Subhuman….Slave… experiment…..and worst of all…pet

Case Subject #18675

Name: Lovino Vargas
Specie: felis homine
Caught: March 17
Littermates: Feliciano Vargas

March 17, Rome, Italia….

A crowd had formed on the Scalinata di Trinita dei Monti (Spanish steps). Animal control was called but had yet to arrive. Flowing whispers attracted the attention of tourists and the crowd swelled in size.

"Poor thing….looks like it's gone insane…did someone call animal control yet?...Who let a mutt into the city….it should be put down…disgusting creatures…." At the heart at the attention sat a poor brown Italian kitty…..

The kitty was named Lovino. Colorless, tattered rags draped over his emaciated body as he shivered in fear, his eyes warily watching the crowd. Suddenly, his demeanor changed from fearful to anger (at himself, at the world I do not know). Crying out in pain and frustration, he clawed and tore at the cat-like ears on top of his head," It isn't fair dammit! I'm not f**king trash for you to step on!" he angrily yelled out to the crowd. "Is it cause of these ears!? I'm no different from you jerks! It's these goddamn ears…"

As blood flowed freely down his face, crimson hands moved away from his bloodied scalp and rubbed at his tearful eyes, adding daunting red circles around his optics. Lovino's face became caked with blood,but his hazel gaze stood out, speaking of immeasurable pain and loneliness.

Looking up, Lovino managed to smile sadly at the remorseless crowd that surrounded him. As the red liquid gathered in the corner of his mouth, Lovino spat at the mob around him. Although the blood fell harmless on the gray pavement, he still grinned in pleasure as he saw them draw back; the fear showing in their eyes.

The crowd suddenly parted when Feliciano with a cry ran toward his beloved fratello. He collapsed onto his knees in front of Lovino as his magenta ears laid back in fear and worry. Lovino's blood soaking the boy's worn yellow shirt, Feliciano sobbed, trying to stop the bloodflow. The smaller Italian whined a sad sorrowful sound and hugged his brother close," fratello... " Lovino in return showed a small smile as he tried to comfort his fratellino, their tails intertwined and heads bent over as they tried to find solace in each other.

Animal Control soon arrived on the scene. Jumping out of the feared blue van, the bulky men in navy uniforms carried threatening green nets. With lumbering steps, they approached the pair of 'animals' cautiously. One reached out with a glove and tried to grab the smaller of the two 'cats', but he drew his hand back as Lovino hissed and swiped a clawed hand at him. Drawing his brother closer, Lovino failed to notice the two other men approaching from behind. The other animal control officers grabbed Lovino and pinning his arms down as another placed a net over the whimpering Feliciano.

" F**king bastards! Don't touch him!" One officer who had brought over the metal cages, smiled at Lovino's foul mouth," Look'e here boys. It appears we've'a caught quite the sailor mouth stray." Lovino hissed at the insult as he was shoved roughly into a cage, his blood staining the cold metal a harsh red. In the cage next to his, Feliciano started to cry.

The two were loaded onto the back of the van and the doors were slammed with a loud thud, similar to the sound of a gavel finalizing a punishment. With their attraction gone, the apathetic onlookers dispersed and continued with their day. Lovino's faded bloodstains on the concrete the only evidence of the incident ever occurring.

As the van sped away, a business card slipped out of its windows and fluttered down onto the pavement. The loopy cursive spelled out the words "International Center for Humanus Testing and Matching"

Personality: Sour, Resentful, Logical, Mistrustful of all, fiery temperament

Notes: His brother seems to be the only calming factor for him. As Twin Humanus' he and his brother requires more research. He has a preference for tomatoes… Appears to be threatening but is physically quite submissive. His mating tendencies are unknown and require more testing…..

Guidelines: to be under constant surveillance, likely to try and escape. Do not feed him German food. And avoid physical contact unless for research purposes.

Net Worth: unknown (likey worth more as a pair with Case subject #18676)

Note: Humanus are a mix of human and animals... they are human-sized and appear as such except for the animal ears and tail.. The reason that sets them apart is also their animistic behavior and habits.

What did I just write? Q.Q I'm srry Lovino... I don't mean to constantly almost kill you...

Comments and Reviews are beloved!

PLEASE COMMENT!~ or I might kill Lovino...just saying~ ^^