Chapter 56:

Eden's POV:

With my legs locked around his serpentine body, Cian rose up, streaming through the twilight. Wind greeted me as the ground fell away, with one hand wrapped firmly around the leather strap; I ran the other down his neck. The scales felt like polished jewels, hard and smooth, but flexible as he stretched and flew high into the sky.

I felt as though we were in the clouds and if I wanted to, I could reach up and close my fist around a star. Cian let out a trumpeting call, obviously enjoying the ride as much as I was. I leaned with him in the turns as we soared over the plains that had once taken me days to cover by horse.

All too soon, the familiar rocky rise surrounded by a wooden wall and covered in various huts and cottages came into view. I could see the larger, grand hall at the very top of the rise that housed the King of Rohan. We had reached Edoras.

"Take me down just outside the walls." I ordered, leaning forward.

The rush of speed slapped me back as he arrowed toward the ground just outside the city gates. Yet, despite the rush, he managed to land rather gracefully. I leapt of his back and took a moment to lean against his side, catching my breath as I stood on solid ground again.

"That was freaking awesome!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my childlike excitement and glee.

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, Eden. You are a very good rider, light seat and gentle hands. Cian nudged me gently with his nose.

"I've ridden horses all my life, but that was something else." I gave his scaly cheek a pat. "I can't wait to do it again."

Neither can I. His head shot up suddenly as we both heard footsteps running toward the gates.

"Who goes there?" Came a shout from the top of the walls. I could hear the creak of arrows being loaded into bows and beside me, Cian growled in warning.

"Do not fear, I bring you no harm." I held out my hands so that they were away from the weapons I wore. "It's me, Eden. I've returned to Rohan."

The gates cracked open and I was pleased to see the familiar form of Gamling step outside. "Lady Eden?" His eyes were wide with shock at the sight of me and awe at the sight of Cian. "We thought you returned to your world."

"I had." I smiled grimly at him. "But, the dangers that were plaguing my world have moved here and I've come to fight them. I can't do it alone, which is why I'm here. I need Rohan."

"You have a dragon." He stated rather dumbly, as he remained staring at Cian.

"Yes, this is Cian. He brought me here and will be one of my most valuable weapons in battle. Please, Gamling, I need to see Eomer." I touched his shoulder and he looked at me again. "I know it is late, but this is important."

"Yes, of course. Come in." Gamling gestured to the gates and I paused to look back at Cian, who looked ready to take to the sky.

You are safe for the night. Edoras is no place for me as a dragon. I'm going off to sleep for a bit. Don't worry, I'll be back and if you need me, call me. I can hear your thoughts, so just call upon me.

"Goodnight Cian." I watched him lift off and fly back towards Fanghorn Forest, no doubt where he slept, then I followed Gamling inside.

The Grand Hall hadn't changed much, I noted, surveying the room while Gamling went to wake Eomer. The throne was still on a platform above the floor so the King could view the entire hall from where he sat and long tables lined the sides. A few torches lit the room, making the firelight dance across the walls.

"You better have a good reason for stirring me from my slumber, Gamling. You know it does not come easy to me these days." I heard Eomer's tired voice and his footsteps as he approached the hall.

"How about a visit from an old friend, a Shield maiden of Rohan perhaps?" I asked with a bright smile, when he appeared in the doorway.

In an instant, all remnants of sleep were gone from his eyes and he shoved his blonde hair off his face, blinking rapidly to make sure he was seeing me correctly. When I hadn't moved, he let out a shout of joy and rushed at me. The air was squeezed out of my lungs as he crushed me to him, embracing me tightly.

"Eden!" He placed me gently back on my feet. "You're here!"

"I am." I nodded and giggled. "I'm finally here."

"I still cannot believe it's you standing before me. We thought you were gone forever." Through his bright smile and happy eyes, I could see the toll that the new order of Middle Earth was taking on him. There were dark circles under his eyes and his skin hung a bit looser on his face, obviously sleeping and eating hadn't been his main priorities lately.

"I was supposed to be. I'm only back here on an urgent matter." I hated to put a damper on our happy reunion, but we had lost so much time as it is. "I'm afraid war is upon us again."

He sighed heavily. "I should have known you wouldn't be here otherwise. Would this have anything to do with a preacher that came to see me nigh five days ago?"

"It has everything to do with him." I nodded, gesturing to a table in the corner. "Perhaps we should sit down. I need to know everything that he told you."

He sank into one of the chairs and waited until I had taken a seat across from him. "Aye, I'll tell you what happened. I was discussing matters of state with Gamling and Grimbold when he came, his name was Calem and he called himself a harbinger of a new revolution."

"He's a harbinger all right, and not a good one." I agreed with a sharp frown.

"He told us that he had come to Middle Earth to further unite us, under one religion as it were. We should embrace that of the First Being, who was here long before any man, dwarf or elf resided in these lands." Eomer shook his head. "He said if we all believed the First would return to earth again, to bring the world under one rule once more."

"Sounds exactly like Sauron, don't you think?" I quipped dryly.

"That was my first thought as well. Why should we give up all our belief just because this man said to, a man with evil eyes and a cruel voice. He did not seem to be a harbinger of good fortune, in my eyes and I would not subject my people to that." Eomer stated adamantly. "Then I remembered what you said to me long ago, about why the slayer existed. This world did not start as a paradise, it was run by demons. So how can the First Being be anything but a demon?"

"That choice just saved the entire Kingdom of Rohan." I gazed at my friend proudly. It was so like Eomer to immediately think on his feet, having more experience with matters of state.

"Unfortunately King Elessar was more easily coerced into Calem's speeches. Aragorn thinks that if the peoples of Middle Earth have one belief then it will lessen the chances of war amongst ourselves in the near future. But, it will only ruin us in the end." Eomer stood abruptly. "That is why you are here, isn't it? Calem has not brought anything but war to this land."

"Yes." I dropped my gaze to my hands. "It's is not the First Being he is serving, rather the First Evil. He will unleash a horde of vampires into Middle Earth and they will not only kill, but mutilate every last man, woman and child in this world and mine as well."

"We must stop him!"

"We will. That's why I'm here, Eomer. I could not bring my little army from my world. I need Rohan at my flank when I face off against Calem and the First." I placed a gentle hand on his arm. "I'll need you to help me and I will also need to locate Gandalf."

"Gandalf the White has sailed the last ship away from the days of men. He is unreachable." Eomer said sadly.

"Then we'll find a way to reach him." I rose to my feet. "We have one month until Lammas and then we will go to war. We have one month to train your soldiers how to fight against vampires and gather as many allies as we can. And, we have one month, to bring Gandalf back to our world. I need him if I'm going to win this."

"Eden, what about Legolas?" Eomer eyes held pity. "He is with Aragorn and Calem."

"Legolas is in great danger, Eomer. The best way to kill a slayer is to kill her soul mate first. A huge piece of me dies, leaving me weak and vulnerable. Calem will not kill him until Lammas, but we have to be ready to save him because if he dies, so do I, and then we're all doomed." I closed my first and pressed it to my heart. "I will not see Legolas until Lammas, when I save his life. He is too close to Aragorn to fall astray, so Rohan must be ready to back me up."

"We will." Eomer nodded determinedly. "Rohan will follow you into the abyss, Eden. You are not only a Shield maiden to this land but a hero. Even now, old men tell the young stories of the warrior girl from the future who fought for their King and helped save us all."

"Well they'll be expanding their tales, my friend, because I'm about to help save you all again." Because I needed it, I reached up and hugged him. "I knew I could count on you, on Rohan."

"We will always be your ally, Eden." He returned my embrace. "We should get some rest for what is left of the night. We have all day tomorrow to plan and to strategize. I will speak with my people, once they know it is your cause for which we fight, we'll have an army greater than any ever seen."

"I'm going to count on that." I grinned broadly at him. "But before we do, let me ask you something. What do you know about dragons?"

"Dragons?" He raised an eyebrow and walked with me towards the bedchambers.

A/N: I love Rohan, and Eomer. They just had to be Eden's first ally, considering all that happened between them. For all those who are worrying about Legolas and Eden, don't worry so much. I'm a sucker for happy endings, there is just going to be a lot of angst and drama getting there, so sit tight. Review please.