![]() Author has written 10 stories for X-overs, Hobbit, Jak and Daxter, Sailor Moon, Supernatural, Doctor Who, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, and Naruto. Name: I'll stick with M or Arashi. M is one of my nicknames from offline. M/F: Don't have a preferred pronoun online. IRL I do, but I'm aware of the impressions people get from someone who identifies any way and I want you to enjoy my stories without worrying about that. Age: Old enough that I can be mistaken for a professional, but young enough that I am still occasionally mistaken for a recent high school graduate. This can get awkward. Level in life: Overworked. Current Achievement Progress: Get into Graduate School and get a Job: 25% I tend to forget to favorite/note stories of interest. I've lost some really good stories that way. Chances are I've bookmarked your story given the amount of time I spend forgetting to log in. Or forgetting my login info; I have had to reset my password at least four times. I love Harry Potter, loads of other book series, and several other TV fandoms including Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Sherlock. I tend to get into a show for the humor. My favorite 'New Doctor' is Eleven, though I really did like Nine and Ten for their companions and dynamics. Though I am behind on Doctor Who by about 3 years thanks to school these days. I wish I had time to do more, but right now I'm not able to commit to watching a show long-term. I got Scrivener as a present a couple of years ago, so I have been dumping all of my notes into it. For context, this means that I am spending most of my time doing massive worldbuilding and planning (Or whatever the alternative is) how to put plot chains together. Many of the stories I have written recently (as of 2015 and beyond) are cross-posted to ArchiveOfOurOwn under the name Little_Vesuvius. I created the account earlier this year and have only recently found the password to my Fanfiction.net account so I can keep using it. I also have Little-Vesuvius-1 on here but I prefer this account, because I have been here for longer. I also have a Wattpad account, under the same name (LittleVesuvius), so if you see any of my stories posted under a different name, that's plagiarism. I'm a bit of a workaholic, but my schedule often gets bad for my health, so I keep changing t. I love writing. I really do. But I have so many ideas and stories that I work on one for weeks and weeks at a time and laying it all out and the it can be over a year before I go back and realize how to write the idea correctly. Or, in the case of my last NaNoWriMo project, I get struck with some other inspiration and I write over 50k words...of something completely different. Since I tend to flit between stories when I have the inspiration to write them, and go back to edit and organize them when I have the first "installments" finished, I'm going to just upload in chunks when I finish a storyline or large piece. To fans of my Hobbit stories: I'm trying to upload in chunks and editing Coming Home is like that pain you get when you stub your pinky toe. I have enough to deal with right now, so I can't figure out why I've redrafted it four times and hate it. I'm still stuck on it. I have a tumblr, but as of right now, I don't really use it much. Why? I have it because it was originally a requirement for a class to have an account (I think?) and honestly, being online is hard for me during the semester. When I have a big chunk of story I'm uploading and working on, I might update it infrequently, but I also don't use it when I'm in school to avoid distractions. I read enough fanfiction to know that tumblr would be a really bad idea to keep open in my tabs. Also, my internet is frequently bad, and ruins my focus. A little about me: I'm a geology major looking to become a professional licensed geologist. The way this manifests for me is that somehow, some way, there will be a reference to geology in my writing. Or science in general. I've been working on my original novel for a few years, based on a concept I've never seen executed quite like this, and it's been a fun ride so far. Unfortunately for me, since it's a fantasy novel set on another planet, I'm actually creating the basic geology and plate tectonic orientations from scratch. This is actually really, really hard. I enjoy research. I enjoy research to the point that I have ridiculous knowledge in specific fandoms and will look up facts to prove a point. I like banter in my stories, but struggle with some serious content. That's changed over the years. Hiking's a lot of fun, and I really don't mind getting covered in mud or falling down a bit (or a lot) to get the job done. However, I also really like sleeping in a real bed, but for me a real bed can sometimes be a sleeping bag on the floor. During the day, I can sleep anywhere except my bed. Naps are impossible unless I'm on the couch or the floor. In contrast, at night sometimes I can't fall asleep anywhere other than my bed. I tend to approach writing the same way I approach geology: it's an interesting puzzle to break down, only this time I'm the one in control of it. I want to make sure all of the pieces are as rich as the next, even the small ones, so as to minimize plot holes. I also like having the ability to pull plot lines out of nowhere and make my characters interact as if they are players in a DD campaign. I recently got introduced to Critical Role, but have been sort of peripherally interested in DD for many years. If I had the time I'd be in a group, since I know a few DMs. I also used to play Magic: The Gathering but I never liked competitive Magic. I like longer strategy games. I like memorizing lore. I am a Gardener, not an Architect. Ironically, my worldbuilding is ridiculously detailed. I'm also an artist. I love working with clay and I have a few sculptures (geology related or related to my novel) in my apartment. Unfortunately, no storage space. These will eventually go up on tumblr or facebook (le gasp, maybe facebook!) if anyone is interested, along with bits and pieces of maps and fan art. Fandoms: All the fandoms I'm technically in are too long to list here. I like lots of varied things and I have an embarrassing tendency to talk people's ear off about my writing or fandoms if I'm given a chance. Fandoms I've been in for a really long time: Dragon Ball/Z (Not a huge fan of GT, I have some changes I'd have made to canon though), Naruto, LOTR/The Hobbit, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock (maybe leaving this one, the fandom is good but I've heard Season 4 is terrible), Critical Role, Ranma 1/2, and Warcraft/World of Warcraft. I have seriously bad luck and have lost 3 laptops since joining this site to different forms of damage. One was, in fact, my blind dog landing on it when he jumped onto my bed in high school. He didn't know it was there and got really adorably upset when he did land on it and broke the charging cord. My current one is for gaming, writing, art, geology, and more. I have an AO3 account as well, and I cross-post stories according to site rules. I don't write anything dark enough or mature enough that an "M" rating on Fanfiction.net is not enough to warn someone, but some of my drabbles might not make it over here immediately. I don't like writing torture or exaggerated versions of anything except for humor. What's in the Works Now that 2019 is Almost 3/4 Over: First: Updating things from AO3. I have been updating on AO3 and I have not managed to update here because it just feels like a lot of work. Many stories are stalled due to editing problems. Sundance is stalled. I'm still working out the details and editing chapters 1 and 2. Worldbuilding is being problematic. 1. Spark: I posted the first few chapters of this on AO3 starting back in February of 2019. Fem Midoriya Izuku, different worldbuilding, and a more serious take on canon's issues. I will be updating this one on AO3 first, but I will be back-posting all 7 chapters from AO3 that I've written thus far. Warning: I'm not kind to Bakugo in this story. 2. Bits and Pieces: Bits and pieces of storylines or premises I am curious about, and have written down. Snippets that may or may not make their way into larger works. 3. In the Beginning: Broken Pieces. (I messed up Kenshin's voice. I'm fixing it, but it will take awhile. Expect chapters 2 onward to be replaced with something much, much better. 4. (First Requested story): Worldbuilding stages. I'm trying, I'm just really bad at getting out of the worldbuilding stage. It is still stalled. 5. Coven of Paimon: Updated up to Chapter 5 as of the end of August 2019. I will be cross-posting all my A/Ns and warnings into the disclaimers at the top of each story. 6. Untitled Soulmate Story: A take on soulbonds that I've never once seen used, in a couple of fandoms that I've never seen use it in conjunction with each other. It may or may not be updated on here, but it will definitely show up on AO3. If you are looking for specific warnings read the A/Ns at the beginning of each chapter and story. I will include things up to and including TWs that might make it difficult for someone to read the story. Note: The Sneak Peek piece that is valid for Moonlit Fox is still valid. I may tweak it, but that scene is still in the story. It just happens way later. Editing will be intermittent. Regarding Old Stories: I have master copies saved but don't have time for a full overhaul at the moment, though that will change soon. I'm hoping to get a job where I can enjoy work during the day, come home, mess around or play a video game or write, and then go to bed. I don't actually need much sleep, but until that happens, my schedule won't allow me to do much in the way of editing or overhauling. Currently, it seems like getting a graduate degree is the way to do that. None of my stories are abandoned, but I keep running out of inspiration. I also faceplanted into the BNHA fandom last year after graduating (no regrets there) s most of my stories that have continual updates are for BNHA. To people who keep giving me kind reviews on Briony and Bramble: Thank you. I'm flattered that you all like these two so much. They're fun to write and the only reason they're stalled is that the projects are so involved! To readers of The Return: I have several things in mind that could work for The Return. There is a poll, but I have yet to put it up because I don't have time. To readers who have wondered where my stories are: If you can't find one on here, go to ArchiveOfOurOwn, where they will have updates input earlier. I like AO3's format for updating better than , so I often update there first. Completed stories will be uploaded to Wattpad as well. The Ascension Databook will be cross-posted as well, to all three sites. Happy reading, and hope you guys have a good day! |