This is my first Homestuck fanfiction, not that anyone actually gives a shit, just sayin before you all flame my ass for being a terrible writer; which I know I'm not. Anyway, take it easy, I love the pairing Bro/Dave, even if they are brothers, they're just so cute together. If you don't like Stridercest, please press the back button x3 also, this is kinda brotherly love shit, so yeah, there'll be emotion and shit like that.

I also change from second person to whatever person, not good with that stuff and cba to look it up on google, so yeah, I got tired of writing in second person, sorry guys.


Your name is Dave Strider and you've just recently turned sixteen. You've never been to one of your bro's gigs before, because you've always been too young. Even when you let every snippet of your coolness drop just so you can give Bro your puppy dog eyes and literally beg him to let you go, he would always just shake his head and step out the door.

You hated him for that.

But you'd always stay up and wait for him to come home, whether he's drunk or not, you'd enjoy his company as he'd ignore your presence and flop onto the couch after dropping his box of records by the door. Sometimes, when he was really drunk, you'd approach his passed out form, whether decided to get his arse up and go to bed or not, and curl up next to him, stroking his hair softly.

You love doing that.

So, here we are. You've just recently turned sixteen, had an awesome birthday with your Bro who had now gotten you your first, actual, real katana. It's similar to his, except it's got blue streaks along the handle instead of red, and in an unironic term, his is fairly longer than yours. After having a good ol' strife with your older bro, you decide to finally ask him what you've really wanted since you were nine. You approach his perfectly shaped body, quickly mustering up his appearance and wondering why it's so delicious, and open your mouth slowly to speak. "Uh...Bro?"

His head lifts from looking at a slice on his arm that you'd caused, actually, now that you can see his body well from his removed shirt, you notice that you'd cut him up pretty bad. Then you wonder, why hasn't he ever cut me? Am I really that good?

"Dave?" Bro asks, as if mocking you when you said his name. You inwardly frown remembering never to show emotion while around Bro.

"Seeing as I'm sixteen now, and legally allowed to be in bars..." You stop to look up at him, wondering why he isn't butting in and quickly putting you out of your misery, surely he knows what you're going to ask, "can I come to one of your gigs?" You blurt quickly. When you don't hear an answer, you look up at him. Wow, you're not as short as you thought you were.

"Sure." He shrugs then picks up his dis-regarded shirt and turns towards the stairs.


You give a questioning look, show every emotion you're feeling right now when you say; "you're serious? You'll really let me come?"

He turns to you with a stern look, raising both his eyebrows. You gather up your coolness again and look away, shoving your hands in your pockets, "I mean cool. Sure, whatever."

And Bro said nothing as he headed for he stairs. You mentally kick yourself for being so stupid. Your anger with yourself falters when you realise that you're going to be acquainting possibly the coolest guy in the universe to his next gig. You have yet to realise how awesome this all really is.


You take your sweet time waiting for Bro to get his arse out of the shower, and trying to hide your extreme excitement, you pretend to be overly frustrated while you bang your fist against the bathroom door, "what the fuck are you even doing in there to take so long?"

You hear his reply over the sound of running water, "chill out little dude, if you're that pissed off, shower with me." You pause. Surely he can't be serious? He's toying with you. Either way, oh you wish you could. Just to get close to him, wrap your arms around his waist and-

You're disturbed by the sound of the shower door opening, and when you look foward your eyes catch a glistening chest. You don't want to look away, but you have to because Bro's standing right fucking there and you're checking him out. Fuck you're checking your own brother out, shitshitshitshit.

"Hey, turntechcockhead." He flicks your ear as you look away from his chest, "something wrong?" You look up at him and keep your pokerface on, "no, just move your arse before I kick it."

You see smirk flash across Bro's face before the elder retreats to his own bedroom. Those little visions come flying back into your mind as soon as you shut the bathroom door, so you strip and step in the shower letting the hot water help you relieve yourself. You know just how ninja-like Bro's hearing is, so you try to stiffle your moans by biting a knuckle as you pump yourself.

You imagine his hands all over your body, feeling every inch of you. You imagine his teeth scraping and biting at your neck, sucking on the sensitive flesh there. And when you imagine his hand wrapping around your dick, your whole body heats up as you mumble his name.

The sticky substance soon gets washed away as you shake yourself out of the daydream. You admit it, you have a crush on your older brother and you wish he'd be more intimate with you. How exactly are you suppose to tell him that?

Pushing every feeling you have aside, you step out from the shower and grab a towel. Where's your towel? Oh fuck it.

Your pride is about to be stomped on when you walk up to the door and open it enough for your head and shoulders to be seen, "Broooooo!" You call.

"What?" You hear him call from his room, "thought we'd gone through the puberty talk." Suddenly your face begins to go red as you remember how awkward that conversation was. Before you know it, Bro's out in the hallway looking at you through those anime shades, "Dave?"

"I need a towel." You say blandly. His hair is wet, he's shirtless, and droplets are dripping onto his shoulders. Damn it you're getting warmer by the minute. You wish Bro would just get a towel and leave.

"Where's your towel?" He asks approaching the bathroom. Shitshitshit no don't come in here. Go away, go. Away!

"I don't fucking know, if I did I wouldn't be standing here freezing my balls off. Now get me a towel." Just get me a towel, for the love of G-

"You can get it yourself." He heads back to his bedroom, you sigh loudly, "Broooo!" You whine, stupidly. He turns his head in your direction, "please Bro, I'm freezing."

Within seconds you have a fresh towel thrown in your face and hear the door to Bro's room being shut. Quickly, you shut the bathroom door and look down at the little fucker that was saying hello.


(writing in second person is a pain in the ass, sorry guys.)

"Fifteen minutes." Bro shouted from the kitchen as he pulled a bag of cheetos from the cupboard. Dave strolled into the kitchen with his usual pokerface on, "I would've been ready sooner if you didn't take up all the time in the shower."

Bro would've replied if he didn't have a mouth full of cheetos, instead he just flopped down on the futon and pretended Dave wasn't there. Except Dave was there, staring at him, until he gained the confidence to sit down next to Bro and shove his hand in the bag of cheesy crisps. He honestly couldn't understand how Bro lived off these things, they were like plastic tubes covered in artifical cheese.

Dave looked at Bro in the corner of his eye, just watching as he chewed slowly, orange tinted eyes fixed onto the screen. The way he brought his fingers to his mouth to suck off the cheese flavouring, Dave imaged so much more than that. So much more that his face became red, the heat travelling inbetween his legs. Bro then noticed his younger brother looking at him and turned to face him, "you're really starting to creep me out with all this silent staring, so you wanna tell me what's up?"

Dave stiffened, what should he say? oh yeah Bro just checking you out, no biggie. "Where's the gig anyway?"

Bro turned back to the TV, his voice unreadable, "don't change the subject." Dave kept looking at his brother, waiting for some kind of joke or pun, anything to get this conversation away from his feelings. "Should get going, or we'll be late." Oh thank God.

They both rose from the sofa, Dave grabbed his jacket while Bro swiped up the car keys. Before Dave could leave the apartment, Bro stopped him at the door. Dave felt uncomfortable all of a sudden while being under Bro's gaze. "Don't talk to anyone there, got it?"

Dave was a little confused, but nodded anyway. He's been wanting to follow Bro around everywhere recently, just to know what he does for a living other then being a DJ at some of the best clubs in Texas.


It felt good riding along with Bro in the car, seeing as they hardly hung out anymore. On the outside, they were both cool with it. On the inside, it was a whole other story.

Bro hardly ever knew what his brother got up to, he hardly knew his brother at all. He was satisfied with the ways things are, though, he'd hate to be into all that brotherly love shit, that's just so uncool. He hated having to carry Dave everywhere with him when he was a toddler, his back became weak thanks to the little fucker. And when Dave would fall over and cry, Bro was lost for any sense of care. Grimacing on the inside, he sucked up his damn pride and kissed the tike on the forehead after sticking a 'My Little Pony' plaster over the graze.

When Dave was old enough, Bro let him know about the aspects of being a Strider, and how irony works. He caught on pretty fast, and if Bro had to admit it, he would say he was impressed. That's when their relationship faltered, when Dave started becoming a man, he'd get whiny and hyper at any random time in the day. He'd make it obvious that he was jerking off in his room, and when you've changed the kid's diapers and bathed him, you don't want to hear that shit.

Now he's sixteen, Bro has nothing else to teach him. Only until Dave approaches the him and actually asks for help, other than that, he's proud of him.

That's when they arrive at the club. It's empty and looks pretty old, but Dave knows once Bro gets his sick beats firing up in there, hell's gonna be jealous. So Bro starts setting the club's equipment up (like hell would he bring his own), and Dave helps out occasionally when he's not sitting at the empty bar talking to the really hot barmaid about his sword collection. (his brother's sword collection, but she doesn't need to know that.) However, when people start arriving, Bro orders Dave to sit by the equipment with him. Dave doesn't ask questions and is done what he's told.

It doesn't take long for the club to become busy. The smell of sweat and alcohol is new to Dave and he wrinkle his nose at it, how does Bro do this all night? As Dave, who was now standing, stood by Bro, he could see the couples who were rubbing up against eachother on the dancefloor. Some people were alone and sitting by the back of the bar, some were trying to flirt with random women and were failing. Either way, Dave couldn't quite undersand why Bro didn't want him to talk to anyone.

The music was loud and it seemed that Bro was getting lost in it from the way he was swaying his hips to the beat. Dave couldn't help but stare, he noticed the way Bro licked his lips every so often, it made his mind go wild. "Yo," Dave shouted loud enough to catch Bro's attention, "want another drink?"

Bro smirked and nodded, "same again." He replied then went back to his music. He'd been sticking to the same drink, and had quite a few of them, but Dave didn't say anything. Lord knows how they were going to get home. Dave didn't even know how Bro managed to drive home without getting caught most of time, let alone actually drive home.

Without talking to anyone except the barmaid, Dave ordered the same round again, a Salty Dog and a coke, because Dave may be old enough to be in a bar, he still wasn't old enough to drink in one. While he's waiting for his drink, a man in a grey cardigan and green shirt keeps eying him up. Soon, he's standing right behind Dave and makes the other jump slightly when he speaks with his strong American accent, "you're looking rather lonely there." He literally purs in Dave's ear, the smell of vodka is suffocating.

"I'm the DJ's brother, I didn't come here on my own." As always, Dave keeps his facial expression unreadable.

"Oh but you're single right?" Dave knew exactly what he was getting at but thought he was too damn cool to be caught with a tool like this. The barmaid comes back with the drinks and smiles widely at Dave who just nods in her direction. He ignores the American and smooths his way up to Bro with the drinks. He looks down at the crowd after he recieves a nod of thanks from Bro and soon realises why his brother didn't want him talking to anyone; because they're all pissed out of their heads and creepy. That guy is still by the bar staring at him, which makes Dave start to feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Bro starts to notice that Dave isn't nodding his head to the beat anymore, but just staring down at the crowd, slowly sipping his coke once in a while. "Hey, go get Insomnia," Bro makes it obvious that he's refering to a record when he points to the box beside the stage, "should be the second one in." And Dave nods, putting his coke down and making his way to the side of the stage. He bends down to pick the box up and put it on the side of the stage to look for the record, that's when he feels a hand grope his arse. Immediately he drops the records and turns to the culprit, only to see that guy who was bugging him before, "need help with those?" He asks with a smug look spread across his face.

Dave chooses to ignore him and bends down to pick the records back up, hoping to God that nothing's broken. The American obviously isn't taking no for an answer as he grabs Dave's arse again, this time tucking his thin fingers into the back pockets of the other's jeans and dragging him backwards. Dave shouts with surprise as he feels his wrists being restrained behind his back, and then he feels teeth on his neck. Within seconds of the sexual assault, the music has stopped, the man is on the floor with a bleeding nose and Bro is standing above him.

"I didn't mean to cause any trouble, I was just playing around, I swear!" The American claimed, "you broke my fucking nose!"

"I'll break your neck if you don't get fuck out." Bro lifted the other man off the floor by his shirt then let him run. It all happened too fast, not even Dave could understand what just happened. Bro turned towards him, obvious concern showing in his face.

Dave felt sick. He also felt a warm feeling in his chest, although he wasn't quite sure what it was."I told you not to talk to anyone." Bro tried to keep his voice calm and impassive, but the anger was too obvious to Dave.

"I didn't, he jus-" Just listen to me, for fuck's sake. Oh my God you're so hot when you're angry.

"If I hadn't have interrupted when I did, you'd be halfway down the fucking street in a van that has 'free icecream' printed on the side."

"I tried to-" If you don't shut up right now, hell's going to break loose in my pants and you'll be dealing with it.

"He bit you." Bro stated pointing at Dave's neck. Please, just shut the fuck up.

"How's that going to look if CPS turn up? What am I going to sa-"

That's when Dave pulls Bro by his shirt and slams their lips together, by now, everyone in the club was trying to see what the shouting was about only to be surprised.

-Your name is Dave Strider and you have officially just ruined your brother's life-