Dr. Capt. Julia H. Watson
By Rurple101
Chapter 29: Kisses & Confessions
"Sherlock, where are we even going?" Julia asked as they walked outside 221B and closed the black door behind them.
"We need to plant evidence in our defence" he whispered under his breath, and he'd leaned in closer than normally to talk in her ear. The warm breath blew across her skin and a little shiver ran up her spine. His hands were supportive but gave off the edge that he was holding her hand because he wanted to. He was planting an image of a married couple.
"You need to act accordingly" he reminded her sternly and kissed her temple as he straightened up. Julia fought the surprise on her face and hoped she managed to pull off a sweet and tender look at him.
He raised his unoccupied hand and waved down a taxi. As it drove closer, she whispered through her smile "And why didn't you tell me before?"
He smirked down at her. "I like to surprise you, and it was rather funny to watch your brain run round in confusion for a couple of seconds."
She gaped at him and then rolled her eyes. "Typically Sherlock, then."
"Precisely, after you."
He was holding the cab door open for her. She limped weakly inside and slid across the seat to let him in. He closed the door and instantly, found her hand again, squeezed it and slid her a little closer to him, so she was almost leaning her head on his shoulder.
He gave her a look that suggested that she was bad at acting this out, so she snuggled up to him but not before she gave him a quick peck on the lips, and caught his look of surprise.
Smiling to herself, she closed her eyes and inhaled the scent that uniquely was Sherlock's.
Sherlock had been completely off-guard when she kissed him briefly.
The return of her warm soft and addictive lips opened his unlocked box, regarding the chemistry and kiss that they'd shared before and his hands subconsciously tightened and he pulled Julia a little closer to him. He wasn't playing now, his body was singing in rejoice that he was touching her again, and that he could smell her scent and rich perfume, bemusing his senses of deduction and he felt again the strong urge to kiss her continually and never stop until he'd searched and kissed every aspect of her body.
Desire and strong affection (he refused to name it Love or Sentiment) flooded through him and he looked down at her and wondered if he should grab her chin, tilt it upwards and meet her lips again…
"Sorry mate, where we off to?"
The cabbie broke through Sherlock's manner and he almost jumped out of his skin. He'd been that lost in Julia that he'd forgotton what was happening and where they were.
He gave the address and the cabbie nodded, before driving off.
Sherlock's gaze returned to Julia and a sneaky thought entered his mind.
If they were supposed to be a happily married couple, and recently married, surely they'd be all over each other? Recently married couples normally went on Honeymoon or 'Sex Holidays' as he'd seen it as.
But that was it, wasn't it? They were supposed to be in the midst of domestic bliss and happiness.
He leant down and pressed his lips to the crown of Julia's head as she was shorter than he was. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, her emerald eyes sparkling with interest and focus.
He couldn't stop himself in time and before he knew what was happening, his lips had met Julia's and they were kissing furiously.
Julia, acting under her own attraction or the illusion's kissed him back without mercy and was kneeling on the seat so she could reach his lips.
Sherlock's mouth battled with hers for dominance and in the end he won. He ran his tongue along her bottom lip and she moaned softly in response. They were both soon running out of breath and all that mattered was that they were here, and running their hands all over each other's bodies.
Julia grabbed Sherlock's high collar on his coat and he had wound his arms underneath her arms and round her back. His fingers touched the back of her coat with distaste, and a sudden want to tear it off her nearly unsettled him.
"Errr, we're 'er folks!"
They broke apart from each other, panting heavily as they'd lost most of their breath.
Julia smiled without shame at Sherlock and leant her head on his shoulder as he fumbled with his wallet and threw some money at the embarrassed-looking cabbie. He then opened the door and carried Julia out of the cab, and resting her easily on her feet.
"Was…that convincing…enough?" Julia gasped, holding herself onto Sherlock with her arms round his neck. Sherlock shot her a crooked grin, and slammed the cab's door behind them. He watched it speed away before being swallowed up by the London traffic, and straightened Julia's coat, which had almost come off her in the heat of the moment.
"It…w-was…admirably…done" he panted, smiling down at her. He tucked a few disarrayed strands of hair behind her right ear and took her hand and led her onwards.
They walked hand-in-hand up to the double doors to Scotland Yard and past the usual WPCs who scurried away once they spotted Sherlock's glower.
"Down boy" she said, squeezing his hand and said in an undertone. "Do we have to carry on the act inside? Are you going to explain at all?"
"Lestrade will, and we can stop momentarily if it bothers you" Sherlock said, something inside him hurting at the idea of Julia's rejection.
"I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to be seen with you" Julia chuckled. "I run around with you all the time. It's just that this is Lestrade, Donovan and Anderson that will take the piss, not understand."
"Understood" he said, dismissively. Julia let go of his hand but stopped him. He looked down at her in time for her to peck his cheek and walked up the corridor and he followed.
"Where are we?" she asked in a hushed tone, her breathing still slightly erratic. Sherlock clasped his hand in hers and motioned her forwards, but still aware of her pained ankle.
"For a walk" he said.
Julia looked around. They were in St James's Park, right beside The Mall leading up towards Buckingham Palace. The traffic was rushing past them going round the Queen Victoria statue, curving in a graceful arch round the circle.
Still looking puzzled, she turned to the man beside her.
"Don't go slow on me now, Julie!" Sherlock said, almost teasingly.
A grin began to spread along her face "Is Sherlock Holmes taking me on a date?"
"And dose a romantic walk around a park with a beautiful young woman qualify for such a thing?" Sherlock asked, smirking.
Flirting with Sherlock was peculiar because she wasn't sure if she was acting or not. Or if he was or wasn't!
"I'm…wait, what?"
Julia's face was the picture of pure disbelief. It was almost amusing to watch.
"You think I'm…what?" Julia was stunned. "You never acknowledge beauty or anything of that sort unless it's scientific fact or deduction and observations" she accused him.
"And I secretly agree that you are above average on the attractiveness scale" he admitted, and he was horrified to feel his cheeks burning a little.
Julia's face had blossomed to the colour of beetroot and her ability to talk had vanished. She only stared up at the detective, with shock, disbelief and a little pride written all over her face.
"Do you really see yourself as ugly?" Sherlock asked curiously, as he tugged at her hand to start walking into and around the park.
"Well-"Julia hesitated.
Speaking about feelings to Sherlock was unfamiliar ground, and it felt somewhat awkward. Funnily enough, snogging the living daylights out of him was more comfortable than this unbidden territory.
"I'm alright-looking" she finished lamely. "I don't really see myself as a vain person unlike somebody I know."
"Hey!" Sherlock looked playfully outraged. "I am not vain!"
"Then how did you know who I was talking about then..?" Julia teased, winking at him. "You spend more time in your room getting ready these days than I did when I was a teenager. And if I remember rightly, my father told me I'd never be beaten by anybody."
"You mention your father with more enthusiasm than your mother" Sherlock said slowly, treading lightly.
Julia scowled. "My 'mother' never wanted me, that's why."
Sherlock looked down at his companion, contemplating her.
She answered the un-asked question. "My birth mother slept with my father and had a one night stand. She was a selfish and childish person because the moment someone else started to fancy my dad, she shoved him away, only to realise she was pregnant with me. She'd already done enough damage to my father emotionally so she tried to get rid of me. Deliberately drinking large volumes of alcohol and the occasional…high from drugs."
Sherlock froze but Julia hadn't noticed, she was too lost in her tale.
"She never wanted me, and never gave herself a chance to be happy with the fact that she'd been gifted with a child in the one time she'd been with dad. She loved him madly. But I think she was mentally ill in a sense or she was the most immature person anyone can meet."
She gave a huge sigh to steady her breath. "Why go to all that effort to harm a child, her unborn baby. She did all this before her sixth month of pregnancy."
"And yet, here you are" Sherlock said, with a touch of admiration in his tone.
Julia scowled and carried on.
"Dad was mortified and horror-struck by her behaviour. So he gets some sort of order against her that means she has to be closely monitored. He wanted me. She didn't."
Julia paused before continuing.
"Then she tried to kill two birds with one stone, and commit suicide."
Sherlock looked at her, horror on his face. She squeezed his hand reassuringly.
"My father stopped her, but hated her for it. As soon as I was born and away from her, she was put away in a mental asylum. Then my father tried to get me a maternal to replace her, and married the bitch he's still with now."
"You don't like her?"
"I always rebelled against her" Julia replied. "I was never comfortable around her, from such a young age. It was as I knew she wasn't my real mum. I spent more time at my friend's houses and had their mothers look after me because at least I knew they weren't my mother. Every time, up until I was thirteen, I demanded the truth from her. She told me I was being silly but I knew better. I'd done my homework. I was smarter than her, for once."
Julia's tone turned bitter yet satisfied.
"I'd gone round the papers and libraries on my way home from school when I was old enough" she said. "I'd been given my father's surname but my middle name was my mother's first one. I'd also heard something about the name Richardsan. I found her, Heather Wallis Richardsan, aged thirty-six, who'd had an affair with some official of sorts. I found the address and sent her a letter."
"What did you write?" Sherlock was beyond intrigued as he stared at her.
"Just asked if she'd been shunned into a mental home, her birthday and what her full name was. It was all I needed. She wrote back and demanded to know who I was. I told her the truth."
"What did she do?"
"I haven't heard of her since" she said simply and was horrified to feel tears on her cheek. She wiped them away impatiently.
Sherlock stopped walking and wrapped Julia up safely in his arms. Julia sighed and rested her head on his chest, the warmth of his black coat encasing her.
"So now, you can understand why I found it such a shock to hear you say that you found me beautiful, as that would imply that you wanted me, in a way that my mother never saw" Julia said, her voice shaking before it broke. Sherlock sat then down on a bench behind them and placed his head on top of hers and slowly rocked her back and forth. She sniffled but then quietened down.
"I'm ruining our date" she snorted.
"Yep" he said, popping the P. "But I'm not complaining. I'm meant to treat you, so I'm doing the appalling job."
"Hugging me in a public place gives you brownie points though" Julia joked and kissed his cheek. She closed her eyes and inhaled the familiar and comforting smell of him.
"Can I kiss you again?"
The question was so unexpected that she burst into a set of giggles.
"Why are you asking?" she laughed, chortling.
Sherlock smiled at her cheerful mood and shrugged. "Thought that was what you were meant to do."
"You didn't ask earlier" she said, looking up at him from under her eyebrows. Then winked.
She looked so stunningly attractive that he got a flash of memory, when they'd first kissed and his lower regions had made themselves known. The desire ran up his spine along his fingers and coursed like a fire across his lips.
"Well if that's how you're supposed to act…" he said suggestively, pushing her hair out from her face.
Julia's eyes met his and gave him a bright smile before she closed her eyes expectantly. Teasing her somewhat, he kissed his way up from her neck and around her chin, experimenting. He wasn't sure how much of this was for the act of a happily married couple was. The façade had dropped out of his mind like a stone as soon as Julia had mentioned her mother.
Finally, his lips met hers and she sighed in relief, pressing herself up and as close to the man as possible. Sherlock's tongue found her lip and he sucked on it longingly until she moaned.
I made this up less than a week ago as I've been getting a lot of reviews for this story. I haven't been on here in over 18 months ! :0
I cannot promise I'll update soon as I'm sorry if I've made you long for Julia-lock ;) and if I've made it too fluffy x
All my love and wishes, the101Rurple xxx