This is my first FanFic ever, yay! I finally got around to doing one. I appreciate any reviews I get and constructive critisism is always welcome.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything Star Wars related and I probably never will. The storyline and characters (except Liah) all belong to LucasArts and Bioware etc.
A Pazaak game and three Tarisian Ales later, Liah Hallen was slowly and clumsily making her way through the many corridors onboard the Endar Spire. She hadn't intended the night to get so out of hand. It started out as a simple game of Pazaak with a few of her crewmates as a way of getting to know them. However the night quickly spun out of control when one of the men ordered a crate of Tarisian Ale, Liah had never been too good at handling Ale. After her first glass she had already started to feel a bit tipsy and by her third glass she had vomited on the Pazaak cards, prematurely ending the game.
Liah tried laughing at the memory of her crewmates' reactions but instead found herself almost vomiting again. I am going to be so sick in the morning. She thought to herself with a groan as she – after several tries – got her pass card through the slot and walked into her quarters. Deciding that it was too late to take a shower, Liah made her way to the sink instead and splashed the extremely cold water on her face then looking at herself in the mirror she sighed.
"Man, I look like hell", she stated and thinking to herself, I feel like hell to. Her reflection in the mirror showed a face with bags under her magnificently green eyes, her lips had dry vomit around the edges and her once sleek brown hair was a tangled mess that was coming out of her messy bun. Liah gave another sigh before stripping down to her undergarments and retreating back to her hard bed on the Endar Spire letting the darkness engulf her as she drifted off into a deep sleep.
Liah could feel the dark energy swirling around her as she slowly opened her eyes. She was on some kind of ship that definitely wasn't the Endar Spire. Liah took a look at the surrounding space outside the ship's massive window. Liah was shocked to see a mass of small ships diving through the stars and shooting their many coloured lasers at each other. All of a sudden something happened that drew her attention away from the ongoing battle
A dark-hooded figure had appeared at the end of the ship, the person was wearing completely black attire. However Liah couldn't get a good look at them because a long, elegant flowing cape that reached the metal ground of the ship covered the majority of it. Liah could tell that this person was extremely powerful just from the stance it was in. The figure had its head bowed, letting the hood provide a shadow that covered its face.
"You cannot win Revan", said a woman's voice from behind Liah, she turned around to see a small group of Jedi approaching the figure who Liah now knew was Revan. The leader of the group of Jedi was apparently the woman who spoke. She had a frown spread across her young face as she looked at Revan with what appeared to be pure hatred. In her hand was a double-bladed lightsaber that shone a bright yellow that danced across the woman's face as she held up her weapon. At that moment, the hooded figure, Revan also ignited his lightsaber that was a blood red.
Liah tried to yell out to them but found that her voice never reached their ears; she could feel herself slipping away from the vision as the darkness once again took her. After what seemed like hours, the seemingly never-ending darkness was replaced with bright red flashing lights and alarms that screamed for her to wake up.
Liah gradually opened her eyes taking in her surroundings, she was no longer on the foreign ship with the Jedi and Revan, and she was once again on her rock-hard bed on the Endar Spire. Not everything from her dream had gone away when she opened her eyes however; the flashing lights and blaring alarms were filling the room.
"What's going on?" she asked no one in particular as she sat up rather quickly. Her head started pounding unbearably and she was forced to lie back down again before she threw up over everything. As she lay back on her bead the realization of why her head was killing her came back. Liah groaned at her foolishness as she slowly tried to sit up again but a lot slower this time. She stood up and began searching through her drawers for some kind of pill that would make her throbbing head subside.
With no such luck she proceeded to the comm unit to contact someone who might know what was going on. As she did so the door creaked open and a tall, blonde-haired man ran through the door and stopped in front of her. He had a desperate look on his face and beads of sweat were dripping from his face. Obviously something is wrong, Liah thought to herself as she took a look at the man.
"Who are you, what's going on here?" Liah asked the panting man in front of her, concern and worry was building up inside her as the man started explaining the situation.
"My name is Trask Ulgo," the man said, taking a deep breath before continuing, "I'm your bunkmate but I'm not surprised that you haven't seen me before because we work opposite shifts. Look, there really isn't time to explain, the sith have launched an attack on the Endar Spire and we are all in danger, we have to make sure Bastila gets out of here alive, our whole mission depends on it" at a confused look from Liah, Trask went on to explain that Bastila is a Jedi that they must protect at all costs.
"We have to make our way to the bridge," Trask looked Liah up and down before hesitantly continuing, "but perhaps you should find your clothes before we head off." Trask coughed a couple of times as Liah looked down at herself and then back at Trask who was no longer looking at her but was concentrating very hard on a plant in the corner of the room.
"Right" Liah stated trying to cover up her red cheeks and the embarrassed look on her face. She walked over to her footlocker trying to process the information that she had just been giving but it was hard considering that her head still felt like a drum being belted with a hammer. I really need some caffa, she thought to herself as she got out her clothes, vibroblade and other various items that would come in handy. She took a quick glance around at Trask to make sure that he wasn't looking at her in an inappropriate way. When Trask saw Liah looking at him he quickly muttered something apologetic before quickly turning around.
Make that a hell of a lot of caffa. Liah sighed as she got dressed and strapped her vibroblade to her side. She turned around and coughed, letting Trask know she was ready.
Trask turned around and said "Ok, then lets head out we've wasted enough time already. I'll open the door with the lockdown codes I have. We'll probably have to fight our way to the bridge." He glanced at Liah with a questioning look on his face.
"I can fight, you know," Liah said as she met his stare with one of her own.
"Oh, I know, I wasn't implying… you know… that you can't fight or anything," Trask stammered, "Um, let's just go."
"Fine" Liah muttered as Trask opened the door and quickly readied his blasters, Liah did the same with her vibroblades. When there were no enemies waiting for them on the other side of the door, they both relaxed a little and proceeded towards the end of the corridor.
Liah could here the sounds of blaster going off and vibroblades clashing against each other. She groaned as her head throbbed in beat with the loud noises on the other side of the door.
Trask yelled, "get ready" before opening the door and charging at a group of Sith. Liah was startled by his reaction and had to rush forward to back up her new companion. He obviously hadn't realised that he had blasters and the majority of sith had vibroblades. Is he trying to get himself killed? Liah thought to herself as she sliced through one Sith that had his back to her then brought up her blade to block the attack from another. She kicked the leg of the Sith she was blocking and a definite crack came as he fell to the ground in pain. Liah quickly stabbed him and his screams abruptly stopped.
Liah saw Trask stagger as a Sith with two vibroblades made a large cut along his arm. Liah picked up another vibroblade from the Sith she just killed and ran over to defend her friend. She ducked as he swung both blades over her head and rolled along the ground. The Sith looked down but wasn't quick enough as Liah knocked him to the ground and plunged both her blades into his stomach.
After the initial shock of what had happened, Trask gathered himself and ran over to Liah to help her up. Liah accepted gratefully and when she was back on her feet, she sighed as she looked down at her clothes which were now completely covered in the blood of the Sith she just killed.
"That was…impressive," Trask admitted thinking of a word that could best describe what had happened, "are you hurt?" He looked her up and down making sure that she was ok.
"I'm fine, I wish I could say the same about you," Liah said as she rummaged through the pack on her side, "Here" she said holding out a medpac.
"Thanks" Trask said as he accepted the medpac and injected it into his arm with a small grunt. All of a sudden the ship shook violently, throwing Liah and Trask off balance and crashing into the wall.
"Damn! We have to get out of here now or we'll end up like them." Trask said as he pointed to the bodies of the Sith they had just killed. Liah nodded in silent agreement and they made their way to end of the corridor, Liah was thankful for the silence for a change, at least until the personal communicator started beeping.
"Carth Onasi here on your personal communicator," said the voice on the comm just as an image appeared on screen. The man named Carth Onasi had short hair with two strands hanging in front of his face, he had a short beard and at the moment a furrowed brow as he was frantically pushing buttons on a control panel in front of him, "Bastila's escape pod has already ejected so you better make your way to the escape pods, I can't wait much longer. Onasi out."
"Well I guess we have no reason to sick around, especially if Cath Onasi says things are bad." Trask said as he fiddled with the lock on the next door.
"You know him?" Liah asked as she wiped her soaked blades on her already bloody pants. Trask, frustrated, gave up on trying to open the door and decided to kick it instead. Surprisingly, all that managed to do was hurt his foot.
"Yes," Trask stated, getting agitated, "Carth is a republic war hero, a lot of people admire him, including me." Liah nodded and took out a small device that she had in her bag and used it on the locked door in front of them. The door sprung open instantly and they both walked through into a corridor that curved at the end. Trask muttered something under his breath that sounded remarkably like 'show off'.
They carefully and silently made their way to the end of the corridor where Liah activated her stealth field generator and peered around the corner to see a group of Sith take down some republic soldiers. "Damn!" Liah cursed under her breath as she deactivated her stealth field generator.
"I take it by your reaction that its not good news then." Trask said trying to lighten the mood but failing miserably. He looked at Liah and was surprised to see that she was deep in thought.
"Do you have any grenades?" she asked and once again delved into her bag. Trask gave her a questioning look before replying "no". Liah sighed at this and took out three grenades; two frags and a concussion. She handed one frag and the concussion grenade to Trask.
"Do you think you can cover me? I'll run out there and you throw the concussion grenade at the furthest sith, ok" Liah continued on explaining their course of action as another blast knocked the ship and a panel from the ceiling crashed to the ground near Liah and Trask. They could hear the Sith talking amongst each other and then their footsteps as they came running over to find out what caused the noise.
"Ok, new plan," Liah said as she readied her vibroblades and Trask followed suit with his blasters. As the Sith came around the corner Liah jumped at them, slicing the first enemy across the chest, however one of the Sith behind her swung their blade and it came down on Liah's shoulder. She fell to the ground in pain as the Sith that attacked her held his blade above his head ready to end her life. Liah closed her eyes and waited for the pain that never came, instead she heard a body fall to the ground. She opened her eyes to see to see Trask lower his blaster, and then her eyes travelled to the body on the ground with a smoking hole it the back of its head.
"Nice shot, thanks" Liah said as Trask helped her up from the ground. Liah winced at the pain in her shoulder as she stood up. She took out a medpac from her bag and injected it in her shoulder. The pain instantly began to subside however she did need another medpac to stop the bleeding and close the wound. Liah decided against it, thinking it better to keep them for a more pressing emergency.
"Nothing to it" Trask said in an 'it was nothing' kind of way. Liah had to hide a laugh as they began to make their way through the next door.
Three rooms and a horde of Sith later, Liah and Trask had exhausted their supply of medpacs and each had gained a new gash on them. They had already encountered a Jedi battle where the Jedi had defeated the Dark Jedi only to meet the same fate as him moments later due to an explosion.
They were currently on the bridge and were almost to the crew quarters when a door opened and a robed figure with a lightsaber in hand walked out to meet them with a malicious look on his face.
"You need to get to the escape pods now, GO! I'll try and stall him." With that Trask began to run forward to his certain doom. Liah grabbed at his arm and tried to sway him from his decision but Trask shook her off and ran into the room where his demise waited for him. Liah ran after him but her shoulder and leg were causing her too much pain. The last thing she saw was the red of the lightsaber as it was activated, then the doors closed behind Trask. Liah reached the door listening to the sound of the lightsaber and blaster going off.
"No, no, no, no, no!" Liah was now crying between her words as she tried desperately to open the door but all her attempts were in vain. Then there was silence, a silence that was worse than any sound could possible be. Liah didn't want to think what this meant; instead she picked herself up and made her way as fast as possible to the door to the crew quarters. She definitely didn't want to meet the same end as her friend and just about everyone else onboard the Endar Spire.
Liah was angry now and this fuelled her will to survive, a small group of Sith were waiting for her in the next room. The first one started at her with a vibroblade while the other one backed him up by shooting at Liah with his blasters.
The first Sith brought his blade down over Liah's head but she blocked with one hand and used the other to bring her spare blade across and slice the Sith's stomach. She pushed him to the floor just in time to bring her vibroblade around and reflect the blaster fire back at the remaining enemy. As he fell to the ground, Liah's comm went off, startling her as she reached to activate it. I was Carth Onasi again.
"You're close to the escape pods now, it's just past the next room. I've been monitoring your progress on the ship's life support system, you are the last remaining crew member alive on this ship," Carth noticed how the woman on the other line looked away with a sad expression on her face, he also noticed that the man that he saw earlier was no longer there, "I'm sorry about your friend but unless you can get past the next door you'll be joining him and many other good men and women who were also lost during this attack. Now, there is a computer panel in the room and a droid as well, you can either hack into the console and override the panel next door to reduce their numbers or you can reprogram the droid to do the same. It's up to you just hurry, I can't wait much longer. Onasi out."
As the transmission cut out, Liah walked over to the console in the corner of the room and activated it. Despite the situation she was in she couldn't help but smile as the action of hacking into the console brought back a lot of memories. Liah shook the thought out of her head as she concentrated on the task at hand. After inserting the computer spikes, she waited for a while until she heard a loud explosion and the screams of Sith as logged off the console. She took what she could from the bodies of her enemies and proceeded to do the same in the next room.
Liah finished scavenging the bodies of the fallen Sith scattered on the floor around her. She roughly cleaned her blades on the closest body before returning them to their position at her side. She walked over to the door, happy that she will finally be able to escape this death trap.
As she used her security spike on the door, she was met with two blasters pointed at her. She quickly reached for her vibroblades but stopped when she realised who it was in the room, Carth Onasi.
Carth lowered his blasters at the person in the room when he recognised her as the woman in the transmission. He let out a sigh as he moved to put his blasters away and Liah did the same with her weapons. By now she was swaying with pain and the loss of blood. Carth obviously noticed this as he asked if she was ok.
"I'm fine, really" she said through gritted teeth even though her answer wasn't very convincing as she winced as she said it.
"Yeah, and I'm a Wookie" Carth said as he made his way over to her to inspect her wounds.
Liah moved away stating "Look, we need to get off this ship now before we get blown to pieces." She looked at him with pleading eyes, waiting for his reply.
After a moment he said, "You win but at soon as we reach the surface of Taris, I'm getting you to a doctor." Liah nodded and made her way over to the escape pods. She looked back at him with a questioning look, "I don't think we're both going to fit in this." Liah pointed to the pod as she spoke.
"Well, probably because it's only built for one," Carth walked over to the escape pod, opened the door and peered in, "It'll be a tight squeeze but I'm sure we'll fit somehow." Liah didn't really like the idea of being so close to some guy she just met but was too sore and tired to argue so she just nodded in agreement.
Carth climbed into the escape pod and fastened himself in and motioned for Liah to follow. As Liah moved to get in after Carth, another blast shook the ship causing more panels from the walls and ceiling to fall away. It also caused Liah to slip and fall forwards into the pod, straight into Carth's lap. After a moment of silence, Carth helped Liah sit on his lap properly. When Liah reached up to close the door of the pod, she snuck a glance at the man behind her. He was quite handsome but his cheeks were red from embarrassment, Liah game him a quick smile before sitting back on his lap.
Carth wrapped his arms around the woman tightly but noticed her wince with pain, so he loosened his grip a little saying "sorry about that."
"It's ok but we really need to go." She said holding on to his arms tightly.
"Hold on tight, this is going to be a bumpy ride." Carth said as he reached over and pressed the 'eject' button. The escape pod was ejected from the Endar Spire at a startling speed. They escaped just in time to look back and see the ship explode with a mass of colour and force as it jolted the pod making Liah hold Carth more tightly as the planet came up to meet them at a startling speed.
Wow! Finally done first chapter. Took a lot longer than I thought. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it and any reviews are appreciated. Thanks!