Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter. I'm not really sure what to put up here. er...I find writing fanfiction easier then writing stories by myself (i've only really attempted one and those were college essays). My imagination is lacking and it's nice to have all the characters and some plot laid out for you. I watch anime and so read the fanfiction as well. I'm not a massive fan of Harry Potter but do enjoy the fanfiction, hence why i'm attempting to write some. I also am open to lots of different types of pairings. I kinda lack in HP knowledge so sorry if something doesn't coincide with the book. I'm a fan of anime: bleach, death note, Inuyasha, One Piece e.c.t. I love romance and action novels (and yaoi (duh)). I hate eccentrically short or long novels (they tend to drag on a bit) and i have a really short attention span. I adore music and listen to all types including classical, rock, jazz, metal, rave. blah blah blah, but don't write song fics! I'm writing loads of different fanfics at different times- I get distracted easily. Pairings are (planned and existing): Harry Potter + Tom Riddle Harry Potter + Draco Malfoy Harry Potter + Fenrir Greyback Harry Potter + Sirius Black Harry Potter + Severus Snape + Draco Malfoy Harry Potter + Charlie Weasley Harry Potter + Severus Snape "I've also written one or two long (and i mean long) opening chapters for crossovers of Harry Potter with Pirates of the Carribean and Lord Of The Rings, but i have absolutely no idea where i'm going with them and so haven't put them up yet. Plus i want to finish a few more stories before i start new ones." Sorry guys, my comp. crashed awhile back so lost a lot of chapter for other stories as well. I'm updating a few but not sure how far i'll get. Completely forgot what i'd done b4. and sorry for not updating sooner. I generally try to never leave more then a month between stories but i admittedly do get stuck every so often, like in Learning Your Enemy and The Other Side at the moment. Reviews always encourage me to update faster (hint, hint). I also regrettably inform you that i also am seriously stuck with Learning Your Enemy (recently developed) so please bare with me on these two stories if you're reading them. On a more positive note i am almost finished with Forgetting Nature: The Defeat, but you will probably have to wait a while before the sequel, Forgetting Nature: The Fight. P.S. Anything i come up with in my stories i'm happy for other people to use but please leave a note. :) FINALLY!!! Hey guys!! I'm back so will try to get back to updating as quickly as possible. Sorry for not keeping up, feel really guilty and i know the feeling of waiting for a story to finish. Please forgive me!!! And thanks for all the comments, they've really lifted my spirits. |