An: I own nothing. Also if you find a grammar error pm me and tell me were so I can fix it. Also I did not state it before, this is AU.

Tinkerbell and Claw

"We run background checks both mundane and magical on all Med wizards and witches. Also I think the first thing that we will need to do is contact the ICW and get an emergency meeting set up. We have to get it out there that Claws is here in the states without letting the Brits know. I will need to get a hold of some officials, like the Auror portion of the Defense Department." Neal pulled his black berry out of his pocket and began to text people.

Harry and Hermione were just sitting down when Neal decided to ask Harry the all-important question.

"Do you still want to fight the Dark Lord? Because no one would blame you if you didn't, you are just a kid after all."

"If not me, then who?" Harry said as he pulled another sandwich, he then offered one to Logan, who declined.

"There are more than enough witches and wizards out there that have been chomping at the bit to get a crack at that guy and Dumbledore." As Neal said this, Logan gave Harry a searching look. All he could see was the determination in Harry's eyes. Logan never broke eye contact with Harry.

"My family does not start fights we can't finish, and any one stupid enough to pick a fight with us better have their affairs in order first." Harry nodded as Logan said this.

"Mr. Fitzpatrick this fight is very personal. I am not about to let someone else have all the fun of killing the wanker." Charles chuckled when Harry said this.

"Claws that is hardly acceptable language, young man." Logan, Remus and Hank all chuckled at the shocked expression on Harry's face.

"Sorry professor. Won't happen again." Charles smiled at Harry.

"Now I think you should hold off on telling everyone about Claws. But, only tell the most trust worthy. Who would be willing to help with the battle against the dark lord?" Charles said looking at the two ministry officials.

"Well France for one. Minister Delacour has asked others in the ICW to notify him if Claws left the UK. Not sure why though." Emily said pulling at her lip. Harry and Hermione laughed.

"I saved Minister Delacour's daughters during the tri-wizard tournament."

"I still find it funny that you thought they were going to let any of us be hurt or left down there."

"With the track record the tournament has, how could I not think the worst?"

"The Tri-wizard tournament, they started that again?" Neil said looking horrified.

"No just my fourth year and a student was lost. You still in contact with Viktor?"

"Victor who?" Logan said harshly

"Viktor with a k, Krum. He is the Bulgarian Seeker."

"Seeker of what?" Scott asked.

"Wizards have one sport, Quidditch. One of the positions on the team is called a Seeker. Viktor is the youngest professional Seeker ever."

"You and quidditch, I'll never understand it." Most of the men at the table chuckled, and the other women in the room nodded their agreement.

"If I remember correctly Claws was a first year when he started to play." Neal said thoughtfully.

"Yes he did." Remus said quickly. "The youngest player Hogwarts has had in over a hundred years."

"Any good kid?" Logan asked Harry, who just shrugged. "And what does that mean?"

"Claws is actually quite good. How did you get on the team first year?" Remus asked.

"Well, first years are taught how to fly with brooms. But we are not allowed to have a broom till second. My first ever lesson, Neville Longbottom, who is afraid of his own shadow most of the time, fell and broke his wrist. He dropped a remembrall his grandmother had sent him. Unfortunately Draco Malfoy spotted it and when I told him to give it to his house mates to look after, he refused took off on his broom and then chucked it as hard as he could. I took off after it. Professor McGonagall saw how I caught the blasted thing and got me on the house team."

"What are you riding now Claws?" Hank asked.

"Firebolt." Remus' eye brow shot up into his hair line.

"When did you get that?" Remus asked

"For Christmas third year. You know who got it for me don't you?" Harry said sadly.

"That bloody flea bag. Why am I not surprised?" Remus said face palming. Harry laughed at him, while Hermione like she was trying very hard not to laugh.

"Is that good?" Scott asked looking at the other wizards.

"It is so advanced for broom tech, and expensive that it can only be gotten by special order." Neil said.

"Well we have warders that will be here in the morning. Now I think Miss Granger should alert her parents?" Emily said looking at Hermione.

"I guess we should do this on speaker phone then." Hermione said handing Logan the number. Hank took it and dialed the number into the conference phone on the table. The phone rang several times before Mr. Granger picked up.


"Hi da. Mum home?"

"About time you check in young lady. Your mother was getting worried, why do you have me on speaker phone?"

"Dad, I have some very important things we need to talk about can you get mum please?"

"Hang on. *muffled shout and response* Give her a sec. Where are you? The number came across international."

"That is part of what I want to speak with you about." they heard muttering in the background.

"Hermione, sweetheart, how do you like the school. *What school, you did not say anything about her going to a summer boarding school* Hush Dan, let me talk to her."

"The school is great mum. But, I have some things to tell you about what has been happening at home." Hermione said chewing her lower lip.

"Is this about that war you said was coming?"

"Yes, mum. I have some people here that can explain what is going on better then I can."

"Oh. Is one of them Professor Xavier?"

"Yes, Mrs. Granger I am here. You might want to put your phone on speaker as well. This concerns both of you."

"Ok. Hang on. *Dan put the phone on speaker, I always mess it up* Ok there we are on speaker."

"I have heard Hermione speaking of a Dark Lord. Is he going to come after us?"

"Mr. Granger, my name is Remus Lupin. I know your daughter from Hogwarts; I was her defense professor for her third year. The thing known as Lord Voldemort has been targeting muggles for years. Because of Hermione being a witch, you both are now high priority targets."

"Hermione is this because of that boy? What the hell was his name?" Hermione practically hissed she was so angry with her dad for trying to blame her Harry for this.


"No the other one."

"Oh. Dan not Harry, that psycho killed his parents."

"Oh, forgot about that. Sorry kitten."

"Still mad, are you going to listen now?" Hermione said with her arms crossed over her chest. Harry stole a sidelong glance at Hermione, before gulping and finishing his last sandwich.

"Now dear you know how your father worries about you. But please, what can we do to protect ourselves?"

"I am willing to leave the country if that is what it takes."

"Mr. Granger, my name is Emily Whitehawk; I am with the Canadian ministry, my associate Neal Fitzpatrick is also here from the US ministry. Our governments have been offering asylum to families in your situation for some time now. If you would like we can bring you here and help you start a new practice, in either country."

"Kitten, how much danger are we really in?"

"Da, I think you both should come here."

"*Low whistle* That much? Well, how soon can we get out of here, and how much can we bring with us?"

"Well sir, which country would you want to settle in?"

"Which is closer to my daughter?"

"Westchester, New York, Mr. Granger. Might I suggest that you box anything that you absolute cannot live without, leave it there. We can send a team in to get the items for you."

"*Get the phone book love we are leaving now* Right this the number we can call back with fight details?"

"Mr. Granger you do not have to leave tonight." Emily squeaked

"Lass I served in the SAS. I know an emergency evac order when I hear one. Call back in 10." *click*

"Huh. Like your dad already Tink." Logan smirked. Harry looked pale.

"You never told me he was in the military." Hermione giggled.

"Did I forget to tell you that?" Harry glared.

"Oi! I have a feeling your dad is going to hate me." Harry said dejectedly, Logan just chuckled at him. Hermione leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, to which Harry smiled weakly.

Neal was busy texting and sending email to all the right people.

"Professor is the fireplace in your office a working fireplace?" Neal asked

"Yes it is why?"

"We are going to hookup the US floo network to your office." Neal said matter of factly. "We will need it to get people in without being noticed." Harry scrunched his nose at this.

"What is with the look?" Logan asked. Remus looked amused.

"I hate traveling by floo. The soot and you spin, so you tend to fall out of the fireplace when you stop. Only neat thing is you can call someone that way." Remus chuckled at Harry.

"Yes we all know you like your broom the best." Harry responded with a very mature raspberry at the werewolf.

"You would hate floo travel too, if you ended up in Knockturn alley when you wanted to go to Diagon alley." This started Hermione giggling which caused Harry to look at her like she had two heads.

"Molly just about flipped her lid when Hagrid came back with you in tow. I though Fred and George were going to turn green they were so envious."

"Alright I have three people coming in right now they are warders, I will have three more coming in tomorrow morning." Neal said as he got up. "Mr. Howlett, would care to join me, as you seem to be head of security?"

"Sure bub." Logan said getting up from the table, on his way by he ruffled Harry's mop.

"Hey stop it Logan." Harry hissed. Logan chuckled all the way out the door. Hermione smiled at Harry, when the phone rang.

"Hank if you would please?" Hank nodded and pressed the pickup button.

"Greetings, Xavier's school for the gifted. How can I help you?" Hank answered.

"Right this is Dan Granger, I have the flight info."

"Wonderful Mr. Granger, go ahead." Hank said grabbing pen and paper from his pocket.

"British airways, flight 731, we are on our way now to the airport. Arrival time is 1:10am EST."

"Ouch almost an 8 hour flight. Well, we will send Logan and Remus to pick you at the airport. What gate are you coming into?"

"JFK Terminal 7, gate 5. How will we recognize them?"

"Logan will find you don't worry. He will be the one with the odd hair style." Hank said with a smirk, which made Harry laughed at Hank. Hermione looked excited, and she hovered over her seat.

;"Hermione you are floating again." Charles smiled gently at her, as she giggled and settled back into her seat.

Harry, along with the rest of the adults chuckled quietly at her.

"Ok. We are on our way. We will call from the plane."

"See you soon Mr. Granger." Hank said hanging up the phone.

"So how trust worthy are these 'warders' you have coming in?" Logan asked as he moved the screen from in front of the fireplace. Neal looked up, and smiled.

"I asked for these three for the simple reason that they have Magical mutant children or grandchildren. To even be employed by the USA ministry you have to pass the highest level of security screens. We also have to make unbreakable vows to our country, so to do anything underhanded would kill us."

"Have to say it would keep you honest" Logan said as the fire place lit up with emerald green flames.

"Ah I knew she would be first. This is Leah Donavon; she has several grandchildren that are magical mutants." Neal said as he offered a hand to the older woman that stepped out of the flames. "Agent Donavon always a pleasure."

"So this is the school?" Leah asked with a heavy Alabama accent, as she took in the room. "Hello, are you the head of security?" She asked offering her hand to Logan. He nodded and shook her hand.

"Names Logan. You need a map or someone to show you the perimeter?"

"Someone to show us. So I was wondering if I could speak with Professor Xavier about another student."

"I'm sure he will make time for you. So where are the others?"

"The other two are about to arrive. Look it's Harold Jensen, his oldest is both. Harold thanks for coming so quickly." Neal said shaking the younger man's hand.

"Good to be seen. Family had me trapped to the house. Now don't get me wrong I love 'em to death but well you've seen them Neal." Leah sighed at Harold's comment.

"Most people would love to have a family that loved them so much, but not you Harold not you." She snarked raising a brow at him.

"Leah you don't have to tell my how lucky I am." Harold said with a large smile. "But, even you would need a break from all the little people."

"Harold come on now it's not that bad." Neal said with a grin, all turned as another man stepped out of the emerald flames. "Joe Mason, you old dog. Thanks for coming, it's been forever."

"Thanks Neal, it's good to see you too." Joe said with a very heavy English accent. Logan growled and looked at both men for an explanation.

"Joe came to the US, for the very same reasons the Granger's are coming here Logan. Joe has been run through the ringer to get the position that he has now, simple because of his background." Neal said very calmly. Logan's nose told him he was telling the truth and relaxed a bit.

"I take it the child or children that are in need of immediate warding are from Britain?" Joe asked with a raise eye brow. Neal nodded. "Bloody hell! Neal you should have warned him. No wonder he looks like he wants to rip my head off."

"Sorry, I forget about these things sometimes." Neal said sheepishly, while Logan glared at him.

"It's one of the reasons that I have Em with me most of the time." Joe just sighed and shook his head, while the other two warders tried hard not to giggle.

"Professor would it be alright if Hermione and I, go with Logan to the airport?" Harry asked quietly.

"Harry I don't think that would be a good idea. If by some chance, Deatheaters have followed the Granger's, I won't be able to protect everyone. Not to mention we don't want them to know what you look like." Remus said sadly. Harry nodded knowing he was right, while Hermione looked disappointed.

"My dear a smaller group will be able to get out of the airport easier than a large group." Emily said sagely, Hermione nodded with a small smile, before looking worried again.

"Tink, you really think your da is going to let anything happen to your mum? Not bloody likely. Those SAS chaps are scary good at getting out of tight spots." Hermione smiled tightly.

"I was going to go into the military after school. I was going to get into the SAS." Harry said with a faraway look on his face.

"Why cub?" Remus asked. Harry started a bit.

"Oh, hum. I just wanted to see more of the world. No offense Remus but, I don't want to have anything to do with Magical Britain anymore." Harry said sadly.

"I do not think that Logan will think kindly on the idea. It was a government funded project that gave Logan his claws and skeleton." Charles said Harry nodded

"I wouldn't want to leave Hermione now anyway; I also want some time with Logan." He said thinking; "before all hell breaks loose." Charles gave Harry a reassuring look.

"I will make sure you get your time Harry." Remus said quietly "It's the least I can do for you."

"Remus you have not failed me or my parents. How many times do we have to go through this?"

"Harry, I left you to a be abused, I did not check on you when my gut told me to. I turned my back on one of my best friends when he needed me the most, I believe the lies everyone told about him." Hank gripped Remus' shoulder.

"But, you are trying to make amends for your lapses in judgment. No one is perfect." Hank said smiling at Remus. "I am a prime example of this."

"I try to ignore that, you have come so far in accepting yourself." Remus said with obvious pride in his cousin, Hank grinned.

Severus came into the order house, hoping to get a cup of tea before he would need to report to the Headmaster. Unfortunately for the potions master, luck was not with him.

"Severus, thank Merlin you are here. We have to track Remus; I am positive that he will lead us to where Harry is hiding." Albus said excitedly.

"Well Headmaster, all of the tracking spells and potions that I know of require something of the person you want to find. Have you such an item?" Severus asked tiredly. He took a deep breath as he waited to hear the answer, when he looked in the direction of the cauldron Molly was fussing over. He raised an eye brow questioningly at the older wizard.

"Who is the love potion for?" Albus fussed with his beard but, did not answer. "Going to marry off Potter to the Weasley?" Albus nodded.

"We have had no luck with finding anything of Remus'. Is there any other potion or spell that would do the job?"

"I have been experimenting with a new potion; it may be able to do what you want. But it is new so I cannot guarantee how well it will work." Severus said waiting for the Headmasters response. Albus nodded in understanding, before turning back to Molly. Severus took this to mean that he was to start and headed to an unused room that had been set up as a potions lab.

Unbeknownst to the adults in the kitchen, the twins had heard everything. They had spent several hours in the Black library looking for a tracking spell that they could use, they had finally hit upon one that only required a personal item. They had searched hard for anything of Remus' but found nothing. In true Weasley twin luck they found a single sock that belonged to Harry.

"Twin of mine should we do this in the dead of night? Or should we do it now?" Fred asked looking over the spell again. Just to make sure there was not specific time the spell had to be performed.

"No specific time?" George asked looking over Fred's shoulder.

"Surprisingly no." Fred said dryly. They were both appalled to find out what their beloved family members were up to. Dumbledore was not as big a surprise to them, as they had suspected the old man since their first year, both Bill and Charlie distrusted the old man.

"Dead of night we do not need to be caught, by the Fam. We should do this in Sirius' old room and ward it extra heavy." George said with a frown. "I want to tell Charlie at the very least and Bill if we can."

"Wise idea, especially if they are not on the island." Fred said gathering everything they would need. They both nodded and Fred took the spell components to Sirius' old room, while George wrote letters to the two oldest Weasley's.

an:Sorry this took so long was not happy with the length, but still ramping up. :)