![]() Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Well, I have writings of my own on here now, so I should probably have something here, too. I've been quietly lurking in the back of fandom for years. My first brush with fanfic was, in fact, Harry Potter, shortly after GoF was released, if memory serves. I stayed there for some time, eventually branching out into Naruto, Pokémon, and Halo, amongst other things. For a while I was content as just a reader, not a writer. I had plot bunnies of my own, but they contented themselves with my original universes, which are in several various states of completion and/or disrepair at the moment. Then Emerald Eyes, Silver Tongue happened, and aforementioned bunnies took off like the hounds of hell were after them. I'm writing it to see how it ends, honestly, but the beginning shaped up well enough that, with a little polish, I decided to throw it up here, for better or for worse. Given that it's my first shot, I'm not going to promise anything, update schedule wise, I really need a better place to keep plot bunnies. They keep escaping. Oh Well. Tales of Emerald and Silver is now a thing. Snippets/dribbles/one-shots/what have you, all either canon to the EEST universe, or AUs of my main AU that I feel like exploring a little. Depends on the chapter, and each will be marked as such. Aratech's Finishing the Fight is the best damn fanfic I've ever had the pleasure to read. I know, a Halo/Forgotten Realms crossover sounds odd, to say the least. But goodness knows how many nights I've lost to reading and re-reading that thing. The version on here is still incomplete as of yet, but the whole thing can be found, admittedly with less editing, over on Spacebattles. I also trope with the best of them. If you're currently confused, I won't link you there, for your own good. If you know what I'm talking about, you'll find my author's notes easier to understand. As a rule, I don't "ship". That is a dangerous and slippery slope. I will say, however, that Ron/Hermione is an abomination, along with the rest of the Epilogue-That-Must-Not-Be-Named. If/when I write more HP stuff, EWE will be gold standard. That said, Ron the Death Eater just to get him out of the way is poor writing at best. Oh yeah, and one more thing. I am currently beta-less. If you know of one/know how to find a good one/are one, and would like to help me out with EEST, I would be eternally thankful. |