![]() Author has written 9 stories for Hunger Games, Pokémon, Gone, Kingdom Hearts, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Maximum Ride. So, my name is Ally. I live in Canada and am 14 years old. 'Kay, so, Pokemon is acutally the coolest game. Ever. Like, ever. Or at least, until I found Kingdom Hearts. Now, they're about tied. But for like, storyline? Kingdom Hearts. Forever. And Roxas... that kid is very much a win at life. I acutally cried at the end of Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (if you haven't played it, do. You won't regret it.) Sora is growing on me, though. I discovered inFAMOUS because of the Welcome Back program that was run to make up for the five weeks or so PSN was down. I got it for free and loved it. I bought the sequel and finished it in two days. After reading about Prototype, I want it too. Cole Macgrath/Alex Mercer, anyone? ;) And Digimon? Best TV show/movie you will ever watch. Honestly, 1st and 2nd seasons? Amazing (but it all went downhill from there...) You're not allowed to ask me what kind of music I like, because it's quite a range. I like tons of stuff. So, some of my favorite books are: The Hunger Games Warriors (the series) Maximum Ride (Yay Fang!) ...and many others that I don't care to list. My favourite songs at the moment are Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) (Emily Browning (the version from Sucker Punch)), Wedding Dress (Taeyang), and Dirty Little Secret (All-American Rejects). Note: If I review your story, chances are it won't be a 'constructive critisism' review. It will more likely be a 'keep on writing' sort of review. Y'know, encouraging. ;D Stories~ Forbidden Love- Hunger Games, in progress (On hold?). Chapter 14. Frost Torreflamm has been delt a fate that everyone in Panem dreads- she's been chosen for the HUnger Games- the Quarter Quell, no less. But that isn't her only problem. For her to survive, three people Frost loves must die. The ASYZ Aurora Senior Youth Zone- Gone, in progress (soon to be transferred to a different account). Chapter 2. When 21 Gifted minds simultaneously will one person to vanish, what will happen when it works, far too well? Collaberation with Triggerhappy44 Those Eyes- Kingdom Hearts, complete (oneshot). "I'll only recognize one Sora." Sora returns to Destiny Islands, only to find Kairi in a near-catatonic state, where she doesn't even recognize him. Will he manage to convince her of his identity? SoKai, a bit of Namixas. Freaks of Not Quite Nature- Pokemon/Maximum Ride crossover, in progress. Chapter 5. What if the white coats decided to take mutants a step further? Past regular animals, past birds and fish and dogs? THE Most Original HG Fanfic You Will EVER Read- Hunger Games, complete (oneshot). Trust me. You haven't seen this stuff before. Enjoy! (Note- I wrote this mostly as a joke, okay? Let's just make that clear) Everybody's Fool- Hunger Games, complete (songfic, oneshot). Jessica's story after returning from the Hunger Games. Totally unrelated: The Canadian Oxford Dictionary: IT RHYMES. ~Ally |