***I am so soooo sorry about how long it has taken me to post any sort of updates to this story! I have plenty of perfectly acceptable excuses, but I won't bore you with any of them... Anyways, I have decided that from now on, for the rest of season one, I am going to post the episodes/chapters in halves (part 1 & part 2) so that I will be able to post updates more frequently!

***Again, I'm sorry for how long it has been and I hope you enjoy the first half of the episode!

Impossible or Just Highly Unlikely

(Are You My Mommy)

***TARDIS Console Room/A Few Weeks Later***

Amanda sat, balancing on the handrail that looped around the console, swinging her legs back and forth like a child with a big grin on her face, listening to the Doctor. While they were waiting for Rose to finish changing, he was trying to tell her a joke and he was nearing the punch line.

They had all just been to the 'Pillars of Creation' from the Eagle Nebula after having visited The Triangulum Emission Garren Nebula. Both trips were beautifully stunning and Amanda was looking forward to seeing the Crab Nebula next and then possibly the Horsehead, but the Doctor suggested that they make a quick stop at an anti-gravity concert on the moon of some planet in the year four-thousand four-hundred and forty-four, first. Apparently, whoever was playing was supposedly a big deal and the advert said that the venue was going to be 'stellar', so the girls happily agreed.

"So, then the Sontaran says—" The Doctor tried to finish, but was cut off by a violent shake of the TARDIS that was followed by the sound of an alarm.

Amanda let out a surprised yelp as the sudden jerk of the ship sent her tumbling backwards over her perch to land in a heap on the ground.

"What the hell was that?!" She asked as she scrambled back to her feet and rushed over to the monitor to see a cylinder like vessel rushing ahead of them through the Vortex.

"No idea, but are you okay? That thump sounded like it hurt." He inquired.

Before she could answer, Rose came rushing in from the corridor looking panicked.

"What's the emergency?" She questioned as she made her way over to her companions.

"Oh, crud, Doctor….It looks like it's mauve." Amanda warned him.

At her words, he quickly put in a few commands before joining her at the monitor to double check and sure enough…it was mauve.

"Mauve?" Rose repeated in confusion.

"It's the universally recognized color for danger." Amanda explained in a rush as she tried to help the Doctor regain control.

"What happened to red?" Rose scoffed skeptically.

"That's just humans." The Doctor clarified. "By everyone else's standards, red's camp. Oh, the misunderstandings..." He joked. "All those red alerts, all that dancing."

Amanda couldn't help but laugh at that, which in turn made the others chuckle as well.

"It's got a very basic flight computer." He informed them as he continued to type. "I've hacked in, slaved the TARDIS. Wherever it goes, we go."

"And that's safe, is it?" Rose asked, sounding just a bit worried.

"Totally." He assured her flippantly.

And of course, he'd spoken to soon, because as soon as the statement left his lips, he flipped a switch which caused the console to let off a shower of sparks that was then followed by more violent turbulence than there already had been.

"Okay, reasonably." He amended. "Should have said 'reasonably' there."

Amanda chuckled before she shook her head and then rolled her eyes at his antics which made him smirk. Rose stared at them both incredulously, obviously not understanding why they thought it was so funny. The Doctor's smirk abruptly disappeared though as another alarm went off.

"No. No! It's jumping time tracks, getting away from us." He complained.

"What exactly is that thing?" Rose probed as she tried her best to keep from falling over.

"No idea." He replied distractedly as he continued to work the controls.

"Then why are we chasing it?" She wondered in concern.

"Because he's the Doctor and the alerts says it's mauve." Amanda answered flippantly as if it should have been obvious.

"And it's about thirty seconds from the center of London." The Doctor chimed in.

"Ha! Of course it is." Amanda scoffed.

***Five Minutes Later/London, Earth***

The TARDIS rematerialized in a dark and dingy ally somewhere towards the middle of the city.

"Do you know how long we can knock about space without happening to 'bump' into Earth?" The Doctor asked sarcastically as he and the girls stepped out to get their bearings.

"Five Days." Rose replied flippantly. "Or is that just when we're out of milk?" She added as a joke, while looking pointedly at Amanda.

"Oi!" Said woman snapped in defense. "Don't look at me like that. I can't help that milk is like friggin crack. Besides….if you two don't like how irritable I get—"

"Irritable?" Rose scoffed. "Your 'withdrawals' turn you into an outright monster." She teased.

"—And if you think we stop here too much…why don't we just start buying two or three gallons instead of one?" Amanda proposed seriously as if she hadn't been interrupted. "Lord knows they won't go to waste with me."

"Of all the species in all the universe and it has to come out of a cow." The Doctor scoffs playfully.

Amanda rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Yes. Yes it does, Doctor." She agreed. "Because you've had me try substitutes from other planets and species and none of them 'do' it right. By all means though….if you can find one that works, I'm all for it—just don't expect any miracles."

They both smiled at each other and the Doctor shook his head with a soft chuckle in exasperated amusement.

"Sooo…." Rose prompted, getting them back on task.

"Right…" The Doctor snapped to attention, taking notice of their surroundings. "It must've come down somewhere quite close… within a mile anyways." He noted as he started to make his way towards the entrance of the alleyway with the girls falling in line next to him. "And it can't have been more than a few weeks ago—maybe a month." He guessed.

"A month?" Rose questioned in disbelief. "We were right behind it."

"Come now, Rose," Amanda lightly chastised. "You saw it. That thing was jumping time tracks all over the place. We're bound to be a little off."

"Do you want to drive?" The Doctor huffed.

"Yeah" Rose replied sounding almost serious. "How much is a little?" She asked as an afterthought.

"A bit." Amanda dismissed as they all rounded a corner to head down another section of the alley.

"Is that exactly 'a bit'?" Rose teased.

"Ish." Amanda played along with a small smirk.

"So, what's the plan then?" Rose asked the Doctor with a slight skip to her step in excitement. "Are you going to do a scan for alien tech or something?"

"Rose, it hit the middle of London with a very loud bang." He admonished. "I'm going to ask."

Rose deflated a bit at the plan's boring simplicity.

"Yeah, sorry, Rose. I know it's a little anticlimactic, but you have to admit that it's logical and you know how much he likes to talk to strangers." Amanda commented and then added jokingly under her breath so only Rose could hear, "They always have the best candy."

Rose giggled quietly to herself before rolling her eyes in disappointment. The Doctor then flashed an identification badge in a small wallet for her to see.

"Doctors John Smith and Amanda Winters: Ministry of Asteroids." Rose read.

"Oh, cool, I have a doctorate now!" Amanda chirped.

"It's Psychic Paper, it tells you what—" The Doctor started to explain only to have Rose cut him off.

"Whatever you want it to," She sighed in slight annoyance, "I remember."

"Sorry." He responded a little sarcastically as he pulled out his sonic screwdriver to fiddle with the lock on a door that read 'employees only'.

"Not very 'Spock', is it?" Rose commented, naggingly. "Just asking..."

The Doctor ignored her and instead, placed his ear against the door to listen.

"Door, music, people..." He noted. "What do you think?"

"Seams promising." Amanda mused.

The Doctor smiled at her and knelt down to do his thing while Amanda moved to lean against the wall, next to the door-frame with her arms crossed and one of her legs bent up to prop her foot against it as well.

"I think you should do a scan for alien tech." Rose huffed. "Give us some Spock, for once. Would it kill you?"

"Are you sure about that T-shirt?" He asked her, completely ignoring her comment again.

Rose glanced down at said shirt in contemplation having been efficiently distracted for the moment. She was wearing a somewhat fitted top that was brightly designed to look like the Union Flag. It was obnoxious but fun and looked rather cute on her.

"Too early to say." She replied dismissively. "I'm taking it out for a spin…...and what about Amanda's skirt?"

"What about my skirt?" Amanda asked defensively. "What's wrong with it?

Amanda looked down to apprise the outfit she'd decided to wear. Black stockings that came up to just above her knees, dark-purple converse, a blue-jean skirt, and a dark-purple top with sleeves that went to just below her elbows. The top had a low box-cut neckline so she had to wear a black tank-top underneath and it had a strip that ran under the bust with two large buttons on it.

"It's a bit short, don't you think, Doctor?" Rose asked with a smirk.

The Doctor paused in his sonicing to glance at said piece of clothing and because of their positions, he was met with an eye-full of leg. Long legs that his eyes followed slowly upwards until he spotted the denim skirt that came down about mid-thigh she was wearing and then quickly looked away with the tips of his ears tinted red.

"I think she—it looks fine. Nice skirt." He commented with a slight cough to clear his throat.

"Thank you, Doctor." Amanda chirped triumphantly before sticking her tongue out at Rose. "Besides, long skirts are harder to run in."

"Yeah….thought you'd like it." Rose commented teasingly to the Doctor and grinned even brighter when his ears blushed even darker.

Then both girls flinched and looked away in concern when they heard a little boy call out from somewhere nearby, though neither could see him.


Amanda pushed off the wall and moved to stand next to Rose while they both continued to look around.


The girls shared an uneasy look before they walked out to the middle of the alleyway to get a better view of the area.

"Come on if you're coming." The Doctor called to them over his shoulder as he got up to move through the now open doorway. "Won't take a minute."

Amanda was about to follow him when Rose snatched her arm rather suddenly with a concerned gasp escaping her lips. Giving one last fleeting look at the Doctor's retreating form, she turned around and let out a gasp of her own when she saw what had caught Rose's attention. Up on the roof of a nearby building was what appeared to be the figure of a small boy standing far too close to the edge than either girl was comfortable with.

"Doctor!" Amanda called out, not daring to look away even for a moment.

"Doctor, there's a kid up there!" Rose tried franticly, hoping that that would catch his attention.

It was clear to both of them though, when he didn't respond immediately, that he must have been too far gone to hear them. They didn't want the little boy to get hurt though so they both looked around to try and find a way up to him.

"You go down that way, Rose, and I'll go this way." Amanda directed. "See if you find a way up, then shout for me. We'll meet back here in a few minutes either way and regroup to try again and hopefully the Doctor will have come back by then to join us."

"Okay." Rose agreed before rushing off in her assigned direction.

Trying to keep track of the rooftop that boy was last seen on while maintaining some sort of sense of direction wasn't easy. Most of the alleyways looked the same, but Amanda would be dammed if she got herself lost and in need of her own rescuing…the Doctor would never let her live it down.

After a few minutes of searching with no results, she was about to turn back towards the TARDIS to meet up with the others when she froze in place. Her skin grew cold as her hands started to tremor slightly and she felt as though her stomach had dropped down to her feet.

"Something's not right…" She whispered in confusion.

That strange sense of dejavoo that she sometimes got seemed to be drawing her attention to something posted on the wall that was next to her. She walked closer to get a better look and her eyes went wide with recognition just before she nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden sound of a blearing siren.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me—" She rambled in a mixture of both excitement and fear as she did a quick 180 and ran as fast as she could. "—DOCTOR!"

Behind her, a street lamp flickered, illuminating a disturbingly, new-looking propaganda poster with red and blue letters that read…








Meanwhile, the Doctor, after being laughed at for asking his question about whether or not something fell from the sky recently, had just come across another propaganda poster that featured dive-bombing fighter planes and the words…




With what this poster, the sudden whine of the sirens, and the now panicked pub patrons scrambling for the exit implied… his hearts gave a slight jolt at the realization that the girls were still outside, in danger, and most likely very confused… well… Rose would be anyways. His Amanda tended to be a bit more observant and calm in these types of situ— NO… Amanda, not 'his', just— Oh never mind…

He ran out of the side door that he'd entered from and saw that neither of them were waiting around outside like he'd originally thought. He then turned to make his way back towards the TARDIS thinking that they might have returned to wait for him there when they heard the sirens go off.

"Amanda!?" He shouted as he rounded the corner of the alleyway where they'd parked the Blue Box. "Rose!?"

It seemed that his second assumption was also, frustratingly, incorrect because neither girl was anywhere to be seen. Instead he was greeted by the MEOW of an alley cat.

"You know, one day," He sighed exasperatedly to the cat while picking it up to scratch it behind its ears. "Just one day, maybe, I'm gonna meet somebody who gets the whole 'don't wander off' thing."

"But where would be the fun in that?" Amanda taunted playfully from behind him while trying to catch her breath.

"Nine-hundred years of phone-box travel and it's the only thing left to surprise me." He joked back in slight relief at seeing that she was safe. "Where's Rose?"

Amanda looked around feeling a bit exasperated herself now.

"Ah, I see what you mean… I told her to meet back here if we didn't have any luck in finding a ladder or a set of stairs or something… you would think that a sudden blaring siren would make one want to regroup immediately anyway."

"Why were you looking for either of those things in the first place?" he questioned confusedly.

"We saw a little boy up there, standing on the edge of the roof, calling out for his mother like he was lost or stuck." She explained while pointing up towards the spot on the building that the two girls had spotted him. "He was so close to the edge, we were afraid that he would slip and fall so we each headed around separate sides of the alley to try and find a way up to him and agreed to meet back here and wait for you if we couldn't—and I thought you didn't like cats?!" She tacked on a bit randomly at the end of her explanation, looking uncertainly at the feline he currently held.

"What?" The Doctor questioned, feeling a bit caught off guard at the sudden topic change.

"Or was it Nuns…?" She murmured indecisively to herself, seeming completely serious about her ponderings.

"What?" The Doctor repeated, still feeling a bit clueless at the moment.

"Oh, never mind…" Amanda dismissed herself rather flippantly, ready to jump back into the situation at hand.

The Doctor set down the cat and was about to question her farther when they were both distracted by an impossible sound. The TARDIS was ringing… more specifically, it's outer phone. The two exchanged a dumbfounded look and approached it. Opening a side panel that contained an old-fashioned telephone they were both shocked to see that, yes, it was in fact the TARDIS that was ringing and neither was entirely sure how they should be reacting to the strange phenomenon.

"Doctor, why is it making that noise?" Amanda questioned hesitantly, while one hand gripped his jacket as if she were planning on using him as a shield should the moment suddenly call for it.

"I don't know" He responded as he continued to examine the phone. "Why are you ringing?" He questioned the thing as if it would come alive and tell them the answer. "What's that about…'ringing'?" He continued to ponder as he reached into his pocket to retrieve his sonic screwdriver. "What are we supposed to do with a ringing phone?"

"Don't answer it." A female voice spoke up from behind them, giving Amanda (who attention had been focused entirely on the 'ringing' sound at the moment) a bit of a startled jolt. "It's not for you."

The two companions whipped their heads around to see a girl who looked about Rose's age if not a year or so younger, sporting dark braided-pigtails, a thick winter coat, and a surprisingly serious look in her eyes.

"And how do you know that?" The Doctor wondered aloud as he approached her, looking curious.

"Cause I do." The girl responded matter-of-factly. "And I'm tellin' ya, don't answer it." She added warningly.

"Well, if you know so much, tell me this…" The Doctor scoffed, "How can it be ringing?"

"It's not even a real phone." Amanda chimed in somewhat skeptically as the two of them turned back to the bizarre little thing to examine it again. "I mean, it's not really even attached to anything, right?" She questioned the Doctor. "It shouldn't actually be functioning." She added in explanation for the girl's sake.

But, when they turned back towards her to see how she would respond to said explanation, they were shocked to see that she had despaired.

"Wow!" Amanda gasped. "Girl's got some ninja skills." She joked in wonderment.

They both returned their eyes back to the phone though, as it continued trilling obnoxiously for their attention. The Doctor hesitantly reached out to pick up the receiver and brought it to his ear, being forced to bend slightly when Amanda tugged on his sleeve so that she could hear as well.

"Hello?" He chirped out rather pleasantly, making Amanda nearly giggle.

The device crackled a bit, but otherwise stayed silent.

"This is the Doctor speaking." He prompted again… and yet again there was no response.

"How may we help you?" Amanda tried, sounding like a peppy receptionist to match the Doctor's tone.

"Mummy?" The voice of a little boy crackled out.

Her eyes went wide at the sound of the little voice in shock because she recognized it from before.

"But—" She began to stutter out only to be cut of as the boy responded to her voice more eagerly.


Noticing Amanda's reaction and the little mystery voice's reaction to her, the Doctor tried to take over the conversation.

"Who is this? Who's speaking?" He questioned more seriously now.

"Are you my mummy?" The boy asked, seeming to ignore the Doctor completely.

"Who is this?" Amanda repeated more insistently.

"Mummy!" The boy practically sang in response to her voice.

"How did you ring here?" The Doctor asked, trying to take over the conversation again. "This isn't a real phone…it's not wired up to anythin'. It's—"

"Mummy?" The boy cut him off, now sounding a bit disappointed, followed immediately by the sound of a dial-tone.

The two of them stared at the receiver for a moment in confusion before the Doctor placed it back onto its hook.

"Rose?!" He called out as he briefly popped his head through the TARDIS' doors just in case said companion had been waiting inside all this time. "Rose, are you in there?!"

But there was no response. Just then though, a loud crashing sound came from around the corner at the other end of the ally. The two quickly ran towards the noise to see what was going on…the bazaar instance with the phone temporarily set aside for the moment.

"Can't you hear 'em?" A woman nagged impatiently from the other side of a brick wall. "Into the shelter…"

The two companions crept up to a set of garbage bins intending to use them as a make-shift foot-stool to see into the yard on the other side.

"None of your nonsense, now, move it!" The woman ordered.

They peaked over the side of the wall just in time to see a rather plump woman in a floral dress ushering along a little boy rather edgily towards a small metal structure.

"Come on. Come, hurry up, get in there." She directed him with a bit of a shove. "Arthur!" She called back towards the house in frustration as if said man were an idiot. "Arthur, will you hurry up! Didn't you hear the siren?!"

"Middle of dinner, every night. Bloomin' Germans—Don't they eat?" Arthur growled rather testily, making both Amanda and the Doctor chuckle to one another.

"I can hear the planes!" The man's wife nagged him fearfully, trying to hurry him along.

"DON'T YOU EAT?!" He shouted up at the night sky while shaking his fist in anger, completely ignoring her.

"Keep your voice down! It's an air raid!" The woman reprimanded him as she shoved him through the little metal door. "Get in. Look, there's a war on."

And with that last remark, the door was slammed shut, but you could still hear the couple bickering from the other side. A few seconds later, with their curiosity sated, the time travelers were about to turn around so they could start their search for Rose when a bit of movement caught their eyes from the shadows. Focusing in that direction, they were just in time to catch a glimpse of the girl they they'd spoken to earlier sneakily dash her way towards the back door of the house.

"So I take it we're going to follow after the 'Ninja Girl', then?" Amanda wondered enthusiastically when she noticed that the Doctor was starting to heft himself over the wall.

"Yep!" He puffed as he landed in the yard on the other side before turning back around with this arms up to help her down only to see that she wasn't moving and giving him a look of incredulity.

"Well, come on then. It's not that far of a jump and I promise I'll catch you." He beckoned her both encouragingly and impatiently at the same time, completely misunderstanding her skepticism.

"You're joking, right?" She questioned his sanity. "Cause as much as I would usually love to, that's not going to happen—in case you've forgotten, Doctor, I'm wearing a skirt. Can't you just sonic the lock on the gate that has been situated next to us, literally, the entire time we've been spying here?"

"Oh…" He responded rather flatly, clearly embarrassed if the color of his ears were anything to go by. "Right then, I'll just—hold on." He fumbled as he retrieved said screwdriver while she hopped back down from the bins. "Here we are then." He prompted as he opened the gate for her with a jokingly dramatic sweep of his arm to allow her in.

Giggling at his silly behavior, she grabbed the arm he offered and playfully dragged him towards the back door to see what their little ninja was getting up to.

***To Be Continued***