![]() Author has written 9 stories for Beyblade, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, Pokémon, Gundam Wing/AC, Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Dragonriders of Pern series, and Zoids. August 6, 2018 - Ok, part of the reason that I hadn’t been answering any reviews or anything is that I can’t get into my account on Fanfiction.net website for some reason or another. It’s only through the app, which I am still figuring out how to use, that I can access my account. I am unsure if I can post any new chapters to current stories or post new stories via the app, so things will unfortunately be on hold until I can figure out why I cannot get into my account on the website. I am still writing and have some new stories to post, but haven’t done much on my current stories unfortunately. I am also in the middle of downsizing and rearranging my bedroom so I can hopefully find things now, once that is done and I can get into my account again I can try and post some more work. April 21, 2015 - Okay, first things first...I was informed that it has been 4 years since I last posted anything concerning my stories which was a bit of a shock to me. I mean, I knew it had been awhile because of computer difficulties and life/reality making itself known rather firmly...but not that it has been that long! All I can say concerning that is a very big apology and I hope to be back in action soon. I am not sure if I will be updating all my stories as I have sort of lost some interest in them but I am going to be continuing Shinobi Pokemon Master and have a good portion of the next chapter written up on paper, which is how I write all my stories until I get to the point where I have to type them into the computer. Once that is done, each chapter is then printed up so I can do the regular spell checking, proofreading and editing necessary to make them readable. Right now I am stuck in the printing stage as my friends printer (whose I have been using and providing my own paper and paying for the ink needed) has stopped working and she isn't sure what is wrong. My brother's printer which I would use, doesn't have ink as he can't afford the cost. I have also switched gears and am slowly moving away from the anime stories that I have been writing, which while have been fun to write but aren't really what I am good at which is writing 'Science-Fantasy'. Now I am focusing on the genre I prefer and have begun writing G.I.Joe (Marvel Comics version) stories. I have also gotten bitten by the 'Lord of the Rings' bug and the 'Percy Jackson and the Olympions' bug, so will be posting some stories about them once I have the next chapter of Shinobi Pokemon Master posted. Another thing I have been playing around with is working on 'Reading the stories' version of my own stories, I have been reading several attempts by various authors and they have been a blast to read and very funny in places but am limiting myself to my own stories instead of using others in case the 'Powers that Be' of Fanfiction.net decide to remove the story. I really enjoy Bonesboy15 and Engineer4ever's work on each other stories, their 'Reading the stories' are hilarious to read and highly enjoyable. I don't know if my attempt will ever be as good as theirs but I am willing to give it a shot as long as I don't get in any trouble with the 'Powers that Be'. As for information about myself, I am the oldest of 4 kids - 2 girls and 2 boys. I am a Proud Canadian and live in New Brunswick, Canada. I don't have many friends as I have trouble making any but those that I do make and manage to keep are important to me, I currently have two best friends who I met after reading their own stories on the net. Eboni Ardell who is the author of the story 'Severed', great story..one I definately suggest you read even if Ebs thinks it needs editing majorly bad. My other best friend is Sophia who goes under the nickname paichan_n_xero, she is the author of the story 'Another Saiya-jin' which is also another great story that I suggest you all read. I thoroughly enjoyed both stories and the friendship that developed afterward between the three of us, although I call them my little sisters. The stories I write are science-fiction/fantasy based, the ideas for my stories come from anywhere and everywhere. I prefer to first start my stories by writing them down on paper, this gives me the chance and time to get my thoughts sorted out and orginized as I plot out the idea. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean that the stories get completed. They often get set aside as writer's block occurrs or the idea doesn't turn out the way I had wanted it, so put into storage until my brain has solved the problem enough to pick it up again. Which means, that I seldom throw anything out...not unless absolutely have to and don't have any choice in the matter. I am an avid reader thanks to my mother, have been since childhood. There is nothing I like better than to sit down with a good book and read for several hours, although I haven't done much reading lately as I have found that it interfers with any story that I am mentally working on. So I have set aside any books that I have gotten to read until a time comes when they won't distract me from my own work or, at least that is the idea. As for any favorites that I might or might not have, I'm only going to put my favorite animals in this..both real and fantasy ones. I love dogs, German Shepherds especially. Also cats but dogs are my first love, cats are good if you are in a place that doesn't allow dogs or large animals or can't afford a dog. I also love horses, again..something that I inherited from my mother. She drove her mother crazy as a child and both my sister and I do the same thing to her, I love reading horse stories especially..both real and fantasy ones. The arabian is my favorite breed of horse, the pegasus and unicorn are my favorite fantasy horses. My favorite fantasy animals are just about anything that is connected with fire, my favorite element! So the two that I like the best is the Phoenix and Dragon, especially the oriental dragons. Three other fantasy races that I really like are elves, fairies and merfolk..mermaids and mermen. Elves, fairies and dragons often play a big part in my stories, so I write about them a lot. If you are interested in some of my origional works, I have a short story posted on Fictionpress under the same penname, the sister site to fanfiction.net. Not sure if I will post any more though as I am hoping to have my stories published someday in the either near or distance future. Actual Stories: Alright, now some information on my current series which is going to be roughly 4 stories...maybe more as I haven't decided. The series is a Cardcaptor/Harry Potter crossover in which Harry finds Yue...whom he thinks is an angel...in his relatives basement, the 4 year old child does what he can to protect and hid 'Mr. Angel'...succeeds only at the cost of his life. Yue manages to step in and save Hari from dying but decides to adopt the child as his own since he found out that Hari is the direct descendent of his father Clow Reed, creating a new idenity for the child and letting 'Harry Potter' die. They are: 1) Mr. Angel - complete 2) Mr. Angel and Son (covers his years before school, hope to include cameo appearances of the cardcaptor crew but have to see how that turns out on paper first.) 3) Mr. Angel and ... (covers Hari's school years, plus introduces the cardcaptor crew where Sakura becomes the Cardcaptor.) 4) Mr. Angel and ... (covers Hari's life after he graduates school) Here is some information on another story that I have begun and will start posting chapters to once a month if I can, it is a crossover between Harry Potter and Escaflowne. As far as I know for now, this is the only story for that crossover but I vaguely remember something about a sequal that would cover the time Harry returns to Earth/The Mystic Moon with his new family...but can't say for sure. 1) Prologue - Poem titled Gaia's Choosen, Rhea's Rulers - Posted 2) Chapter 1 - not posted 3) Chapter 2 - Poem titled Four Serpents 4) Chapter 3 5) Chapter 4 - Poem titled The Silver Serpent 6) Chapter 5 7) Chapter 6 - Poem titled The Dark Knight 8) Chapter 7 I am also working on another HP crossover story with Beyblade...I titled it "Phoenix's Son", hope you like it as much as my HP/Cardcaptor Crossover. 1) Phoenix's Son As you have also seen, I added a pure Escaflowne story to be the sequal to the anime... I simply thought 'what would have happened if they made a sequal to pick up where they left off somewhere in the future..?', I also didn't like how they dealt with Dilandau, he out of all the characters is my favorite...the slayers come second then Von and his brother. As of now and this point and time, I do not have any other stories planned after this one is completed...I am not even sure if this story will even get done. All I can say is that I will work away at it over time and see what happens after that. 1) The Burning Angel - next chapter is done, just need to type it into the computer and post. Okay, I have decided to take a crack at writing a Yu-gi-oh/HP crossover story...the idea for a story just came to me and I am curious enough to see how it goes. 1) Millenium Child My second Yu-gi-oh/Harry Potter crossover and first triple crossover as it includes the Beyblade crew, involves our favorite/semi-favorite thief Baakura, he survives the final battle and appears back in the living world but without a host/anchor body to keep him there. So he finds a new one, deciding on infant Harry in the end but goes into a deep sleep to recover his strength and to think his 'life' over now that he is free of the Dark gods control. He wakes up again to hear 4 year old Harry crying in his cuboard, making the decision to get Harry out of there after hearing what is wrong..never to return to that place again. Harry surprises and shocks him by adopting Bakura as his big brother, even though he is a spirit and only Harry can see him for the most part. The pair spend the next several years traveling Europe and Africa, mostly heading to Egypt for short visits and making sure to avoid the Ishtar Clans notice. Bakura passes on his thieving skills but makes Osiris as Harry is now called, swear only to use them in life and death situations. He also teaches Harry the love of games, all kinds. 1) Prince of Thieves/Heir of Games Um, okay...I just started another Harry Potter crossover but instead of anime or some other show..I decided to cross it over with my favorite computer game...Stronghold. I have played Stronghold before and grew to like it but that was borrowed so we had to return it, later on I got Stronghold 2 and would like to get more of the Stronghold games. Anyway, the story is going to be based on the Evans side of the family and their background which is where Stronghold comes into it. The prologue should be up soon but we'll see how things go, this is one story I am not sure about and am going to be taking my time with. 1) The Evyn Lions I also started a second crossover story which is going to be more fun for me than actual serious work, it is a crossover with Pokemon. Again, something I am not sure of how it is going to progress but as it is a story that I am not going to be taking seriously and have fun with...I am not too concerned. 1) The Pokemon Mage Another Pokemon story that I came up with except this one is a crossover with Naruto, not something I am completely positive about the success of but I'll leave that up to my readers to decide. If this one doesn't work out then I have another crossover idea that might work, either way..I'll keep trying until I do come up with a Naruto/Pokemon crossover that does work! This story has Naruto being sent to the pokemon world to live and comes back in time for the genin exams, bringing back all sorts of surprises in the form of his trusty pokemon friends. Naruto is of course, raised by Ash/Satoshi with Brock and the rest of the gang as uncles and aunts. 1) Shinobi Pokemom Master 2) Return of the Choosen One - (covers when Naruto and company return to Konoha for the start of his ninja career there, will cover right up to the chunin exams and probably past it if I can extend it that long.) I have also started another version of this story where Naruto stays behind in the village instead of leaving it, Mew and Celibi bring some pokemon over to help look after their 'human friends' son and keep him safe. The new crossover idea that I came up with is Naruto/Harry Potter, but there won't be much HP in the first story..mostly Naruto. The story revolves mostly around Haku and Zabuza, I was sad that they died and wanted to come up with a story about them. 1) Poison Snow - (mainly on Yasu and Haku's life with Zabuza, covers the wave mission and the meeting of Team 7, continues on until roughly a year or two past the chunin exams.) 2) Serpent Prince - (Covers Yasu and Haku's life in the Harry Potter universe, the brothers begin school at Hogwarts and all hell breaks loose for the magical world) Alright, this is another new story that I am working on that isn't a crossover but completely Naruto. Although it will have influences from other anime in the first story, but the sequels may or may not be crossovers into different anime...haven't completely decided yet. This is my one and only story where Haku actually dies but leaves Naruto guardien of his legacy, which makes sense since Naruto and Haku were budding friends and most likely each others precious person if the creators had decided to let Haku live instead of killing him off. 1) Gentle Soul: Haku's Legacy Story Ideas: I have just come up with an Inuyasha/Harry Potter crossover idea, again..not sure if it will work or not or when I will post it..but it looks like it might work. I haven't quite decided on the titles or setting yet, I may even decided to do both settings and make it into two different stories...one that takes place in the past and the second takes place in the present. The idea that takes place in the past will probably be called 'Heir to the Western Lands' as it deals with the descendent of Rin and Kohaku, Kagome and Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku. Yes, you have probably guessed it...their family lines have intermarried over time so the descendent will be the heir of those lines as well. 1) Heir to the Western Lands The idea that takes place in the present will most likely be called 'Sesshoumaru's pup' as it deals with Harry being found by a 'huge' white dog after he has been abandoned by his relatives at the age of 2 or 3, not sure if it will be in London or another country though. 1) Sesshoumaru's Pup Okay, I have come up with a new idea for a Naruto/HP Crossover. I know that there are lots of them but they all seem to focus on the leaf village, I thought to do something different and focus on the Sand village. The story is basically this, 10 year old Gaara finds a badly beaten and nearly dead child half buried in the sands while returning to the village after a mission. He would have normally left the child but his 'mother' told him to bring the child with him, being interested in the child as much if not more than Gaara himself. He takes the child to the hospital and stays there until the child has recovered, no matter how uncomfortable everyone is around him or what everyone says about the child's chances of suvival. The child recovers somewhat but has no memory of his past except for a few things and unable to talk, Gaara tells everyone bluntly that the child is his and will stay with him. He names the child Rai Feng, meaning 'Thunder Wind'. At first he thinks of the child as a pet or possession and is very protective of him, but that changes after the trip to leaf village and he gradually thinks of the child as a son. the relationship continues to grow stronger even after Rai's magical heritage surfaces and Fawkes is sent to find HP, dispite the risk of being 'sand coffined' by Gaara. 1) Thunder Wind Last thing I wanted to put here is that I have now a site in a free forum called PhoenixSoul, my stories will also be put there if you want to read them...plus some other things will be there that might interest you. The address to my site is , let me know what you think of it and etc. Here are some Japanese family words and their meanings: (persons name)_ - nii (older brother) (persons name)_ - nee (older sister) Terms for your family: Mother - Hahaue Father - Chichiue/Oyaji (father, pop, old man) son - Musuko daughter - Musume brother - Kyoodai big brother - Aniue little brother - Otouto sister - Shimai big sister - Aneue little sister - Imouto cousin - Itoko aunt - Oba uncle - Oji grandfather - Sofu grandmother - Sobo stepbrother/grown up brother - Aniki stepsister/grown up sister - Aneki husband - Otto wife - Tsuma siblings - Kyoudai my children - Kodomo Terms for another family: mother - Okasan/sama father - Otosan/sama son - Musukosan daughter - Ojousan brother - Gokyoodai big brother - Oniisan/chan/sama little brother - Otoutosan sister - Goshimai big sister - Onesan/chan/sama little sister - Imoutosan aunt - Obasan uncle - Ojisan grandfather - Ojiisan grandmother - Obaasan husban - Goshujin wife - Okusan Language sites: Research Sites: (good pokemon information site if you are into pokemon) (good all-round anime information site if you want details like age and etc) (good Harry Potter information site if you are having trouble finding details) (another excellent source of information but it can be a bit confusing at times) (Anime Web Turnpike - An excellent source to go to for your anime fix if you need it.) |