I'm alone. Why? Because everyone loves Feliciano, my twin, but no one loves me. Leaving me alone. But who can blame them. Everything that's bad is always my fault.

Everyone hates me. They have a reason to. It was my fault that mom committed suicide. Everything is ALWAYS my fault. Why? Because I'm fucking useless and unwanted! That's why. I shouldn't have even been born in the first place. Everyone would have been much happier if Feli was an only child.

Anyway, since my fucking mother's death Feli and I were shipped over to live with our grandpa. Haven't seen our father since.

The last thing he told me before we left? "I hate you. You should just die." He whispered it in my ear as he was hugging me farewell. Yeah. Damn bastard. I WAS FIVE!

Of course now I understand. Feli and I are already 17. It's been 10 years but it feels like just yesterday. The way he hugged me so warmly that I actually felt loved, then he goes and ruins it by whispering THAT in my ear. Just before he let go he gripped my arm as tight as he could. It left a mark that stayed for weeks.

But, I deserved it. I deserve everything thrown at me. I deserve to die.


I woke up to sun in my eyes thanks to SOMEONE opening my curtains! Bastard.

"Ve~ Fratello! Wake up fratello! You're going to be late if you don't leave soon!" I slowly opened my eyes only to be blinded by that damn sun!

"Dammit…" I grumbled and slowly stood up and made my way to the bathroom to get ready to school. Before closing the door behind me I managed to hear Feli run into the kitchen and start talking to grandpa about his fucking potato bastard boyfriend who was giving him a ride to school again.

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. Well I look like crap. My dark brown hair was sticking up in all directions and my curl hung lazily on the right side of my head. Not to mention the dark ass bags under my eyes.

I stepped into the shower and got ready for school. Once I was done getting changed I sat at the table with my grandpa and started eating breakfast.

"Good morning Lovino" I nodded back at him even though he couldn't see me from behind his news paper. He didn't seem to really mind though.

Grandpa doesn't hate me like everyone else. But he certainly prefers Feli a hell of a lot more. He barley even recognizes I'm there if Feli is present. Speaking of Feli, he's a dumb bastard so he doesn't even know how to hate someone. But when I snap at him I can tell he's scared of me.

I just so happened to take a quick glance at the clock and the wall and noticed it was already 8:05. School starts at 8:15. DAMMIT! I ran out the door with my bag over my shoulder and toast in my mouth.

" Bye Lovino!" I ignored my grandpa and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. The school was at least a 15 minute walk. And that's if you were speed walking.

Breaking into a full out sprint, I continued eating my toast that was in my mouth. I glanced down to pull the bread out of my mouth and when I did I ran into something. HARD!

I fell back and landed on my fucking ass. Damn bastard! "Hey you fucking bastard watch where you're going!"

Looking up I noticed bright green eyes towering over me. "C-CH-CHIGGGGIIIIIIII!" Letting out a very manly battle cry, I crawled back up against a fence. "B-B-BASTARD!"

Apparently the man found something funny about all of this because he was laughing. My face started to turn bright red. Dammit! "Hahahaha! You look like a tomato!"

Did… he just…. Call me a tomato? Did a GROWN MAN just call me a… tomato? I stood up and raised my fist in front of his face, which was rather hard to do considering he was at least a few inches taller than me. "Bastard! Now I'm going to be late because of you!" He gave me a very innocent stare, which pissed me off even more!

"Don't give me that look you bastard! You made me fall over! Now I'm going to be late AND my breakfast is on the fucking ground!" I looked down apologetically to my piece of toast. Poor toast. Unwanted. Just like me.

The man I had been yelling at gave me grin that seemed to sparkle, and I don't know why but it pissed me off! "Stop smiling bastard!" I looked at my watch and grabbed my head. "Chiggiii! I'm going to be late! I don't have time to deal with a bastard like you!"

I ran off. When I glanced back I noticed the bastard was still standing there, smiling at me. Fucking creep.


I made it to my first class. (English)Five minutes late. Dammit. Luckily Mr. Kirkland was too busy arguing with Alfred to notice me walking in late, so I managed to sneak in without being caught. Everyone else in the class was too busy talking amongst themselves to even notice I had walked in.

Glancing around the room I noticed Feliks texting on his phone. I quickly got tired of watching him text and looked over at Mr. Kirkland and Alfred who were still arguing.

"I told you it's Mr. Kirkland! Not Arthur, not Iggy, and NOT ARTIE!" "But Artie~" I scoffed. Alfred was so obviously flirting with the English teacher. He was madly in love with him. How Mr. Kirkland couldn't realize this is a mystery to me. Must be PRETTY dense not to though.

Watching them started to bore me though so I started to stare out the window. It was sunny and bright blue outside. A few clouds were wondering through the sky aimlessly. They had nowhere to go, they could go and do whatever they wanted. Stupid clouds.

My attention was quickly brought to the door when there was a loud crash and the door was knocked down. It was that bastard from that morning. Dammit.

"Bloody hell!" The man's tan skin and curly brown hair was glistening with sweat, his eyes were fierce and scanning the room, once he made eye contact with Mr. Kirkland he stopped looking around and started glaring.

"ARTHUR! You work here!" Arthur smirked and glared back at the Spaniard. "Well, if it isn't Antonio."

Antonio and Arthur walked up to each other, the Spaniard with his fist held in front of Arthur, who in return held a smirk on his cocky face and had his hand on his hip.

Alfred started to puff out his cheeks and pout. I glared at the two annoying men in the front of the room. Stupid bastards… they were fighting like morons.

It was when they lunged at each other with there fists held high that I got extremely pissed. "CHIIIIIGGGGGIIIIIII!" I head bunt the Spanish bastard in the back, which seemed to stop him. At the same time Alfred had tackled Arthur into a bear hug.

And so the fight ended and both calmed down. Alfred was fighting with Arthur again, which left me stuck with the stupid Spaniard.

He slowly got up and rubbed his back. I crossed my arms and nearly let my jaw drop when he smiled at me. Seriously, I just hit my head up against your fucking back! AND YOU SMILE AT ME!

Antonio tried to stand up straight as he started talking to me. "It's you… from this morning!" He flinched in pain when he finally managed to straighten his back out all the way. I smirked at my accomplishment to make the stupid bastard feel pain AND get my revenge from this morning.

"Bastard! That was for being stupid!" The bastards grin only grew and his eyes softened slightly as he stared at me. Let me tell you, it was FUCKING CREEPY!

"W-what? Stop staring bastard!" He noticed he was staring and looked away. A blush started to crawl onto his face.

Yeah. That's right Bastard. Go on and realize how fucking creepy you are! Apparently he realized he had somewhere he needed to be, because when he looked at the clock he sprinted out the door. "Bye!" He disappeared out into the hallway after smiling and waving goodbye. Creep.


By the time I walked into my second hour class I wanted to shoot myself. That Spanish bastard was my new fucking Spanish AND math teacher! I had him two classes in a fucking row! Who even teaches SPANISH AND MATH! What kind of combination is that anyway! BASTARD!

"I'll be your Spanish teacher and for those of you in my next class I will also be your Algebra 2 teacher! My name is Antonio Fernandez Carriedo! You can just call me Antonio though!" Stupid bastard had the most idiotic smile across his face. Pisses me off!

"Please start off by practicing the basic greetings with a partner!" Had he been talking the whole time? Ohh… bastard.

I looked around the room and guess what! Everyone was already paired up! Except ME! Which can only mean…. "I'll partner up with you since there's an odd number of students!" Ohh joy.

Stupid bastard decided to take the seat next to me AND pull it closer! How close do you need to be just to talk anyway!

"Hola!" Great… damn bastard just HAS to smile and be so god damn happy all the fucking time. His eyes even light up when he smiles! Idiot…

"Hola…." I watch in amusement as his face slightly falls. "You can't just copy me! You have to respond in a different way! And sound more happy~"

I glare at the idiotic moron before me. Does he really think I'm that stupid? I'm Italian! From South Italy! Of course I already know Spanish! Dumb bastard!

"I already know how to speak Spanish bastard!" Antonio's eyes widened.

"You do? Prove it~" "Usted no me cree? Bastardo!"(You don't believe be? Bastard!) This man is a complete moron! Stupid bastard! Shut up and leave me alone dammit!

"You speak Spanish?" Nooooo I don't!(sarcasm) Of course I do! You are such an idiot!

"Spanish, Italian, and English." Antonio looked amazed. It's not like it's that big of a deal. But it is good to know I have at least one quality better than my brother…. At least I can speak Spanish as well as English and Italian so HA!

"That's amazing Lovi~!" I stared at him with my eyes wide open. "What did you just call me?" I know I must not be hearing right. It was probably just my imagination.

"Lovi~ Your name is Lovino~ So Lovi is a nickname~" Oh how I hate this guy. He's almost as bad as that potato bastard!

"Don't. Call. Me. That. EVER!" Antonio put his hands up defensively but he was still smiling.

"But why not Lovi~?" I made a very manly scream before jumping out of my desk and on top of the Spanish bastard.

"Shut up!" Choking him on the floor was going rather well until the class started staring and I let go of my hands around his neck to look at them. "What are you looking at!" A few girls smiled and blushed but everyone eventually looked away.

I looked back down at my pray who I apparently was straddling. My face turned a bright red and I jumped up off of the innocently smiling Spaniard.

"B-B-BASTARD!" The bell rung and some of the students exited the classroom. The rest who had Antonio for math next just sat at there seats and waited for everyone to get there. I crossed my arms and sat back in my seat, ignoring the bastard who stared at me as he got up off the floor and brushed himself off.


Math went fairly well. I just sat there the whole time and listened to the bastard talk. Once it was over and I stared packing my things up to go to lunch, however, the damn bastard decided to fucking TALK to me!

"Lovi~ Want to have lunch with me~ I can help you with math! I couldn't help but notice you have an F in this class! Was the other teacher that bad?" It wasn't the teachers fault dumbass! I just don't understand all the fucking numbers and symbols! Jackass!

"No way in hell!" It was just my luck that as I was about to leave Feli and his potato bastard boyfriend noticed I was in there and decided to stop by.

"Ve~ Fratello! Want to have lunch with me and Ludwig ve~?" Shit. No way would I ever eat with that potato head! Dammit! He's worse than the Spanish freak! I looked back at said freak, who was smiling happily and watching us. Bastard.

"S-sorry Feli! I already agreed to eat lunch with THAT bastard!" I pointed at Antonio and watched my Fratello's eyes light up.

"Ve~! Fratello! Your dating Antonio?" "Hell no!" I snapped back. Sorry Feli, but I don't date idiots. I noticed Feli's expression drop, but he was still same old happy Feli, just the sparkle in his eyes were gone.

"Well have fun~" Feli left with his potato bastard. I looked over at the grinning Spaniard walking toward me.

"Ready for lunch!" The bastard sat down at a random desk. He let a paper bag fall onto the desk.

"I have to go order lunch from the cafeteria." A sparkle lit up in the bastards eyes.

"We can share mine! I have enough for two people!" I wouldn't argue with a free lunch. That is, as long as it isn't something completely and utterly repulsive. But anything is better than cafeteria food.

"Sure, whatever." I took a seat down next to the Spanish bastard. He scooted closer to me so that our desks were slammed up against each other. He pulled out something from the paper bag and that's when I saw it.

Beautiful. It was beautiful. The color so bright, I couldn't wait to place my lips on it and take a bite.

There it was. A tomato.

Author's note:

Such a dramatic ending (cliff hanger?) right? Hahaha well~ please review and comment~