Angelica went to work the next morning and sighed as she tied around her Waitress apron. Jack had kept her up most of the night with his complaining about how she didn't have 'brand' tea. She was going to kill that Time Lord she swore to God. He wasn't going to have to worry about The Master getting him.

The day finally ended and she was looking forward to a hot shower to get the spilled shit off of her. Damn people and their non-ability to keep food on their plates. She unlocked her apartment door and there were a group of people sitting on her couch.

"Jack…what did I say yesterday?" She approached the Time Lord sitting on the end of the couch.

"You said no Time Lord parties. But the weird thing is, that it seems the boys heard about Koschi making a surprise visit."

"So this is the girl you speak of all the time." The blond haired man stood up and approached her. "I'm Scott."

Angelica shook the man's hand with a smirk.

"You my dear sir, have the patience of a saint to put up with Jack." Angelica informed him making him laugh.

"Oh I like her Jack!" Scott grinned and stood back.

"Yep and I guess you already know who these two are." Jack motioned his hand to Mark and Stephen. "You didn't take Ian with you this time…did he get to safety?" Jack asked Mark who nodded.

"Yes, Ian managed to hunker down with Tennant under the guise that we had a spat."

"I'm sorry but may I ask you a question?" Stephen asked Angelica curiously who nodded. "Your timeline seems to have a few scratches in it. A few places has even been slightly erased."

"He has a point…" Jack looked at her in a slight trance. "That only happens when timelines either converge or repeated deaths."

"Second one." Angelica admitted and Jack blinked. "I drowned, I think I died when the hellhound tore my throat out, the horseman Famine killed me."

"Your timeline has also managed to loop around…that only happens when you travel through time…" Mark mentioned then he sighed and glared at Jack. "What did we tell you about using you TARDIS for too many travels?!"

"We've only been on one in the last several years!" Jack pouted and Angelica bit her lip.

"I did travel with my cousins to the 70's." She admitted and the four Time Lords looked over at her in surprise.

"Humans can't time travel without assistance." Scott stated quietly.

"Castiel took us. We had to stop Anael from killing our parents before we were born."

"Well that could've stopped the end of the world for a few years…" Jack nodded to himself.

"Who is this Castiel? Maybe we should explain to him that time travel is not a joy ride?" Mark grumbled and Angelica laughed.

"I honestly don't know who would win in a fight. A Time Lord or an Angel of the Lord." Angelica mentioned and the men besides Jack paled slightly.

"You know the Angels?" Stephen asked in excitement.

"Know them…she sleeps with one." Jack snickered and the three others looked over at her in confusion.

"Is that even possible?" Scott asked Mark who rolled his eyes.

Angelica sighed in defeat and heard knocking on her door. She answered her door and paled seeing somebody that was supposed to be dead. Suddenly Gabriel's blade was in her hand and she was going for the figure that looked like Sam.

"HOLY CRAP!" Sam dodged the blow and put his hands up in surrender with wide eyes. "Greet everybody like this Angel Eyes?!" He grumbled and he yelped in pain feeling a slice to his arm. "I'M NOT A DEMON!" He snapped at her in irritation. "I suppose you want to hit me with holy water or sal…" Sam's words were cut off when water splashed his face and he wiped the salt on his face off. "Never mind…"

"Sam?" Angelica asked with wide eyes and he nodded in a 'duh' fashion. She was suddenly hugging him tightly.

"Uhm…Angelica, why is Jack here?" Sam asked worriedly.

"Oh he needed a place to hide for a bit." Angelica let Sam inside the apartment and the four Time Lords looked at Sam warily. "Guys? What's up?" She asked the now nervously shuffling aliens.

"I just remembered we were late for that thing…" Mark admitted eyeing Sam with a sharp eye. He turned on his vortex manipulator and left.

"Yeah that 'thing'…nice to meet you." Stephen nodded to her and he also left. Scott cleared his throat awkwardly.

"See you at home Jack." Scott kissed him lightly and also bolted.

"Good to see you Sammy Winchester, but alas it is time for my departure." Jack bolted from the building also.

"So much for wanting to stay under The Master's radar…" Angelica grumbled and Sam snickered lightly.

"I need your help to save Dean. He's in danger, so let's go to his house."

The two cousins got into Sam's car and they were making small talk. Angelica frowned when her cell phone buzzed in her pocket. She took it out and read the text message.

'Kitten keep an eye on him…something's not right. He's a fixed point and us looking at him made us sick so we all had to flee. He either shouldn't exist, or doesn't exist completely…just keep an eye on him.'

Angelica shot Sam a sideways glance not sure what Jack was talking about. Sam had passed the 'evil critter' tests so he couldn't be 'that' bad…right?

(AN/): Okay some things that I felt like I should mention. When Angel was working in the diner and broke her locket and Dean gave it back to her while teasing her…should sound familiar. If you look back at the chapter Prophets and Horndog Archangels, the future Cas saw where Angelica worked at a diner? On a more hysterical note: I work at the movie theater and was discussing Happy Death Day with a co-worker. I then compared it to the episode Mystery Spot. Went about my business in the break room turned on the radio. And heard the lyrics: It was the heat of the moment!

I can't tell you how wide my eyes got. I stated to myself 'holy chuck they know I've started writing again…'