ACK. I hate plot bunnies so much. So many just pop in my head it is NOT funny. Which is why I am writing another story.
A/N: I don't own Harry Potter or Naruto. This will be a A/U. I don't know how old Kushina was before she died. So if anyone has a clue or a good guess.
Lily Evans Potter was in her daughter's room watching her sleep in the crib. Today was Halloween, and all children were out in costumes having fun with family and friends. The Potters weren't given the luxery to be with those they love. There was a evil wizard that wished harm on their family. Or more importantly their daughter....Emma.
'Why did their have to be a prophecy about my baby girl?'
"Pa'foo'' a tiny voice spoke.
Looking down at the crib, Lily noticed her daughter looking up at her with wide emerald eyes.
"Sweetie, what are you doing awake?"
"Well, it's obvious she wants to see her godfathers" James said smiling at the scene before him.
" I don't think that is what she's talking about."
''Ma, go pa'foo an mooey?''
" So sorry my little emerald, but we aren't allowed by the old goat to leave this house." James was frowning as lily grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room.
"Now James'' Lily scolded her husband down the stairs away from their daughters room.
" I know you hate being cooped up in this house, but please refrain from insulting the headmaster in front of our daughter."
''But lily flower.''James whined at his wife.
" I know James, but there is nothing we can do about it right now" Lily sighed rubbing her arms up and down.
A cold chill ran through her that hit her with great force. Something was wrong. She was taking her first step on the stairs when she heard her name.
" Lily."
Turning around she see her husband peeking out the window with his wand on hand.
" Lily, it him" he yells.
"Take Emma and run, i'll hold him off."
Eyes wide and filled with fear, she dashes upstairs and grabs hold of the door to hear the front door get blown open. As she turned a thump of a body was heard hitting the ground. Looking down she stares into the red eyes of the dark lord causing her to scream and slam the door shut.
Emma was looking at her mama with wide eyes.
'Why did she scream?'
'Where was her daddy?'
She was them scooped up into a tight embrace from her mother.
" Everything will be alright."
She was shaking in fear that her death and maybe her daughter's was drawing near.
"Go back to sleep,and everything will all be over."
Lily only managed to put Emma back in the crib as the door was blown open with incredible force. Screaming she turned around to face her killer.
Voldemort screamed at her "Out of the way foolish girl"
Out of the way now.
Pointing his wand at her " Avaka Kedavra."
There was a green light that brightened the entire room with a swirl of white mixed in. When the brightness disappeared, the body of one Lily Potter was gone. But Voldemort didn't notice at the time. Since his prey was sitting in her crib watching him with her emerald eyes.
Elemental countries
A young man was came home from a mission, and was heading to the hospital to get his wounds checked on. As he was in the building, the entire place was in a frenzy. Medics running back and forth yelling at one another.
"What in the world is going on here?" he asked himself.
''You haven't heard?" a newly recruited medic said.
" A small 6 year old was found in the spot where a bright green and white light appeared two weeks ago."
Although it was strange for a girl to appear from a bright light. He didn't see why it was so important that it made the entire hospital go berserk.
His thoughts must have shown on his face because the medic answered him.
" The girl has some strong chakra readings and has no memory of her life before she woke up or her name."
" So many clans have been trying to adopt her causing tension between the clans."
The shinobi looked at him to continue.
" Well, she was eventually taken in by the Uzumaki clan and given a new name after her adoption."
he pointed his head in the direction of the clan leader and little girl with red hair and green eyes . She seem to hold power that felt as if it were put on sleep mode. If she were trained under the Uzumaki clan to reawaken that power, than I pity the fools that would dare try and fight her.
" I would like you to meet the newest member of the Uzumaki clan in Whirlpool.... Kushina Uzumaki."
I did it. This is the first chapter of my new story. There have been so many stories of there being Harry being one of team 7 reincarnated. Or being the Forth Hokage. Why not have Lily be a person from the Naruto world I thought to myself.
And here is the result of my bunny.