You're probably asking yourself, "Why does she do this?" "Why does she keep making new stories?" "Why won't she focus more on the ones she already has up?"

My response:

Why did the scorpion sting the frog? Why did the cat attack the mouse? Why did I eat my brother's Subway cookie?

The answer:

IT'S IN OUR DAMN NATURE! THAT'S WHY! (Though, i honestly didn't think my brother still wanted his cookie. I mean, he left it up there for two days, what was i suppose to think?! XP)

But we're not here for corny references or delicious treats! Nope! We're here for my new story... For Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Now, for the description: This all takes place before the show starts. All the turtles and my OC are eight years old when this story starts. The stuff from the actual show won't come on until later. Oh! And if you're imagination is kinda suckish, just imagine my OC as the eight-year-old Elsa. Except she has brown eyes instead of blue, and she doesn't have a braid.


The Interesting Life of Lavinia

Prologue: Part 1
Four Turtles and a Rat

I was sitting on the single recliner we owned, curled up under a dark blanket. It was as thin as paper and itchy like wool, but it was the only blanket I had to myself- the only blanket I was allowed to have to myself. I stared blankly at the TV, which had nothing but black and white static marks all over the screen. It had been working a little while ago when I first turned it on, but the satellite dish must've gotten messed up or something, because after a while it stopped working. I would've turned it off, but I was scared I would break it in some way. Daddy might get mad if I do that, and I don't like it when he's mad. Especially after he gets home from work. And even less when he stays out later and comes home smelling funny, his cloths covered in stale drink.

Thump… Thump… Thump…

My head snapped up from resting on the arm of the recliner. Daddy was home! Oh no… At once I hopped off the chair and fell onto the floor, rolling up in my blanket in the process. I kicked, pushed, and struggled until I had managed to squirm my way out. As soon as I did I jumped to my feet and ran over to the recliner, pushing my hands across the cushion to get all of the wrinkles out. I must not leave any trace that I was there. I'm not allowed to sit in daddy's chair, but it's so comfy. And if he found out that I sat in his chair while he wasn't here…

I heard the lock on the door click loudly and I ran over to the TV and turned it off. I quickly drug over the small wooden stool, which was the only thing I could sit in. With my blanket wrapped around me, I sat down on the stool. Any minute now, he'll be coming-


I flinched slightly at the sound of the door slamming, but otherwise, didn't move. The door slammed again, this time closing. I could hear gruff noises coming from the man who had just entered, as well as loud slopping noises. I turned to look at him, and saw dark stains on his white T-shirt and he was drinking out of a brown bottle in his hand.

"Hi, daddy…"

"Don't 'hi daddy' me," he snapped. "Get out so I can watch TV."

I nodded and stood up-

"Answer me!"

"Y-yes, daddy…"

I quickly grabbed my stool and, keeping my head down, I shuffled out of the living room. I used one hand to drag the stool and one to keep the blanket wrapped around me. I was in front of my bedroom door and about to open it when there was a furious yell.

"You little bitch! What the hell did you do to the TV?!"

I whimpered. Daddy was swearing again. I don't like it when he swears like that. Bad things happen when he does. I dropped the stool and scrambled to get the door open. I swung it open and ran inside, jumping into bed and pulling the blanket over me, as though the thin fabric would somehow protect me. The loud thumping of footsteps sounded in the hallway. A second later there was a loud bam as the door was kicked open. Daddy was standing in the doorway, still holding his brown bottle.

"I didn't do anything, daddy-"

"The hell you didn't!"

Daddy stomped over to me, his free hand reaching out for me. I whimpered as I curled up more under the blanket, unable to move. Daddy jumped on me as he grabbed my tiny throat in his big, strong hand, pinning me to my bed. I spluttered as I lifted my hands up and tried to smack his wrist, but he only squeezed harder. I looked up in time to see daddy's brown bottle above me before a dark, smelly liquid was poured on my face. The stuff got in my eyes and I yelled as they started to burn. As I yelled the liquid got in my mouth and starting going down my throat. It went through my nose and started to make my throat burn and dry up. I was coughing and choking as it went on and on, daddy's hand still holding my neck. Once it was over I spat out whatever stuff was left in my mouth… and accidentally hit daddy's face. He let out an angry growl and threw the bottle so it smashed against the wall.

"You can clean that up after I'm done with you!"

Daddy released my neck and then grabbed my hair. I yelped in pain as he yanked me up off the bed and started dragging me out of the room by my hair. We were in the living room heading to the front door when I yelled.

"D-daddy, stop! P-please! I'm sorry!"

He stopped moving suddenly. "Telling me what to do now, huh?" he growled. "You just won't learn, will you?"

The pain in my head had increased and I was scared to the point where I was starting to cry. Daddy made another angry noise before he threw me on the floor. As I landed on my stomach my head hit the floor and I saw tiny stars. Daddy dug his knee into my back to pin me to the floor, and I felt him grab my left leg with both of his hands.

"This'll teach you a lesson, you worthless bitch!"

There was a loud pop and suddenly pain shot up through my entire left leg. I screamed and shouted in pain, digging my hands into the ground. It hurt so, so bad! I just wanted it to end…

I think I blacked out for a bit, because the next thing I knew I was laying facedown in concrete. It was pouring outside, and I was completely soaked through my yellow pajama shirt and pants. I coughed a bit, and I tasted dirt. I looked around and saw I was in a dark ally, far away from my home. I pushed myself up and tried to move my legs, and yelped in pain. My left let was hurting very badly and I couldn't move it. I slowly turned around to sit on my butt and held my left leg gently. The rain pounded against my head, the cold water soaking my hair and numbing my skin. Being cold, in pain, not to mention hungry, I laid there and started crying, harder this time. What should I do now? I didn't know how to live out here. Daddy never let me out of the house, I didn't even know where I was!


I thought I heard something from in the ally, but I ignored it, wiping my eyes off with my soaked sleeve.


I heard it again, and this time I looked up. Just a few feet in front of me was a large manhole that I knew led to the sewers, it's lid laying to the side(I knew what they were because daddy threaten to shove me in one once). Someone was poking their head out from inside the hole, and I saw two bright blue eyes staring at me.

"Hey," a voice called to me.

It was then that I realized it was a boy. He sounded like he was my age. I sniffed loudly, not feeling very scared at the moment. Maybe he was friendly?

"Hello…" I called back to him.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked.

"No…my leg hurts…"

For a moment it was quiet except for the pounding of the rain, and the splashes of the small puddles. Then the boy pushed himself out of the manhole and stood up on the ground. He was pretty tall. He slowly walked over to me until he was only a few steps away. The light from a nearby street lamp was enough for me to see his face.

I wasn't sure what to think of his appearance for a few moments. But after looking him up and down I saw what he was. He looked like a giant, walking turtle, with a shell and everything. Not only that, he was wearing a large blue bandana that covered his head.

"Are you a turtle?" I asked, a little curiously.

"Yeah. Not a normal one, but yeah."

I looked him up and down. "That's…pretty neat."

He took a step forward. "You're not…gonna scream?"

"No… Why?"

"My dad said if people saw me and my brothers that they might be scared of us," he tilted his head. "You're not scared, are you?"

I shook my head. "N-no… Should I be?"

"I don't think so."

There was a pause.

"My name's Leonardo," said the boy. "But my brothers call me Leo. What's your name?"

I sniffed, smiling a little. "Lavinia…"

"That's a nice name," Leo smiled, then it faded. "How did you hurt yourself?"

I gulped. "I…I made my daddy mad. We had a fight…"

Leo didn't say anything, neither did I. I wasn't sure what to say. I sat up a little more but the movement made my leg throb and I whimpered. Leo walked closer and kneeled down in front of me.

"Can you move it?" he asked.

"No… If I do it hurts more…"

I started crying a little bit, but not too much. I didn't want to look like a baby in front of a boy, not even a turtle-boy.

"Wait here."

I looked up to see that Leo stood up and walked over to the manhole. He bent over and brought his hands to cup his mouth.

"Guys! It's okay! Come on up!"

And he stood back. A second later three large shapes shot up out of the manhole. I gasped as all three landed next to Leo. It took me a moment to realize that these were turtles, too. Each of them had a bandana on, as well- one orange, one purple, and one red.

"These are my brothers," said Leo.

I sniffed, and lifted a hand up. "Hi…"

The boy wearing orange said 'hi' cheerfully, the one wearing purple waved, but the one wearing red just glared at Leo.

"She didn't freak out, huh?" he asked in a gruff voice.

"You didn't hear her scream, did you?" Leo turned to the boy in purple. "Her leg's really hurting, Donnie. Think you can check it?"

The turtle-boy known as 'Donnie' slowly walked over and kneeled in front of me. He lifted one of his hands and gently pressed it to my left leg. I knew he was trying to be gentle, but the pressure was enough to make me whimper.


"Yeah, it's pretty damaged," he said, his voice sounding cute and nerdy, and he turned to his brothers. "She won't be able to walk for a while. Not without help."

All four turtles looked at each other, not saying anything. I was starting to feel a little nervous with all the silence going on. It was then that I noticed the rain had sobered down to a small sprinkle and was no longer pouring. The boy in red sighed.

"We're takin' her with us, aren't we?" he asked.

"We don't have a choice. We can't just leave her here," said Leo.

"Dudes, what's dad gonna think?" asked the boy in orange.

"I'll go and tell him about this, you guys get Lavinia out of here," Leo walked over to me. "I'm going to go ahead and tell our dad about you, and my brothers are going to help bring you to our lair. I'll see you there, okay?"

I nodded, trusting his words. He smiled before turning around and jumping down the manhole.

"Raph, come help me," said Donnie.

'Raph' made a gruff sound before walking over next to Don. They both got on either side of me and placed my arms around their shoulders- Donnie on my right, Raph on my left.

"We're gonna help you up, okay?" Donnie asked, and I nodded. "Okay. Raph, lift her up on my count. One…two…three."

In one swift movement they both lifted me off the ground. My leg slid on the concrete and hurt for a second before I stood on my right foot, still supported by both Raph and Donnie.

"Yah okay, short stuff?" Raph asked, sounding less gruff than before.

I nodded. They then slowly started leading me over to the manhole, still holding me while I hopped on one leg.

"Mikey, get down there so you can help get Levina down," said Donnie.

'Mikey' nodded and jumped down the manhole. I leaned over slightly and saw he was holding onto the ladder, only halfway down. The boys helped set me down on the ground gently so I could slide in through the hole. I held onto the ladder and used my right foot to step down slowly until I was right above Mikey. I looked down at him, and he smiled as he reached up for me.

"C'mon, little dudette! I gotcha!"

I smiled down at him. I eased my way down a little so I was close enough to reach him. He wrapped and arm around me and I held onto him tightly. Suddenly he let go of the ladder and jumped down to the sewer floor. I yelped when this happened, but calmed down when we hit the ground safely.

"Chill, dudette. I won't let yah get hurt."

I grinned. "Thanks…Mikey, right?"

"Heck yeah!" He brought my left arm over his shoulder and raised his head. "C'mon, dudes! Let's go!"

Both Raph and Donnie then hopped down next to us. Don came up and put my right arm over his shoulders and they started to led me through the sewers, Raph leading the way.

I stared in amazement. The place was huge! That was the only way I could describe it. It appeared to be some sort of rundown subway station or something. But before I could look around more my eyes found Leo standing in the middle of the room. There was a tall figure standing next to him. The person appeared to have what looked like dark brown fur and large ears, and was wearing some kind of robe. When Leo saw us he reached up and tugged on the figures' sleeve.

"Dad, she's here."

The person turned, and I gave a silent gasped. It was a giant, two-legged rat. This is there dad? But, he's a rat… The rat stared at me for a moment, eyes wide. He stood in silence for what seemed like forever before he finally spoke.

"My sons, bring her to the couch. Now."

I hopped on my right leg as Donnie and Mikey quickly brought be over to the large couch. Once there, they slowly and gently set me down on the soft cushions. I nearly sighed at how comfy they were. Daddy's recliner was nothing compared to this! The giant rat walked up in front of a couch and kneeled in front of me. I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling a bit nervous.

"Do not fear, little one," he said, his voice was exceedingly gentle. "I assure you, neither me or my sons intend on harming you. Leonardo tells me your name is Lavinia, is that right?"

I nodded. "Y-yes."

"Lavinia- a lovely name for a lovely girl," he smiled. "My name is Splinter. I promise you, child, you're in safe hands."

I looked at him, and nodded. Splinter looked down and, slowly and gently, grabbed my foot and lifted it up. He ran one of his hands(paws?) across my calf, examining it closely. At one point he gave it a gentle squeeze, and I winced.

"Hmm… It's not completely broken, but her bone has been pulled out of place," he turned his head. "Leonardo, I need you to get the first aid kit. Raphael, get an icepack."

Both nodded, and left to retrieve the items. Splinter looked at Donnie and Mikey, and nodded at them.

"You two, come."

Mikey and Donnie came over and stood on either side of Splinter.

"Donatello, I need you to brace Lavinia's leg. Here, like this…" Splinter helped Donnie position his hands on my leg, holding it so that it was braced against the table in front of the couch. "Michelangelo, sit next to her, please."

Mikey nodded before walking over to the couch and sitting next to me.

"Lavinia, listen closely," Splinter said softly. "You're going to have to stay perfectly still for a moment, okay? I'm going to have to pop your leg back into place. It'll hurt for a moment, but don't worry. My son, Michelangelo, is going to hold your hand and never let go. Alright?"

I nodded, but I felt my lip trembling. For some reason, his words scared me only a little. Why did fixing my leg have to hurt? I mean, the whole point of fixing it was so that it wouldn't hurt anymore, right? But before I could say anything I felt something grab my hand. I looked down to see it was Mikey. I looked up at him and saw that he had a small, encouraging smile on his face.

"Mikey, I'm scared," I admitted. "I don't like pain…"

"Me neither," he said, then added a little cheerfully. "But don't worry, dudette! You'll be better in no time! Besides, dad says I won't let go, and I won't."

Mikey smiled brightly at me, and I smiled slightly at him, unable to resist. A few seconds later both Leo and Raph came back- Leo holding a large, black bag, Raph holding a blue icepack. Splinter looked at them before looking back at me.

"Alright…" he grabbed my leg with both of his hands. "Ready? One… two… three!"



I cried out, squeezing Mikey's hand with all my might. He made an uncomfortable noise, but he didn't let go of my hand, and squeezed it back. My leg began to throb immensely, and I felt a tear fall from my eye.

"It's alright, little one," Splinter said gently, patting my knee. "The worse is over now. Everything is fine."

I took several long breaths, trying to calm down. I glanced down at Mikey's hand, and saw I was still holding it very tightly. I quickly released my grip, but Mikey continued to hold on.

"S-sorry, Mikey. Did I hurt you?" I asked.

Mikey shook his head. "Nah, I'm fine, Nia."

I blinked. "What?"

"Oh, I called you Nia," he told me. "It's short for Lavinia. I kinda like using nicknames for people, and I like naming things, too," he looked at me closely. "Is it… is it cool that I call you that?"

I stared at him. He was asking my permission? I had never had a nickname before. Daddy barley used my full name, usually calling me mean names instead. I smiled at him, and nodded.

"Sure, Mikey."


I giggled. Meanwhile, Splinter took the black bag from Leo and opened it up, reaching inside for a moment. He took out a roll of white bandages and some tape and set them down on the floor. Raph then handed him the ice pack. Splinter gently picked up my leg and helped me turn so I could lay across the couch.

"You're very lucky it was only pulled out of place," said Splinter as he placed the pack on my swelling leg, causing me to sigh with relief. "All you need now is to bind it and give it rest."

I nodded, understanding what he was saying. The icepack was kept on my leg for a good few minutes until the swelling finally went down. When it did, Splinter set down the pack and picked up the bandages, unrolling a large amount.

"Donatello, I need you to lift her leg up, please."

Donnie quickly walked over to the other end of the couch where my legs were and lifted my leg up gently. Splinter leaned in close and began wrapping the bandages around my leg.

"My son, Leo, has told me of how he came to find you, and claims to have been told how you got hurt," he looked down at me, looking into my eyes. "Child…is it true? …Did your father really do this to you?"

I gulped, suddenly very nervous. If daddy found out I told anyone that he had hurt me before, he'd hurt me again. I didn't want that. But I felt so safe here that I couldn't help myself.

"D-daddy came home late," I started lowly. "He told me to leave so he could watch his TV. But…the TV was broken. I didn't do it, but he thought I did it. And he…he did awful things. He hurt my leg…"

Splinter didn't reply. He continued to wrap the bandage around my leg until he cut it from the roll with a pair of tiny scissors. He took out some tape and tied it around the bandage to keep it in place. He picked the icepack back up and put it back on my leg like before.

"Is that all? Nothing else?"

"N-no…" I lowered my head and fiddled with my fingers. "I didn't brake the TV, but I think I did something to make him mad. That's why he hurt me, right? Why would he hurt me if I didn't do anything wrong?"

I looked up at Splinter, who didn't say anything. He sat there, staring at me with a weird look.

"Dad?" Leo asked, but received no reply.

Splinter sat there for what felt like several minutes, kneeling in front of me, his hands now on his knees. After what felt like ages, he sighed, and his voice was filled with sorrow.

"You poor child…"

I stared at him, brows furrowed. Was he talking about me? Why was he now upset? Before I could ask him anything he turned to look at the boys.

"My sons, go find a spare blanket and pillow for Lavinia. She will be needing it."

"I'll get them!" Mikey jeered before running off.

"Donatello, go fetch a bowl of water and a rag. Lavinia needs to be cleaned."

"Okay," Donnie replied, and he left, too.

Splinter turned his head back to me. "Lavinia, you are going to be staying here with us for the night," he raised his hand and pushed the hair away from my face. "Maybe a little longer than that. Will that be alright with you?"

I nodded without hesitation. I didn't see any problem with staying here. This place seemed safe enough and looked nice. Plus all the boys seemed to like me, even Raph. So, I didn't see any problem with spending a night or two here.

Donnie came back with a large bowl filled with water and a small rag on his arm. He kneeled down and set the bowl down by Splinter, who thanked him. Splinter took the rag from Donnie and stuck it in the water, making sure not to make a mess. He brought the cloth back up and rug the excess water out. Why is he doing this? Why for me…? I suddenly felt a little embarrassed and lowered my head as much as it could go, not wanting anyone to see my face.

"Lavinia, please look up."

I hesitated for a moment, then slowly lifted my head. For some reason I expected to see an irritated look on Splinter's face. What I saw instead was a face that was full of gentleness and kindness.

Splinter lifted my chin up a little more before bringing the wet rag up to my face and began wiping the dirty off of it. He scrubbed my forehead first, rubbing it gently across my head. The water was warm, and it gave a nice feeling to my previously numb skin. Once Splinter was done with my forehead he brought the rag back, and it was coated in a small layer of black dirt. He put it back in the bowl of water, rug it out like last time, and brought it up to clean my cheeks.

Within the next few minutes my face was completely cleaned of whatever grime was left on me from the filthy ally. My face was clean and it felt warm from the heat of the water, which now had small clumps of dirt floating around in it. Leo took the bowl and the rag and took them away. Splinter had taken a larger, dry towel and used it to dry off my face and the rest of my body, which was still damp from the rain outside. After a few minutes, Splinter wrapped the towel around my shoulders before finally getting to his feet.

"It is late, my sons" he breathed. "Time for sleep. Off to bed now."

All four hesitated for a moment, giving me a strange look, but eventually nodded. They all bowed and said "Goodnight, Sensei," in unison. But even as they started to head upstairs, they all called out "goodnight" to me, they even waved at me. Though, Raph nodded instead of waving, but he still told me "goodnight," too. Mikey had just taken his first step up the stairs when he paused. He turned around, and he had a huge, adorable smile on his face. Before me or Splinter could ask he had jumped off of the step and started sprinting back over. For a split second I thought he was going to attack me, so I curled up into my towel. The next thing I knew Mikey had wrapped his large arms around me and was squeezing me gently to his chest.

It was as if some sort of explosion had just happened. Something inside me seemed to have snapped, rupturing everything and letting it all fall out of place. But what was more shocking was what I was now feeling. Warmth, mostly, and a bit of safety. But most of all was a very warm, light feeling that I couldn't name, but still, somehow, liked. This had never happened before- not to me. And I still couldn't believe it. Mikey was… was…

Hugging me…

"Goodnight, Nia!" Mikey said cheerfully. "See yah tomorrow!"

And without another word, he gave my another big smile before turning on his heel and sprinting over to and up the stairs. My eyes never left him as I watched him go to the upper level and into a door that could only lead to his room. I was frozen, still shocked by what had just happened. From beside me, I heard Splinter chuckle.

"Forgive him, Lavinia," he told me. "Michelangelo can be a bit overexcited sometimes. He has a very kind heart, but sometimes he just doesn't understand the meaning of personal space."

He turned to face me, but his grin faded when he looked at me. The confusion I was feeling was probably showing on my face.

"What is it, Lavinia?" he asked me. "Is it wrong that my son wants to be friendly?"

"Oh, no," I said quickly, but quietly. "It's just… that's never happened before."

"What? No one has ever been friendly towards you?"

"It's…not just that."

"Then what is it, child?"

I gulped, not sure how to say my next sentence. I sighed, then lowered my head slightly.

"I've…I've never been hugged before…"

Splinter inhaled sharply, and the noise made me look up quickly. Splinter had a shocked look on his face, his eyes wide with surprise. I looked at him, confused. Was it that unusual that I've never had a hug? I mean, it was the truth. I've never had a hug in my life. Daddy never gave me any hugs. And if he did, I couldn't remember any of them.

Splinter walked over to were Mikey had left the blanket and pillow. He picked the two objects up and walked over to the end of the couch were my head was. He laid the pillow on the end and patted it. Having a feeling of what he meant, I slowly laid down on my back until my head hit the pillow and looked up at Splinter.

"Well, I am sure Michelangelo would be honored to know that he was your first hug," he said gently. "You can tell him tomorrow, if you like."

Splinter unfolded the large blanket above me, and I stared in amazement at how big it was. That blanket is for me? But, it's huge! Splinter brought the blanket over me so that it fell gently onto my small frame. The second it made contact I was enveloped with the soft heat it was giving me. This blanket was wonderful, nothing like the blanket back at daddy's. I grabbed onto the blanket and curled up in it the best that I could without hurting my leg, sighing with comfort. A large hand landed on my head and began rubbing it.

"Sleep now, child," Splinter said gently. "You've had a very long night. You must rest now."

Without hesitation, I closed my eyes and fell asleep, Splinter's hand still rubbing my head.

So, that's it so far. Tell me what you think. I hope you like it. So, if you did or didn't, scroll down and tickle that little review button, and tell me what you think of this new story. And, if you have any personal interest in helping me, PM me and send me an idea, and i'll let you know if i like it. So, see yah!