![]() Author has written 47 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, Soul Eater, and Samurai Champloo. My avatar belongs to the lovely Drisela who doodled this from "Each Other". UPDATE: (8-13-14) I've been out of the fandom for a while due to personal issues over the past couple years. That being said, yes, I'm going through a separation from the SO after 14 years together. I've made my peace with it and even though it's only been 2 months, I'm happy again. My goal is to get back into to doing things I love- WRITING! Once again, I plan to get my feet wet in the fandom pool then eventually write my original fics. I think it will be interesting to see where my writing will go now. Thank you to everyone who has continued to stop by even after all these years. I will do my best to finish those WIPS, maybe get out a few more one shots, maybe a couple sequels, hit up a couple other fandoms. Who knows where this journey will take us but it will sure be fun! j UPDATE: (2/9/2011) No, I haven't died or whatnot. I've actually been working on an original fic that I'm really hoping to get finished this year. That is my goal. So if my updates are spotty that's why. Why, hello there! So I recently got into reading fanfictions and can say that I'm hooked. It's become a secret fetish. After reading so many though, plot bunnies galore have been hopping in my head and I'm slowly trying to free them. I get tired of the same played out story lines so I try to be unique. Most of my stories are inspired by music, but I refuse to write a song-fic. I take personal experiences and try to translate the realism into the fictional world. I have tried to write for other cartoons/books/etc, but for some reason I don't have the same inspiration as I do for Avatar. Very weird. My husband even insisted that I should write a book of my own, but because I've become OCD over fanfiction I can't come up with a original idea. Pity because I had quite a few before I started writing fanfiction. I do have the tendency to write the citrus but please don't let that stop you from enjoying the stories. Since it has been several years since I've written anything, I would value any feedback from other writers and readers, so if you have any please PM me. I'm always open to any critiques that will help my writing improve. If I read your story, I do try my best to leave a review. Feedback is a two way street and I hope others are as open to it as I am to receiving. I am compelled to add that if there are any artists out there that are inspired to draw a scene or whatever from my stories I would absolutely love to see what you come up with. Other than that, I am a child of the 80's, teen of the 90's and grownup of the 00's. I'm a SAHM so I get to spend most of my time on the computer being my geeky self. If I had to describe myself I'd say I'm traditionally untradtional. I'm a tattooed, computer and cartoon addicted geek who looks like I wouldn't be remotely interested in such things. Thanks to my son I was introduced to the awesomeness that is Avatar. then I hit the fandom hard and somehow stumbled into Zutara and I was hooked. From there I fell into Full Metal Alchemist. Hughes was/is my favorite with Al coming in second. Then I found Cowboy Bebop and again I fell in love perhaps more so than FMA. Likes: coffee, chocolate, cooking, cartoons (Japanese animation is the best! but I love American as well), NCIS (I love Abby and McGee ), electronica (I'm hooked on goa ambient right now). and classic rock (there's a jump huh?), reading (l read pretty much all genres as long as it interests me, I'll read it), playing on the computer , sci-fi, the supernatural (I love ghost stuff even though it scares the crap out of me), vampire stories (having "grown up" on Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, I tried the Twilight thing but it was a rough road that only led to disappointment. I can't fathom how a writer- a woman no less- can endorse the emotional desecration of her "heroine". It was laughable at best, heartbreaking at worst. To be told that I'm nothing without a man pissed me off to no end. Even if I were a teen I would have hated it), and Star Wars (although this was one of those empires that I grew up on, the more recent additions have failed to keep my interests piqued. Ep 4-6 are the true SW, the rest is fodder. Frankly the KOTOR games are better than the movies. I sincerely hope there will be a third in the series). I only recently started reading Harry Potter (I swear I get into trends just as their coming to a close) and must say for a kid's book it's pretty darn great. ships: zutara (FTW), Taang and Tokka. I also love the idea of JetxKataraxZuko (Jetkotara?). I'm in the process of writing a fun little story about that threesome that will probably wind up posted on instead of here. Stay tuned. While I'm a Zutara shipper and prefer the het stuff, I do enjoy a little yaoi and yuri from time to time. I like Jetko and Zukka and Maitara. I don't usually post these, but I had to. And I swear I did not plan on the outcome. List twelve of your favorite characters from your fandom, in no particular order. 1: Zuko 2: Katara 3: Sokka 4: Toph 5: Iroh 6: Azula 7: Ty Lee 8: Suki 9: Aang 10: King Bumi 11: Jet 12: Ozai Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Azula/Jet… No, but that’d be a fun read. Now I want to see if there is any. Do you think Four is hot? How hot? Toph. Maybe when she gets older she'll be smoking. But, I'm not into 12yo girls. Pedo! What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? Ozai, Suki. Screw the comet, this would end the world. Sokka would single-handedly take down the Fire Lord. Can you recall any fics about Nine? Aang... seriously?. Would Two and Six make a good couple? Katara/Azula… A good couple, perhaps if Azula wasn't insane . a good yuri scene, hell to the yeah! Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why? Iroh/Aang vs. Iroh/King Bumi... My brain just exploded. Pedophilia vs. old man butt secks... either way, it's not working for me. I might like the yaoi but that's just too much. What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? Ty Lee walks in on Katara/Ozai... oh good god… is that my "Revenge" story?? Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic. Sokka/King Bumi. "Get me out of this genamite, you rock throwing weirdo" says Sokka… "Answer the question… What… do you think of my outfit?" King Bumi threatens... "Your shoes don’t go with your purse, now let me out." says Sokka. "You're right! Now we go eat."... Fin. I guess that wouldn't be a summary per se, but I could see it. Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff? Zuko/Suki… I imagine yes. Oh actually I remember one from a bit ago. She was marrying Sokka, but she was seeing Zuko on the side. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic. Ty Lee/Ozai. "I’ll Save You From My Daughter." Get it? A play on I'll Save You From the Pirates. Get it? Yeah, I know lame. boo. Does anyone on your friends list read Three heat? Sokka.. oh yeah I’m sure they do. You'd be crazy not to! Water Tribe, yeah! Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven? Jet… again I imagine they do… he's a bad boy... with a thing for Zuko. aaaww, yeah! Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five? Katara/Toph/Iroh… Mneh. Maybe. I kind of did in Each Other, does that count. If you wrote a Song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose? Suki…Hmm… I know songs, but I never remember titles, is that weird. I can think of the song, but haven't a clue what it's called. Ack! If it were Mai, it'd be "Cuts like a Knife" by Bryan Adams. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be? Zuko/Azula/Ozai… umm... some massive firecest/pedophilia ahead. You have been warned. Of course, that'd be if it were lemon which I tend to do, otherwise, Zuko takes out his crazy sister and dad in massive flaming, sword action (why does that sound lemony too? I need to get my head out of the gutter). When was the last time you read a fic about Five? Iroh… well I just wrote a little bit of him yesterday, so does that count? "(1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (9) runs off with (4). (1), brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with (11) and a brief unhappy affair with (12), then follows the wise advice of (5) and finds true love with (3). What title would you give this fic? Zuko and Ty Lee are in a happy relationship until Aang runs off with Toph. Zuko, brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with Jet and a brief unhappy affair with Ozai then follows the wise advice of Iroh and finds true love with Sokka. What title would you give this fic? Too busy laughing to come up with a title…. The beginning was fine, I could see it. Although am confused why 1 would be brokenhearted if they are in a happy relationship with 7 and it's 9 and 4 that run off, but I won't deny the hotness of some Jetko action, but then he does his dad, and following Iroh’s advice (and we know that, along with tea, Iroh gives great advice. He wouldn't steer Zuko wrong), finds love with Sokka (which I love Zukka as much as I love Zutara and Jetko). I might just have to write this story. Or see if alexb49 will. How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon? Ty Lee/Suki… well the Kyoshi warriors are close after all. That'd be some hot, flexible yuri action my friends! |