A/N: I'm making this a chapter fic because otherwise it would be the longest one-shot ever. But I already finished it so I'm just going to post it all at once (with little A/Ns). Some of the chapters might be really really short but that's just the way I wrote it.
Warning: Genderbending
When Romano and Italia had been taken over by Mr. Austria, Miss Hungary was in charge of them. She was very kind and dressed them in maid outfits she declared 'cute!'.
It wasn't to long after this that Romano made a request.
"Why do you want your hair cut?" Miss Hungary asked the Italy twins.
"It's too cumbersome when it's long," Romano said decidedly.
"I'll do whatever Roma decides~!" Italia sang.
Hungary decided that there wasn't much she could do about it, so she cut their hair short so it wouldn't get in the way.
They went about their cleaning duties, Romano in pink and Italia in green, but the younger twin was always so much better at cleaning.
After a few months, it was more than Mr. Austria could handle.
His name was Spain, Mr. Austria said, the man who was coming to take Romano away.
Italia wanted to cry, but didn't.
"It'll be okay, Roma," Italia assured the darker-haired Italy.
Romano wasn't so sure.
"His name's Romano," Mr. Austria told the curly-haired Spaniard.
Romano huffed.
Stupid Austrian, always making assumptions.
"Hola, Romano!" Spain exclaimed, "Come right this way!"
"Bastard," Romano muttered.
Romano was loaded into a carriage, only glancing back for a hesitant smile from the younger twin.
Once in the carriage, Spain turned to his new charge.
"Alright, Romano," he decided, "From this point on, I am your boss. That means you have to call me 'Boss Spain'. And you'll be my henchman!"
This thought seemed to excite the Spaniard greatly because he started rambling.
Romano glanced out the window, deciding that the world was just full of idiots.