Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia

"Vee, sorella, I don't want to cut off all of my hair!" Feliciana whined.

"Stai zitto!" Lovina hissed. "Do you want to be recognized and taken back?" It had been hard enough to sneak out and get to the inn they were currently at. There was no way she was going to get dragged back. At least, no way she was getting dragged back alive.

Tears welled up in the younger sister's eyes as she shook her head. "I don't want to go back. I don't want to have to marry the prince. And I don't want you to have to marry his brother either!" Tears finally rolled down her cheeks.

The older twin's eyes softened. "It's going to be alright, Feli." She patted her head gently. "All we have to do is make sure the bastards don't find us."

Feliciana smiled a little bit, but it quickly vanished when she had another sad thought. "Veee, grandfather will miss us!"

"He'll be fine without us, he's very strong," Lovina tried to comfort her sister. "He might miss us, but maybe when they all calm down we can write to him." The corners of Lovina's mouth twitched upward when Feliciana "ve~"-ed happily.

"So, sorella?" Feliciana asked.

Lovina hummed in acknowledgement as she started cutting her sister's hair.

"How exactly are we gonna disguise ourselves?"


Ludwig sighed. Gilbert, his older brother, sent him to the bar connected to a local inn while he and their captain conducted business. It wasn't like he didn't know what they were doing, but Gilbert didn't want to "ruin his baby brother's innocence," which was complete nonsense, really. Gilbert could take being a protective, older brother too far. Especially because they were both pirates.

"Veee, sor—fratello, how come?" a rather small brunette further down the bar whined to his near identical counterpart.

"Because I said so, idiota," the other one snapped. "You know we can't go into the city."

Normally, the German wouldn't listen into conversations, but he didn't have anything else to do. And they were the only three people in the bar (it was the middle of the day). And the two (apparent) brothers were rather loud. It was rather strange. Why couldn't they go into the city?

"Vee, then where are we supposed to go, fratello?"

"If you would just shut up for a minute I could actually figure that out!"

The bubbly one sniffed. "I'm sorry, fratello. Vee…"

The angry one sighed. "Yeah, yeah. I'll be right back. I need to check something." And then he walked off.

The bubbly one turned towards Ludwig when his brother was gone. "Ve~ Hello! Who are you?"

Ludwig started when he realized that he was talking to him. "Ludwig…" He got a better look at the brunette. He was short and thin, wearing loose clothes, and had the strangest looking curl sticking out of his head.

"Nice to meet you, Ludwig! My name is Felician—" he coughed. "Feliciano, ve~"

Ludwig nodded. "Err, nice to meet you…?" Dealing with people wasn't really his thing. Particularly people who were, so… so… Feliciano-like.

"Vee, but why are you here all alone?" Feliciano tilted his head to the side.

"I'm waiting for my older bruder," Ludwig said. Surely it couldn't hurt to talk with this Feliciano, right?

"Me, too! Ve~ my fratello just left, but he's going to come back. His name is Lovino."

"I see," Ludwig said. "He seemed rather angry."

Feliciano laughed. It was a rather feminine laugh, Ludwig noted. "He's always angry, ve~. Or at least he acts like he's always angry."

"Kesesesese~, so my baby bruder can play nice after all."

Ludwig could hear the smirk in his brother's voice. "Hello, Gilbert."

"Ve~ so, this is your fratello, Ludwig?" Feliciano asked.

"Ja, I am the awesome Gilbert!" Gilbert's red eyes flashed.

"So, how did your business go, bruder?" Ludwig asked.

"Antonio and I got rid of the un-awesome two who were sneaking off with more than their fair share." Gilbert smirked.

Ludwig sighed and rubbed his temples. "We can't keep losing members of our crew, Gilbert."

"Vee, crew?" Feliciano tilted his head to the side.

"Kesesesese~ That's right." Gilbert smirked. "I'll tell you a secret, but only if you promise not to tell."

Feliciano nodded eagerly.

Gilbert leaned in closer and (after the appropriate dramatic pause) he said, "We're both pirates."

Feliciano gasped. "Vee! No way!"

Gilbert nodded.

Ludwig could just feel the smugness rolling off of him. "So who did it end up being, Gilbert?"

"The cook and that one guy… I think his name was Adrian?" Gilbert wondered for not even half a moment. "I knew they were un-awesome from the start."

Ludwig rolled his eyes. It was his brother who called the cook "the most awesome cook ever" a week ago.

"But who's your little friend, Ludwig?" Gilbert gave him a knowing smirk.

"That is Feliciano, and I only met him a few minutes ago."

The brunette looked up as his name was said.

"Only a few minutes ago?" Gilbert asked. "Kesesesese~ my awesome must be rubbing off on you for you to pick 'em up so quick, Lutz."

A slight blush dusted Ludwig's cheeks. "Don't be ridiculous, bruder. Besides, now we need to pick up another two people for our crew."

Gilbert made a face. "Way to not be able to tell when I was only making an awesome joke. But fine, you can do it."

"Why do I have to do it?"

"Because the awesome doesn't feel like it."

"Ve~ I'll join your crew!"

The brothers stopped their bickering to look at the little brunette.

"Kesesesese~ it's awesome for you to volunteer, little guy, but are you sure? Pirates have a dangerous life."

Feliciano nodded eagerly.

"Don't you have family to go back to?" Gilbert asked.

"Only my fratello, but he can join, too!" Feliciano said.

"Feliciano!" Lovino snapped as he walked in.

"Fratello!" Feliciano latched himself onto his brother. "I found a place that we might be able to stay, maybe! Ve~"

Lovino raised an eyebrow. "And where is that?"

"Ve~ on Ludwig's and his brother Gilbert's ship!" Feliciano nodded happily and the curl on his head bobbed.

Lovino glared at the two for a few moments.

"Well, not our ship, but I'm the awesome first mate," Gilbert explained.

Lovino whispered something (presumably a question) into his brother's ear.

"Ve~ I think so, fratello," Feliciano answered.

"Fine," Lovino said. He looked at Gilbert with a glare. "When do we start?"

"You'll get on the ship today," Gilbert said. "If you've got any friends or family to say goodbye to, go do it now."

Lovino shook his head. "Not necessary."

Gilbert raised an eyebrow. Why was he so nosy? "What? Your parents dead or something, kid?"

"No," Lovino said. "They're not dead. But our father is a fucking bastard."

Now Ludwig understood. They were runaways.

A/N: A pirate!Spain fic~! :D Oh, how I love pirate!Spain... I promise he'll appear in the next chapter!

And I made Feli and Lovi girls because the idea amused me too much to not do it ^^; It'll be fun to see them try and hide it and have different characters' reactions to it.

Oh, because I am absolutely horrible at titles, if anyone has a better idea for one let me know. That would be awesome.

Reviews are lovely~