I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU ALL SO FREAKING MUCH! since this is the end for this story...i am going to give shout outs to all of you who stayed with me~ Grazie~ FREE PASTA FOR LIFE (PFFFT! i wish...)

TheUn-AwesomeMe, Meluzina, Nasu-chan luvs tomatoes, Pheonixette101, NONAMESWEREAVAILABLE, Procrastinating Alchemist, Willowfur, Silent Reader,Vaati-Chan, AlTHR33 ,Divine Muffins, ButterflyFlutterCry, LaPirataAna AkiraWolf,Writer888 ,Kuroi Yuki 13, Alina Wolve, JHO14 -Pon, KTDLover ,Mariko Higa ,Scarlet Hanson ,BleakDusk...

Thank you all so much! (if i didn't put you i am sorry, but i still love you LOTS!)

It makes me so proud...and so freaking sad...to give to you, the last chapter of Lo Ti Proteggero...Fratello

He inhaled the sweet aroma from his love, snuggling his face further into his neck. His left hand carefully wound through the other's blonde hair while his right held their bodies close. This, beyond all else, was the most beautiful way to wake up in the morning. The Italian man opened his eyes and giggled when he realized that the other was still asleep.

Just the sight of the peacefully sleeping German man made Feliciano woozy with admiration and love. With half lidded eyes he placed a sweet kiss upon the German's lips, who still in sleep, kissed back. Feliciano giggled against Ludwig's lips. Whatever the former had been dreaming about, he was sure that the kiss had just made it ten times better.

Grudgingly, Feliciano released his hold on Germany, slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom. As he made his way to the shower, something to the left of him caught his eye.

A frown fell on his face as he approached the mirror. His reflection didn't look too different then it had five years ago, but beneath the façade of happiness there was grief…and memories.

The longer he stared at himself, the more he began to notice the blemishes that would never be fixed no matter how many decades or centuries passed. His once mostly perfect skin now had scars, both light and dark, etched into it. Thankfully his curl had grown back to its proper length and the bones that were once broken, refused together again. He was whole again…mostly.

The skin around eyes still held the dark circles from the years of putting his country back together again. None of this was really that different from the other nations though. They all had their scars from wars past. They all had their ups and downs with the economy. What stood apart from the others were the eyes themselves.

The honey-brown eyes were dimmed and haunted with what had occurred. Feliciano had been captured many times, especially during the world wars, but never, even during the worst moments of his life, had he been treated so ferociously. Worse than one would treat an animal. The mental as well as the physical abuse caused many sleepless nights for the nation. Night terrors, where Italy would wake up screaming, a sound so horrible one would think he was being murdered right there, and flailing around in the bed. Ludwig would be jerked awake and have to quiet the Italian. Lovino and Antonio would come running in, axe and pistol at the ready, only to find that there was no physical enemy that they could fight.

It was decided, especially since Lovino would also suffer from such terrors in mostly the same way, that Antonio would take them to live in his home in Spain. This was mostly so that neither Italian would bother the other pair during the night.

Feliciano shuddered at the remembrance of those nightly visions. Almost always, he would be taken from his fratello, set on fire and watched from the sidelines by a hug crowd as he screamed and melted before their eyes. Ludwig understood all too well. When it happened, the German would simply cuddle and hold his love, sending him promises of safety and love.

The Italian averted his eyes from the glass. Sometimes his reflection was too much to handle. Sometimes he wished that he wasn't a nation bound to live forever. Sometimes…sometimes he just wished that he had died during his captivity.

But then he would see Ludwig smile and everything would melt away. The sun would shine through his horrid mind, forcing the evil to hide away like cockroaches. Everything would be better. He would remember that he is alive for Ludwig, the other half of his heart. He is alive for Lovino, the other half of his soul. He is alive for the people of Italy, the other halves of his body.

Then he would feel at peace.

"Liebling…what are you doing?"

"Eeep!" he jumped as whirled around and tried to catch his breath. "Doitsu! You scared me." He pouted.

Ludwig laughed and walked over to the Italian, wrapping his arms around his slim body. "That wasn't my intention. Forgive me?" Germany lightly pecked the brunette on the cheek.

Feliciano blushed. "Ve…I guess."

"What were you doing just standing here?" Ludwig started lightly kissing Feliciano's neck.

Italy averted his eyes. "Just…thinking."

"Oh? About?"


Ludwig stopped immediately and turned his lover to face him. "Oh…do you…want to talk about it?"

He shrugged. "What can I tell you that I haven't already said?"

"Feli…liebling, I love you. With all my heart. I promise, with all the life that lives within me, that I will make sure that nothing ever happens to you again. I will do everything within my power as Germany to keep you safe."

"I know…but…there's nothing you can do about the memories…"

Ludwig smiled slyly…"There is one thing that I can think of that will keep the memories away…at least for a little while."

Feliciano smiled. "Grazie, Ludwig…" The former resumed caressing the Italian's neck causing him to hum in contentment.



"Can we take a shower?"

Ludwig chuckled against his neck. "Whatever you want, Liebling. Whatever you want."

As soon as the smell of paella reached his nose, Lovino knew it was going to be a good day. He smiled, not really caring if anyone was there to see it, and stretched his still muscles. Memories of last night's events had him smirking even more. At least he wouldn't be the one with the sore ass this time.

Hazel eyes opened to the brilliantly lit room. Though he'd never admit it-to ANYONE-he really did love waking up in Antonio's house. It was always so fresh and open, he felt like he could breathe here. Plus there was the certain Spaniard that he would always wake up to…with his beautiful green eyes that shone so bright and happy.

Again…Lovino would never admit that little bit of information to anyone.

The door opened and he groggily turned to see Antonio, smile in place, with a tray of paella and a glass of wine.

"Buenos días, mi amor~!" he entered the room with only a slight limp to his step, making Lovino feel incredibly smug.

"Did you sleep well?"


"That's great, Lovi~!" Antonio made his way over to his side of the bed and sat beside him, holding the tray out. "I made you some paella~! Since I know it's your favorite."

Lovino blushed. "G-Grazie…" He started eating while the Spanish nation watched, smiling.

Ever sense that experience had ended, Antonio had become incredibly protective of his little Italian. He always knew were his axe was, was paying complete attention to their surroundings (searching for enemies), and always attuning to Lovi's every need. Which, to say the least, not only annoyed the Italian by making him feel incapable, but it also made him feel…like shit. Toni was always there for him, always had been, while Lovino was always putting him down and pushing him away. It always made him wonder why the nation had even bothered with him. No one else ever had…

"Lovi…is it not good?"

Lovino looked over to the frowning man and then back to his plate. He had only taken a few bites before getting lost in unappetizing thoughts.

"No, Toni…it's good."

"Then what's wrong?"

Lovino tsked. "Nothing, Bastard. Quit watching me while I eat." Dio…why did I just say that! Fuck…now I feel even more like shit. What if he leaves me now? Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Toni! Please don't leave me! Please see through this façade!

Spain sighed, but remained where he was.

Lovino mentally sighed. It had been so fucking hard dealing with the past five years. First, he'd been in the hospital for fucking ever! Then Feli and him were released into a shitass economy without a goddamn house to even live in. Then, the first night sleeping at their temporary house, the first fucking night sleeping in Antonio's arms…and he had a fucking nightmare! He screamed like a little bitch with Spain grabbing his axe-which he must have kept under his fucking pillow or something-and Germany and Feliciano running in to see what was wrong. It had been so embarrassing. Germany and Feli went back to bed while Antonio had just held him, like he used to do when he was Chibiromano.

Then two nights later, Feliciano was the one with the nightmares. It went downhill from there. They each suffered from their memories, sometimes both on the same night, constantly keeping the other occupants awake. (Apparently they hadn't shown signs at the hospital because, guess what? People don't fucking sleep in hospitals!) After about three months with no sleep, Antonio decided that they should go to a different house so as not to bother his brother and lover any more when they weren't needed.

Things had gotten better after that. It wasn't like he never went home again. Actually, he had just returned from spending two weeks with just his fratello (No potato or tomato bastards allowed, che!). It had been nice…familiar. They spent it just being near each other, talking. The topic of what happened five years ago rarely came up, neither wanting to bring up memories. They already had their heart to heart and once was enough. Scratch that. Twice was enough! After they talked about it, they had to tell their stories to the entire world! That had sucked ass.

But Antonio had been there with him the whole time. Helping him to cope. Helping him heal. And how had Lovino thanked him? By being his usual bastard self.

"Why do you put up with me?"

Antonio, who had been spacing off, turned and faced him. "Hmm?"

"Why do you bother with me?"

His jaw dropped. "Lovi…what are you talking about?"

"Why the fuck do you bother with me? Why do you keep coming back, even after I push you away? Why…How can you love someone like me? I don't deserve you…"

Spain looked like he'd been slapped. "What do you mean 'you don't deserve me?"

"I'm saying that there is nothing about me with your time! I'm a horrible person! Everything that has happened has been my fault! I didn't do anything when the army invaded and I did nothing to protect my brother. Because of me...because of me he had to suffer. Because of me he had was taken for experimentation by a mad man..."

"Lovi...that's not your fault. It's no one's fault. The only person responsible for that is him and him alone. And I'm with you because I love you. I love you so much. It was torture without you. I could never do that again."

"Then you're fucking stupid because I'm not worth your time!"

"Shut up!"

Lovino froze and gaped at him. Antonio had never, in his entire life, raised his voice to him. Spain's arm was shaking as he tried to control his anger. "Lovino...you are not worthless, you are not hated. I love you, your brother loves you and you are worth every second if my time. What happened in your...captivity...like when you fought to protect and comfort Ita...it was probably the only real thing keeping your brother alive. You heard him. He was frightened and clung to you for help and protection. You helped give him strength. You helped to keep him alive. So no...you are not worthless, so stop making yourself out to be such." Lovino gawked, not quite sure how to respond.


"No, don't give me any more 'I'm worthless shit'. You are NOT worthless. You are every bit as important and loved as anyone else I know." Spain smiled. "I love and put up with you because you have taken my heart in your loving grasp and refused to give it back. You've had my heart for so long that...I wouldn't even know what to do with it if you ever decided to give it back..."

Lovino still had no idea what to say and refused to look the man in the eye. They both remained silent for the longest time; neither really knowing how to end the awkward silence. Finally, Antonio clapped his hands, shocking Lovino from his stupor.

"So, how about we go to the park today? We can have a nice picnic by the lake."

Hazel eyes meet luscious green, making the younger smile. "Alright…as long as you don't forget the gelato this time."

Spain laughed in response and scoped his love up bridal style, carrying him out of the room and down the stairs. Once they reached the landing, Lovino pecked the Spaniard on the cheek, blushing deeply.

"Toni…ti amo..."

"Y te quiero, mio tomate…y te quiero."


(i always wanted to say that~~~~) So...yes...that was it. I hope it ended well for all of you (if it didnt then i am sorry.) i needed it to end sweet, but not cheesy (which i failed at Xp ) *shrug* i hope some things got cleared up...i hope. If not then i guess it will be in the SEQUEL! JK! i am NOT writing a sequel...unless you bastards beg me to (LOL jk at the bastards bit...really...not...no, really)

No, i didn't clear up the general bit...use your imaginations...unless i get attcked with PMs and hate mail saying i HAVE TO WRITE MORE! (lawl...PMs looks like pms...like icky period-ness...LOLOLOLOL sorry, i had to tell you since i just saw that~)

If i do...it wont be for a loooong while...cuz i have other shit to do...unless, again, i get beaten to death with hate mail and stuff...*shrug*

i guess...that's all i have to say. I hope you enjoyed, because i sure as hell did~~~ grazie grazie grazie

signing out on this story

-Ve~ REV