Author has written 19 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Inuyasha, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Naruto, Harry Potter, Smallville, Crossing Lines, Hellsing, Lost, Samurai 7, Get Backers, Pitch Black / Riddick, Justice League, Sorcerer's Apprentice, 2010, X-Men: The Movie, Once Upon a Time, Stargate: Universe, Vampire Diaries, Legion, Three Musketeers, Hobbit, and Walking Dead. Yo! I have many interests such as writing stories from anime to fiction to nonfiction stories. My favorites would be Bleach, Samurai 7, Naruto, Lord the the Rings, and many more. Current Stories That I Will Be Writing: Unity - Dragonball Z/Inuyasha Crossover Up Through The Ashes - Inuyasha/Hellsing Dreaming Wide Awake - Naruto/Samurai 7 From Kunoichi to Get Backer - Naruto/Get Backers Oceanic Flight 815 Buffy Style - BtVS/Lost Fire with Fire - BtVS/Pitch Black Undone - BtVS/Justice League Who Am I Living For - Harry Potter/ Sorcerers Apprentice Forever More... - Harry Potter/ Once Upon A Time Up Through The Ashes will be rewritten because for some reason I am not happy with how it turned out and I will be rewriting it. And it will be up as soon as I feel that it is right, so don't worry! Also the polls are in! Unity - Poll VEGETA IS THE WINNER! Up Through The Ashes This is what Kagome wears (it may change) http:///up_through_ashes_kagome/set?id=50959293 Dreaming Wide Awake This is what Shiki looks like in the story: http:///image/kushina/NeoConstantine/Kushina_Uzumaki_by_UzumakiKushina.jpg?o=252 This is what Shiki wears: Shirt, Pants and Shoes: Basically the same thing that Soifon wears. Jacket: It's a haori only that its white with red flames on the bottom, kinda like Minato's jacket. Cloak: Alrighty then, for those who have been checking up on my stories, here is a heads up! I've made a few alterations to Shiki's Outfit on her profile. So here is her new outfit! Shiki's new outfit: Fire with Fire Buffy aka Joan Prince http:///_gyOeNaG3O3U/THhVsLzIAmI/AAAAAAAAAPU/mpxV0Px2ZCs/s1600/buffymain.jpg Buffy's Hair Color http:///gallery/long_hairstyles_3752.php Clothing Shirt http:///browse/?cid=17083&vid=1&pid=719978 Vest http:///search?keywords=vest&SearchType=Header Black Pants http:///Clothing-Shoes/Sharagano-Womens-Corduroy-Utility-Pants/5085607/product.html?rcmndsrc=2 Shoes http:///Clothing-Shoes/MIA-Womens-Pratt-Buckle-Combat-Boot/5269660/product.html?rcmndsrc=2 Gloves http:///3/11/97/17372/ITEM/Tour-Master-Select-Fingerless-Gloves.aspx Sunglasses (only black) http:///Main-Street-Revolution/Be-the-Ball-Black-Pearl-BTB-810-Sport-Sunglasses/5135001/product.html Weapons Knives (Several of them): http:///fusion-spirit-knife-spearhead-p-4254.html - http:///spring-assist-legal-automatic-knife-double-blade-fighter-p-5497.html - http:///pistol-push-dagger-fighting-knife-p-5771.html - http:///trench-knife-knuckle-guard-modern-reproduction-p-5140.html Blades : http:///alices-zombie-extinction-kukhri-huge-custom-blades-p-3941.html Tattoos Right Ankle http:///2011/01/koi-fish-tattoo-pictures.html (the 5th the done, the orange, yellow one with the red/pink flowers) Left Shoulder http:///categories/animals/tribal-panther-2.html Right Forearm http:///categories/other-shapes/tribal-cross-2.html Left Forearm http:///categories/animals/tribal-snake-5.html Base of Spine http:///categories/kanji/kanji-born-to-lead.html http:///categories/kanji/kanji-defend-protect.html http:///categories/kanji/kanji-fight-to-the-end.html POLL RESULTS IN! For my samurai 7/naruto crossover "Dreaming Wide Awake" the winner is...a tie! Kambei and Kyuzo are the winners! However since there is a tie, I will not have Shiki with Kambei and Kyuzo...I will make Shiki a harem! So there! Also I will be making a new poll for my new story that I posting! For some reason I am creating a Buffy and Justice League Crossover! So please vote on what superhero name buffy should have or PM me about what name she should have! Have a great week! Undone Buffy AKA Joan Maria Summers as a brunette http:///tutorials/88-palette-tutorial-sarah-michelle-gellar/ (third picture down, ignore the video) Buffy AKA Sineya the Slayer with black hair http:///gallery/displayimage.php?album=95&pos=168 Buffy's Work Clothes: http:///product/index.jsp?productId=10788423&cp=4078198.4335463, http:///product/index.jsp?productId=11021640&cp=4078198.4335463, http:///product/index.jsp?productId=4270437&cp=4078198.4335463, http:///product/index.jsp?productId=3995693&cp=4238904 Buffy's Regular Clothes: http:///product/index.jsp?productId=11391432&cp=4078198.11025267, http:///product/index.jsp?productId=11211839&cp=4078198.4238853, http:///product/index.jsp?productId=10982261&cp=4238904 Buffy's Hero Clothing: http:///DisplayProduct.jsp?product=SUSA-WS589&c=, http:///DisplayProduct.jsp?product=ENWX-WP3&c=, http:///products/Black-Steel-Boned-Corset.html (over shirt), http:///53116-shoes-leatherette-cross-strap-heel.html, http:///products/ps-sephiroth-trench-custom.php, http:///sighting/oakley-nanowire/oakley-nanowire-30-sienna-miller.html, http:///viewProduct.asp?ID=Naruto-214 Her Hero Symbol: http:///image/code/119/thedemonslayer.htm Her Weapons: Vorpal Blade - http:///shopping/American-McGees-Alice-Vorpal-Blade-p-18326.html Piercing Eagle Eyes - http:///shopping/Piercing-Eagle-Knives-p-18289.html Ghurka Kukri - http:///shopping/Ghurka-Kukri-p-17013.html Viking Sword - http:///shopping/Classic-Viking-Sword-p-17191.html 2 Model 1911 R1 Centennial Gun - http:///Products/Firearms/Model-1911-centennial.aspx Model 887 Nitro Mag Tactical Shotgun - http:///products/firearms/shotguns/model-887/model-887-nitro-mag-tactical.aspx and many more Hello everyone! I have the results of who Buffy will be paired up with in "Undone". And the winner is...Batman! With Jason Blood coming in second! Sorry I have not posted anything as of late, I have been very busy with my classes and homework but I am working on the next chapter of Undone. I would also like to know if anyone is interested in two new stories that I am thinking about writing about. One would be a Treasure Planet and Buffy crossover and the other a Clash of the Titans (the new movie), Buffy crossover as well. Tell me what you think by reviewing Undone and who d think Buffy should be with in those two stories that I am currently brainstorming about! Later everyone! Forever More...
http:///albums/r8/LovingHearts/Banners/MyBannerMaker_Banner.jpg Main Character: Evelyn Isa Potter
http:///forever_more...chapter/set?id=44490457 Tattoos revealed in Chapter 1: http:///forever_more...evelyns_tattoos/set?id=44495860 Who We Are Main Character: Morrigan Gilbert (Potter) Chapter 1: http:///who_we_are_friday_night/set?id=47487093 Inside The Fire Main Character: Selena Potter Outfits: http:///inside_fire/set?id=48945256 http:///inside_fire/set?id=48895591 From Kunoichi to Get Backer Main Character: Shiki Namikaze What she wears (may change as the story is written) http:///from_kunoicho_to_get_backer/set?id=53167753 Black Star Main Character: Morrigan Emrys-Potter Outfits Bag End: |