Hetalia: International Academy, is a high school located in the northern areas of Switzerland, with an extensive campus to both teach and house the students, and a reputation exceeding all other Academies of its kind. Its students were all either from rich and powerful families, or were extremely talented in their field. A diploma from that school is the skeleton key to any University in the world, so getting in is pretty much the greatest thing to happen to any hopeful.

Once classes and part-time job shifts were over, students found themselves with a lot of time on their hands. The athletic kids had sports to fill in those gaps, and the artistic ones had musical theatre, and bi-annual school concerts to work for. But that left quite a few without anything to do. So it became possible for students to create their own clubs. There was even an entire wing of the art's building sanctioned just for the individual clubrooms, which, at times, held between five (the minimum number of members) and thirty students each. Teachers never bothered to wonder what went on in those rooms, and the members kept everything clean, so the janitors didn't know either.

And sometimes, maybe it was better off being kept a secret.

"Alright! I'm calling this week's meeting of the YFA to immediate order!" The other members of the 'Yaoi Fan's Alliance' (YFA for short) looked up with a start to see their president, Elizaveta Héderváry, standing at the row of desks used as their front table, along with her vice presidents, Kiku Honda, a senior, and Mei Chen, who was still only in grade ten.

When the club had been founded, it had just been a scattered collection of yaoi fangirls, who just wanted to chat, swap stories, and make new friends. Only three years later, Elizaveta had joined near the end of freshman year, and done a complete overhaul of the club, turning it from a weekly gathering place, to a practical yaoi army that was to be feared by all straight men of Hetalia, and several of the surrounding areas.

She had a nose for the stuff. A natural talent for finding anyone she could use to fulfill her nose-bleed-inducing fantasies, and making damn well sure they played their part to the fullest. And none of her work ever went without being recorded for future 'references'.

"Welcome back everyone. I hope you had a good summer break." She called to the assembled students. (All female save for Kiku, her most trusted supplier when the live goods couldn't be attained.) "I have good news for you all."

"A new target?" One of the younger members asked tentatively. Many of the members were still unsure of whether or not they enjoyed actually matchmaking, though not one of them ever complained about the outcome.

"Yes." Elizaveta was brimming with excitement. She was holding up a pair of candid photos for all to see. She was always informed on every single student in the school, and had pictures of all of them, and kept tabs on all their hobbies, and friends. Almost everyone could recognize the first boy, Lovino Vargas, famous for being the most short-tempered teenager ever to have walked the halls of the academy. The picture was of him and his twin brother, Feliciano, who was waving cheerfully at the camera while Lovino himself was only looking mildly surprised. A much nicer change to his normal scowl. The second photo, a blond sleeping on his desk…

"Is that Alfred Jones?"

The Hungarian rolled her eyes at that. "Of course not. He's so stubbornly devoted to Natalya; even I couldn't do anything to change that. No this is his younger brother, Matthew."

Even Mei blinked in surprise at that. "So, let me get this straight Lizzie. You want us to get Lovino Vargas, the loudest, most irritable guy in the entire school, together with Matthew Williams, the sweetest guy on the face of the Earth next to Feliciano?"

"Yep!" She replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "This'll be a challenge, I'll admit, but the payoff will be so amazing that none of you can even imagine just how beautiful these two will be together."

"I'm sorry." A tall blonde murmured, getting to her feet. "But there's no way I'm getting involved in something that could get us all killed by the Italian mafia."

"Besides," another member added, also standing, "Lovino might be infamous for turning down girls, but that doesn't mean he's gay. And if he is, I doubt he'd want us to drag him out of the closet."

"He'd be in an eternally foul mood. Even worse than normal."

"It'd be too cruel to Matt. I heard he's gotten his heart broken too many times by guys like Lovino."

"Come on girls!" Elizaveta pleaded. "I've never failed you yet, why should this time be any different?"

"Because you've never had a plan involving a potentially murderous person!"

"And before, the two you pick have already been friends. These two don't even know each other."

"We've put up with a lot of your insane ideas, but this beats them all."

"Oh come on!" Kiku shouted in a sudden burst of passion. "Who was it who got the stubbornly emotionless Freyr to admit that he liked Sadiq at the Christmas party, even before she was a member of this alliance? Who took our wildest fantasies of Berwald and Mathias and made them a reality? Who is it that has never failed to produce a perfect pairing every time she tries? If you have no faith in Elizaveta Héderváry, then you may as well not even be in this room!"

"Kiku, you don't have to…"

"No! I do have to! Because I know you've never been wrong before, and no one but you can bring these two together, I'm sure of it."

"Great speech and all, but we still value our lives. Good luck though." And with those final words, the rest of the YFA departed, leaving the three behind.

"Don't worry Liz, we can do it alone!" Mei declared. "You've got the abilities, and we've got the connections. We can make this happen."

"You're right…" Elizaveta murmured, then again, a bit louder and more confident. "You're right! Who needs those wannabes who disappear at the first sign of danger? For we are true warriors of love! Our only shields, a box of tissue, and our weapons, cameras of every variety!"

She stood triumphantly in a Captain Morgan pose, one foot planted firmly on the desk before her, not caring that the school uniform was in fact, a dress, and held a fist in front of her face. "Then the three of us will go forth into battle, and we will not surrender! I now officially commence the new YFA pairing task: Operation Sweet & Sour!"

She couldn't help but feel just a little bit proud as the other two began quietly applauding her announcement.


"S-so, I guess I was just wondering if… m-maybe sometime we could… go out? M-maybe see a movie or-"


A few onlookers winced at the instant reply, and watched as the small brunette somehow seemed to shrink even more. "O-oh, I see. Maybe we could-"

"Quit wasting my time, I said no."

Without another word, the girl ducked her head, and scurried off; leaving Lovino to scoff, and continue on his way, with his twin brother following close behind.

"Ve~ Lovi, that makes twelve rejections this month. You could try being a bit nicer about it…"

"Shut up! They do nothing but pester me, why should I be nice?"

"Does this have anything to do with you being…?" He stopped as his brother gripped his collar tightly.

"How many times have I told you not to talk about that in public?" He hissed, glaring suddenly at the freshman walking in the other direction, sending the poor boy scurrying away. "The only reason I told you was because I was drunk, so don't think I want anyone else to know about it, okay?"

"R-right, sorry fratello. But there's no need to take it out on me." The younger Italian whimpered, using his amazing puppy-eyes attack that even his raging brother couldn't be angry at for long.

"I'm… sorry Feliciano. Just… keep it down, alright?" No matter how many times he'd said them, words of apology still came out forced, and with a hint of irritation. He liked to call it the sound of his pride dying.

"Got it!" They continued to walk in silence after that, tuning out the senseless babble of the others as they went. Were it not for Feliciano's constant smile, the two would look fairly intimidating. The grandsons of a famous ex-Italian mafia boss, who still had more connections than a spider's web, messing with them was pretty much the same as signing your own death warrant, and everyone knew it.

That didn't stop girls from constantly asking Lovino out. Wasn't it supposed to go the other way around? Nor did it stop people from adoring Feliciano. He was among the most popular guys in the entire place, simply because he was so adorable, and easy to get along with as long as you didn't actually expect him to do anything productive except make pasta.

"You have your music class next, right?" Feliciano asked, trying to change the subject quickly. He hated it when Lovino held onto some kind of anger for too long, even if he was being quiet about it.

"Yeah. And that damn Edelstein is going to do nothing but show off for the teacher for the full hour. So what if he can play any instrument on the planet? He's a pain in the ass!"

"Well he is a senior." Some of the seniors ended up acting as teacher's assistants for the younger grades during their spares. It looked really good on a University application, and you could get community service hours for it if you were short a few. "And he's got talent, you can't deny it."

"I don't care if he's talented enough to beat Mozart! The guy's an arrogant prick!"

"Just don't pick another fight with him. You get in trouble enough as it is."

"Yeah, yeah." The pair stopped outside the double-doors of the music room, and Lovino stopped, letting his brother continue to the stairs. "See you after class."

"Okay!" Feliciano waved quickly, and hurried down to the first floor where the art rooms were. He was almost to the door, when a slim hand grabbed his wrist.

"Hey Feli~! Could you come with me for a moment?" Elizaveta asked sweetly.

"S-sorry Miss Héderváry, but I'll be late for class if I don't get there soon. You should too or…" He stopped when the brunette's smile widened.

"I'll treat you to a delicious pasta meal if you do, and forge a note saying you were helping out one of the teachers." She promised quickly, already leading him down a different hallway, which led to all of the clubrooms. "Now come on!"

It didn't take long for him to cave, and in an instant, he was following Elizaveta down the hallway at a sprint.


"Feliciano Vargas, welcome to the YFA." Elizaveta cried, opening the door to her miniature empire. Kiku and Mei had been hard at work all morning covering up their posters for the sake of the boy's innocence, and were now perched on desks, waiting for the two.

"Wow~! It's really cool! But what are we doing here?"

"Well, Feli, we have a favour to ask you."

"Sure! What do you need?"

"You know about our club's activities, right?" Mei began hesitantly. There were quite a few students who were against what they did, and they'd prefer to continue without worrying about any bias the Italian may have.

"Sort of… Lovi calls it gross, but I think it's kind of sweet of you guys to do that for people."

"Well we may or may not totallydoitforourownfantasies, but okay! We'll go for sweet!" Liz cheered, taking one of Feliciano's hands in both of hers. "Now! We have a new couple in mind, but we're going to need your help."

"My help? But why? You guys usually do it on your own, don't you?"

"Well… our fellow members have bailed on us, and we need someone else to turn to. Besides, one of them is someone you know…"

Feli, the innocent darling that he is, blinked in confusion. "Who?"

Elizaveta and Mei shared an uncertain look, before turning back to the younger teen. "Your brother."


Thanks for reading~!

And thus, we begin the long adventure I've wanted to write since August. Hope you enjoy the ride, and leave reviews, good or bad, okay?