Hey ok so first Fic, Avatar inspired me to write it (I know awesome movie right?) so yeah be nice please. :D

also I've edited the first chapter and will be redoing the second and posting the third soon so tell me if it's better or worse Thank you!

Disclaimer: Oh and i only own my characters everything else Avatar belongs to their respectful owners

"Is it ready yet?"

I heard one of the scientists ask, I still haven't gotten used to being referred to as an 'It'. I looked at the scientist through the bars of my current cage. I knew what was going to happen today as I wasn't happy and I made it known by glaring at him and slamming against the side of my current 'home'. The sick bastard just laughed.

I hate scientists especially Him. Yes he has a name but I refuse to use it not that I could remember it at the moment I had hit the bars to hard and was slightly dizzy. He was about 5'11", 45 and getting alot of grey hairs, he had high cheek bones, his nose looked like it had more then it's share of breaks and his left cheek had a scar that goes across right under his left eye and across his nose a sign of a very active child and teen hood. His brown eyes a testament to the fact that he had seen, done, and enjoyed doing things that would make most people puke. My pet and only friend a wolf I lovingly called Fear, experimented on to be bigger, stronger, and more adaptable then it's brethren to the point that it could grow gills and have stone like armor if the need arrived and get rid of them when they weren't needed anymore, growled at him sensing my anxiousness with Him staring at me like the freakish experiment I am.

"Just get this over with Mike." No point in making it a question and no point in being nice after this I would be even less of a human if not fully changed. All my muscles stared to spazz painfully out of my control as my metal collar went off. The collar was a black medal that when activated would send a shock of electricity through my system 'so that it will behave and comply with orders' -Dr. Micheal YoungHare Evil Sadist of the Millenia

"Shut up! Do not speak to your father that way!" Oh yeah minor detail my dad, though not my real dad my real dad was killed in one of the many wars on Earth, Mike is my Step-dad and uncle. Mike was the sick evil scientist that controlled the constant torture they call experiments.

I watched as he marched off and yelled at the assistant-evil-smart-ass to get me into 'Its Room', yeah room 18 of 17F-SL. Its or My Room was the most armored and soundproof room on the spaceship and could be ejected from the main ship if necessary since I couldn't just be killed if something went wrong and some how got past the steel shackles that held me down, it was also my personal hell it was made with my… mutation in mind.

'The Valkyrie's Flight' is one of the largest Space labs ever built and my real mothers brain child. It had over 50 floors dedicated to 50 different Studies ranging from plant cloning and bio-engineering to warp drive engineering to Advanced Human Cloning and Engineering or AHCE for those to mentally challenged like me to remember. It is also where i was turned into what I am.

As I've said before I'm not completely human, I was once but I will get into that later, I have had Na'vi DNA grafted to me. And am currently the only living hybrid to survive the Grafting and Severance process. So far, they think it has something to do with my genetics and they, they meaning evil smart asses, plan on doing further study on that. It's an insanely painful process and the only thing keeping me in my partly human form was my collar it represses the Na'vi gene just enough so that I don't mutate anymore then planned or to much where the current mutation recedes.

I was once a 5'3" dark brown eyed, black haired, brown skinned Native American, Apache and Navajo to be exact, 16 year old girl with a good amount of muscle from learning 'The Old Ways' from my real dad and working on the family ranch.

I am now 6'3" 19 years old with black skin that fades to a dark gray with light gray glow in the dark spots that are in a giant mass over the center of my chest and then spirals out onto my torso legs arms and face. I have turquoise colored eyes and have the same strait black hair cut really short like I had before, but with a red highlight in the front on the only long piece of hair I have that goes to my chin as a marker of who and what I am since they can't put any type of physical marker on me since i would just pull it out or off.

I have the Na'vi pointed ears and fangs though I didn't have a tail or the braid yet but after that day I would. We were going to complete my mutation today.

But anyways on my way to my room I tried to hold a conversation with Fear a very hard thing to do i might add. He's not exactly the talkative type. I talked about how it was un-cool that they blind me on my way to My Room with a medal blindfold so i wouldn't know how to escape... seriously?! i mean come on we're in freaking space where am i going to run? and on top of that it's not fitted so some parts dig into my face while other parts jiggle around and annoy me. I heard the "Psh' of a door open and I could tell we were now in My room.

I waited in my little cage talking to Fear to pass the few minutes it take for my handlers to come and strap me to my table. All of a sudden I felt and heard a boom that tossed my cage across the small room and into the table effectively breaking my cage. As I stepped out of the cage akwardly since i haven't stood to my full height in a while to figure out what happened I felt another explosion rock the craft that tossed me and Fear across the room again and this time I wasn't getting up.

I heard the alarm and a voice going through the speakers shouting " Warning! Rebel Attack!This Is Not A Drill! I REPEAT!!! MILITARY REBEL AT-"

It went dead just as I blacked out

17f-SL means 17th floor of the science lab. the ship is basicly one giant labratory and each floor is a different study basicly. floor 17 is the genetic area all genetic expiriments are done there so there were more expiriments other then the Na'vi hybrid.