Pretty Boy
Ten Years later
It was a summer day. A light breeze tussled Kaoru's shoulder length hair which was now styled into a bob-cut as she stood on the veranda, staring out at the expansive gardens which extended out behind the large manor she stood out back of. The afternoon sun hung lazily in the air, casting it's bright light over yard. Kaoru stood under a maple tree, her pale skin patterned with shadowed stars from the leaves that created a sunblock. Her white sundress ruffled out behind her, the air cooling her exposed legs and bare feet.
Suddenly, the sound of two sets of little feet broke the peaceful silence. The sliding door was pushed open and two little girls ran out from the house. Kaoru turned around just in time for her legs to be snapped up by the two red heads.
"Mama," The one with her hair parted on the left spoke, "can we go and play in the gardens?"
"Please, mama?" The one with her hair parted on the right asked hopefully.
"Pretty please with a strawberry on top?" They both asked in unison in their babyish voices, their pigtails bobbing up and down as they fidgeted in anticipation.
Kaoru smiled down at the two of them, each one of them gripping her shins tightly. Their cherubic faces watched her expectantly for an answer, hoping that she might let them have their fun. She couldn't say no to those expressions. "Okay, but only if you stay where I can see you," Kaoru answered, laughing as the two three year olds cheered in rejoice and then waddled past her into the gardens as fast as their little legs would take them.
Kaoru watched on happily as they started playing hide and seek amongst the hedges and bushes, both of them giggling hysterically as if it was the most entertaining game in the world. What Kaoru would give to be able to go back to the time when things were so simplistic, being able to see it in front of her right now though was just as rewarding. She absently fiddled with the white-gold diamond-embedded ring on the ring finger of her right hand. Suddenly, she was aware of a pair of strong arms winding their way around her waist, and a chin resting itself on her shoulder. "They're frisky little ones for three year olds, aren't they?" a warm, masculine voice whispered into her ear.
Kaoru suppressed the shiver of delight that ran through her body at the sound of the familiar voice and chuckled. "Yes they are. I wonder how two little devils managed to create two little angels."
Hikaru smiled. "Doesn't make much sense, does it?"
Kaoru turned around and Hikaru tightened his grip on her waist, pulling her forwards to his chest. Kaoru smiled and wrapped her arms around Hikaru's neck, leaning forward and capturing his lips in a loving, lingering kiss. "Welcome home," Kaoru said breathlessly as they pulled apart. "Did we get the designs in to mum on time?"
Hikaru nodded. "Yeah, in fact we were ahead of schedule, Mum said that the tailors would get started on the basic under layers of the designs for us by next week, so we can do the rest then." He looked past Kaoru into the gardens. "How have the girls been?"
"We're all very relaxed," Kaoru replied, "we just finished lunch and now we're having some outside time."
"Mmm, I see," Hikaru smiled.
"Papa!" twin voices rang out, as the girls caught sight of the older twin and made a dash towards him, big smiles on their faces.
Hikaru squatted down so he was level with them as they approached them and engulfed them in a big hug when they were within distance. The girls giggled and Hikaru chuckled with them. "How are my little Hanako and Kumiko doing?"
The girl with her hair parted on the left pointed at the girl with her hair parted on the right. "Kumiko found a ladybug today!"
"Did she now?" Hikaru asked, pretending to be impressed.
"Hanako was scared of it though!" Kumiko snickered, side-glancing her sister.
Hanako huffed and crossed her arms. "I was not!"
"Were too!" Kumiko retaliated.
Hikaru laughed and slid his arms under the girls bottoms, standing and lifting them up with him. "Well just to be safe, why don't we go take a bath to wash off the yucky bug juice?" he asked, turning around with the girls in his arms.
"Okay, but only if Hanako admits she was scared of the ladybug!" Kumiko insisted.
"No!" Hanako rebutted as Hikaru walked into the house and took them to have their bath. They were definitely Hitachiin's, that's for sure.
Kaoru followed behind, leaving the back gardens to their serene stillness. She broke away from Hikaru's tail after a few minutes and instead went upstairs to Hikaru's and her shared bedroom. It was large and had good lighting. The walls were painted an off-white, and the bedcovers were a pretty baby blue colour. Walking over to the Oakwood desk that sat adjacent to the bed, Kaoru sat down and opened a drawer, pulling out a little black book which she had bought and kept since her graduation from high school. She had christened it as her 'chronicle of poetry'. Pulling out a pen, she opened the book and set to work on adding yet another poem to her collection.
It's such a perfect day
Not remarkable or noteworthy
It is ordinary perfection
Made of love and sunshine
And the sound of children's laughter
The gentle breeze
Soft kisses
This is perfection
I'm glad I could share it with you
And so we come to the end of this tale. I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who has read, reviewed, commented, favourite and/or watched this story. I couldn't have done it without all your kind words and enthusiasm – I had as much fun writing this as you did reading it. I hope that this ending lived up to everybody's expectations.
On that note, I'd like to tell you all about another story I am thinking of starting since this project is now complete. I don't know if I'll be starting it straight away though but I have been thinking about it for a while. It is entitled Operation H.O.S.T (Homicide Objective Seventy Two). So keep a look out for that.
For now, until we meet again – adieu!
Hikaru: What are you still here for? That's all folks!
Kaoru: Hikaru! Don't listen to him. Thanks for reading guys, may we meet again soon! 3