Phoenix's Son
Phoenix Firestorm
Kai paused in his walk down the dark streets of London, England. He had decided on a walk after his last meeting in an attempt to clear his head. Thankfully tomorrow will wrap the last of his business here and he can move onto the next country, cleaning up the messes left behind by his grandfather once he came of age.
A faint glow coming from his bey blades bit piece suddenly got his attention; Kai frowned as he glanced at it. Wondering what Dranzer could be trying to tell him or want him to do. The young man concentrated for a moment on his bit piece then nodded abruptly before he continued on down the street. Following Dranzer's lead to who knows where, all he had been able to figure out is that it is urgent and not to dawdle.
Kai eventually came to a stop and carefully looked around, frowning once more when he saw where Dranzer had lead him. He would have turned right around and gone back to his motel when a faint sound reached him, he froze and listened closely to make sure he hadn't heard things.
Glancing quickly down at his be blade, only to see the bit piece containing Dranzer glow brighter. Curious but also cautious, Kai headed off to see what could have made that should. All senses alert for trouble, bey blade in one hand and launcher in the other.
The 20 year old turned the corner and headed into what could only be the worst alley he had ever seen, only the light from his bey blade lit his way. It wasn't until Kai had walked quite a ways down into the alley that he heard the sound again, this time much closer. In fact, it seem to be coming from nearby. Kai frowned as he slowly scanned the alley around him, taking note of all the dirt, grime, old trash cans and etc.
Dranzer suddenly heated up then shot out a slender beam of light to point Kai in the direction he needed to go, the young man knew it wouldn't last long so hurried after it. His only hope was that he would be able to find his way out of these alleys and back to the hotel safely, he really didn't want to mess with any unsavory characters right now.
Not that he couldn't protect himself from danger, far from it. Kai hadn't gone through everything in his life without learning how to defend himself. Kai paused briefly to attach Dranzer to its launcher, getting ready for a fight if one happened.
Kai followed Dranzer's guide until it disappeared into a pile of dirty boxes, which is also where the sound he has been hearing is coming from. Except now he had a sinking feeling he knew what is making that sound, Kai prayed that he is wrong but didn't think he was.
The young man made sure to take pictures of everything before he touched anything, then carefully began to moved the boxes out of the way. Still taking pictures as he went, Kai didn't know why but felt that these photos would come in handy if he is right in what that sound is.
Crouching down once he got to the last box, opening the flaps to see a baby basket with child laying within. Kai snapped some more photos before he reached in to lift the basket out, at first Kai had been shocked that anyone would do this to a child but then slowly started to get furious.
There wasn't a lot he could do here, plus it was getting late so decided to return to his room and deal with the child there. Kai just knew he wasn't leaving the child here, not when there is very little chance of his survival. If necessary, he would either take the child on as his ward or adopt the child. It all depended on what his research or investigations discovered, but that can wait until tomorrow.
Kai put his camera away but within easy reach as he wanted to snap some more photos of the alley as he headed back to the street, just on the chance he needed to come back here again. The young man lifted up the basket and slowly started back through the maze of alleys to the street, the child not making a sound as Kai carried him away.
Once back at his hotel room, Kai put the basket down on the floor and went to get changed out of his business clothes. Returning shortly in jeans, t-shirt and socks. Kai then sat down beside the basket and smiled faintly at the toddler inside, the child's incredibly intense green eyes looking up at him curiously.
"Well, let's see what I have here?" Kai muttered as he carefully lifted the child out and onto his lap, then began to examine the basket for any clues as to who the child is and etc. The actual basket itself wasn't anything unusual, he had seen many mothers use similar things over the years. This one happen to be a lot nicer and better made than the others, so this either meant the child came from wealthy family or the parents had wealthy friends.
Kai eventually found a crumpled note which he made sure to handle with care, he planned to get everything checked for fingerprints first thing tomorrow. A scowl appeared on Kai's face after he finish reading the note, glancing down at the child sadly.
"So your name is Harry," He replied thoughtfully, "not that it's a bad name but I've seen many people with that name over the years. It's a little overused now, so I think I will just changed the spelling around some and call you Hari instead. Your relatives either didn't want you around or are worried sick that you are missing, we'll find out for sure tomorrow once I get my detective started on the investigation. Until then, you're rather stuck with me."
Hari giggled and reached out with his hands, green eyes sparkling. Kai smiled back as he thought of what to do next; there wasn't much to do in preparation for his meeting tomorrow. Thankfully, it didn't take place until midafternoon so he had time to visit his detective friend then do a little shopping for Hari. Kai would sign out of the motel tomorrow morning as he won't be coming back, he will be going straight to the airport after his meeting.
Sighing, Kai turned his attention to Hari's needs. Hoping the child didn't need changed or anything as he didn't have the stuff, although Kai did take a damp washcloth and clean the toddler up before bed.
Kai made sure to put the note in a zip lock bag and placed it back in the basket, along with the neatly folded blanket Hari was wrapped in. He'd take the child to his bed for tonight; Hari will have to sleep in his own bed the other nights.
One thing he had to do is get Hari checked over by a proper doctor, plus do something about that scar on the boy's forehead. Scars aren't all that bad, just annoying sometimes.
Kai paused for a moment as a thought came to him, maybe Mr. Daitenji will have some advice on what he can do. It certainly won't hurt to call the elderly man, he's pretty sure Mr. Daitenji is here in London. Kai dug out his cell phone and paged through the numbers in the memory until he found the BBA's London office number, pressed the dial button then brought his phone to his ear and waited for an answer.
Kai didn't have long to wait for someone on the other end to pick up, heading to his room where he put Hari on the middle of the bed. When the receptionist finishes talking, Kai asked to be put through to Mr. Daitenji's office which only took a moment.
"Hello Mr. Daitenji," Kai said as he started to pack everything, "its Kai. I'm in London on business and was wondering if you could advice me on a problem I discovered today, are you available tomorrow morning to talk?"
Kai fell silent as he listened to the elderly mans answer, then replied "Alright, a breakfast meeting sounds good. I'm at the Royal Phoenix Hotel, come up to my room if I'm not waiting for you down in the lobby."
Kai chuckled at what the chairman said then ended the call, finish his packing and got ready for bed. During the phone call, Hari had managed to sit up and calmly watched Kai move about the room. Something that surprised Kai as most babies of any age weren't usually as content, Hari being a relatively easy child just made Kai relaxes some as he really had no idea on what to do.
"Alright kid," Kai said as he came over to the bed, "time for a visit with the Sandman. We've got a busy day tomorrow and need all the rest we can get, so we need all the sleep we can get tonight."
The young man carefully picked Hari up and held the toddler propped on one hip as he pulled the blankets down, then climbed onto the bed and settled Hari beside him. Kai then brought the covers up over them, making sure that Hari is still able to breath properly. He then laid down himself, got comfortable with one arm around Hari and the other up behind his head.
He lay in bed, gazing up at the ceiling thoughtfully. Kai felt Hari moving around some before settling down and drifting off to sleep, one small hand griping Kai's muscle shirt tightly.
Kai wasn't exactly tired right now, his mind still whirling with what had happen today. Mentally going over his agenda and schedule, he had just about finished all the business here in the United Kingdom. His next stop should probably be France then Spain and most likely Portugal. After that he wasn't sure where to go next, just about all his business here in Europe is completed. Although he suspected that there would be a few surprises left for him to deal with before he headed across the ocean to the Americas, his very last stop before returning to Japan will be the Hawaii Islands.
The young man then turned his thoughts to Hari and wondered just why the child had been abandoned in an alley like that, did something happen to the parents or was it something else. Either way, he had already made up his mind to keep the child with him. In whatever form Hari would be…ward or son, Kai won't be positive until he got more information.
Kai frowned as he continued to think about Hari's situation. There was just something about the whole thing that bothered him, but he couldn't figure out what it was. All Kai knew is that his guts and survival instincts are screaming bloody murder about this, an act that he learned to listen to after everything his grandfather did and he went through in his life as a beyblader.
A sleepy smile appeared on his face as he thought about teaching Hari how to beyblade, plus the expressions on his teammates faces when they find out about the child. He snorted in amusement, Takao would definitely react the loudest and basically flip for several moments then settle down to normal again. Kai also wondered what kind of bit beast Hari would get or be best suited for, he wasn't ready to pass on Dranzer yet but eventually his closest friend would go to a new wielder.
Kai eventually did fall under the Sandman's touch and drifted into much needed sleep, not stirring any until early morning. Nor did he notice Dranzer softly glowing or the fact that his be blade had somehow appeared in Hari's hand from where Kai placed it.
Fawkes stirred sleepily then woke up when he felt the presence of the First One, Dranzer and wondered what happened to make the Ancient Phoenix contact him. The Ancient and powerful being kept to himself most of the time, only getting involved when things warranted his presence and interference.
"Welcome Great One, what can this hatchling do to assist you?" Fawkes asked politely and humbly.
He let out a very shocked and indignant squawk, nearly toppling off his perch when the Ancient Phoenix informed him of what his human found in an alley. Thankfully, Fawkes own human didn't hear or if he did…didn't stir any from his own needed slumber.
Fawkes pulled himself together then hunched down as Dranzer told him what the human intended to do for the child, not saying anything until the First Phoenix had finished. Dranzer also told him that the child will be hidden by his own power, that way no one looking for the child will be able to find him or take him away from his new family.
Fawkes trilled sadly, upset that such a precious child got treated in a horrible way. He then cooed happily that the child is now with someone who will love and protect him, plus give him a family to replace the one he lost.
Fawkes eyes widened and he flapped his wings some to keep his balance as he dealt with the task Dranzer wanted him to do, shocked would be putting it very mildly.
The Phoenix didn't notice that something was happening to the huge thick book that all the students names appeared in, Harry Potters name faded away and Junjie Hiwatari took its place. Something that no one would notice until years later and by then, it will have been much too late for anyone to do anything about it.
Kai woke at his usual time, only to glance at Hari and blink in surprise. Hari managed to sit up and didn't notice that Kai was awake, the child's attention was totally focused on Kai's beyblade gripped tightly in his hand.
Kai watched curiously and wondered how Hari got Dranzer from where he put the be blade last night, the young man carefully sat up and pushed the blankets away so he could get up. His cell phone rang as Kai swung both legs over the side of the bed, reaching for the device with a frown on his face only to have it vanish once he saw who was calling.
Kai snorted softly as he flipped the lid up and brought it close to his mouth, not too surprised that his girlfriend has called. Marchell usually did once or twice a week if she could, either in morning when she got up or at night just before going to bed.
"Good morning honey!" Marchell chirped cheerfully.
Kai chuckled "Morning love, how are things back home?" "Everything is fine here," Marchell laughed, "although Takao has been calling at least once or twice a week to see if you are home yet and try to get a beybattle out of you."
Kai rolled his eyes at that then said "Takao would, in that aspect the idiot hasn't changed much. Has any of the others been in touch with you?" "Well, I see Manaba around town sometimes. Mostly at the BeyBlade stores and the BBA Training Centre, the same with Daichi." Marchell replied thoughtfully.
Kai sat back on the bed, head resting against the headboard so he could keep an eye on Hari. The child hadn't moved much, apparently too fascinated by his be blade. Kai glanced at the time and saw that he needed to get dressed soon, especially if he wanted to be ready to meet the Director.
"I ran into Rei and his family while looking after business in China, he has been keeping himself pretty busy training the next generations of bladers back in his village. We couldn't visit long but it was nice to meet and get caught up on the news," Kai spoke absently," I'll probably meet up with Max sometime during my visit to the states."
"Really, that's good to hear. Takao says that he and Rei keep in touch quite regularly via letters and phone calls. The same with Max, I think there are plans in the works to get together for a reunion gathering but I can't be sure." Marchell explained thoughtfully.
"Hmmm, sounds interesting. You'll have to keep me updated on how the plans develop." Kai answered calmly.
"Will do hon'," Marchell replied, "so where are you off to next Kai?"
"My last meeting is this afternoon and then I catch a plane to France," Kai explained, "I won't be there as long as I was here…no more than a day or 2 at most. Once done in France, I'll be heading for Spain and then Portugal before going to the Americas. I suspect that I'll be there for awhile, probably a month or 2 at most."
"Alright, I'll be sure to tell the others." Marchell paused, then asked "Kai, is something wrong? You sound distracted or upset about something, did trouble happen during your meetings?"
Kai frowned at that question, he hadn't known she could read him so well…maybe he was more bothered over Hari's situation than he thought.
The young man hesitated briefly then sighed "Mar, I know we discussed kids once we married in a few years but…how do you feel about adoption?" Marchell didn't answer right away, instead she took the time to think over his questions.
Finally she slowly said "I'm not sure Kai, I have nothing against adopting kids but I'd prefer having my own if we are able. Why, did you see something that upset you?" Kai sighed again then proceeded to tell his girlfriend about Hari, who had turned around and crawled over to him. Dranzers beyblade still clutched tightly in the toddlers small hand, Kai smirked at that and used his free arm to pull the kid up onto his lap.
"Da," Hari surprised both Kai and Marchell by saying, "pitty bird!" He held up Dranzer and pointed at the image on its bit piece.
Kai chuckled "Yes, he is a very pretty bird and extremely powerful. His name is Dranzer, can you say it?"
Hari gazed down at Dranzer's image and then up at Kai again, this continued a few more times before Hari said clearly "Da!" pointing at Kai, then at Dranzer to say "D'anzer!"
Kai smiled proudly at the child, ruffling Hari's mop of hair fondly. Stopping when he heard Marchell say or rather order "Kai Hiwatari, I don't care what you have to do but you had better come home with our son or you will be sleeping on the couch for a year after we are married….is that clear honey?!"
Kai paled at that and swallowed several times before he answered "Yes love, very clear! Don't tell anyone about Hari alright, I want it to be a surprise….not even Takao or my other teammates alright!"
Marchell laughed "Oh don't worry sweetheart, this is one thing my lips are sealed about. Now I gather that you want to change his name to something else, right?"
Kai replied "Yes, I do. It will be the safest thing to do, we can always tell him everything when he's older. I've already thought about naming him Junjie, not sure about the other names though."
Hari had been listening attentively to the conversation, only to point at the phone and say suddenly "Ma!"
Kai winced and held the phone away from his ear when Marchell went all gushy and girly on him, only to get an idea that his girlfriend will definitely like.
"Hang on Mar and I'll snap a few quick pictures of Junjie for you with my phone, just make sure to keep it to yourself." Kai told her once he could make himself heard, then he switched his phone to camera mode and said "Smile for Ma, Hari. Show her what a handsome young man you are, my future beyblade champion!"
Hari didn't have to be told twice, a big smile appeared on his face and his beautiful green eyes sparkled.
"Ma," the child said happily, "ook…. D'anzer!"
Kai snickered as his girlfriend turned to mush, cooing over the photos he sent her. He didn't take very many, about 3 - 4 for now. More would be sent over the coming days as he had time, at least he plan to try and take more photos.
"I've got to go now Mar," Kai finally said once he got her attention, "I have a breakfast meeting to get ready for. The Director is going to help me with Hari, I called him last night as I wasn't sure what to do."
"Alright hon, take care of yourself and our boy. Let me know how things go with the adoption and everything alright, I want to help as much as I can." Marchell replied before she ended the phone call.
"I will Mar, take care of yourself as well. Remember, don't tell anyone about Junjie alright." Kai said as he spoke his own farewells.
Even Hari cried out "Bye Ma, Bye!"
Kai smirked "Alright kid, time for us to get up and meet our company. We want to be all ready for when he arrives, hopefully he can help us with our little problem."
Hari didn't say anything as he got put back on the bed, watching as Kai got up and began moving about the room dressing appropriately for another busy day. It was only when Kai had finish packing and making sure that nothing had been forgotten that the room phone rang, so Kai went over to answer it.
"Hello," Kai replied calmly, "oh he is? Alright, sent them up please!"
The young man hung up the phone then went over to pick up Hari, saying "Well, that was the front desk calling to tell us the Director is here…with company…unfortunately!"
Hari laughed Kai's expression then said seriously "Hungry Da!"
Kai smirked "I bet you are kid, goodness knows when was the last time you had anything to eat. Well, we'll get some food shortly so hang on for a few more moments."
The 2 of them left the bedroom and entered the sitting room, Kai put Hari on the floor in the middle of the room where he could see the kid. While the toddler was otherwise occupied, Kai took the time to move his bags and stuff out of the bedroom…placing everything next to the main door.
He had just finished that task when there was a knock on the door, Kai hesitated briefly then called out "Who is it?"
"It's Mr. Daitenji," A familiar voice answered, "I have Johnny and Robert with me." Kai rolled his eyes at that, pulling out a small security device that is linked to the tiny cameras he hid in various locations out in the hall. Not that he expected any trouble but when you grew up like he did, so he made sure to put his own security throughout the rooms and in the hallway going both directions.
Kai checked the cameras out in the hall, nodding once when he saw the group out there. He put the security device away then opened the door to let them in, standing to one side so they could enter the room.
"Good morning Kai," Mr. Daitenji asked cheerfully, "how did you sleep last night?"
"Okay I guess, thanks for coming so suddenly." Kai answered, shutting the door behind them.
"So what seems to be the problem?" The Director asked curiously.
Kai sighed and lead the way over to where Hari sat on the floor, but didn't get a chance to say anything thanks to Johnny.
The short-tempered blader took one look at the toddler and exclaimed loudly "What the heck is Harry Potter doing here?!?"
Kai frowned at that as he bent down to put up the kid, saying afterward "You know Hari?" Johnny looked at him with shocked eyes then said "No, not personally but my aunt is the deputy headmistress of the school his parents attended and graduated from. She really liked them and was very upset when they were murdered, Aunt Min thinks of Hari as her little boy since she never married herself. All of the kids she teaches are precious to her, some more than others though." Hari whimpered tearfully as he clung to Kai, green eyes wide with fear and sadness.
"Mum…Dada…gone…bad man hurt them!" He murmured.
Mr. Daitenji frowned thoughtfully then said "Why don't we sit down and Kai can tell us everything, then we can work from there."
Kai took the time to think things over and comfort Hari before he said anything, then he sighed "Alright but only on the condition you help me with the adoption procedure."
Robert replied with an arched brow "Why do you want to adopt the child Kai, surely he has family who are concerned about him?" "Two reasons Robert," Kai snorted, "I don't know how other families operate but I'm pretty sure that they don't abandon their kids in dangerous allies. The second reason is Marchell, she ordered me to do whatever possible to adopt the kid and bring our son home or I would be sleeping on the sofa after our marriage. Besides, I had already decided to either make Hari my ward or adopt him outright."
Robert snorted at that with amusement in his eyes while Johnny roared with laughter outright, Mr. Daitenji just chuckled.
After a few moments, Kai got serious and told his guests what happened last night. No one said anything until some time after Kai had finished, then Mr. Daitenji spoke thoughtfully "Hmmm, I see what you mean about needed some advice. This is a pickle you have landed yourself into, but we will do everything we can to help."
Johnny just fell back in his chair and groaned "Aunt Min is going to be furious about this, she protested and argued against Harry being put with those people. Unfortunately no one listened to her, I shudder and pity those who have to face her wrath."
"What do you mean Johnny?" Kai asked curiously.
Johnny hesitated briefly then turned his head slightly to glance at Robert, his friend gave a bare tilt of his head in a nod. Johnny bit out a mild swear word and scowled as he sat up.
Johnny sighed "I hope you are a believer in magic Kai because that is the only way this will work, basically Harry is the savior of the magical world."
Kai frowned as he listened to Johnny talk, gazing down at the toddler as he learned all about the world Hari is a part of and saved. The part about magic being real didn't bother him, after all he has seen lots of strange things in his life as a beyblader.
"So what you're saying is that Hari saved his world from a madman at the cost of his parents life and a normal life," Kai explained to make sure he understood everything, "which means my son will have to be protected and trained to deal with whatever happens in the future. Whether it be dealing with fame brought on by his actions or the madman's followers, however many are left that is."
"You have it pretty much figured out in a nutshell, "Johnny replied tiredly, "but you won't be alone in this Kai. I'll help as much as I can, despite not being as magical as my aunt and other members of my family. Being bonded to Salamalyon as a Sacred Beast and a blader does give me a magic of a different type, I can also advice you on what to expect form the magical world."
Robert also spoke up "You can count on my help as well Kai, this isn't something that should be done without assistance. There is a reason why my family has Griffolyon, we are a branch of direct descendents of Godric Griffindor himself. Not all of his descendents stayed in the magical world, many left for the 'normal' world and other countries."
Just then there was a flash of light coming from Roberts beyblade, surprising them when Griffolyon suddenly appeared in front of Kai. The young man didn't move but just watched the Gryphon Sacred Beast warily. Hari himself gazed up at the huge creature in silent awe, eyes so wide that everyone though they were going to pop out.
Griffolyon slowly, carefully knelt down in front of Kai and Hari. Not once breaking eye contact with the child on the young mans lap, everyone watched with abated breaths to see what would happen. Hari finally reached out one hand toward the Sacred Beast in front of him, Griffolyon slowly lowered his head down and allowed Hari to touch it.
The tension was suddenly broken when Hari breathed out "Boutiful Da, folyon boutiful!"
Kai snorted at that, rolling his eyes when he felt Dranzer go into a sulk because Hari said Griffolyon was beautiful and he…pretty!
Johnny snickered in amusement while Robert looked pleased with Hari's comments, Mr. Daitenji chuckled as he watched everything that happened.
Griffolyon suddenly spoke *Fear not, bonded of the Phoenix. This hatchling is a descendent of the man whose family I watch over. I and my sibling griffons will guard him like he is one of our own rare hatchlings, this I swear on my honor as a warrior."
The Sacred Beast then carefully touched Hari's forehead gently with its sharp beak and a flash of energy appeared on contact with the child's skin.
When Kai took a closer look at Hari's forehead, he inhaled sharply when he saw 2 small symbols placed around the lightening bolt shaped scar. Kai knew that the symbol right below the scar is Dranzers, which meant the other one to be Griffolyons.
Kai glanced at Robert and Johnny curiously, wanting to know what was going on. Robert explained "The symbol means that Harry is under Griffolyons care and protection, Dranzer has done the same thing which is why the second symbol is there. I suspect the other bit beasts will do the same once they meet Harry, this will be as good thing as Harry will be able to hid in plain sight…he'll just be another boy to everyone around him."
Kai looked very impressed and relieved to hear this, Hari will get enough attention as is being his son. He wasn't exactly a low-profile person, what with his family's history and beyblade career. Kai basically would be glad for any help he can get from his friends, withholding judgment on his family until further notice.
Mr. Daitenji spoke thoughtfully "So we need to get the adoption procedure started right away, I assume that you are going to change his name as well?"
Kai nodded and said "Yes I am, Marchell and I will most likely tell him when he's older. Right now we just want him to have as normal and unassuming life as possible, neither of us want him to become arrogant or overbearing…not like some people I have met over time."
"I've only decided on his first name, leaving his middle name for Marchell to pick out. Of course, he may end up with more than the normal number of names by the time Marchell and I get done. So we'll just put Junjie Hiwatari on the forms for now, filling out the rest as we have the information. I also need to get Junjie examined by a doctor to be sure he's alright, then I need to get some shopping done before we leave for France."
"Is that where you are heading to next?" Johnny asked curiously.
Kai nodded only to look at Robert in surprise when he said "Alright, I'll call Oliver and tell him to expect the both of you. No need to waste money on a hotel when you can stay with friends, Oliver can also keep Junjie occupied while you are at your meetings." A sharp glance from Robert told Kai that he won't change his mind so not to bother trying.
Mr. Daitenji said "We'll get one of the doctors at the BBA to give Junjie a check-up, I also recommend that everything discussed here stay with us and not go out of this room."
The others agreed as well, serious expressions on their faces. Johnny then brought up another topic, getting their attention quickly.
"When are you leaving England Kai, because we should probably check and see if his parents left anything for him. It's pretty much granted that they would have set up a trust fund for when he started school later on or at least that is the idea, Harry's fathers family is an old one much like Roberts and the other Majestic's."
Kai frowned before he replied uncertainly "I had originally planned to leave after my meeting this afternoon, heading straight to the airport."
"Hmmm, we can go to the magical bank after your meeting and take you to France on Roberts private plane. This way you don't have to worry about keeping a schedule, there's a lot to do just in one day and we can't waste it." Johnny muttered thoughtfully, glancing at the time then got to his feet.
Robert and Mr. Daitenji also got to their feet as well, Kai stood up with Junjie held securely in his arms. Griffolyon had vanished back into the bit piece again, resting until Robert had need of him.
Kai walked over to the baby seat and reached into it for the note that he found with Hari, handing it to Mr. Daitenji as he said "This note was in the carrier with Hari, I had planned to give it to the detective I hired but the two of you answered most of my questions. I also took pictures of the alley and where I found the kid in case they were needed for the investigations, they will probably still be useful though."
Mr. Daitenji nodded in approval as he took the note within its zip lock protection, saying "Good idea Kai, I'll get the note photocopied and examined so you can put the original away safe. We'll also get the pictures developed as well, a copy for each of us. This way one of us will always have Hari's information in case of emergencies, accidents do happen."
Kai agreed as he put Junjie in the carrier and buckled the kid in so his son won't fall out or anything. Once done, Kai then went around and packed up his security system while Robert oversaw his luggage being taken down to the vehicle. Johnny had already left to sign Kai out of the hotel, turning in the keys as well.
"Hungry Da!" Junjie complained.
Kai chuckled "Da's hurrying Junjie, just wait a few more moments then we'll get some breakfast. I'm hungry too, especially for a good cup of coffee!" Junjie giggled and contented himself to watch his new Da, Uncles Johnny and Robert plus Grandpa Daitenji.