![]() Author has written 9 stories for Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Anime X-overs. March 1st, 2008: Yohoo! waves I've decided that some of my stories are okiedokie to be posted over here that I've been writing recently. :) I'll start uploading chapters, and I hope you enjoy them! August 6th, 2010: Long time no speak. For all the fans out there of SFS, Sometime soon I'll upload some other bits that I've been writing on. I got a job! *woots* August 19th, 2010: Got a moment to see how long it's been since I updated SFS, and as I'm a few chapters ahead in that one, (and running into a roadblock with the main pairing) I decided to update. Hope those who follow this one enjoy it, and tell me who you'd like to see as the main pairing! :D October 1st, 2010: Saw that it's been a couple of weeks since SFS was updated, so I posed up a chapter I had completed for that. Also posed the first part of a two or three-shot Yusuke/Kagome fic that I has been laying in my hard drive collecting dust. I have others that are waiting for inspiration to strike to finish them, including a Ryuichi/Kagome (Gravitation/Inuyasha) crossover one-shot. The moment it's complete it will be up. Thanks, all! December 9th, 2010: It's been awhile since my last update. Sorry about that guys. Updated a chapter each on SFS and Fallen Angel. Will try to update again in a week or so. Should get some good writing done over the holidays. :) January 24th, 2011: A new year, and my muse is MIA. Phooey. I've uploaded a one shot for your perusal, and I shall be uploading another as soon as I can get it finished. I have a deadline (Yay for TheDeadliestSin communities!) I hope you look forward to it. Additionally, I'm working on new chapters for both SFS and FA. As soon as those are completed, I will upload them posthaste. Thank you for all of your patience! February 7th, 2011: Prompted by the contest muse at The Deadliest Sin Community resulted in the creation of "The Warmth of Snow". Hopefully this will cradle my muse into returning and helping me update my chapter stories. Additionally, I'm in the process of moving, so I've had very little time for the computer and writing. If you're interested, I made a crossover video of Naruto/Inuyasha - don't ask me why, I don't quite understand it myself. If you're curious, please give it a look. It's located HERE -- : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdCLs0MKVyA. Arigatou, minna-san. March 8th, 2011: I'm sorry for the MIA action; I submitted a new story "No Words" for the Deadliest Sin communities, which won 1st place! (surprisingly.) I'm still struggling with my other stories, and decided that I'd love to do a collaboration story with someone if they're interested. (InuYasha CrossOver please!) Like I've mentioned before, if it makes sense, I'm willing to write on it. (Just email me or message me if you want!) I just recently moved but I'm going to be busy the next couple of weeks - Spring Cleaning... 04-11-2011: Updated SFS. Hopefully will have FA updated within the week. Asian Heritage Festival on Friday. x.x So busy! 10-4-2011: Free time, is something I do not have. I have started back in college, am working on weekends, and have Youmacon coming up. (And English classes suck.) I've uploaded my big-bang story that I wrote for the Deadliest Sin's Community contest over the summer. It's over 20,000 words and I hope you all take it kindly. (These paltry 20,000 words took me MONTHS to write. x_x. I r disappoint.) I will do my absolute best to upload on my other stories. I have partial starts on them both but just haven't had the time/inspiration to finish on them. Please bare with me as I get through the dredges of my busy life. Thanks, everyone! 10-12-12: Sucked into real life again, however, a massive update from me today. I've uploaded two new one-shots (To Start Again & Accepting the Darkness). I've also uploaded a new chapter for Fallen Angel. Here's hoping I can keep up the momentum. Thanks everyone! BIO: Age: 26 B-day: May 14th Hobbies: Anime, All things Japanese, hanging out with friends, and writing (when time permits) Occupation: Meijer Cashier. Favorite stories: Hiei/Kagome crossovers. [recently I've been intrigued with other strange crossovers, but in my world if the story makes sense, there's always potential!] Contact Info: SayuriNakamura AT gmail.com--kpritche AT Interesting bit about me: I'm also authoress "Sayuri-chan" at . If you're old enough to visit, check some of my stories out there, ne? Anything else you want to know? Just ask! |