Author has written 35 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Bullet Witch, Resident Evil, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Universe, Dragon Age, V, 2009, Supernatural, Fable, Mass Effect, Saints Row, StarTrek: Voyager, Flash, Walking Dead, and Kiddy Grade. There was I time that I truly believed that I was done writing. My imagination and passion just gathered and combined and like a raging storm they pounded and pounded and eventually I gave in. I hope whoever reads my work enjoys it and will continue to do so. (Disclaimer - everything I write is for entertainment purposes only and in no way shape or form do I gain profit from it.) Currently working on: Dragon Age - Be All My Sins Remembered, Zevran/Surana Dragon Age - Herald of Friendship, Lavellan Dragon Age - Into Oblivion, Surana/Alistair Resident Evil - For Love And Truth, Wesker/Claire/Steve Saints Row - Dirty Little Secret, Female Boss/Josh Birk Stargate Atlantis - Neria, John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir Stargate Atlantis - Run With Me, Ronan Dex/Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Stargate Atlantis - Phantasm Reborn, John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir Future Stories: Big O - New Old World - Roger/Dorothy Bleach - Bliss Of Eternity, Ichigo/Orihime Stargate Atlantis - Remnants, John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir Stargate Atlantis - Let The Galaxy Burn, Elizabeth Weir |