Reviews for Friends
Chou ni Natte chapter 58 . 8/7/2010
I just wanted to quickly review and say that I enjoyed every moment of this (and having read it all in one go) and definitely looking forward to more. I can find no flaw in your work - characterization, plot, flow, suspense, you have it all! Thank you for sharing this with us. :)

I run a recommendation site/journal so I definitely plan on rec'ing this there soon.

Now to go check out your profile!
Allora Gale chapter 58 . 5/6/2010
This story is amazing. I love the way you were able to get inside everyone's heads so well. Chapter beginnings were a bit ambiguous as to who's pov it was from, but I figured it out eventually. You have a beautiful, introspective writing style that really makes your readers think. I loved it.
elysynos chapter 58 . 4/15/2010
This story is absolutely breathtaking. I can't believe how far you've pulled me in with a story told almost completely through dialogue. I love how you've portrayed Duo and Zechs. I look very much forward to reading the second installment in this series! Keep up the good work!
Dragon Dagger chapter 58 . 2/24/2010
This was an excellently written story. I loved the depth you put into both Duo and Zechs as I know from experience that they can be notoriously hard to work with when dealing with their personalities writing wise. I look forward to the next installment!

balthezarian chapter 58 . 1/27/2010
Absolutely wonderful. Your ability to pull at the reader's emotions without clobbering us over the head with ludicrous amounts of sentiment.

Most authors that attempt to pull off a story at this emotional level fail miserably, leaving nothing but annoyingly whiny versions of characters in their wake.

You, my friend, never once crossed that line. Never did you turn someone into an emotional cripple, never did you break the wall of pre-known character traits, and yet never did you give up on intensity.

You are, as always, amazing.
shinigami kitten tvhg chapter 58 . 1/13/2010
oh my gawd

awesome i just read this fic in one go. I cant wait for the next part and I seriously hope the 62 will become 6x2 soon. (This pair is a secret fetish of mine along with 6x3) Let me tell you that yours is the first fic that i read that has 62 instead of 6x2, meaning that has no yaoi (in the main pair) and only vague suggestions.

I love you Quatre and i LOVE your Zechs, i wanna steal him from you.

I srsly cant wait, update soon!

Phoenix Lee Evyns chapter 58 . 1/11/2010
lol,now the plot thickens and the story picks up. Thanks for updating, I was starting to wonder what would happen next. I have to agree with Heero and the others about Milliardo, he is not someone to mess with if you know what is good for you..neither is Quatre or Duo for that matter.
Dyna chapter 58 . 1/10/2010
Hum... what's Quatre up to? Probably saving Duo's skin, and maybe his own as well. If Heero has any sense he'd follow the man and not land at the airport as directed. Something tells me they're about to land in a hot pot. Friends and Enemies sounds like a very good title. True Friends might be an alternative IF Duo and Zechs spend the story trying to find out who they can and cannot trust. I think Duo can trust his former fellow pilots, though some of them don't seem to respect his ability to take care of himself. But who can Zechs trust? I'm looking forward to more and thanks for this part. I really wasn't expecting Quatre to call Duo and not contact the others. Very mysterious, and if you don't know, I love a mystery. Happy New Year! May it be a year of prolific writing.
anf600 chapter 58 . 1/10/2010
Good chapter! So now is a sequel? Well, this should be really interesting. Perhaps you should call this the Friends Arc... XD
snowdragonct chapter 58 . 1/10/2010
Oh, a very suspenseful end. I'm dying to know what Quatre's up to. He's been conspicuously "elsewhere" for this story, physically, though obviously he's deeply involved. Now I'm curious about his latest plot. February? Did you really say it'd be February before we get the next installment?

*sigh* Well, I'll look forward to it, anyway.
story reader chapter 58 . 1/10/2010
I'm glad that you're continuing to write, looking forward to the next installment! Take care of yourself as well.
sylenctone chapter 57 . 12/15/2009
Yet another curve from my expectations. Such a delight! I'm impressed all over again by Zechs' insight. But then, he is the Master of Dreams. I hope his words sink in to some of those thick skulls. I worry for Quatre who has already taken steps to get himself involved and for Duo who will have a time of it to stay out of it like he promised. And perhaps, for Heero who seems to need to help and seems to want Zechs' friendship almost as much as Duo. I wonder if Zechs has any idea that Quatre is also 'gifted.' It'd be interesting to see what they make of each other.

So many lovely complications and twists and turns to your plots!

Thank you, very much for writing.

Your delighted fangirl

sylenctone chapter 49 . 12/15/2009
It's been a long time, but I'm determined to catch up on the stories I've fallen behind on. And just a few chapters past where I left off reading and things are turning in a direction I definitely did not expect! That is what I love about your work, just when I think I know where you're going next, you spin it all around and turn my theories on their heads. I can't wait to see what happens next, and since I've been behind on reading for so long, I don't have to! Too bad it took being too sick to do much more than read to do it.

Thank you for writing and making my sick day worth the paperwork!

Your prodigal fangirl,

Dyna chapter 57 . 12/6/2009
You know, I can't help but feel a bit sorry for Duo and Zechs. They both seem so lonely and alone in the world. I liked Duo's musings about Quatre. In the series, he seemed the one of those rare persons who could connect with just about anyone. Maybe he could be a friend to Zechs too. That is, if he survives. I almost wish Duo would take off with Zechs when the others get off the helicopter. But I can't imagine where he would fly them, or if Zechs would willingly go, since he seems to have some sort of plan of his own. I enoyed this part very much. Hugs.
balthezarian chapter 57 . 12/6/2009
That was...amazing. The way you pulled out the inner fears of Duo, without diminishing his sense of potential hope for the future was just that...amazing!

I am sorry that this story must come to an end, but I will definitely follow along with round 2!
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