Ok, here is the first chapter, and boy was it hard to write! This is the sequel to I'm Not Cute, so if you haven't read that (or at least the last couple chapters) this may be a little confusing for you.

Sorry if I totally pulled the rug out from under your feet in that last part, by the way. I was surprised, too, if that helps. Also, didn't I tell you all that story would grow a mind of it's own?

So, without further ado, I present to you the first chapter of Love is Never Forgotten, and apologize for any inconsistencies of character in advance!

Lovino's POV

The doctors told me I have amnesia. I understand that much. After all, all I know is my name and my identity as South Italy. I mean, I can't really not know that. I can't explain it, but I can feel the state of my people, and North Italy's people, like a constant tug on my heart. Other than that, though, I don't know much.

My first night was a whirl of emotions. That man—another nation, I could tell, with that same tug that I knew I was South Italy—seemed so happy to see me, and so hurt when I asked who he was. It felt like a reasonable question at the time, but I guess he was someone important to me before… Well, before I woke up.

Besides confusion there was something else. It made me feel sick to have the nation holding my hand, like I was going to empty my stomach right then and there; and it felt like a fever spiked throughout my entire body. Yet, as much as I resented these feelings caused by the stranger, I half wanted him to stay.

That contradiction confused me more than anything.

I was a week after that night. The doctors wanted to run tests on me to make sure I was fine, other than my memory loss. I was reading a book that some shy man—nation, I mean—with black hair and a painfully formal personality brought me. His human name was… Kiki? No, I don't think that was it, but I'm sure it was something close to that. I do remember that he represented Japan though.

The nation from that first night, Spain, came in to visit. I sighed and put my book to the side. With him here, I knew I wouldn't be getting much reading done.

"Lovi, how are you?" he asked, looking like he was forcing himself to be cheerful.

"I'm fine, Antonio," I said, and watched him grimace when I said his name. I didn't understand what the hell was wrong with him. He should feel pretty damn honored that his was one of the few names I didn't forget immediately. Not that it was a special name. The bastard was just here all the time, so it's a little hard to forget.

"Feli and Ludwig aren't here yet?" Antonio asked.

I couldn't remember exactly who those two were, but I rolled my eyes anyway. "Idiot, what does it look like?" I retorted. After all, it was pretty obvious that we were the only two in here.

At the insult, Antonio brightened up a little, which just confused me to no end. Was he a masochist or something?

Antonio laughed lightly, scratching the back of his head. "I guess they aren't," he said.

The sight of his oblivious face tugged at my heart. I quickly wrote it off as endearment for the helplessly carefree idiot. That bastard, giving me all these confusing emotions whenever he showed up…

Normal POV

The atmosphere in the room was suffocating.

Antonio felt utterly depressed that Lovino couldn't remember him, of all people. Just before the accident, Lovino remarked that he couldn't get the carefree Spaniard out of his head. What cruel irony fate presented him with.

The situation wouldn't be so bad if his sweet Lovino didn't sound so distant, though. Lovino never used Antonio's full name, preferring to insult him, or call him Toni at most. So every time the Italian insulted him, it made him hopeful that Lovino would be his normal self soon.

"Ve~! Fratello~!" After a few minutes of awkward silence, the younger Italian brother finally made his appearance.

Feliciano immediately attached himself to Lovino. The older Italian stiffened a little under the contact. Antonio knew how Lovino hated to be touched, but held a soft spot for his brother at the same time. He could only imagine the confusing mix of emotions the embrace brought.

"Hello, Fe—Fel—Fratello," Lovino said finally, giving up on trying to say his brother's name. He looked as if he didn't know whether to return the hug or beat Feliciano to a pulp for touching him.

"Vee, Fratello~! Call me Feli. My name is Feli, remember?" he said playfully.

The tall German who'd come with Feliciano sighed. "Feliciano, please," Ludwig sighed. He was worried that if he didn't get Feliciano away from Lovino soon, a fight would break out.

Lovino flushed in embarrassment. "Damn it, isn't it enough that I call you Fratello without using a stupid name like that?" he insisted as Feliciano finally released him.

"Don't you just say that because you don't remember his name to begin with?" Ludwig muttered.

Lovino glared, and jumped out of bed. Antonio blushed lightly at the sight of his cute Lovino wearing a thin little hospital gown that barely covered his body.

"Damn it, bastard, of course I remember my own brother's name! I'm not an idiot!" he defended himself quickly. It was obvious that he hadn't remembered Feliciano's name.

Feliciano wrapped his arms around Lovino again. "Fratello~ don't be mean to Luddy, ok~?" he said, pouting up at his older brother.

"Let go of me! He started it!"

Antonio was reluctant to calm Lovino down. Although it wasn't good for him to start a fight in a hospital, he was acting so much like his old self that it tore Antonio's heart in two watching him. But the doctor would be in here any minute, so it probably wouldn't look good if Lovino was jumping around trying to murder one of his visitors. He'd probably get put into an insane asylum.

"Hey, Lovi, calm down, it's fine," Antonio said, placing his hand on Lovino's shoulder and gently pressing him back down onto the bed.

Lovino shivered at the touch, and Antonio drew his hand back quickly with a frightened apology. He didn't want to drive Lovino away before the Italian could remember him. It was difficult to just keep his hands off of his former lover since Antonio was so used to showering Lovino with affection.

The Italian dropped back onto the bed with a dramatic huff. "Fine, but only for now," Lovino said with a pout.

Antonio clenched his fists to prevent himself from tackling Lovino. He was just too cute for the Spaniard to resist! If this went on for much longer, Antonio wouldn't be able to restrain himself. Lovino needed to remember him, and soon!.

The doctor rescued him from his thoughts by finally deciding to enter the room. The four occupants looked expectantly at the doctor, although Lovino looked less interested than the rest. So far, all his memories were of the hospital, so he didn't feel the need to go anywhere else.

"Well, Lovino Vargas," the doctor began, reading from the clipboard. "You seem to be fine, except for your amnesia, so you may go home today. I suggest that you," he now referred to everyone else in the room, "surround him with familiar people and things. After that, you can really only hope for the best."

Feliciano looked upset. "Vee, I don't think I can take care of him very well," he said doubtfully, ignoring Lovino's protests of being able to take care of himself.

Antonio's heart beat fast as he jumped at the chance to be with Lovino. "Well, I can stay at your apartment with you two," he suggested, barely containing his own eagerness.

A smile lit up Feliciano's face. "Yay, big brother Spa—!" Before Feliciano could get out the entire statement, Ludwig clapped a hand over the Italian's mouth.

"Remember where you are," the German warned.

Feliciano glanced at the doctor and nodded. Ludwig removed his hand from Feliciano's mouth so he could continue speaking.

His enthusiasm had diminished somewhat from the interruption, but he appeared excited all the same. "Toni is coming to sleep over~! I'm so happy~!" He looked up at Ludwig, who felt a sudden foreboding. "Can you sleep over, too, Luddy~?" he asked innocently.

Ludwig blushed a little. "I don't think that's a good idea. You've been staying at my house for a while, so you should probably spend more time with your brother," he said.

Feliciano tilted his head like a confused puppy. "Vee? But Toni is going to spend the night, too…" The dejected look on his face melted Ludwig's heart.

"Ok, fine, I'll sleep over. Just for tonight." It was just impossible to say no to the younger Italian brother.

They arrived at the apartment without any trouble. Lovino was quiet for most of the ride, staring listlessly out the window. Feliciano sat in the front seat with Ludwig, babbling on about random things that came to his mind, while Ludwig only half-listened, periodically grunting to indicate he was paying attention. Antonio sat next to Lovino, just watching him.

"Ready to go home, Lovi?" Antonio asked when Ludwig stopped the car.

Lovino nodded. "Yeah, I guess," he said, a lot more quiet than when he'd been in the hospital.

Feliciano skipped right up to the door, happy as ever to be home. Ludwig walked after him, leaving Antonio and Lovino to follow. As they neared the door, Lovino drew back slightly. Right before they entered, he stopped completely.

Antonio glanced back to see the Italian staring inside with wide eyes. "What's wrong, Lovi?" he asked, following Lovino's gaze to try and find what was bothering him, but everything seemed to be in order.

Lovino was silent for a moment, then shook his head and looked down. "It's nothing," he said softly.

The older nation sighed lightly, still worried. "Ok, then. Let's go inside," he said, turning back around.

A small force tugged at his shirt, pulling him back. Lovino had grabbed onto the back of his shirt. Antonio gave him a questioning glance, but he was still looking down and didn't appear to be aware of his own actions. With another sigh—he'd been sighing way too much lately—Antonio stepped into the apartment with Lovino in tow.

"Welcome home, Lovi~!" Antonio announced when the door was shut, trying to brighten the troubled look on Lovino's face.

Lovino looked around curiously before his gaze returned to the ground. "Yeah, I guess," he said. 'Since when was Lovi so shy, even as a child?' Antonio wondered. As a tiny nation under his charge, the persona of South Italy had easily claimed Spain's abode as his own, and quickly made himself at home.

Feliciano skipped over to Lovino and grabbed his wrist gently. "Vee~ I'll show you around, Fratello~!" he said cheerfully, and pulled his brother away from Antonio to escort Lovino around the house.

Ludwig gave him a pitying look once they were alone. "Must be hard that he doesn't remember you," he said.

Antonio shrugged it off. "I guess. I wish he could remember me… But that's not his fault. If anyone, it would be my fault," he said, feeling dejected at the thought. He was the one to distract Lovino, so the Italian wasn't paying attention to where he was going. He'd forgotten Rosalinda at Lovino's house, too, which brought him to Spain in the first place.

"No, it's not your fault. If you think that, then when Romano regains his memories, he'll beat you up for it," Ludwig said.

Antonio gave a vague smile. "Yeah, he probably will," he agreed, unwilling to think about the many years it could take for Lovino to get back his memory, if he ever did. By then, would Lovino have fallen in love with someone else? It was frightening to think about.

"Vee, I'm going to make some pasta for dinner now~!" Feliciano announced, returning to the room with his hand still wrapped around Lovino's wrist.

Ludwig sighed. Not pasta again. While Lovino was in the hospital, Feliciano felt too lonely at home, so he'd stayed with Ludwig the entire time. And that meant Ludwig had eaten pasta way too often for his liking. He'd tried to say no to Feliciano, and get him to make something else, but there was always a new pasta he wanted to try, or one he hadn't eaten in a long time.

He put on his soldier face, ready for anything Feliciano threw at him. "Got it," he said tersely, with a nod.

Antonio smile grew somewhat. "Oh, I'll make a really delicious tomato sauce to go over it, then!" he said. Lovino loved tomatoes more than anything, and it was bound to spark a memory or two.

"Yay, cooking with big brother Spain is fun~!" With that, Feliciano released Lovino to attach himself to Antonio. A grimace, similar to pain, crossed Lovino's features, but was gone as fast as it appeared.

"I can't wait to cook with you, Feli~!" Antonio's words caused another grimace, and Lovino walked soundlessly from the room just as Feliciano pulled Antonio out of it.

Ludwig followed Lovino, having noticed the grim mood he dropped in. That could not be healthy for someone with amnesia. The German quickly found Lovino in his room, blankly staring at the closet door while running a hand over the blanket.

"What's wrong, Romano?" Ludwig asked, standing awkwardly by the door.

Lovino looked over at him, but the empty expression remained. He shook his head slowly. "Nothing. I don't know," he said.

"Which is it?" Ludwig asked.

It took a while for Lovino to answer this time. He looked around the room. "This is a nice room," he said finally. "I wish I remember why I made it like this, or if anything is very important to me. No one can tell me that, can they?"

"I guess not." This conversation was getting awkward for Ludwig, who wasn't one for such occasions.

"Everyone has a different name for me so far. I wonder why. Fratello calls me what he does because we're brothers, I know that. But Antonio… I want to know what he was to me before I woke up. He won't tell me…" Lovino said thoughtfully.

"Well, I can't tell you that. If he doesn't want you to know, he must have a good reason," Ludwig said.

Lovino gave him an eerily empty smile. "I guess you're right." Slowly, pain twisted his lips. "Everyone is having so much fun. You're all so close, especially Antonio and fratello."

Suddenly, Ludwig understood what the source of Lovino's pain was. "No, they're not as close as you think. Feliciano is like that with everybody," he assured Lovino, but it only seemed to make him more depressed.

A single tear rolled down Lovino's cheek. "I'm jealous," he said after another moment of silence, "that you can remember his name so easily."

It's a lot harder to write Lovino with amnesia than I thought. Centuries worth of memories I just erased there. Oh dear. I'll try not to make it too angsty, though!

So, I ended that chapter a lot soon than I had originally planned to, but it would have been too long after that, so I'll split it into to.

Also, as a heads up, after next week I'll be busy with band and other things, so my quick updates will be a LOT slower.

So, until next time, ciao.