Okay so Miss randomwriter007 (who is the beta and co-author for this story) and bNd (who is also co-author and beta..confusing isnt it?) had this crazy idea after watching all of the harry potter series and the tv show The Originals…while there are a few Harry PotterxVampire diaries stories, we're in love with Klaus and Elijah…particularly Elijah but we love Klaus too… and we loved the femHarry and the Hermione stories, so we decided to do a Female Harry and Hermione story…now we are both avid harry potter fans, but even we can agree that pairing Hermione up with Ron is just wrong and we always though Harry would have been better as a Harriet…we love Ron, but the Ron and Hermione pairing was just…yeah, we didn't like it. And pairing Harry with Ginny? We like Ginny, we do, but we think Harry would have been better off…but for this story, Harry is Ivianna Lily Potter and Hermione is still Hermione Granger… but they are Ivy and Hermione James, as they are on the run…Now, on with the story…for the purposes of this story, both characters will be a little OOC and as for the pairings…we'll leave that up to you…though we are favouring Ivy(Harry) and Elijah pairing, but slow burn as we also love the chemistry between Elijah and Hayley, but we have plans for Hayley… and as for Hermione, well, we love Klaus, we love Marcel…it's hard, so that why we've left it up to you…also, no Cami in this story…we like her, but she gets on our nerves…
Now, this takes place 5-6 years after the defeat of Voldemort, but Bellatrix is still alive…how she's still alive, you'll have to read and wait, I mean we will tell you what happen after the war, and the timeline has been brought up as well, so instead of the war happening in 1998, it happened in 2008…and before Klaus arrives to New Orleans…
Plot Summary: They won the war, but at great cost and now, they are on the run from the one they call Bellatrix. And so, Ivy and Hermione forced to flee to New Orleans where they are caught between another war of vampires and witches. The witches and vampires are curious about the newcomers, especially the Original Vampires, who share a connection with them. Will Ivy and Hermione finally find a home and a family to keep them safe or will they be forced to leave?
Anyway, enough chatting and on with the story! Also, to picture the faces of the FemHarry, we are thinking that we quite like Gemma Atherton to play her…she's lovely..but we've posted pictures on Pinterest…which is available on bNd's profile…also other story updates...we will update when we can...as most of you know, we are uni students...
Disclaimer: We own nothing…it's just the works of our overimaginative brain…if we did own anything, we'd have magical powers and be witches…
If Tomorrow Never Comes
Chapter One:
Ivianna Lily Potter stared at the picture of herself, along with her two best friends and smiled. It had been years since the picture was taken, but she could remember the day and remembered it fondly. It had been taken before things went wrong, before innocents were killed and before a certain dark lord had filled terror and sadness into their lives. The woman stared at the picture, taking into the account the red-headed man she once called a best friend and she could feel the tears in her eyes start to swell. It had been 5 and half years since the Second Wizarding War had ended, and she still missed Ron Weasley every day. She turned her head to the side and saw her other best friend, Hermione, who was unpacking items from her suitcase. It seemed that she had reached the books, and was placing them onto the bookshelf by the side of her bed.
Ivianna, who had taken to calling herself Ivy James to protect herself, looked back at the picture and sighed. The war may have ended, but enemies still remained. Although the Dark Lord Voldemort had been defeated, the Deatheaters still remained and there was one in particular who was out for Ivy's blood. Bellatrix Lestrange, who was thought to have died by the hand of Molly Weasley, had survived and in doing so, killed the entire Weasley Family in retaliation for the death of Voldemort. Bellatrix wanted Ivy to suffer, and by doing so, killed had almost every one of the people that Ivy held dear. And so, in order to save not only her life, but the life of her friends, she left, along with Hermione, and went into hiding, running from the Deatheaters and other allies of Bellatrix, as sisters. Hermione and Ivy James...They had been on the run for many years, first escaping to Australia, where they lived near Hermione's parents, and for a while, things were peaceful, until one day, at the airport in Melbourne, they were spotted and Bellatrix had killed Hermione's parents, forcing Ivy to apparate to a town called New Orleans, with their suitcases and bags in tow.
They had arrived in the city during the day and although it had left her guilty, Ivy used the Imperious curse on a realtor and had managed to secure an apartment within hours. Although they had only been in New Orleans for two days, they were more than aware of the many supernatural creatures that were residing in the town, and so decided to only use their wands and magic in emergencies. They could feel the presence of other witches in the city, but the witches were not of Ivy's and Hermione's kind. Although these witches were not has powerful has Ivy and Hermione, they were still being cautious and was on the lookout.
"Right, you couldn't find an even more obvious town for us to hide in? I mean, there weren't any small country towns in another state you couldn't find, or better yet a different country…I mean, apparating to a town already filled with witches, not our kind, but still witches was possibly the dumbest idea you've had in the last five years. I mean, really Ivianna, New Orleans?" Hermione Granger ranted as she unpacked the last item of her suitcase. It was another book, and so she placed it on the shelf, and turned to Ivy who was still sitting on the bed, who was still looking at the photograph. Ivy looked up and sighed, rolling her eyes at the bushy haired woman and returned to her own suitcase and buried her head in, her hands reaching a soft cloak and so she stood up the cloak in her hands. Expendable charms really do come in handy when you're on the run and have to pack in a hurry.
"Well, it was either here or Brazil and I don't quite fancy meeting those witches. And how many times do I have to tell you, it's Ivy. If you keep calling me by my full name, it's makes it more likely for the death-eaters to find us and so, call me Ivy. You should do the same you know, instead of calling yourself Hermione… and before you even think it, do not call me the Chosen One. That name always annoys the bloody hell out of me and it's been like five or so years since the war, so please call me Ivy…okay? Or I go back to calling you Hermy." Ivy threatened.
"You wouldn't dare! You know I hate that nickname. You will continue to call me Hermione, because I happen to like my name or I shall be forced to call you by your full name miss Ivianna Lily Potter. And I think it would have been better to shack up with the witches in Brazil then this place. This place screams of dark magic and yes, our magic is more powerful and so on, but I still think that bad things can happen here too." Hermione shivered, sitting on her own bed.
"I know…but that's a problem to tackle later…so, you are still going to keep using the name Hermione James?" Ivy asked and Hermione nodded. It was after all, the name her parents gave her and one of the very few things left to remember about her parents.
Ivy sighed and nodded, looking around the apartment. Their apartment was small, but suitable. When Ivy had acquired and brought it, it was already filled with furniture and equipment to suit them. It had only one bedroom, a bathroom, a large kitchen and living room and a veranda. The bedroom was big enough to fit two queen-sized beds, two wardrobes and a book shelf, plus a closet. They still had yet to go shopping and fill the place with more homely touches but for now, it would do. Ivy was glad that she didn't have to buy furniture or appliances. Even though she had the smart idea of converting all her Wizarding money into muggle money and was hidden safely in a small gold chest that was the size of a jewellery box, which currently rested in her suitcase, she was still scarce on spending her money, even though she had enough money to live over the span of many lifetimes, but she was still wary.
She grabbed the chest, closed up her suitcase and walked into the closet, opening the safe that was in the wall. That was another thing she liked about the apartment. It had a metal safe that hung on the wall inside the walk-in closet and although it was small, she could still fit the chest inside the safe. She placed her chest on the top shelf of the safe and then felt something hit her foot. She looked down and saw Hermione's own small chest, filled with her own valuables and sighed.
"Here, put mine in there too!" Hermione yelled and Ivy rolled her eyes, but picked up Hermione's chest and placed it on the bottom shelf.
"Yes, Your Majesty! Oh, that's another nickname I can call you, since you act like a queen all the bloody time." Ivy mumbled, closing the safe door and walking out of the closet.
"I heard that…" Hermione snapped, looking at her.
Ivy smirked. "I meant for you to hear it…"
Hermione stared at Ivy, before breaking out into a smile. "Well, if I'm the Queen, what does that make you? My servant?"
Ivy snorted. "Oh god no…you'd never let me sleep…How about with we stick with sister?"
Hermione frowned. "You already are my sister, I mean, obviously in a way that a best friend thinks of family but you are my sister. I mean, I know ever since we've been on the run, our identities are that we are sisters-"
"Hermione, stop rambling…I know..." Ivy teased the brunette, who blushed. Ivy sighed. "We need to come with a new plan, if we are to get Bellatrix off our backs. I mean, I know she'll never stop looking for us, but until we see her again, which I know we will one day, we need to protect ourselves and come up with a plan. Maybe even change our looks, so that it makes it harder for them to look…" Ivy pointed out.
Hermione sighed. "What plan will that be? We've already done almost everything to beat her, to kill her but she keeps coming back and she hits harder. If I didn't I any better, I'd say she sacrificed herself for a few horcruxes and scattered them about the earth."
Ivy nodded. "I thought that too, but she didn't. Which is why I've brought us here…if we can work with the witches here, we can try and find a way to kill her and be able to live freely."
"Well, that sounds like a plan but how do you know that these witches will help us? I mean, we've only been in this town for like a day and a half and already I can sense bad magic. These witches are not our kind Ivy. They channel their power from their ancestral line, which is not that bad but can have consequences. While our magic is pure, their magic is all about restoring the balance and so on. I mean I don't think they've even met a witch of our kind. So how do you know that these witches here will help us?" Hermione inquired.
Ivy shrugged. "Well, it's a plan…I don't know, but I can't give up. And besides, how do you know about the whole ancestral line witch thingy?"
Hermione stared at her. "Hello, I'm a bookworm remember? I've read the book on the history of witches and the species of witches."
Ivy smirked. "Of course you've read books about it…"
"What? Is it a crime that I love books? Never mind that…Now, you something about changing looks?" Hermione inquired.
"Yes…a glamour spell can work for so long and so far, the only thing I'm glamouring is my scar, and you are doing the same with your scar, but we have to change everything else, which is why when I went food shopping last night, I got this." Ivy spoke, walking over to her wardrobe and taking out the plastic bag. She pulled out two boxes of hair dye and placed them on Hermione's bed.
Hermione raised an eyebrow, picking up the boxes. "Hair dye? Beach Bimbo blonde and siren red?"
Ivy snatched the red hair dye box and smiled. "It's titanium blonde and ruby red, and guess who gets to be the blonde?"
"Oh hell no…" Hermione gasped.
"Oh Yes…"
"I cannot believe you talked me into this…my hair is blonde…BLONDE!" Hermione scowled, looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair was now blonde in colour, but with her roots being brown, her hair had turned into a blondish-brunette type colour. But if anything, the colour in her hair made Hermione look even more grown up, more gentle and more beautiful. Along with her chocolate brown eyes, soft cheeks and smooth round face with a curvy body, she looked like an angel, if there was any word to describe her. But while Ivy adored the look, Hermione didn't look so pleased. The now blonde haired beauty sighed and simply pouted at her reflection.
Ivy stood next to her, her own hair wrapped in a towel. "It's not that bad…In fact you look bloody gorgeous!"
Hermione scoffed. "Yeah right…Alright then, let's take a look at yours…"
Ivy sighed, shaking her head and releasing the towel from her head and gasped. Ivy was dying her hair a ruby red, to match the already black and red colours in her hair. Although she was born pure raven coloured locks, over the years she had added red and a bit of gold for her Gryffindor house and wanted to dye her hair completely red, but her hair had other ideas. Combined with the raven colour and the red, it had mashed into a light but dark purplish/black/red hair colour, like the colour of a dark sunset starry sky and mixed with her piercing green eyes, she was quite striking. Not that Ivy wasn't beautiful, she was and now, along with her new hairdo, her soft curvy body, her eyes and her bird tattoo on her left shoulder, she looked even more stunning.
"Woah…bow chica bow wow…" Hermione sang.
"Seriously? I wanted to stand out less, not become some mysterious whatever-bloody-coloured bitch…and to top it off, my tattoo actually works with the hair…bugger…" Ivy muttered. Ivy's tattoo was a flock of swallows flying upwards that represented her fallen family. Although the tattoo was coloured black, she knew that it was a symbol of hope and that one day she will see them again.
"And you thought dying your hair red would make you stand out less? Okay then…Well, you were the one that had to get the hair dye…I mean we could have kept our original looks but no, we had to change colour…to blonde…" Hermione snapped, her accent making her sound posh.
"We had too…we go out looking like ourselves, we might be spotted. At least now, the Deatheaters would have to get a closer look at you and as for me, I'll just wear a beanie and no glasses…oh and make-up to cover the scar… I think we should hold off on the magic, at least until we get in touch with the witches here. I wonder…" Ivy murmured.
"What? We're witches, we need to use magic and what are you thinking?" Hermione asked.
"I know we need magic, but..well, if we can sense their power, what if they can sense ours?" Ivy wondered aloud.
"I think I might have a solution for that." Hermione said, walking out the bathroom and to her dresser. She pulled out two small vails of a greenish liquid and handed one of the vails to Ivy.
"Masking potion…to mask our powers from the outside world…" Hermione told her.
Ivy smiled. "So, we will be able to use our magic and no-one will be able to suspect or sense it, not even Bellatrix or the witches here? That's brilliant Hermione!"
Hermione nodded. "Yes…It's just a little something I cooked up…"
Both Ivy and Hermione unscrewed the lids of the vials and after taking a deep breath, they both downed the contents of the vials, the liquid burning their throat as it went down. But as it did, they could feel the pull of magic in the bodies , which came quickly and then left.
"Wonder if that worked?" Hermione asked.
"Well then, let's get dressed and go find out…it's daylight, and we've been here two days and so far all we've done is shop for food and unpacked…in fact, we haven't even put up protection spells around the place because we're busy trying to settle in." Ivy pointed out.
Hermione gasped. "Oh Merlin…bugger! The protection spells!"
"You do them…you are better at casting them…" Ivy sighed, walking over to her wardrobe and pulling out a pair of skinny jeans, a blouse and matching red lace underwear. She took off her silk slip that she had on and began to dress. Ivy then finished dressing by putting on her black leather jacket and her black boots. She grabbed her wand, placing down the inside of her boots and grabbed her backpack, which contained her wallet, her identity papers (which were under her fake name) and a notebook.
Hermione nodded, walking back to her drawers and pulling out her wand, then with a sigh proceeded to place protection charms around the place. Ivy looked at her as Hermione began to speak the charms, causing a light blue glow around the place.
"Cave Inimicum…Protego Totalum…Protego Horribilis…Salvio Hexia…Muffliato…" she cited and then pointing to the door, she whispered, "Colloportus…"
Ivy smirked. "I think you missed a couple…"
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Then you cast them while I get dressed."
Ivy smiled. "I'm kidding, but I think we're okay for now…you placed enough charms around the apartment…"
Hermione nodded and proceed to get dressed. She pulled a long cotton black printed skirt, a beige singlet and pulled out her red cardigan and slipped it on, then put her feet into beige coloured sandals and grabbed her small beaded bag, wincing as she heard the many objects inside the bag moved around
"You need to unpack that bag…" Ivy said to her.
"I have it like this just in case we have to make a run for it again. We were lucky last time, because we were going on a holiday so we already had most of our stuff, but this bag contains everything we need in case we have to flee this place." Hermione told her.
Ivy shrugged and opened the door, walking out and Hermione followed her. The pair continued to walk until they had left the building and onto the busy street. However, fate had a surprise for them, for they had no idea just what they were in for.