Slayer Versus Middle Earth I know, I know, this story line has probably been done many times, I've seen the titles, but i'm not ripping anybody off. This plot is my own. It came from my imagination. The only characters I do not own are anyone from LOTR, Buffy Summers, Angel and the Oracles, they were all made by Tolkien and Joss Whedon. So, do not sue me for any reason. I make no profit on this, it's just written for fun. Enjoy and review if you want more.

Here's a little backstory, after activating all the Slayers, Buffy's plan backfired and the Vampires and Demons went after the little girls that were activated. Buffy was forced to removed all the Slayer power from the girls and channel it into one girl of her choosing. She choose a young girl, only about seventeen, named Eden Williams to be the slayer. Eden reminded Buffy of herself and a bonus was she lived on the latest sighting of the Hellmouth, a small town like Sunnydale, called Lakeview.

~The Beginning 2006~
A blonde girl screamed and ran for her life, disappearing through the dark alleys behind Lakeview's popular night club, The Dragon's Lair. Behind her was an alarmingly fast creature, that's only intent at the moment was to catch her and kill her. It growled threateningly behind her, causing her to scream in fright again, as she ran blindly through the darkness of the alley.
She whimpered when she had to slow for a dead end at the opposite end of the alley. She pressed her back against the wall and looked for the closest thing to a weapon she could find. The alley held nothing but a few trash cans, not very useful to her.
A loud crash was heard, as her predator knocked down the trash cans in his haste to catch her. He looked human enough, until you got to the face. The skin on his forehead was bunched up and long fangs protruded from his mouth. His growl was of that of a wild animal and it send tingles of fear racing through her body.
She whimpered and he laughed, an oddly human souns to erupt from sugh a demon. "Fear." He pinned her against the wall, as she started to cry. "I always liked the smell of it." Just as he was about to sink his fangs into her neck, he was yanked off and thrown into the fallen trash cans.
"Well, I hope you like the smell of trash too." A new voice replied. The blonde looked up to see a girl standing in front of her. Her back was towards her, so she could not see her saviours face.
"Slayer." The creature hissed, pulling himself up off the ground. He did not seem so confident anymore. "I've always wanted to kill a Slayer."
"Really?" The woman relaxed her stance a bit. "I always wanted a horse of my own."
The monster hissed again, before lunging at the woman, who merely stepped aside and as tumbled past her. "Tell you what, we defang you." She kicked the monster sharply in the midsection so he rolled over. She pulled a sharp piece of wood out of her back pocket and crouched down next to the monster. "And I'll work on having my parents get me that pony I always wanted." She rammed the wood right into the creatures heart and he exploded into dust right before her eyes.
The blonde trembled, as the woman straightened and looked closely at her. "You might want to get home now." The blonde didn't hesitate, she took off, disappearing from the alley. "And steer clear of dark alleys at night!" Her saviour called after her.

Eden shoved her stake back into her backpocket, watching the blonde disappear from sight. Then she continued back down the alley at a more leisurely pace, humming a song under her breathe. She had been the Slayer for about two years now and not one of the people she had saved from the clutches of vampires and demons had ever thanked her, but she was used to it by now.
Eden's life had changed drastically the day Buffy Summers and her Vampire boyfriend, Angel had shown up on her doorstep one night after she had come home from clubbing at The Dragon's Lair with her friends. She had been seventeen then, approaching graduation and ready for her life of college. She could still remember her shock at what she had been told. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Seventeen year old, Eden Williams, entered her house late that night. Her energy still not yet spent. Lately she had been full of energy and strength and had not yet found a way to sate it. No amount of dancing could satisfy this hunger that she felt in her all of a sudden.
Just as she stepped away from the door, someone knocked on it. She hastily opened it, not wanting to wake her parents. She was greeted with the sight of two people. A petie blonde woamn, who didn't look too much older than herself and a taller man with dark brown hair and a grim serious expression on his face.
"Can I help you?" Eden asked curiously.
"Are you Eden Williams?" The man asked, looking her over. Not in a perverted way, but it was like he was measuring her up or something.
"Could you step outside with us for a moment, we have something really important to talk to you about? Oh, by the way, I'm Buffy Summers and this is Angel." The blonde held out her hand.
She shook it, before hesitantly stepping outside with them. "Okay, what do you need to talk to me about."
"There is no easy way to tell you this, but you have been chosen, you're the Slayer." Buffy blurted out nervously.
"I'm the what?" Eden gasped, her mind not fully comprehending what Buffy was talking about.
"Let's take a walk." Angel suggested, starting down the stone walkway. Buffy followed him and Eden had no choice, but to, as well. "Let me start from the beginning. I'll give you the texbook version. Contrary to popular belief this world did not start out as a paradise. It had been run by monsters and demons, the worst that you could imagine. They hunted and killed men, but then an earthquake happened, sucking all those demons into the ground, but one managed to feed off a human and mixed its blood with theirs before it died. Thus, you have your first vampire."
Buffy chuckled. "You sound just like Giles." She said, shoving Angel affectionately, while he grinned down at her. "Eden, as long as there have been vampires, there has been the Slayer. The one girl in all the world with the strength and skill to hunt them. She alone will stand against the vampires, demons and forces of darkness. Lucky for us though, nowadays, we have a bit more help, like Angel here. He's a vampire, but a good one. He was cursed with a soul, so he's seeking redemption for all his past evil deeds."
"My head is spinning." Eden rubbed her forehead. "So, you're telling me that I'm the new Vampire Slayer?"
"Precisely." Buffy nodded. "I was once the Slayer, still am infact. Well, I have the Slayer powers still, but I've been fighting for about seven years now and I've had enough. I was told to choose the next Slayer, even though it's usually when one Slayer dies another is called, but that's beside the point. I chose you because you remind me of me and I'm the longest living slayer on record, the first to retire."
"So, now it's your job to take over Buffy's role. Your fighting skills will come naturally and you'lll have no problem handling this." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So Eden's life as the Slayer began. For two weeks, she had patrolled with Buffy and trained with Angel, until they thought she was reayd to go on her own. Both had returned to LA, but they gave her their number shoulder she need them. By day she was a student at Lakeview College, by night she was a primal Warrior, hunting those who only struck in the night.
It had become a routine, leaving Eden no time for much of a social life. Her primary focuses were school and her Slaying. Her friend were very few, who she wasn't that close with anyway, seeing as she couldn't really hang out with them as much, without telling lies to keep her secret. She worked alone, mostly. Sometimes, Angel would check in and patrol with her for a time, but he did not stay long. He was not a vampire anymore, however, he had shanshued, or that's what he called it. He still possessed supernatural strength, but he was human now.
She was happy for him and for Buffy, seeing as they married soon after. Buffy was pregnant with her first child and could no longer be of much help to Eden. This also gave Angel less of a chance to visit. Eden had gotten used to being alone though. After highschool most of her friends had dearted for other cities anyway and they rarely ever called.
Eden's thirst was primarily for an adventure that would test her to the limit because that was half the fun. She also wanted comapnions, people she could rely on and have a connection with. People who will fight beside her in battle, but such an adventure was nto part of the slayer package. She got the battle part though. Every night, she'd patrol and have some good hand to hand sparrs with the vampires, before staking them. The Slayer adrenaline rush was intoxicating and she thirsted for it.
Dating had been absolutely out of the question. First, she had no time for it and second, she could not keep this big a secret from the guy withotu him getting suspicious. She was nineteen now and her last date had been to her senior prom. She hadn't lacked in being asked either. She had been asked by many guys from college, but she had reluctantly declined, stating that she had a boyfriend, even though it was a lie. She ached to be able to love like Buffy and Angel did, but they knew of each other's secrets, if she told anybody, not only would they think she was crazy, but they'd be put in danger too. She was alone and that was that. TBC

So, did you like? Tell me. I promise to add in our favorite LOTR characters in the next chapter, because that's when our heroine will meet them herself. This first chapter was just a little backround information. There will be romance too. Yes everyone, this is a Legoromance story, so sue me! I love Legolas, better yet, I love Orlando! so, if you hate him, do not continue with this story. But, remember children, if you want more, review!