"Many places I have been, Many sorrows I have seen, But I don't regret, Nor will I forget, All who took that road with me, To these memories I will hold, With your blessing I will go, To turn at last to paths that lead home, And though where the road then takes me, I cannot tell, We came all this way, But now comes the day, To bid you farewell
I bid you all a very fond farewell." ~Billy Boyd, "The Last Goodbye"
Easterlings fled as their army was routed, their last arrows flew in desperation. Even as that last battle came to a close, an arrow, meant for Thorin Stonehelm, King Under-the-Mountain, found its mark in a different target.
Healers scrambled to remove the shattered armor and stop the bleeding as Lina Firehammer whispered her last words.
"I'm coming, Thorin. I'm coming."
Lina was born as all female dwarves were once, quietly and without a great deal of fuss. Yet her death was mourned by many.
Though she was no royal and never legally married to one, Lina Firehammer's final resting place was beside her husband. Stoneworkers of the highest skill carved her image to match that of her husband. Like Thorin Oakenshield, she held her namesake in death. Her carved war hammer lay wreathed in fire, a trick of dwarven engineering, illuminating the alcove where she and her husband rested.
Young hands now close the book in which Lina Firehammer's tale is written, tenderly placing the fragile tome in its case. For although the written portion of her tale is done, the legacy of the fierce warrior lives on.
To unite the bloodlines and prevent any possible wars between them, Ira Earthshaker accepted Thorin III Stonehelm's offer of marriage. Though the union was not one of love, it became one of mutual respect and friendship. To them were born two sons and a daughter. Their first child, a daughter, they named Lina. Their sons were named Dain and Thorin.
Nes vanished in the aftermath of the battle. Easterling survivors found by the dwarves and men weeks later babbled in terror of the night-wraith which claimed their fleeing brethren. Rumors of this bloodthirsty creature endured for years as a tale to frighten young adventurers, yet, once the Easterlings were vanquished, the night wraith never struck again.
Kitta aided Bilbo in recording the last moments of her commander's life, and ensured the account of Thorin Oakenshield and Lina Firehammer was spread to every dwarven kingdom in Middle Earth. Her skill in retelling the tales of the old dwarven heroes even earned her audiences with the new kings of Gondor and Rohan. The storyteller never married, and passed peacefully in her sleep at the age of 247.
And so ends the tale of Lina Firehammer.
A/N: Thank you to all who read and reviewed my story in the early days, and to those who came later during my sporadic updates. I apologize deeply for the delays in updates. After being disappointed by the second film and news regarding the third, I lost my interest in this story. I have only recently found it again, but struggled for over a week with how best to finish out the tale. I hope the ending is satisfying to you.