Chapter 24: Shifting Ground

Just Outside Republic City

Future Industries Airfield

"I still can't believe things have gotten this bad," Suyin Beifong, having only just arrived two days later as Asami had correctly predicted, said as she pulled back the hood of the dark, drabby cloak she'd been in once she and the rest of the group were sure no unfriendly eyes were upon them, "and to make it worse, Kuvira felt the need to free Zaheer from his prison on her way to Republic City before their group and their stolen airship promptly disappeared."

"At least you're here now sis." Lin said as she and Suyin hugged in the Normandy's immense shadow. Pulling away, she nodded towards Tali and James before introducing the pair properly. "Admiral Tali'zorah vas Rannoch, Lieutenant James Vega, this annoying pain in my rear end is my sister and the current head of the metal clan, Suyin Beifong."

"James I've met but it's an honor to meet you in person Admiral." Suyin replied as she grasped the offered limb while James grinned from the side, his large, powerful arms crossed over his armored chest.

Tali for her part was, as ever, respectful and kind as she addressed the woman before her. "Thank you, Ms. Beifong, but it's just Tali. My rank is unimportant, especially with so much at stake."

"Call me Su please, especially since I've heard nothing but good things about you all, you especially with how much progress you've made under Lin's tutelage."

"Please, you were always the better metalbender out of the two of us." Lin grumbled but smiled as she let her eyes flick towards Tali approvingly. "As for her, don't let her humility fool you Su, she's got a hell of a right hook to go with her mechanical genius."

"Heh, she's got you pegged Sparks. And Su, good to see you looking well. How's the family treatin' ya?" James asked, the large goofy grin on his face all too easy to see even when Su gave him an amused roll of her eyes before she decided to answer him.

"Considering I brought most of them with me to lend a hand with the final repairs to your magnificent vessel, you could just ask them yourself." Suyin countered without missing a beat, remembering well the man's gregarious if flirtatious demeanor from when he and Ashley had visited Zaofu in order to get permission to see Kuvira what felt like years ago now.

James, true to form, clutched at his chest as if she'd mortally wounded him. "Yeesh Su, you could poke someone's eye out with barbs that quick."

"If only." Tali chimed in before walking away with a laugh and a shake of her visor covered face. "As for your offer of assistance, we're happy to have all the help we can get Suyin, but we've honestly made far more progress than even I had hoped for given the level of technology, which, while astonishing, doesn't quite compare to our own just yet."

"Honestly I'm torn between being amazed that you've achieved faster than light travel at all from what Ms. Sato told me on our way here, and the fact I'm speaking to an actual alien." Suyin admitted as she and Lin followed after the quarian. "But as much as I want to learn more about you Tali, we have a job to do, the least of which is getting your vessel travel ready again."

"Indeed, but I can certainly work and talk at the same time if you can." Tali offered, an invitation Suyin was quite happy to accept as they walked away together, leaving an amused Lin and a smirking James to watch them go.

Varrick and Zhu Li were busy with Kenneth and Donnelly while Baatar Jr. and Sr both could barely tear their eyes away from Tali as she gave them, once they'd joined the pair, a rundown of what still needed to be repaired. Realizing they were rudely staring, aided by the less than subtle mischievous gleam in Suyin's eyes, Jr. muttered an apology while his father blushed and pulled at the hem of his gray and green outfit. "Ahem...apologies Miss Zorah." Baatar Sr said at last once he caught his wife's look she was throwing their way.

"Tali." She corrected the older gentleman, a smile all but audible in her voice even if none of them could clearly see it. "And it's quite alright, you're hardly the first to be in awe of myself, Garrus, and Grunt."

"I...I imagine not." Bataar Jr. stammered out before a hesitant smile appeared on his face. "Just don't be surprised if the twins challenge to you a game of Power Disc once things settle down."

"A metalbender only sport I take it?" Tali asked as she paused, halfway up the cargo bay ramp as she looked over her shoulder to the young man.

Pleasantly surprised she seemed genuinely intrigued, Bataar Jr. couldn't immediately respond until his father nudged him gently on the small of his back. "Y-yes. It's typically only played in a few places across the Earth King-...Earth Republic," he corrected himself firmly, "but it's been gaining a lot of popularity ever since President Wu saw a game for himself during his restoration tour."

"Which has been rudely interrupted thanks to this business with the Remnant and Raiko!" The former Prince himself stated as he popped his head out from Engineering, with Greg, Mako, and Bolin just behind him. "But meh, even if we're gatherin' for the President's funeral, it's been kinda nice getting to see all this. You got a pretty nice place here Miss Zorah."

Realizing that everyone was going to be addressing her with such unnecessary propriety no matter how many times she gently said otherwise, Tali sighed but smiled, unused to such respect but not against it either. It helped that Wu's boyish if honest praise warmed her heart more than a little given her personal connection to the Normandy and those that served on the Alliance vessel. "While I am but one of many who've maintain the frigate, this ship has been more of a home than the one I was born on back on the Migrant Fleet."

"She gives herself too little credit President Wu." Chief Adams chimed in, "to be frank, she's taught me and my crews more than most of my instructors ever did back in the Academy."

"Greg…" Tali protested, embarrassed by the man's words but touched all the same.

Greg for his part smiled wider and said, "I can't help it if it's true Tali."

"He's got ye there lass." Kenneth chimed in as he leaned against the Kodiak.

"Ken, you're just as guilty as staring at her well fitted suit as anyone else I know." Gabby was quick to point out, much to Ken's horror and embarrassment, exacerbated further by the laughs that followed.

"Damn it ye devil woman, ya don't have to go tellin' everyone that!" Despite Ken's protests and the fact his stubble covered face had turn bright red, he could only sigh and groan but ultimately grinned. "That you noticed at all makes me wonder just what else ya might've noticed."

"You're such a dog." Gabby retorted but was quick to silence Ken with a quick kiss to his lips.

"Whoa there cowgirl, save some o' that for when you two are alone!" Varrick happily shouted only to groan and clutch at his stomach when Zhu Li none too gently slammed her bony elbow into his gut. "Yeesh! Put some padding on those darling."

"For you honey, never. Su." Zhu Li nodded towards Suyin, unable to hold her gaze for long as unpleasant memories for them both flashed behind their respective eyes.

"Zhu Li." Suyin awkwardly replied as she uncomfortably kept eye contact with the woman at Varrick's side, made even more awkward when Bataar Jr. looked away and to the metal deck between his feet. The name on everyone's mind was obvious, but no one knew just how to talk about the elephant rat in the room.

"Uh….so….Kuvira." Bolin began, only to grimace as he ducked back into Engineering when everyone stared at him. "I'll just uh….yeah I'm gonna go."

Tali for her part was glad when Kasumi decided to appear on her right as the uncomfortable silence continued to stretch onward with no sign of anyone wanting or daring to break it. Remembering well their last, truly meaningful conversation, the quarian stepped forward, taking a measure of strength from the master thief as she did. "I know it's none of my business since we're only here by happenstance at best, but whatever history you all have with the former dictator, regardless if you were a direct part of her regime," this she directed at Bataar Jr. who only just managed to look up towards his mother, "or tried to oppose it," this she directed towards Suyin who remained still as a statue, "you're all still here. Having lost the entirety of my family outside of my Aunt Raan, I can safely say that no matter the divide, it is never too late to build new bridges between, so long as you're willing to try."

"And what would you know about it?" Bataar Jr. asked, not unkindly but he was still resistant to the idea, more as far as Tali could see, because he couldn't forgive himself for whatever he'd done.

Tali had an answer for him however. "Considering I was charged with treason due to the actions of my father, I can at least relate to an extent."

While she told what parts of the story they so clearly needed to hear, Wu stepped back towards Kasumi and smiled approvingly at the group as they stood, riveted by Tali's tale. "You got a pretty good friend there."

"Was it that obvious?" Asked a pleasantly surprised Kasumi as she peered at the slender, tall youth at her side.

"Like a dancing badgermole." Wu chuckled but smiled softly towards the quarian and those she was trying to bring together in her own way. "It used to be I was a bit of a spoiled brat 'fore I met Asami, Korra, Mako, Bolin, and all of their crazy friends. It took a few close calls and being run out of my own coronation by Kuvira to make me realize just how inept and stupid I was being by being so self absorbed, no better than the Earth Queen. But between how I stepped up to keep as many people here in Republic City safe as they were evacuated, and how I abolished the monarchy back home, I've learned how to be a pretty decent leader, one I'm honestly still trying to learn how to be."

"Just from what I've heard from a certain information broker I know, Wu, I think you'll do a pretty fine job of it so long as you keep doing what you're doing."

"Thanks." Kasumi smiled from beneath her hood and nodded her head to the man as he looked down, his face a study in gratitude for her kind words. Just as quickly though Wu began to stroke the bottom of his chin, earning a curious cock of the thief's head for his trouble. "Oh I was just tryin' to imagine you in airbending robes, what with you being an airbender and all. Personally though, I rather like what I see now."

"Hehe, I am the frontrunner for most loveable rogue you'll likely ever meet but," Kasumi trailed off as she reached up to pull her hood back to reveal her face to the man, much to his pleasant surprise, "I rather like the idea of being able to settle down with the rest of Tenzin's rangers and nomads. Master Jinora's been a real good teacher, and her little boyfriend Kai still likes to try and rifle through my pockets anytime we 'bump' into each other."

"Which you clearly enjoy." Wu pointed out as he wiggled his eyebrows for added effect.

"You got me there." Kasumi agreed with a laugh before turning her gaze and their conversation back to Tali and the Beifongs.

Before she could begin to say anything though, Wu surprised her this time when he casually said, "And somehow the fact they're seriously talking things out finally doesn't surprise me at all. If what I've heard about your friends is true Kasumi, Tali's been stuck in that suit her entire life right?" When she could only nod and stammer out a 'yes', Wu smirked and continued forward, "which means it stands to reason body language counts a lot more for her people rather than lookin' someone in the face like we would. And since I was on the cargo ship that brought us all here, in the interest of keeping our arrival secret and all that, I saw more than a few times when Suyin had tried to talk to her estranged son, but either she'd let herself be called away or he'd make some excuse yet always looked after her once she'd walked off."

"So you're saying they were practically screaming their intent at Tali the moment they got together." Kasumi noted, to which Wu grinned with a firm nod of his head. "And you know all this how...?" She asked, genuinely curious now that he had her undivided attention.

"Psh please, I might've been an idiot prince but I still had eyes. And as much as I went out of my way to not use the good sense I was born with, I still noticed what was going on around me. It's only in recent months that I've truly seen anything worth looking at." He sighed then but the smile on his face only widened despite where his thoughts had turned, "Seeing people smile again as I personally delivered aid to those in need with those willing to assist in the endeavor I'd started back in Ba Sing Se, of reuniting families as we tore down Kuvira's re-education camps, while giving closure to those that were left behind. Even those that had joined with Kuvira weren't beyond saving in most cases, having simply signed on to try and bring some much needed stability and normalcy back to their lives. I've learned more during all this than I can remember in my whole life."

"If only more leaders were like you Wu."

"Yeah….but if they were all this good looking, what would you do then?" Wu asked with a much more exaggerated dance of his eyebrows. Kasumi could only chuckle at the harmless remark before disappearing from sight even as her mind turned over what she'd learned from the former Prince. Wu watched her go, but he had a good feeling Republic City was in good hands, especially since Mako and Bolin both had regaled him and the Beifong family with story after story about the Normandy's crew on their way to Asami's airfield.

Sensing Kasumi at her side even if she couldn't 'see' her, Tali brought her tale to a close and slipped away from Zhu Li, Varrick, Bataar Jr and Sr, and Suyin with the master thief only a step behind her. "Do you think I went too quickly?" She asked once they were out of earshot of the group.

"I think you did what you thought was right." Kasumi softly replied as she flickered into sight. "But honestly, I think it was long overdue, if for no other reason than they all survived what quite frankly should've killed at least one of them. Korra and Asami might've asked them to aid us while waiting for the funeral to take place, but that they all decided to come together says a lot to me on its own merits."

"As you rightfully assumed," Tali began and relaxed a little when Kasumi merely grinned at her educated guess, "they wanted to speak to each other, but didn't know how without hurting each other more, or so they feared at least."

"I figured that's what your finely tuned quarian senses told you." Kasumi replied and playfully nudged Tali in the side before nodding her head towards the group they'd left. She smiled just as Bataar Jr looked into his mother's face as she put a hand on his shoulder while his father simply smiled with Zhu Li nodding approvingly towards the group, despite having almost been mistakenly stabbed by the older woman. "I think they'll be fine Tali."

"It's a start at least." Tali agreed, glad to see they'd begun to mend.

The Normandy CIC

Standing next to Jinora in front of the central terminal, where normally a map of the galaxy resided in stunning three dimensions, Samantha was taking notes of the network of tunnels the master airbender had scouted out with her astral projection ability. Seeing a lull in the proceedings, Shepard approached, a gesture Sam took as a sign to take a break for now. Jinora merely stared at the holographic display of the Kalou Mountain Range as Shepard soon stood at her side, her arms crossed loosely over her chest. "I'm still amazed by just how far your world's come Elizabeth." Jinora began once they were side by side.

"We might have some fancy tech on our side, but most of us aren't nearly as enlightened as you folks are." Shepard replied with a sad shrug of her shoulders. "Still, I know this can't be easy-"

"It might not be what my powers were meant for," Jinora began even as she smiled appreciatively into Shepard's face, "but like you, I can't turn a blind eye to what's going on. My only real concern is trusting Zaheer to honor things on his end."

"He might be a psychopathic anarchist, but he has a basic survival instinct. He admitted as much when we talked in the Spirit World, even if he also said that he wasn't afraid to die on the physical realm. But if the Remnant takes control, even he will end up in trouble he can't simply float away from. With that in mind, we're all on the same side."

"Perhaps," Jinora hedged, and honestly, Shepard couldn't blame her with what she'd gone through at the man's hands, "but I'd be very careful in how you deal with him. I will say he seemed genuinely surprised I contacted him in the first place."

"Which I'll always be grateful for Jinora." Shepard replied sincerely even as she scanned the image of the tunnels they'd been able to scout out thus far. All the while she kept up their conversation, more to pass the time than anything at that moment. "I know that couldn't have been easy either."

"He has great respect for my culture, and he respects I was able to lead the new Nomads in defeating him when he tried to escape with Korra, so he was nothing but kind to me when I appeared before him as a spirit."

Shepard was quick to pick up where Jinora left off. "But given his very similar skillset to yours, you were rightfully afraid of him."

"Yes," Jinora admitted, but she remained otherwise steady as a rock, "but I didn't let that stop me from trying to gain his assistance in taking down the Remnant. I didn't have to talk long before he agreed, but then I saw Kuvira and a small group of followers she'd gathered since escaping prison and I understood why he was so willing to help us."

"Opposites attract, as they say, but in this it's more they're simply of the same mind on the problem before us." Shepard took a step closer to the mapped out tunnels and peered at a large chamber that Jinora had described as some sort of processing plant. A facility meant for spirit vines, preparing them for use as power cells for the Remnant's small arms, and other things she was willing to bet. Shepard saw a potential problem in the making if the vines were accidentally activated and they ended up exploding. "We're gonna have to be careful if we're forced through the vine processing facility. And with all of those heavy platinum bulkhead doors separating parts of the tunnel network from different areas of the base, we won't simply be able to cut our way through unless we want to be seriously slowed down if they activate their defenses."

"And with Kuvira promising to assist us, I wouldn't ask Asami for any hummingbird suits given her personal grudge against the former dictator. Not that the more narrow tunnels would allow them a lot of room to maneuver in the first place." Shepard nodded, not about to argue with Jinora's assessment on the matter since she was all too correct. Asami hadn't taken the news well once she heard Kuvira had promised her aid in dealing with the Remnant, both because the Remnant had once followed Kuvira, and because Kuvira had killed Hiroshi during the siege of Republic City, not that she likely knew that.

"Things change when family gets involved." Was all Shepard would say on the matter.

"Maybe." She jerked and spun around, only to see Asami herself staring unerringly at the pair. "But I'm willing to still see this through. Too much is at stake for my personal issues to get in the way." When Elizabeth raised an eyebrow inquisitively, the question clear as day on her face, Asami approached and let her hand fall to her upper arm before letting her head hang. "I can't ever forget what Kuvira did to my father, but...between what I've heard from Korra about her past, about how her family threw her out as a child, and from dealing with a lot of what I've carried around since his death, I can at least work with her. Perhaps even forgive her, one day." She looked up then, her pale green eyes alight with an all familiar kind of pain Shepard knew well. "Just don't expect me to like it."

"I wouldn't expect you too Asami." Shepard softly stated. Watching her go, she shared a look with Jinora who visibly relaxed, having been holding a breath she didn't immediately release until the heiress was long gone. Looking towards Samantha from a nearby console, she leaned towards the comms and said, "I hope you heard that Kuvira."

"I did." Kuvira replied moments before her face appeared on the console.

The regret on her face was matched only by the emerald death glare on Shepard's face. "Good, because she's hardly the only one with an axe to grind, as I'm certain you well know, but let's get to the important part of why I had Kai risk his neck to deliver that very advanced piece of tech to your camp."

"I'm listening intently, Commander." Whatever Jinora's thoughts about Kuvira, let alone the long game Shepard had started with her, she had to give the pair this much. When two equally skilled leaders got together, things happened very quickly.

Republic City

In front of City Hall

Later that same afternoon, a large crowd of Republic City's frightened citizenry had answered the summons to attend a press conference called by Avatar Korra herself. Sharing a look with Tenzin before he and Korra took the stage, the pair nodded back to those that kept to the shadows for now. Steeling himself for the task that laid before them, he put a hand on Korra's shoulder. "Whatever happens, I'll always be proud of you Korra."

"Thank you Tenzin." Korra replied, before letting out a heavy sigh at the palpable unease and tension in the air. "Well, better not keep our public waiting." Stepping forward before either of them could change their minds, Korra braced herself for the deluge of questions, frightful mutterings, and angry accusations. What happened instead was a wall of thunderous applause as hope and more returned to the city the moment she and Tenzin stepped out onto the public venue. Approaching the podium as the noise eventually subsided, the expected questions came, but she was able to answer most with a smile on her face.

"Is it true you're planning to seek justice for the Raiko murders?"

"Yes. Myself, the Sky Rangers, and the rest of Team Avatar are preparing to take down the Remnant."

"Do you know what the Remnant are?"

"We've since uncovered that they used to be the Dai Li from the Earth Kingdom city of Ba Sing Se." Tenzin informed the crowd. "After the assassination of the Earth Queen, they fled, but were eventually reorganized under Kuvira, but once she surrendered, they turned rogue and have since targeted Republic City."

"So it's her fault they're here?"

"It's a little more complicated than that." Korra was quick to cut in before anyone could get the wrong idea. "They are dangerous, there's no arguing that, but Kuvira only escaped because she was targeted by the Remnant just like President Raiko and his wife. Before that, she'd been nothing but cooperative, telling Suyin Beifong and her associates anything they wanted to know about her regime so they could free her prisoners and hopefully reunite families again. It doesn't make what she did right or even worthy of being let out on good behavior anytime soon simply because she's been helpful now, but what the Remnant have done and are still planning to do unless we stop them now is not on her."

"And what about the strange warship that flew out of the Spirit Portal a few months ago? We've only received rumors and heresy and the people are well past the point of being patient any longer." The reporter responsible for the inquiry had been planted by Liara's request, and with Asami and Zhu Li's various social connections, it'd been a simple matter to get her into the crowd. It'd been even easier to convince her to help them with the next phase of their plan.

Per their rehearsing, Korra was ready for it, and didn't disappoint. "That question I can't answer, but thankfully I know someone that can." Turning to the side of the stage, Korra and Tenzin was soon joined by Shepard in full armor and a hooded Liara T'Soni, with Garrus, Grunt, and Tali ready to take the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Commander Elizabeth Shepard and her crew of the Normandy SR-2."

The excited if puzzled buzz from the crowd went largely ignored by them as Shepard took over the podium once their two companions had stepped back. "Thank you Avatar Korra, Master Tenzin, and thank you for the warm welcome Republic City." The crowd offered a smattering of light laughs as many of them remembered a less than peaceful crash landing. "Yeah, I can't say I blame ya for not finding that funny, we did kinda make an entrance." She smirked more easily when the crowd laughed a little louder with more joining in the increasing cheer.

"Why are you here?"

"We crashed." Shepard answered simply, the smile audible in her voice as she crossed black armored arms, the red and white stripe down her right arm easy to spot a mile away. "We honestly had no intention of being here, but I gotta say, your home's been pretty good to my people, and for that you'll have my profound appreciation and gratitude." This was meant more for Korra and her family, her friends, but the crowd still reacted positively to the sincere praise.

"Have you entered into an alliance with Future Industries then?"

"Of a sort." Shepard said with a shrug but a firm nod. "Ms. Sato and her company, as well as her close ties with those in Zaofu, have been instrumental in getting my ship repaired so we can hopefully get back to where we belong."

"Yet it's been reported that your team's been sighted all over the city during the war with the gangs of the city. What's that about Commander?"

Shepard's smile turned into a grim line as she leaned ever so slightly forward so that she had locked eyes with the man that had spoken. "I can't ignore a threat to innocent people, none of us can. I lost my original home years ago, my family and friends were slaughtered or taken by hostile invaders, and it was only afterward that I swore I'd do all I could to make sure no one else had to endure the same kind of pain I had. It's why we've done what we can to repay all that this city and its people have done for us in mending our wounded, of giving us a home, and for giving us the most important gift of all. Hope."

"I-I hadn't expected that…" The man trailed off, and while he was hardly the only one affected by her impassioned speech, he powered through despite the new lump in his throat and said, "One last question from me if you would permit." He breathed a little easier when Shepard gestured for him to proceed. "'s true then that you're from….out there?" He pointed to the sky, but it was hardly necessary as the excitement in the air seemed to intensify tenfold in anticipation of what her, their, answer might be.

Having expected the question, Shepard stepped back to allow Liara to step forward. With a subtle look passing between them, the asari slowly gripped the edges of her low riding hood and pulled it away. The silence that fell was to the point a pin hitting the ground would've deafened most people as her 'unmasking' was followed by Garrus removing his full blue helmet and tucking it under his arm. Even a heavily inoculated Tali removed her visor just long enough to reveal her gray face before securing it again. "Does that answer your question?" Liara herself asked, her voice a soft whisper even with the dozen or so microphones situated before them.

"Uh….yeah….yeah it does." The man managed to choke out, beyond stunned as his eyes threatened to fall out of his skull at the revelation there was indeed life beyond their skies. "B-but pardon my question, but what are you? I, and I think I speak for all of us present here, have never seen your like before."

"Asari." Liara informed them, her arms folded neatly behind her back.

"Quarian." Tali chimed in next.

"Turian, and possibly the most handsome of the bunch here." Garrus playfully boasted, which earned another smattering of laughs from the crowd. "Seriously though, we're hardly the only aliens out there, but we're some of the most common."

Unsurprisingly, the next two hours were question after question after question about Shepard's people, what they were, what they wanted, what they were like as a people, the list went on, but eventually the questions slowed. It was here that Shepard had her opening to get to the second part of why they'd called this conference in the first place. Taking the podium with another look between her and Liara all the signal the other needed, the asari stepped back with Garrus. This was where it could all come apart if things didn't go as planned and the trap wasn't properly baited.

"I know there's a rumor going around that some of my people have manifested bending." Shepard began, to which the crowd murmured in agreement of the claim. "It turns out Harmonic Convergence has….more lasting effects than anyone realized." When she raised her right hand and summoned a blue ball of fire about the same time Tali manipulated one of her new metal armbands, Kasumi flickered into sight the next moment to reveal a small wind tornado between her outstretched hands. The crowd once more reacted about as well as they'd expected. Waiting for them to calm, Shepard began anew. "Like the airbenders that appeared weeks after HC, it seems all that energy has affected my people in a very similar way."

"That explains why reports claim many of your people have been spotted around Avatar Korra and Master Tenzin's close friends."

"That's right." Tali stated as Shepard gave the podium over to the quarian. "We wished to safely learn and control what had begun to appear within us, especially since none of our peoples had ever wielded such power before in any of our histories. Like many of you are now, we were frightened and uncertain how to handle such abilities, but thanks to Korra, Lin Beifong, Tenzin, and many others, we've gained some level of proficiency over our various bending, and confidence within ourselves because of their trust in us to responsibly use what we've been given."

"And I can safely say they haven't disappointed." Lin stated as she took over. "I know the last few months have been a great time of upheaval and chaos, but it's because of these strangers we even knew the Remnant were in the city before they had a chance to attack. It's also because of them that when the Triads started attacking our homes, our families in greater number, that the casualties were kept much lower than they might have been otherwise." Lin's support and her actions during the various crisis the city had faced, along with her well known reputation for upholding the law and order of Republic City, had gained her a lot of popularity with the people.

That was proven when the crowd cheered the Chief of Police's name with almost as much excitement and fervor as they'd shouted Korra's at the start of the conference. "Alright alright, settle down already." Lin grumbled and sighed once the cheering died down.

Shepard breathed out the tension that had begun to build as she took the podium one last time. This was what all of their previous talks had been leading up to. "There's one rumor we've not addressed, but I think it's past time we did so." Rumors that Liara had helped spread through clever use of those willing to aid in what they'd set into motion in the hope of getting the desired response. Rumors that were echoed back as Azula's name popped up in frightful murmurings. "While I'm sure many of you've heard the story of how Avatar Aang defeated Ozai and brought this world back into balance, of how Fire Lord Zuko defeated his sister, Azula, in an Agni Kai, some stories apparently don't know how to stay where they belong."

"Then it's true?! Azula's returned?!"

"Yes." Korra's monosyllabic response was enough to create a wave of agitated and terrified exclamations. Even those that didn't know just what she'd been once capable of knew enough to be afraid of the mad princess. "But that's why we're here. We plan to take her and the Remnant down once and for all."

"The Remnant kept her on ice for decades, but it's only now that the Dai Li have run out of options that they've set her loose. I plan to fix that little problem." Shepard stated, her emerald eyes narrowed to slits. Those that could see her face were the first to calm and simply stare, seeing something in her face, her confident stance that said she was not only dead serious, but also that she'd do what she had said she would or die trying. "That's why I'm calling out Azula in three days time. Per Fire Lord Zuko's recommendation, I'm calling for Agni Kai."

The silence that followed that determined declaration was nearly as deafening as the one that followed the announcement there were actual aliens on stage. Shepard didn't wait for the crowd to settle this time though. "In three days time, I expect Azula to face me in Kalou Pass, the same pass Kuvira's colossus took to get to the city. Her alliance with the Remnant ends there, provided she shows up, but given her reputation for being a coward and striking at innocent bystanders, of using the people of this city like disposable slaves in her mad bid for power under Remnant control, I won't hold my breath."

"Bold words Commander." Liara and Asami's friend in the press stated as a confident smile appeared on her face. "Are you sure you can stand up to such a powerful and almost legendary Fire Nation princess?"

"I've fought things far more terrifying than an insane little girl with too much literal firepower at her fingertips, and I'm still here." She emphasized this point by casually undoing the hard suit clamps holding her outer chest piece in place. Zipping down the light underlayer, she revealed the lightning burn from the last time she'd faced Azula. "And I've already felt the power of her lightning, I gotta say I wasn't impressed."

"That's not what it looked like to me, Commander." Even Shepard was momentarily taken aback as Azula herself made her presence known from a nearby rooftop. "I seem to remember you falling to your knees before me when we met in that chi blocker base. How is little ZuZu doing? It's been so long I suppose he's not so little anymore is he?" The dark glee on her face morphed into something far more malevolent as she nimbly made her way down the side of the building, making it no secret she enjoyed the way they tried to get out of her way. Only Korra, Shepard, and their respective friends remained still as statues. Standing before the stage, Azula glared daggers up into Shepard's face. "You've had your fun, mongrel, but you have no right to call for such a sacred honor as Agni Kai from someone so far above your station!"

"Then I suppose you really are a coward, Azula. If you're so certain you're the better firebender, then it shouldn't be a problem for you to prove it." Shepard countered smoothly as she stared, unafraid, into the mad princess's face.

The tension between them was palpable, so much so it was hard to miss the sparks that threatened to crackle and rage between them before Azula allowed an almost bored smirk play across her face. "Fine, I'll play your little game. I'll be at Kalou Pass, and I'll happily put you down like the rabid dog you are. Just don't be surprised when I utterly annihilate you. Bring your little friends if you like, I rather like the idea of having an audience so they can watch you die screaming." It was then that Azula shot up and away from the crowd, a wide burn scar appearing across the ground from the intensity of her fire, alighting on the same rooftop she'd jumped down from in the first place. "See you in three days Commander. Enjoy your last days on this world."

"Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you, Assula." The fireball that destroyed the stage was expected. The fact not a one of them screamed in agony or even defended themselves against the attack however left many scratching their heads, right up until the smoke cleared. The crowd and Azula both saw the holographic images, flickering from the damage to the projector hidden beneath the stage, now revealed thanks to Azula's assault. Shepard smiled as she and the others stepped out onto the rooftop across the street from Azula, her arms crossed and her smile as wide as ever.

Too stunned for words at the trick, Azula did the only thing she could think to do. She backed away, yet even when she had returned to the Remnant base, she couldn't shake the image of Shepard's emerald, fiery gaze from her mind.

Dragon Flats Borough

The Sato Estate

That evening, gathered around Asami's dining hall table, their respective teams were having a cheerful gathering at a job, so far, well done. Despite the threat that laid before them yet, there was an unmistakable aura of hope and renewed vigor to everyone's step as they talked. Asami, despite her earlier conversation about Kuvira, was all smiles as she, Korra, Liara, and their planted reporter spoke among themselves. "Thank you for your assistance earlier this afternoon, Ms. Ye."

"Bah don't worry about it Doctor T'Soni." The middle aged woman replied and smiled, a motherly air about the average sized human before her. Despite the gray streaks in her well kempt brown locks, Mo Ye looked full of life and ready for much more given the energy she gave off. Taking a sip of the champagne, the forest green eyed woman made an approving noise in the back of her throat before saying, "As for your little confrontation with Azula herself, even I was surprised to see none of you were hurt when the smoke cleared. More of your tech at work." It wasn't a question, but Ms. Ye smiled a little wider when Liara nodded. "And now you give me an exclusive interview. I don't know what I did in a past life to be so fortunate, but I'm not about to look an ostrich horse in the mouth."

"What my bondmate said during the interview was the truth, the people of Republic City have done a lot for us."

"Republic City or certain mutual friends of ours?" Mo asked, which was followed by a cheerful laugh from those around the reporter. Nodding her head towards Asami, she said, "It's good to see you again and doing so well to boot Asami."

"Thanks Mo, and while I admit it's been a little crazy these past few months, it's been an experience I wouldn't trade for anything."

"Uh huh….I'm sure." The blush that quickly spread over Korra's cheeks was answer enough to Mo's insinuation. "That I'll conveniently forget until you two are ready to come out as an item, you have my word Avatar Korra, but it's easy to see you two are pretty close."

"Th-thanks, but does everyone take one look at us and feel the need to say something?" She asked, to which Mo patted the dark skinned woman on an arm.

"People talk no matter who you are. That and I'm old, I've been around the block a few times." She was quick to assure the pair before Mo turned her green eyes on Liara once more. "Speaking of though, you do realize your provocation of Azula's not going to end well."

"I'm aware there's risk involved, but we had to do something to make sure people were aware of just what they were up against and to prepare accordingly. It's when secrets that would be better out in the open are kept is when problems arise, and many more people end up dying as a result."

"Speaking from experience?"

"Too much experience." Liara replied sadly.

"I see. Still, I'm not about to argue with the result, people were talking, which was the point as you said, and it sounded like anyone able to fight were looking to do so when things start to get hairy. Whatever the Remnant was doing before, they won't go unchallenged anymore. It likely won't outright stop them of course, but any hindrance now will only help later."

"That's why I was more than happy to go along with the proposed plan when I heard it the first time." Korra stated, her arms crossed as she firmly set her jaw about the same time. "It'd be a nice change not having to do all the work ourselves this time around. But I am worried about people putting themselves in danger needlessly."

"That's a risk no matter how we go about this Korra. But as long as they're willing to protect their homes, their families from this threat, that's enough for me." Liara countered softly, gently, and while both she and Asami still didn't agree completely, they relented in arguing further.

"There is one thing I wanted clarification on though." Mo said as she frowned thoughtfully as she steered the conversation away from such heavy topics as a fresh confrontation on the horizon. "You briefly touched upon it during the conference, but with so many questions about your various races and cultures, it's likely been forgotten-"

"But you wonder what happens once word gets back to our home governments about our coming into contact with this planet's people." Liara finished for the reporter, who nodded as she pulled out her pen and notepad before gesturing for Liara to continue. "Normally, once a civilization has been deemed appropriately advanced enough in some way, whether that be technological, social, or something else, a first contact team of representatives from the Council races will be sent to evaluate and assess the situation. If found favorable, trade is soon established, along with diplomatic relations in the hope of better relations on both sides. It's a long and drawn out process but it keeps underdeveloped civilizations from being viciously exploited by those far more unscrupulous or immorale. Of course, the argument could be made my own people aren't exactly unbiased, let alone the other Council races, but we do the best we can."

"So translation, expect more of the same BS we already deal with, just in various shades of blue, scales, or what have you. And since you people crashed here, the first contact scenario's out the window."

The question was left unspoken but Liara answered it anyway. "Indeed, and in a situation like this, it's more a matter of catch up at this point as far as the Council will be concerned. Underdeveloped planets are often protected until such a time they can take care of themselves, but given the level of technology in certain areas on this world, it wouldn't have surprised me we'd have met in the next thirty, forty years. Now though, with Future Industries being so instrumental in getting our vessel repaired."

"You're expecting us to reach for the stars a lot sooner." Mo finished for her, unable to help the wide smirk on her face as her pen all but flew across the notepad in her hand.

"That would be a safe assumption." Asami was quick to agree. "It'll take time to truly comprehend everything we've been shown, let alone making viable prototypes of the same with what we have available, but I might already have a few things in the works in our labs."

"Heh, ever the industrialist eh 'Sami?" Mo asked, to which Asami smirked and brushed her long black locks over one shoulder.

"Of course." She playfully boasted.

When all eyes fell on Korra, the Avatar was all smirks as she leaned into Asami's side with one arm resting on her shoulder. "Hey, I might not have a clue about all this tech talk, but I do know this much. I'm pretty excited by the possibilities that are suddenly stretched out before us since these guys crashed in the bay. I will say that we'd be kinda stupid if we weren't cautious though, Liara and most of her friends have warned us of the dangers out there many times."

"So guarded optimism, good to know someone's the cautious one of the two of you." Mo was quick to say, earning an amused eyeroll from Asami while Korra smirked triumphantly.

"I'll remember this later Korra." Warned Asami, her eyes half lidded and promising a very unpleasant evening for her.

"Uh….is it too late to say I still think you're an amazing, wonderful, intelligent person?" Korra asked as she gingerly stepped away from her girlfriend.

"Hmm….yes." Asami purred, earning a defeated groan from Korra.

"Uh oh, I know that look." All eyes fell on Shepard as she wrapped an arm around Liara's waist. "Reminds me of one I likely had not so long ago until Kya got involved."

"I believe the human idiom here is, Korra's in the polarbear doghouse, my Commander." Liara was quick to elaborate as Korra groaned louder still while the rest of them shared a laugh.

"Even though I am quite sure that some of my colleagues would be all too happy to learn about even the smallest detail of the avatar's love life," Mo chimed in as she steered the conversation back to their little interview, "I would prefer if we could concentrate on the matter at hand."

"Of course, my apologies Ms. Ye."

"Psh, call me Mo, especially since you count Asami and Korra as good friends. And if Asami vouches for you and your team Commander, Doctor, I won't split hairs." Mo assured them before asking another question. "Although, while all this talk about becoming part of a greater community is fascinating, I can't help but wonder, what can you tell me about your efforts to keep the Remnant out of the city. Should they win, any further relations will matter little I'm afraid."

"Especially if we can't warn anyone about what's going on down here." Shepard intoned as she let her hands fold behind her back, adopting a much more disciplined posture. "But long story short Mo, I imagine the Council would stay clear of this world until such a time things calmed down enough once they learned for themselves there's a violent takeover in the works. That's assuming the Remnant Dai Li don't make the mistake of somehow seizing control of any ship that lands. As powerful as they are down here, they'd be eaten alive up there, best case scenario anyway."

"And on the off chance they did somehow adapt enough to be a threat to the galactic community, we'd respond in kind, and we'd win in short order." Liara's certainty was impossible to dispute, but she didn't like the prospect of such a course of events unfolding. "The damage would be….substantial, the loss of life even worse depending on who responded first, and how."

"While we don't have a salarian on our team anymore," Liz began, pausing just long enough to give Mo a chance to jot down what notes she needed, "let's just say there's a reason why they're considered the best in the infiltration and espionage business. Not only that, but they're also the most scientifically gifted of the three despite their short life spans. It might take a few years, but if given a reason, it's very possible they could come up with a means to restrain and hold a bender indefinitely, completely unable to access their abilities, and that's if they're feeling generous."

"The turians meanwhile would bring their considerable military might to bear." Liara picked up where Shepard left off. "Garrus might not be the best example, but his skill and discipline is however what most of his people are known for because almost every single turian has served in some capacity in their armed forces. Imagine millions of them all with the same goal in mind, and you'd have a pretty good idea of just what the Dai Li could invite upon this world if they push too aggressively beyond your skies."

"And then there's my personal favorite, Liara's people." Despite the cheer in her voice, the dead serious look on her face told another story. "The only good thing about the asari from a military standpoint is that there aren't many of them to worry about. Their exceedingly long lives though means they have the very long patience to match, and the time to devote themselves to mastering every aspect of their lives they set their minds to. Those who follow a more military approach make for some of the deadliest warriors I've ever encountered, and I've met more than my share across the spectrum. Asari commando units are not to be messed with lightly, being exceedingly deadly in guerrilla warfare tactics, and that's not even getting into their ability to generate a form of bending we call biotics."

"And all of these races work together." Mo shuddered, having gotten a very clear idea of what they were trying to tell her. "So stopping the Remnant from taking over is not only a good thing for us now, but it stops them from inviting so much more death and destruction our way if they do get off world."

"While that's still a pretty big if, it had certainly crossed our minds." Shepard agreed before she relaxed and let a determined smile appear on her face. "But I'd have tried to stop the Remnant even without that possibility hanging over this world's head. I don't abide terrorism, no matter what it tries to pass itself off as, and as far as I've seen, that's all these Dai Li are, glorified terrorists for a regime that no longer exists, yet they refuse to move on with the times."

"Well they are earthbenders from the old Earth Kingdom, Commander.", Mo stated, a gleam in her green eyes giving away her intent, "it's only natural they be as stubborn and unchanging as the rocks they throw around."

"Heh, can't argue with you there Mo."

Kalou Mountain Pass

The Jade Dragon could only raise an eyebrow as he played back the radio broadcast from the press conference while a fuming Azula stood nearby, her arms crossed and her sharp nails tapping impotently at her upper arms. "They made a mockery of you too."

"I'm well aware." Azula hissed through clenched teeth.

"You played right into their hands."

"I couldn't ignore some mongrel daring to bite at her betters! She has no ties to the Fire Nation, no honor to speak of, and yet she dares to invoke Agni Kai?!"

"You still accepted the invitation to confront her."

"I have a reputation to maintain." She growled, but calmed, if only slightly, as she let her arms fall to her sides. "Even if the Fire Nation has changed from the glorious days of conquest and subjugation of its subjects, I can't ignore an Agni Kai. My own pride and honor, such as it is, won't allow it."

"Shepard survived your wrath once, who is to say that she won't do it again?"

"Last time she had the chance to recover, I don't plan on offering her that luxury twice. Besides, a strange copy made of light or not, I could still see her face, I could read the intent there. She's planning something, and I intend to wipe that smug smirk off her face by figuring out what it is before I end her." She grinned then, the action quite disturbing to behold by most people as her gaze fell on the Jade Dragon, who only stood with his arms behind his back as he peered right back. "In the meantime, I could use a few good men to raise a little chaos in the city."

"No. I have a better idea. We know where certain members of Team Avatar's unprotected family are located at last. The brothers Mako and Bolin were instrumental in destroying Kuvira's colossus, and now we know where their extended family resides. Since we can't get to Ms. Sato directly given just how well protected she is, I'll settle for second best."

"Ah….so you want me to pay them a visit?"

"I want you to bring them back here, alive." He stated, his tone making it clear he wouldn't accept anything less, but was just as quick to add as a small, cruel little smile spread across his face, "but if you find the time to entertain yourself with a few of them, who am I to argue?"

"Why settle for one over the other?" Azula countered with a smirk. "I'll deal with the family. In the meantime, incite the citizens into a frenzy. Let's see how brave they are when their neighbourhoods burn and their friends desert them."

"Plans are already in motion to have our latest invention seeded through densely populated areas of the city. They won't know what's lurking beneath their streets until it's too late."

End Notes: Ugh, been meaning to post this a lot sooner, but between some RL stuff and just being unable to find the motivation to edit this chapter let alone the time, this took a lot longer to complete than I'd have liked. I do apologize for that though, but Chapter 25 is almost done now that I've gotten over my writer's block at last, and despite the fact Nomad's been pretty busy with exams, he's been a pretty big help in his own way as I try to finish this at last. At any rate, take care guys and gals and we'll hopefully see you again soon.