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![]() Author has written 22 stories for CSI, Mutant X, CSI: Miami, TV X-overs, CSI: New York, Criminal Minds, Fushigi Yuugi, and Lord of the Rings. The name's RK9, and I'm a Malaysian girl who happens to enjoy reading and writing fanfic.I'm a pretty average (coughextra-hugesuperfanaticcough) fan of LOTR, CSI:NY and Criminal Minds. I'm still a Mutant X fan, even though production has stopped on that show (FORBES MARCH FOREVER!). I love Young Blades (yet another cancelled show, blast it) and I also like movies like Pirates of the Caribbean, Ocean's 11/12, and of course, Pokemon. Who doesn't love Pokemon? (gets out gun and glares) Oh. And I like Without a Trace and NCIS! And Fushigi Yuugi! Yeah! I love that, no da! La Corda D'Oro as well! And recently, Detective Conan! Update as of15 May, 2012 - Thanks for all the feedback on my fics, and I'm sorry, but until my thesis is done I just don't think I'm going to be any more free to write and update. I do still work on the fic, but less than I used to. Uni life sucks like that. :( To those waiting for updates, I'm sorry, but I will only update when I can. Until then, keep on keeping on, and I wish you all the best. RK9. 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 My favorite pairings are: CSI:Miami: Horatio/Calleigh. DuCaine forever! CSI:NY: Mac/Lindsay, FM Radio... Flack/Me? LOL. I can handle Danny/Lindsay for now, but have to say I'm in the minority as I don't support it much... I'm still reeling that they made it canon. It would be more difficult to watch... but thankfully even season 5 has oodles of Mac/Lindsay moments to keep me satisfied and happy... :) Mutant X: Jesse/Shalimar. NEVER Brennan/Shalimar or Jesse/Lexa. Young Blades: Siroc/Jacqueline (To me they are a better pairing than the obnoxious d'Artagnan/Jacqueline.) NCIS: No pairing, but this show rocks. :) LOTR: Aragorn/Arwen, Faramir/Eowyn, Sam/Rosie, Legolas...hm. (This one's obvious, ya know?) Criminal Minds: Morgan/Garcia, Hotch/JJ (minor) Fushigi Yugi: Chichiri/me, Chichiri/OC, Tasuki/OC, Tamahome/Miaka (canon) La Corda D'Oro/Kinoro no Corda: Mostly Len/Kahoko. I will go for other pairings if it is well-written and believable, but otherwise that's my main ship for this fandom. And btw, I totally challenge anyone to write a Shoko/Ryotaro or Shoko/one of the guys. There aren't any Shoko/canon male fics, and I would like to see someone besides Shimizu-kun take an interest in poor Shoko...though yes, I like Shimizu/Shoko stories too. Pretear: Hayate/Himeno, Sasame/OC (not sure I like Takako all that much) Ouran High School Host Club: Tamaki/Haruhi, Kyoya/Haruhi, Mori/Haruhi. No yaoi/yuri. Detective Conan: Shinichi/Ran, Heiji/Kazuha, Kaito/Aoko, Satou/Takagi. Basically all the canon relationships. But more than romance, I love friendship fics between Conan/Shinichi, Heiji... and including Kaito and Hakuba as well. But especially Conan/Heiji friendship. Love how well they work together - like brothers, like best friends. :) 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 Info on my stories Stories with awards Bullet Girl - won in the CSI Fanfic Awards in 2005, under the category of Character Study for Calleigh. It won a banner, but flickr no longer hosts it. Love on Canvas - won in the CSI Fanfic Awards in 2006, under the Category of Romance - Miami - Het: Horatio/Calleigh. Banner: http:///albums/ss207/espeon9466/CSIFFAwards2006.jpg) Completed works Footprints On The Heart: Building a Family Criminal Minds Inspired by the Magnificent 7 Little Britches AU. 'Building a Family' is the founding fic, from which all other fics will branch off. This sandbox has been opened, so if you want to write in this AU, you may. :) I only ask that you maintain some simple rules: no slash, no permanent removal of little Derek, Spencer and JJ from their guardians Hotch and Gideon, and tell me about your fic, so I can link to it from my profile. I also have some more stories after the first story is finished, so there will definitely be more - just need time and inspiration to work on them. Thanks to neko of Warriors Forest, I now have a gorgeous graphic for this fic which I absolutely love - http:///nl7xch.jpg Works-in-progress: Footprints on the Heart (CSI:NY) Set in the same universe as the Footprints on the Heart (Criminal Minds) AU, this is also inspired by the Magnificent 7 Little Britches AU. I'm working on the founding fic now. Features little Danny for now... with Stella and Mac. :) The rest of the team will come in later as the story evolves. Saga of the Wolf: Wolfheart, Wolflight, Wolfsong) LOTR This is my current baby... And it's almost done! I'll get more up ASAP, but RL is going to turn hectic for both me and my beta. This is one story in three parts, following the format of the LOTR book. Wolfheart introduces my female OC, Lady, and her adventures as she follows the Fellowship on their journey. No, she is not a Mary-Sue, nor is she a self-insert. In fact, if I had to say who inspired her character, try Hikari "Kari" Kamiya from Digimon Adventure, and maybe Cassie of Animorphs (though more minor), along with a mix of several other characters from movies/shows that I love and even some of my friends in real life. But I do know what she's supposed to be like, and that's how I write her. No, this will not be a Legomance. It would be unrealistic, perhaps even wrong because of what Lady currently is... so no romance, except what is canon, and if I do make it a Legomance, it will be in a sequel. For a beautiful graphic on the fic, see what my friend summer has made: http:///2dh8vad.jpg Two Princes LOTR This is a fourth-age fic, and has nothing to do with the Wolf Saga whatsoever. It is AU, but only because I rearranged the timeline for Aragorn's past life... otherwise it's a normal fourth-age fic. Read the summary for more info... and there's a detailed author's note to explain everything about it. I will resume work on this when I find the time. Works I hope to complete someday: A Light in Dark Places CSI: NY A case file type fic, with little to no romance, thought up after I fell in love with the show in season two. I do have an ending planned... just no time to write right now, since I can barely focus even on my other two main fics, The Wolf Saga and Footprints On The Heart. If you're reading this and are appalled at the lack of Danny/Lindsay, you have to remember it was started before season 3 even... and I'm kinda more a MelTy and FM Radio fan. Fushigi Yuugi: Before The Light Fushigi Yuugi On hiatus because I lost all my files for it. I save all my fics on my pen drive and not in my computer, and before I could back up what I had done, something happened to corrupt my pen drive and so I lost the files for not just this, but several other fics, some of which weren't even posted. I just lost my desire to work on this, so I'm taking a break in hopes my muse will come back. And if I do, I plan to revamp some of the earlier chapters as well, since it's been pointed out that my story sounds way too similar to Amaya-san's fic "Gathering Again". I'm sorry, but they really are original creations, and I don't know where she intended to go with her characters but I am going in a different direction with mine from hers. Anyway, it's a moot point, but I do see where they are rather similar, so I plan to change them a little more. Plagiarism was not intended, I assure you - I've had that done to me and I know it sucks, and I would never do that to any other fellow writers. Besides, I love Amaya-san's fic - go read it if you haven't, even if it's inactive and unfinished, it's so cool. Jason: Reloaded CSI I started this ages... ago. Ugh. I have one final chapter planned, but knowing me, it'll probably end up more. I'll try and finish this... just haven't muse for writing Jason at the moment, and it's been ages since I've had the heart to watch CSI... ever since Grissom and Sara got together, my heart's just been broken, and now I prefer CSI: Miami and CSI: NY... though I still love Nick and the other chars. Just not Grissom with Sara. (Be mature about this, folks - I have a right to my own opinion, even if it clashes with yours, and I've never been a Grissom/Sara fan, not even when I first started watching and was completely bonkers about this show a few years back. Flame if you want - my dog loves roasted chicken, and I could use the flames. But you'll be wasting your time, and you'll come out looking rather immature and intolerant, so why bother?) Well, that's it for now, until I get the time and/or energy to add more about my other fics... Kudos! RK9. |