still can't trust him, not after what he did when he came to Earth."
"Princes have to act bored like the world's not good enough for them," she said, causing Krillin to be slightly confused by the comment on Vegeta.
"Huh?" he wondered his eyes again towards the spot with the stranger and Vegeta as they were still sitting away from each other but then again, none of the others wanted to sit near the Saiyan Prince, given his actions before this. "Vegeta seems more agitated than bored like he's got a bad case of hemorrhoids or something."
Not long afterward, the stranger took another small glimpse of Vegeta, which, really started to annoy the prince. "Why do you keep looking over here? Haven't you ever seen a pink shirt before?" he asked with a scowl on his face. "If you like it that much, you can have it!"
"No, no, thank you."
"Then, knock it off, kid!" Vegeta growled, despite the somewhat flustered expression that the stranger gave him and wondered why he never starred at the others the way he was being looked at by this teenager.
"Maybe Goku and Sakura met this guy somewhere out in space, Chiaotzu" Tien theorized as he still found it rather odd that the stranger would know about Goku and Sakura so easily unless he could've met them at some point before taking on Frieza and King Cold. "They have been gone for a while."
While it was a plausible theory, even Chiaotzu realized there were some holes to it. "But he told Gohan that he; hasn't met Goku or Sakura" he informed his friend.
"But how could he know the exact spot that Goku and Sakura are going to land two hours before they arrive?"
"Maybe he's wrong; maybe Goku and Sakura aren't coming!" Yamcha decided to have his say on the matter due to his distrust towards the stranger and the raven-haired woman with him which got everyone else's attention before eventually looking up into the sky.
"The only way to find out is to wait two hours," reminded Bulma as it wasn't even two hours, so they needed to wait a little longer. "Well, how long has it been?"
Shrugging Yamcha looked over to where Bulma was sitting and even looked at the others each one waiting for their friends and family to arrive. "I don't know I think at least one hour I think Bulma."
Bulma sighed as she looked at Naruto and smiled at him before she looked over to Yamcha. "Well, then, just chill out for one more hour."
As time passed by, the stranger looks down at his watch and gets up as he smiled, and looked to the others. "Hey um that's it 2hrs have passed, Goku and Sakura should be arriving any second now."
Hearing the news Krillin and Bulma get up, while Naruto looked at the stranger hoping this still wasn't a trick. "Wait, really?" Bulma asked with a smile forming on her face.
"No guys it's true he's finally home, my dad's back," The young half-Saiyan cried with joy as Gohan looks up at the sky and sees something was coming, and its Goku ship. "Look up there, guys; it's DAD!" Gohan cried with joy in his voice.
"And also Sakura-chan as well, they're both home!" Naruto cried, knowing that he would get to see Goku sensei and the girl he loved so much.
Both Goku's and Sakura's ship arrives on Earth and flies passed his friends, the spaceship hits the Earth hard, while Krillin looked to his friend with a smile on his face. "The last one, there's, a rotten egg."
Bulma gave a huff seeing that once again the others were going to leave her behind, as she looked as they all began to move to where Goku and Sakura landed. "Hey, wait for me!"
Everyone runs jumps or flies over to Goku and Sakura which didn't sit well with Bulma who couldn't fly, so she had to run over to me them. "Wait up; I can't fly, remember!"
Gohan and Krillin and the others reach where Goku's and Sakura's ship crashed landed Naruto was smiling right now all he could think about was rushing down and kissing Sakura. "Wow, check it out what a creator."
Krillin only nodded looking at the creator, but he still had a smile on his face happy that Goku was back once again after so long. "Ya no kidding, whoa what a landing, I hope he has some airbags in that baby."
As everyone looked at the two pods, they waited as both slowly opened and the group saw a hand as Goku stepped out shocked to see his friends where here waiting for him and Sakura.
Still shocked, Goku looked at them as the others saw that he was wearing some strange clothes. "Hey, guys, what are you all doing here?" Goku asked, shocked that they are here.
Naruto, however, looked to see Sakura who was now getting out of her Saiyan pod, and once she was out, he could see that her hair and grown in the time she had been away. "Sakura..."
Looking at her Naruto saw she had the same clothes that Goku was wearing, but that didn't matter at all to Naruto, no he was happy that Sakura was back, so he ran right towards Sakura before engulfing her into a hug.
Sakura was shocked by this as she looked at Naruto and smiled at him before she returned the hug. "Hey Naruto I'm back," She said as Naruto looked at her with his, big grin that Sakura knew him for, it was something she missed.
Naruto nodded as he looked into her green eyes with a smile, something he thought that he would never get to see again, without thinking, Naruto kissed Sakura on the lips.
A/N okay I'm so sorry that this took so long I've had so much I wanted to add within this chapter mainly everything that happened with Trunks since I did want to keep what he did the same with the only change is adding Mai into the mix. And I do all hope that you at least like that I added her into the story.
Now I know you all wonder why I didn't add the rest, I felt that the chapter was getting too long. So the next chapter will have Trunks giving out the warning to Goku and everyone else and then Naruto and the others going home because I have more changes coming.
Also yes Naruto kissed Sakura I mean he missed her right, and many of you have waited for that moment for such a long time, anyway again I'm sorry that it's taken so long to get this chapter up, I hope that it doesn't take too long for the next one. Anyway, please leave me a review.
Also, I'm sorry for the wait I haven't been able to upload my chapters to the site until now.