by RK9
Disclaimer: Mutant X isn't mine. If I owned it, this show would be definitely more Shal/Jesse-ish. Because, Shal belongs with Jesse! And vice-versa! Why don't they see?
Oh well. This is why we have fanfiction. :)
Notes: I was looking through Jaguar's Unofficial Forbes website, going through the MX images from The Shock of the New, when I found this picture of Jesse working on the computer, with Shal standing nearby watching him. It got me thinking about what Shal was thinking while she was standing there with that look on her face...looking at Jesse.
And so, this fic was born. It's short, yes, and kinda boring...but undoubtedly Shal/Jesse. And yes, I know the quoting from the pilot ep might not be absolutely correct, but take note that as my exams start Monday, I don't have the time to actually go watch the ep and write down exactly word-for-word what they say. So bear with it, and forgive me. Think of it as an alternate scene, if you will.
(Shal's POV)
I could smell that he was upset.
My best friend sat silently in the surfer chair, typing furiously and basically ignoring my presence as he worked to create Emma's new identity. I wondered every now and again how he could do things like this. How he could be hurt when Emma called him a freak, and yet forgive anyway and continue doing what he had to do to keep Emma, and others like her safe even through the hurt. Then I remembered – he could, because he was Jesse. He forgave. He liked to see the best in people. Something I would do well to learn from him.
I moved a little closer. I had grown accustomed to his smell from the very first day he arrived in Sanctuary. He'd been like a little lost kid, and my protective feral nature had gone all out to protect him, and care for him. Jesse had needed me, and in a way, I had needed him. I had needed him to teach me that feral or not, no man (or girl in my case), was an island.
Jesse and I had grown together, and evolved into two people who were more than just best friends, more than brother and sister, closer than identical twins, if I may say so. We loved each other, and our love had brought us together through all the trials and tribulations of growing up as new mutant teenagers. Sometimes we fought, of course, but it never lasted long enough, and if anything, our disagreements brought us closer together.
So, I had learnt to tell when my...packmate? No. When my... soulmate, was upset.
Tentatively, I asked, "You okay, Jess?"
He typed something into the damned keyboard before replying, "Yeah. But I'm sorry about Emma."
"So am I," I replied.
"It would have been nice to have another woman on the team."
I gave a small smile, thinking of what might have been. "Yeah, I know."
Jesse turned, and I sensed that already he was feeling better. I smiled. He smiled. I moved even closer, until I sat on Jesse's lap. He grinned. "Kinda hard to work like this," he pointed out.
"Tough," I shot back. "I'm comfortable."
He tickled me, and I shot off, laughing. "You cheat." I scolded lightly.
He put on an innocent face that caused an angel's to dim in comparison. I smiled, and together we worked on Emma's new identity information.
And I was pleased to note as I left for the safehouse later, that Jesse didn't smell so upset anymore.
That was unbetaed, but let me know what you think of it anyway! Be honest!
And for a look at the pic that inspired all this... copy and paste this link...without the spaces in between of course.
http: img . photobucket . com / albums / v30 / SynergeticWolf / Mutant20X / ShalandJesse . jpg
And this other pic is just for any Shal/Jesse shippers to enjoy:
http: img . photobucket . com / albums / v30 / SynergeticWolf / Mutant20X / TheKiss. jpg
Hope you all like! (Also hoping that will let the pics show...) Have fun, and now please press that cute little purple button and drop me a review!
Shout-outs go to:
Feral's Revenge - (RK9's head promptly explodes) Thanks for all the compliments, and I hope this story pleases you!
aniki19 - (RK9 hands her a puke bucket) There, there...hope this story makes you feel better.
Roceane - Well, that's good to know. Here's a little hug to say thank you.
Lola67 - Hello Rapport. You can't fool me. I know you. (evil grin) Glad you liked the story, dear. And the one frick wrote...I'm sure she had fun making Jesse jealous all right. We don't know how many chappies we'll have, but this is an Anthology, a collection, so it could be short or long depending on how much inspiration we get. And we have a lot of ideas for Shal/Jesse fics...they just don't come out right sometimes, so we work on them until we can post them here.
Fiery Feral - Thanks! Hope you liked this one too!
koalared - Why, that's great! We're running out of Shal/Jesse shippers here, aren't we? I'm hoping to resurrect this dying breed.
LuvMX - Yes, I hear you. I'm very glad you're honest. Not many people who are nowadays, you know. I hope this fic was better for you.
Capricornus152 - Thank you. :) You're great for my ego.
gelf - Give me time, and I'll go read your fics, I promise. Once my exams end and I can get my mom to increase my net time. Glad you liked it. For the record, I don't know where frickangel came up with Greg, but I do know she watches CSI and is a Greg Sanders fan...;) She told me Tipsy was based on a true story...go figure.
wox-77 and Shalgal - (huggles her sisters)
cat - You think so? I'm glad.Chocolates and Forbes for you. :D
lefthandedsnail - Thanks Sa.
Jaid Ziaen - Freakngel and I are thrilled that you're worshipping us and all. (grins) We've decided we like it.
I'd like to know how you watched season 4, though. Has it come out where you live? As far as I know it hasn't aired in the US yet, has it? In Malaysia, where frick and I are from, we're in the middle of s3.
On a side note, I'm glad you love Paige so much. You can borrow her for occasional hugs but do remember to return her to Shal and Jesse before Shal's feral protectiveness kicks in. You don't want to mess with and angry, protective-moded mother feral, now do you?
Hugs to anyone I missed out, and a thousand apologies!
Now everyone, review! I'll send Victor's dog Buddha to everyone who presses that cute little purple button and drops a review! :)