Author has written 13 stories for Labyrinth, Lost Boys, Moonlight, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Leverage, Star Trek: 2009, and True Blood. Hmmm, figured I should finally put something up here. I'm an adult aged 18-35, because I'm so not getting specifc and personal on the internet. I am female. I live in the Southern US, and for the rest of you that could be anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line. I basically write about whatever strikes my fancy, or what gets stuck in my head by the damn plot gnomes. As my plot gnomes are a little ADD, I won't necessarily work on any one thing in particular, though my Star Trek one seems to be in my head for the long haul. That said, I will never just abandon a story (unless I'm like hospitalized or dead), so if you're reading one that hasn't been updated in awhile, rest assured that I WILL at some point update it. And btw, reviews actually do tend to help in that department, I'm just sayin'. If you have something constructive to offer about something I post, I'm not that easily offended, so feel free. If all you're going to do is completely trash something (which hasn't happened to me yet, because supposedly I'm awesome, according to you wonderful reviewers), it will be first laughed over, then deleted with much glee and maniacal grinning. |