In Our Drunken Stupor

Chapter 1

(A/N) you can see the title is called 'In Our Drunken Stupor' and as the author of this story, let me go by saying; I AM TERRIEFIED TO WRITE THIS! I'm serious, I've wanted to write this for about four months now, but I was scared by the idea for some odd reason! Like I think I'm afraid of what you guys will say about how OCC (out of character) this is going to in all respect, please do not flame me! Critizisment however, is allowed...Also this is my first story about something as serious as achohol..So here are the warnings/disclaimers

Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, shape, or form, own Yugioh 5ds, the characters in 5ds, or Sake.

Warning: The consumpsion of achohol may cause the fallowing; Death, Poisioning, Cancer, Injury and Addiction

Note 1: If this story seems to be not realistic, it is becuase I have never drunk. I am under the legal drinking age where I live, and i'm not going to break the law.

Note 2: Sake (pronounced Saw-key) is a fine Japanese liquor.

Note 3: Tarako is a Japanese pasta sauce that has creppy commercial that used red/pink/orange carrot looking things with baby faces. Honestly it scared me and my sister. If you don't believe me, just go to Youtube and type in "Tarako Japanese commercial."

"So, do you think this program will work Yusei?" Crow asked, who was knelt beside Yusei, looking at a complicated blueprint of a D-wheel engine program. "It shouldn't blow up this time at the very least. Although, there's a chance that oil could clog the air valves, which means no air for the pistons, which would render them and the whole D-wheel useless. Then, there might be a real problem." Yusei answered in a monotone, not taking his eyes off the blueprints.

Yusei inwardly growled. He felt so preasured and stressed right now. It was difficult to keep up with the engine programing. Not only had it cost the signer free time, but also much needed sleep and rest along with a great deal of money. "Should I feel this stressed?" Yusei thought and sighed. Everyday seemed to be a losing battle for the raven haired signer.

"Oh..." Crow said flattly said, honestly he had no idea what Yusei said ment.

"Well, I still think it's a brilliant idea Yusei..." Aki said with a thoughtful look. Right now, it was mid-summer, so Aki was free to hang with the guys whenever she pleased. Yusei looked up at Aki with a soft smile. "Thanks Aki. I just wish it would work..." he said and returned to the blueprint. Both Crow and Aki could see that he was blushing slightly from Akis' compliment. "Why ya' blushing Yusei?" Crow teased. "I'm not blushing!" Yusei quickly defended himself and blushed harder. Crow and Aki laughed at him. Yusei exsasperated, muttered something under his breath and sighed.

"Wait." Aki said after a few seconds after the laughter ceased.

"What?" Crow and Yusei asked at the same time.

"Yusei, the engine program" She said in a curious tone. Yusei looked up and said "yeah, what about it?" "What if you were to re-route the intake valve and the storage for the oil under the air valves, instead of over it? That way, the oil has no chance of getting in the air valves, even if it leaks; the program should work." Aki said thoughtfully. Yuseis' jaw dropped as he looked in awe at Aki. "Do you think that would work?" She asked.

"Aki, YOUR brilliant..that would work perfectly. Where did you get such a brilliant idea?" Yusei asked.

Now it was Akis' turn to blush from Yuseis' complimant.

Crow sniggered. "Lovebirds..." he thought and nearly busted out in laughter at the thought of Yusei and Aki, togthter. In due time...

Before Aki could thank him, Yusei pulled out a new blueprint sheet and began drawing and scibbiling away at the idea. Despite being a natural at mechanics, Yusei was highly gifted when it came to drawing. That was something you usually didn't see. "Lets' see, if I make the oil intake a three-fourths of an..."Yusei muttered, But Crow and Aki didn't hear the rest. Instead, he was cut off by the door opening loudly.

All three signers looked up to see Jack coming in with an brown paper bag. "Oh hey Jack." Yusei quickly said and then returned to his blueprint. Jack took a quick look at Yusei, then to Aki and Crow and said "Let me guess, a 'brilliant' idea?" Aki laughed while Crow stood up, crossed his arms, nodded his head and sighed. "What's the matter, Carrot-top?" Jack teased. Crow fummed and pulled Jack to the side.

"I give up, those two are perfect than each other..I mean not two minutes ago, Aki just like spoke machanics. Not only did she impress Yusei, but Yusei wants to try the idea. Why can't they just get togther?" Crow pointed out and frowned.

Ever since The Dark Signer war it had becme clear that Yusei and Aki had feelings for each other. Like everyone except Aki noticed that Yusei would often act shy, which was highly unsual for Yusei, smile or laugh when Aki was around. Same thing went with Aki, and she hardly ever laughed. Not to mention how much fun they had togther and simmilar interests.

"Well..Crow, by todays' end that might be togther." Jack cooly said. "Hmm? How? We just can't say 'hey Yusei, Aki, you two need to get togther' and expect them to get togther." Crow asked. Jack smiled evily and quietly said "True...But achohol might change their minds'"

"What?" Crow asked slightly louder than he should have. Thankfully, both Yusei and Aki were pre-occupied with D-wheel program.

"Achohol, more specifically, liqour, Sake liquor." Jack said and pulled out a clear emerald bootle of the brown paper bag he had been carrying. It was labled 'Sake'. "Jack, where the hell did you get that?" Crow asked in disbelief. "The grocery store down a few blocks. They had a sale going on, so I figured why not?" Jack answered.

Crow facepalmed. He could already tell that this was going to be a very long night.

"Hey Yusei, Aki. Look at what I have." Jack said in a monotone to the two duelist who both were still wrapped up in the blueprints. Slowly they looked up, Yuseis' eyes widdened and Aki shook her head when they saw the Sake. "Jack, please tell me that the bottle is empty." Yusei calmly said. Jack smirked before saying, "Um, the seal doesn't look broken. Now does it?"

"Then why do you have it?" Aki asked with a raised eyebrow. "Hehe, about that. We're going to celebrate tonight." Jack answered. "And what are we going to celebrate what-?" Yusei asked. "Ohhh, nothing in particular. I just thought we might celebrate. I mean why not celebrate?" Jack answered in a question. Yusei frowned before saying "Because, I'd rather not get drunk and be an idiot." Aki nodded in agreement.

"What, are you two chicken? Crow, are you in?" Jack asked, who was obviously preasuring Crow. " guess.." Crow quietly answered. "Uh no, Crow please don't. I've seen you drunk, and it's not pretty. And no Jack, I am not a chicken." Yusei answered. It was true, Crow had been drunk once, and it got quiet ugly. Jack on the otherhand, had drank so much, it was hard for him to get drunk.

Suddenly Jack growled, went up the ladder and returned a few seconds later, with four shot glasses. He grabbed the table, put for chairs around it and sat the shot glasses down. Then he looked at Aki and said, "Aki, I know your tempted to try it, and trust me; you will love this stuff." "So?" Aki asked. "Don't you love things with a kick? Well this has a hell of a kick. And who cares if you get drunk? You'll have a hell of a good time, and we're all leagally old enough...And who doesn't want to try this stuff? I know Yusei does, don't lie Yusei." Jack said, everyone looked at Yusei to see him about to argue. Crow sat down with Jack and Jack sighed before saying; "So, are you in, or not?" Aki froze as a look of completation crossed her face.

She hesitated.

Then Aki smiled softly and sat next to Crow.

Yuseis' jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Yusei, are you going to join us?" Aki cooly asked.

Yusei closed his mouth and swallowed. Aki had really just agreed to drink with Jack and Crow? "Is she stupid?" Yusei thought, instantly he regretted thinking that. "No, she's not stupid! Oh why'd I even think that?" He countinued thinking. "Come on, Yusei, Mr. Brave." Aki encouraged. Yusei felt the heat in his face grow at Akis' comment. Everytime she said something nice to him, Yusei couldn't help but blush. "Maybe, it's because I like her." Yusei daringly thought.

In truth, Yusei had been aware that he had a crush on her. But he had been to shy to admitt it. "Besides, I don't even know if she likes me back." Yusei sadly thought. "Yusei, last chance. Are you going to drink or not?" Crow asked. "Maybe I can tell her tonight, so I guess I'll give the Sake a try. Might calm my nerves..." Yusei thought, right now he was mentally kicking himself for doing this. All his instincts told him not to do this, but he ignored them.

Yusei slowly sat beside Aki and gulped.

"Good choice." Crow said as Jack opened the bottle and poured some into each shot glass. Carefully, he passed one out to each of them and asked "Alright, on the count of three, well all down it, ok?" Everyone picked up there shot glass and nodded. The Sake was clear, and it had a sharp , yet pleasent smell to it.

Yusei was struggiling not to put down the Sake and walk away. It seemed to be mocking and tempting him at the same time.

Slowly, Jack began counting. "1...2..."

Yusei raised the shot glass up to his lips along with everyone else. No going back now

"3!" Jack shouted.

Yusei closed his eyes, turned up the shot glass and downed it.

It had the taste of something warm and pleasent. As soon as the Sake hit his throat, a warm sensation swept over his whole body and made him breath out softly.

Yusei slowly opened his eyes to see that everyone felt the same. Especially himself and Aki. "So, how was it?" Jack and Crow asked simutainously. "Wow.." Aki answered in slight awe. "Yusei, what do you think?" Jack asked. Yusei closed his eyes and mouth, trying to savor the taste that the Sake made. He took a deep breath to strengthen the flavor. It tasted so good and teased him. He wanted more of. When Yusei finally opened his eyes, he said "Amazing." Crow and Aki smled while Jack laughed.

When Jack finally stopped laughing, he picked up the bottle and said "More?" Yusei grinned and nodded as he held up his shot glass for Jack to pour more.

Maybe drinking wasn't such a bad idea...

"Hehe...Hey Jack, can I have another shot?" Yusei asked while laughing at Crows' story of how he found some of his duel cards. It wasn't exactly the funniest story, but to Yusei and Aki, it was hilarious. Jack nodded and poured everyone another round. Quickly, all four signers downed the Sake in just a few seconds. "That makes round five!" Aki cheered with red cheeks.

Suddenly Yusei hung his head and tears started falling down his eyes.

Alarmed, Aki quickly said in a slightly slurred voice "Y-Yusei, are you okay?" Yusei hiccuped and said "I hate my life."

Curious, Jack grabbed a camera he had sat aside just in case and began filming.

"Why, do you hate your life?" Crow asked while he eyed his shot glass. Yusei sniffled and whispered "Because, I'm so sick of it. I mean I do the same exact things over and over. That damn D-wheel program...I feel so stressed, I, I just can't take it.." Aki frowned "Yuuuseeei don't think like that. We all have our momments that we just can't take it." she said began to sway, but managed to balance herself before falling.

"No, this is different..I'm gonna go kill myself." Yusei said quietly. Jack almost dropped the camera, while Crow and Aki dramatically gasped. "WHAT!" Jack roared. "You heard me. I'm gonna go kill myself. I hate my life, I can't take my life, so I will kill myself." Yusei answered with a creepy smile. Suddenly he swayed, hiccuped and fell out of his chair. Laughter fallowed. Jack, Crow and Aki scrambled to their feet to see Yusei on the floor, laughing his ass off.

"Look out below..." Aki softly said, then fell out of her chair and landed next to Yusei. He stopped laughing and looked at Aki with an innocent looking face. Before Jack or Crow could do anything, Yusei and Aki began hysterically laughing and hiccuping. "Umm..? Jack, they're flat out drunk." Crow said. "And like you aren't" Jack pointed out.

"I'm not drunk...I'm buzzed." Crow said and stupidly grinned. By now, Yusei and Aki had picked themselves up and sat back down. "Another shot anyone?" Aki asked as Jack and Crow sat down. "Sure...i'm so glad i have this on camera." Jack answered and poured another shot for everyone.

"Come on more.." Yusei pleaded with a puppy dog face, Aki saw this and copied Yusei.

"No, you two have had enough to drink. You both are flat out drunk." Jack answered. "No we're not..we're sober." Aki said in a playfull tone with a stupid smile. "No Aki, that's final. We've all had ten shots, and that is way more than you or Yusei should've had." Right now, Yusei and Aki were as drunk as they could get without being achohol posioned. Crow was still arguably at a 'buzzed' point, while Jack was still sober.

Crow leaned over and whispered "I think they're having a good time...I mean loook at them" At that momment Yusei and Aki looked at each other with a bizzare mixture of curiousity and excitment.

Aki raised a finger and proceeded to slowly poke Yuseis' cheek. "Hehe..thats funny and cute." Yusei thought, as soon as Aki poked him, Yusei yelled "BOOO!" at her. Aki screamed and fell out of her chair. Slowly, Yusei streatched then laid on both chairs and peaked over the chair at Aki. "Are you okaaay?" he asked in a childish voice. "Yeeeessss." Aki answered back in simmilar voice tone.

Aki picked herself up while Yusei sat up, and then she did something the three guys didn't see coming.

She giggled and then sat on Yuseis' lap.

Yusei, who was already red from the achohol, went even redder. "OMG!" He mentally thought as a smile came on his face.

Seeing a great oppertunity, Jack began recording with his camera. "Hey, Aki. Is there any particular reason your sitting on Yuseis' lap." He asked. "Nope." Aki nonchalantly answered. "Just felt like doing it?" Crow asked. "Yep." Aki answered and leaned back on Yusei, so now her head rested on Yuseis' shoulder. "Your funny..." Yusei said and giggled and put his arm around Akis' waist.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you Yusei?" Crow asked. Yusei nodded his head and asked "Aki, are you enjoying this?"

She giggled in response and swiftly snatched the bottle of Sake on the table.

"NO! DON'T!" Jack screamed.

"Hehehe, too late." Aki said and drank some. Then she handed the bottle to Yusei, who also drank some. Now the bottle was empty. " more...heeeyyy I'm hungry..." Aki pouted. "Me too." Yusei said and Crow said "Me threee.." It took a lot from Jack not to slap Crow, considering he was not drunk. "Fine, what do you guys want to eat?" Jack asked. Yusei smiled and said:"Chicken wings...spicey ones." Crow nodded and Aki shouted, "YESH!" "You guys seriously want spicey chicken wings?" Jack asked. "Yep." Aki said and poked Yuseis' cheek agian, who in turn giggled.

"Ding Dong. Ding Dong. Ding Dong." The doorbell rigned throughout the whole house. "I GOT IT!" Yusei screamed. Before Jack could stop Yusei, he ran off and answered the door.

"Heelllooo!" Yusei said to the delievery guy. "Hello, um order of four dozen spicey buffulo wings?" The dilevery guy asked. "Uhh..yep.." Yusei answered. "Okay that'll be 1200¥ (A/N: that's roughly $12 in American money.) Instead of paying the guy, Yusei stared at the guys hat. It was big and red...and cool. "I must have that hat...hey can I have your hat?" Yusei asked. "Uh, no..?" The Delievery guy answered. Suddenly Jack pushed Yusei out of the way and said to the delievery guy "Sorry, he's a little drunk. How much was it?" Yusei didn't hear the rest because he walked off to find Aki. Yusei found her in the living room, on the couch pside down with her feet hanging of the back and forehead off the front.

Yusei smiled and got in the same position next to her. "Hi stranger. What brings you here?" Aki asked. "Ehhh..just passing through. Figured I'd stop by and you know, rest." Yusei answered. "Oh..ok." Aki said cheekly. Yusei hiccuped and fell of the couch, right next to Akis' face. Their noses' literally were touching, causing them both to blush. "Uhhh..." Yusei stupidly said and then Aki giggled. "What?" He asked in confusion. "Your kinda cute." Aki answered. Then she got closer to him, quickly kissed him on the cheek, got up and walked off.

Yusei blushed harder and his mouth was opened slightly. Little did he know was that Crow had recorded that.

"Wings are here!" Jack called from somewhere in the house.

Still dumbfounded, Yusei got up (With great difficulty) and walked into the kitchen to see Jack, Crow, and Aki sitting at the table. Yusei slowly took a seat, grabbed a few wings and sat them on a plate. He couldn't help but keep looking at Aki, who also kept looking at him with a almost sly grin. Yusei took a bite of a wing and looked up agian to see Aki, yet agian staring back. She winked and went back to her chicken wings.

Suddenly Yusei felt someones' foot tap his and go up his leg. He jumped slightly in alarm and looked around. Jack and Crow were busy eating, but Aki was looking at him with a huge grin. Yusei grinned back and tapped Akis' foot and ran is foot up her leg slightly. Aki playfully tapped back, Yusei did the same. For the next few minutes they countinued playing this 'game' untill Jack spoke up as Crow pulled out the camera. "Yusei, Aki...are you two playing footsie?"

"Hehe, maybe. Why is someone jelous?" Aki asked. "No, it's just that makes the third time you've accidently hit my leg. So if you would, please stop." Jack suggested. "Oh know you liked that." Aki said and tapped Yuseis' leg agian. Jack turned red and said "Uhh, no I didn't." Aki rolled her eyes and looked at Yusei.

She winked and blew a kiss at him.

Yusei turned red.

Jack and Crow 'ooo' 'd and laughed before Crow said, "Yusei, nows your chance. Make a move!"

Yusei shrugged, rolled his eyes then leaned over and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

Aki smiled and blushed while Jack and Crow roared with laughter. "Oh, that was too good!" Crow howled while Yusei grinned.

Jack shook his head and bit into a chicken wing. "This is gonna be a long night.." he said, Yusei and Aki laughed.

Jack was really starting to get annoyed. Crow thought it would be funny if he let Yusei and Aki on Youtube. So right now, the 'unofficial' couple were on Youtube...Looking up the most stupidist things they could find. At the moment they were watching a video of a drunk who kept trying to walk, but kept falling over.

Oh the ironry...

"OMG! that's funny.." Aki commented as she pointed to the screen and laughed. "It-*hiccup*-is" Yusei agreed as he typed in something and clicked something. A few seconds later a fammiliar tune came on. Jack and Crow groaned, it was that damn creepy Tarako commercial.

"Tarako, Tarako-" Suddenly Aki screamed bloody murder and ran away into a nearby closet. Well more like she ran halfway, fell over, picked herself and ran into the closet.

Sensing that this would be a good filming moment, Jack grabbed the camera, ran over to the closet Aki disappeared into and began filming.

"Aki...what's wrong?" Yusei asked. "Those things.." Aki sobbed. "What things?" Crow asked. "Those carrots with baby faces'...they're scary. They're gonna eat me and then eat Yusei and take over the world!" Aki cried. Jack and Crow fought the urge to bust out laughing while Yusei actually looked ginuanialy looked concered. Maybe it was the achohol that made him not realize how funny this was.

"Akiiii...they're not gonna eat you or me...I think..." Yusei said. "They're not?" Aki asked in a squecky voice. "Noooo" Yusei answered. "I'm still scared..." Aki said in a small voice. "Does someone need a hug?" Yusei asked in a friendly concerend voice. A second later Aki opened the door slightly and peaked out, they were tears streaming down her face. "Yeeesss.." she said softly. "Ok, come on out then." Yusei said.

"No, you come in." Aki told him in an almost seductive voice.

Jack nearly dropped the camera in suprise. Crows' mouth hung wide open. Yusei just stood there, confused.

Did Aki really just say 'that' in a seductive tone?

Before Jack, Crow or Yusei could do anything, Aki growled and pulled Yusei by his coat into the closet, then shut the door.

This time, Jack really drop the camera.

"Oof!" Yusei said as Aki swiftly pulled him into the closet and shut the door. He stood there for a minute, unsure what to do. But he felt awfully courageous right now. "So where's my hug?" Aki asked with a giggle. "Oh! Yeah, sorry." Yusei answered and pulled her into a hug. at first, it felt a little awkward. But eventually the awkward feeling was replaced with a warm happy feeling.

When they broke apart, Yusei noticed how tiny of a space they were in. They were literaly pressed up togther and had little elbow room. Yusei couldn't see himself or Aki, but he was sure that there was a bush on both there faces'. "Yusei..." Aki said.


"You now, it's crowded in here.." Aki said. "Yeah it do you want to go out?" Yusei asked. "Yes." Aki answered and opened the door. They both stepped out and tripped over a coat that had fallen out of the closet. Yusei busted out in laughter as Aki groaned and said "Who put that coat there?" "I don't knoooowww." Yusei answered and picked himself up. Aki seemed to be having trouble getting up so Yusei picked her up. "OH!" she said in suprise as Yusei carried her into the living room, where Jack and Crow had decided to watch a movie, and sat her down on the couch while he went to go sit in the recliner. Everyone quitened down and watch the movie.

Not ten minutes into the movie, Aki silently slipped out of the couch and snuck behind Yusei. Slowly she covered his eyes and in a rather silly voice, she said; "Guess whooo?" "Hmm...Bob?" Yusei stupidly answered. "Nooooo..." Aki told him. "Cookie Monster?" Yusei asked. Aki giggled and answered "Nope." Yusei growled and said "Urrr..I give up." "It's me, Aki, silly." Aki told him as she removed her hand and daringly sat on his lap, agian.

"You just like sitting on my lap, don't you?" Yusei asked. "Yep." Aki answered and laid her head on Yuseis' shoulder. Crow, who noticed this got Jack attention, who in turn saw this as another golden filming oppurtinuity. Jack paused the movie and said, "Hey, do you two want a momment?" Yusei nodded and Aki said in a slur "Please.."

Jack and Crow got up and left. Well, they only left the room and secretly hid behind the corner while secretly filming.

"This has been a fun night, hasn't it?" Yusei whspered in to Aki ear, tickeling her. "Yeah it has. -Hiccup- ya know, when you kissed me on the cheek earlier...I liked it." Aki answered. Suddenly feeling brave once agian, Yusei responded by kissing her on the cheek. She giggled and kissed him on the cheek once agian. Yusei couldn't but help smile and kiss her agian. But this time, he didn't kiss her on the cheek.

This time he kissed her on the lips.

A small sound of shock came from Aki and she froze.

When they broke apart, both of them blushed heavily and stared at each other in silence. "Why did I just do that..?" Yusei thought, now feeling shameful at what he had done. As he was about to look away, Aki suprised him by kissing him back.

Yusei didn't hesitatae to kiss her back and before he really could process what was happening, he found himself practicaly making out with Aki.

This time, niether Yusei or Aki didn't want to break apart, but they eventually had to from lack of air.

Drool hanged from both their chins when they broke apart and both of them had a huge grin.

"I love you Aki, I have for a while now." Yusei whispered.

"I love you too Yusei." Aki whipered back.

They didn't waste another second before kisssing each other agian.

I'M DONE! YESH! That took me like fourteen hours to type! WOOT WOOT! This is the longest thing I have ever written! *Is partying like mad*

But seriously guy, that really did take me fourteen hours to type this. I am really proud of myself and have decided there will be a second chapter to this about the lovely thing that fallows a drinking night; The dreaded Hangover..Yeah I know it's going to take a while! But hey, I want to do it!

Right now, I am really sunburnt (I look like a lobster, no joke) So I really need something to cheer me up! So please R&R! (Read and Review)

Expect chapter two sometime in the next week or two.

Thak you if your reading this, and a million thank yous and cookies to those who read this!