punkish furball – Hello, everyone! XD

Words to Ponder:

Thank you for reviewing: VannaUsagi13, AnimeFreakAmanda, TsukiyoTenshi, Angelic Sakura Blossom, blackandwhite125, Venas, Sin of the Fallen, cadaverific-jellyfish, Princess Mia, Cosmic-lover, IchigoMxHarryP (5x), Overlord Valkyrie, Guest (1), SomedaySunshine, Spritefyre, NekoGurl98, Szayel's Angel, AngelofDarkness95, TsukiRiver, Kimiko Daichi, 4 the win, Guest (2), Guest (3), Purplediamon, Aloever (2x), SoulBlack wolf, charlielou1998, Inactive ONNMT (2x), Guest (4), Guest (5), dxlmao (2x), Guest (5), Silvog, Infinities Lover, lunamoon2424 (7x), Otaku Neko Ninja Miko Tenshi (10x)! XD

So this is the final chapter. I believe this story had a good run, but all good things must come to an end. I hope you enjoyed the ride! XD

Installment 13: Beta Testing

"You have such long, pretty hair!" Miku exclaimed as she smoothed a brush over a section of Kagome's raven locks.

Rin enthusiastically nodded as she braided several of the raven strands together.

"If you say so," Kagome mumbled.

She indifferently sat on the floor of her bedroom as Rin and Miku excitedly played in her hair, incorporating several intricate designs in it. Len was on side of them, passing the female Vocaloids combs and hair wrappers whenever they asked. Meiko and Kaito sat in front of Kagome, watching the girls work with matching grins.

"You look beautiful," Kaito smoothly commented.

"Shut up, Kaito," Kagome replied with a weak glare.

She hoped dropping the honorific would upset him. Judging by his smug expression, it didn't.

"Me too!" Miku cried indignantly, "Call my name without an honorific too!"

"Me too, Kagome-sama!" Rin exclaimed.

"Okay," Kagome said with a wince, "I won't use honorifics if you just stop pulling my hair."

"Does that apply for Len and me as well?" Meiko asked innocently, though Kagome was sure she was anything but.

"Sure, why not?" Kagome replied with a sigh.

After Rin and Miku resumed playing in her hair, the doorbell, a sound Kagome began to dread, rang downstairs.

"I'll answer it," Kaito announced and stood up to get the door.

Seconds after he left, a loud argument erupted downstairs between Kaito and another unfamiliar male voice.

"What in the world?" Kagome thought aloud and stood to make her way downstairs. The other Vocaloids followed closely behind her.

"What's going on?" she asked Kaito.

He turned to her, revealing a disgruntle mailman standing in the open doorway.

"May I help you?" Kagome asked politely.

The mail carrier huffed. "Are you Higurashi Kagome-san?"

"Yes, I am," she answered, "What's the problem?"

"I'm trying to make a delivery from the developers of Vocaloids and—"

"A delivery?" Kagome cut him off in disbelief.

"Yes," the mail carrier answered dryly, "I'm trying to complete your delivery, and I need your signature or seal please."

He held a clipboard to Kagome, but Kaito angrily pushed it away.

"We don't need anymore," Kaito vehemently told him.

"Why am I getting more packages anyway?" Kagome asked, "I thought the set was complete when Meiko was delivered."

Meiko beamed when she said her name without the suffix.

"It was, but, apparently, there's been a large recall on several units throughout the country," the mailman explained, "This house is one of the few residences were Vocaloids have been reported to function normally. Because of this, you've been chosen to beta test new units free of charge before their officially scheduled release."

The mailman handed Kagome the clipboard and ushered three more workers into the house with large, wooden crates on dollies. Wordlessly, Kagome signed her name on the board and quickly handed it back. Once her signature was obtained, the delivery men left in a hurried blur.

Kagome threw an accusing look in the direction of her current Vocaloid collection after she closed the door.

"Did any of you know about this?" she asked pointedly.

The others looked in Meiko's direction, guiding her suspicions to her.

"I'm waiting, Meiko," Kagome urged her.

"Well, I—" she nervously began, unable to find the right words.

Meiko was cut off when the lids to three boxes where pushed open from the inside. After the debris cleared, Kagome saw a pink haired diva, a green pop idol, and a purple samurai.

"Hello, Mistress!" they chorused happily, striking poses. Kagome rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Here we go again."


punkish furball – I hope you don't think I'd leave you hanging like that! There's a sequel in the works, so be on the lookout!

And by the way, pardon this shameless plug, but my little brother, chebe1320, posted his first fanfic. It's called Steadfast, a Resident Evil and InuYasha crossover. I'd really appreciate it if a few of you guys gave him some feedback since it's his first post. ^.^

L83RN355! XD

(revised 07.17.2013)